Great Tang princess

Chapter 400 Analysis of Renshou Hall

Chapter 400 Analysis of Renshou Hall

In desperation, the relatives of Prince Han's Mansion had no choice but to put down their weapons and surrender, and Li Yuechen ordered them all to be tied up and detained separately.

Li Yuechen didn't come to Li Yuanjia until all the work was done.

She waved her hand lightly to let Niu Ermao behind him let him go.

Niu Ermao wasn't worried either. With the princess' fighting power, even if Li Yuanjia had a weapon in his hand, it was impossible to hurt her.

Looking at the almost seventy-year-old uncle in front of him with almost white hair, Li Yuechen had a complicated expression.

Before he could speak, Li Yuanjia on the opposite side spoke first: "I have heard many rumors about His Royal Highness in the past, but when I saw him today, I realized that the rumors are true. He is indeed full of heroism, and looks like a dragon and a phoenix among men!"

Nowadays, many people in the upper class know that Li Xian, the current sage, has picked up the throne for nothing.

At the beginning, the first emperor actually wanted this daughter to inherit the throne, and even dragged her to sit on the dragon chair.

It's just that the princess didn't want to, that's why Li Xian got the throne.

Li Yuanjia's words were not outrageous, judging from the tone of his voice, it was more of admiration and... unwillingness.

Li Yuechen didn't get entangled in this topic, but just said to himself: "Uncle should be clear that the number of vassal king's personal soldiers is limited, and if it exceeds, it will be regarded as treason. Now..."

"Okay, Your Highness doesn't need to talk about these scenes." Li Yuanjia gritted his teeth a little unwillingly, and then shook his head lightly, "The Divine Emperor made a good move... I lost..."

At this point, if he still can't react, then he doesn't deserve to be called a royal family.

I am afraid that the Emperor of God had already discovered that they had conspired against them, but because of the Qianniu Guards, they did not immediately send troops to attack them.

Because once the war is delayed for too long, it will not be good for her plan to sit on the dragon chair next!

So she pretended not to know for the time being, but secretly sent someone to solve this matter skillfully and quickly!

The key is to be fast, so fast that the ministers can't react!

In this way, even if many ministers are concerned about Li Tang's royal family, they have no chance to be the second or fifth boy.Because it was over as soon as it was sent out.

"It's just that I didn't expect it after all. I thought His Highness was facing my Li family, but I didn't expect it to be facing outsiders after all!"

Li Yuanjia has already seen that Princess Taiping must be with the Emperor.

Although I don't know whether helping her came from the heart or was caught for some reason, these two people must have a cooperative relationship!
While speaking, he even felt a little angry.

In a patriarchal society, children should respect their father, so in his opinion, Li Yuechen's helping his mother persecute members of the royal family is tantamount to betraying the clan.

However, facing this problem, Li Yuechen felt no guilt at all.

She looked directly into the uncle's eyes, and said slowly: "It is because of my Li family's long-lasting existence that what I have done today. What I protect is not the rotten Li family today, but the brand new Li family in the future." Shi!"

Li Yuanjia suddenly smiled disdainfully: "Heh... I have been arrested now. Even if Your Highness keeps silent, it is much better than lying to me with such empty words. Now it seems hypocritical!"

Perhaps it was because he knew that he was bound to die, so Li Yuanjia was not polite at all.

It stands to reason that such remarks are disrespectful to Her Royal Highness, and should be slapped directly.

But Li Yuanjia is the elder of the princess, speaking of it, this is also similar to family conflicts.

So the other Qianniuwei soldiers around didn't move, so they pretended they didn't hear them.

Li Yuechen was not angry at what this uncle said.

Because people in this era still can't understand her thoughts after all.

What they lag behind is not only technology, but also thought.

Her thinking is incompatible with the feudal society, and there is no need to expect them to understand.

I just feel a little pity and regret that they have become victims of the progress of the times.

At this time, a soldier suddenly ran over: "Your Highness, there are a large number of enemy troops approaching outside!"

Niu Ermao next to him replied, "I guess you were attracted by the sound of the explosion just now?"

Li Yuechen nodded: "Take him out, tell them to lay down their weapons, no matter the crime!"

"Yes!" Niu Ermao agreed, and asked two soldiers to take Li Yuanjia out to persuade him to surrender.

Seeing that the boss was arrested, the soldiers outside also lost the meaning of fighting, and they put down their weapons and surrendered.

Then Li Yuechen ordered the city gate to be opened to let the Qianniuwei outside come in, and at the same time, he also brought in Yue Wang Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was brought into Han Wang's mansion, and she was taken aback when she saw Li Yuanjia.

He was going to say something, but he was taken away by the soldiers before he could speak.

The two looked at each other in astonishment, and both saw each other's serious and complicated emotions.

Originally, in their plan, they would only compete with Li Yuechen when they arrived in Dongdu, but they didn't expect that the princess would take the initiative to attack.

Li Yuechen knew that it was better not to let the two meet before the interrogation, so he gave the order to separate the two into custody.


After everything was done, the sky was already pale, and it would be dawn in a while.

Niu Ermao arranged the work of his subordinates and ran over.

"Your Highness, are you going to Xingzhou next?"

Li Yuechen shook his head: "I won't go, they have artillery and grenades, if this is still unsure, come back, let alone trained by my mother, I can't afford to lose that man!"

Niu Ermao nodded in agreement, and then said with some regret: "It's a pity that I can't see the actual combat effect of the artillery..."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Li Yuechen waved his hand, "During this period, Qianniuwei took over Jiangzhou, and I will write to the Emperor to report the situation. When the new governor comes over, we can go back."


This morning, many people in Jiangzhou City got up earlier than usual.

Especially near King Han's Mansion, the explosion in the middle of the night woke up many people.

In addition, there were always noisy voices in the mansion, which made some people panic.

As soon as it was dawn, many people quietly poked their heads out of their homes to check the movement on the street.

The streets were very quiet, no bloodstains were seen, and no heavily armed soldiers were seen, everything was no different from usual.

It may be said that the only difference is that the soldiers patrolling the city wall seem to have changed.

It was definitely not just as simple as changing clothes. These soldiers in camouflage uniforms held their heads high and their chests held high. When walking in line, their movements were uniform, and they felt like one person.

This style is definitely not what the former defenders of the city could have.

As for the original soldiers in Jiangzhou City, Li Yuechen took back their armor and weapons, and each issued an eyebrow-level stick to let them do the work of bad people.

Bad people can be regarded as the police force of this era, and they are also responsible for public security and street sceneries.

But not every city has bad people, only big cities like Chang'an, Dongdu, and Taiyuanfu have them.

The security of small cities is generally managed by the governor or the governor's government.

The boss of bad people is called Bad Shuai. Only this position belongs to civil servants, and they can receive the salary of the court every month.

The bad people below are not paid, and they are actually only serving their sentences in this job.

Bad people are basically criminals, but they don't commit any major crimes. If they are all imprisoned and they are in charge of food and drink, it will be a lot of financial pressure for the court.

Therefore, these prisoners with relatively minor crimes were allowed to take up the job of maintaining law and order.

After all, this is also an organization that was born out of nowhere.

Li Yuechen sat on the roof of King Han's Mansion, looking at those soldiers patrolling the streets with sticks, and couldn't help thinking that the retired soldiers of Qianniuwei might also be settled in this way in the future.

It's just that in this way, bad people must be turned into real state institutions.

After all, it's money!
Li Yuechen felt that the follow-up plan should be rushed, at least to complete the tax reform as much as possible.

At the very least, we must first ensure that the country has money, so as to support more institutions and civil servants.


While Li Yuechen was thinking about these things, things were not so peaceful in Dongdu.

The kings conspired to rebel, and Li Yuechen blocked the door just after they raised their troops. It can be said to be the most failed rebellion in history.

Ji Wang Li Shen was arrested by the hidden guards again, and it is not known what has been found in the interrogation these days.

In fact, Shangguan Wan'er is also worrying about this issue these days.

Although the secret guard has the right to interrogate, he is a prince after all, so he is not suitable for punishment.

However, since Li Shen was arrested, he seemed to accept his fate, no one responded, and the interrogation process was extremely difficult.

In the Hall of Renshou, Wu Zetian, who gave himself a holiday today, looked at the memorial reviewed by Shangguan Wan'er, and asked, "Prince Ji is still not recruiting?"

"Return to Your Majesty, His Highness Prince Ji doesn't care about anyone." Shangguan Wan'er replied, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"What do you think?" Wu Zetian asked.

"Wan'er thinks that Prince Ji may be hopeless now, so..."

Wu Zetian shook his head lightly: "You are quite smart, but you are still younger after all."

"Wan'er begs Your Majesty to clarify."

"Ji Wang's current appearance is to make me feel that Wan'er is not capable enough, so someone else will take over the matter. If it is someone who does not deal with me, it will be relatively easy to instigate rebellion..." Wu Zetian explained while drinking tea .

Shangguan Wan'er was puzzled: "They have fallen to such a level, do you still want to make a comeback?"

"Because of this, in his current state, he has nothing to lose!" Wu Zetian put down his teacup.

"But... If so, wouldn't it be..." Shangguan Wan'er frowned.

Wu Zetian thought for a while: "Have you tried Chen'er's first-level confinement room?"

Shangguan Wan'er shook her head: "His Royal Highness said that would easily drive people crazy. King Ji is old after all, this..."

She felt that if King Ji died like this, it would be a big blow to the prestige of the God Emperor.

"It's fine if someone looks at it. Take him there and try it. If it doesn't work, let's talk about other things." Wu Zetian replied with a smile, "Chen'er once said that some things need to fail again and again to find the most accurate answer. If this method doesn’t work, you have to try it first.”

 I'm finally back, and I can resume normal updates this afternoon without any accidents!

(End of this chapter)

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