Chapter 408
In the office of Minister of the Ministry of War, Li Yuechen sat on the newly replaced boss chair, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair.

Holding the teacup with his thumb and middle finger, he took a sip and said: "Now under the Ministry of War, there are Bing Cao, Zhi Fang, Jia and the Fourth Division of the Treasury. The Security Department and the Equipment Development Department! Wu Sansi, you are mainly responsible for the coordination of the first two departments, and Wang Liben is mainly responsible for the latter two!"

Although there are still four departments, with such a change, the scope of functions has changed a lot.

The Joint Staff is mainly responsible for operational planning and command support, research and formulation of military strategies and military requirements, organization of combat capability assessments, and guidance of joint training.Combat readiness construction and daily combat readiness and other functions.

Even when the military exercises in the future, they will have to set up a director department to be responsible for the formulation of the exercises and other tasks.

The Political Work Department is not only responsible for compiling military teaching materials, but also responsible for focusing on the ideological education of the army and various publicity activities.

At the same time, the General Staff Department and the Ministry of Political Affairs are also responsible for the recruitment, establishment, training, military rank, and military salary of the army, which can be combined at any time.

The latter two, as the name suggests, are responsible for joint logistics support and the research and development of various weapons and equipment as well as vehicles.

Although there are two departments, a lot of work needs to be carried out in cooperation with each other.

Li Yuechen has always been emphasizing that each department should perform its own duties, try to make sure that every department knows what their job content is, and must try their best to crack down on all fishing and empty-paying things.

After the order was issued, the entire Ministry of War became busy. The original Fourth Division Lang went to the offices of the two servants to listen to their explanation of the work content after the reform.

Although most of these people have passed the Mingjing examination, this kind of reform still makes them feel a little bit dark.

Every word the boss said can be understood, but the meaning cannot be understood together.

Not to mention them, Wu Sansi and Wang Liben only figured out what it meant after a month of training. At the same time, they also knew that the purpose of training them in advance was to let them come back to train the following people of.

The reason why Li Yuechen didn't let Sisi Langzhong to participate in the training was that she didn't conduct a personnel investigation of her subordinates' subordinates, and she didn't know whether they could persevere.

And the army strictly forbids giving up halfway, so they simply trained Wu Sansi and Wang Liben's two direct subordinates first. As for the others, if they can't stand this kind of system, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

So in the next half month, Wu Sansi and Wang Liben were busy training their subordinates again, so that they could understand what their jobs were.

The Minister of the Ministry of War, who had a relatively clear job content, suddenly became busy, and the time for fishing was reduced a lot.


Inside the Hall of Renshou, Li Yuechen stood behind Wu Zetian, massaging her shoulders while talking about the plan.

"My son, because the military and the government are to be separated, the Ministry of War will not have to go to court in the future, and the 'week' system will be implemented at the same time..."

Wu Zetian held the teacup: "Well, two days off every seven days, it's interesting to go back to work at the same time..."

It will be like this after more than a thousand years, going to work at [-] o'clock and leaving work at [-] o'clock, and the eight-hour working system, how good it is!Li Yuechen thought to himself.

"Aniang think about it, every court meeting, you have to get up before dawn, aren't you tired?" Li Yuechen asked, "If the court uses such a system, wouldn't it be..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Zetian interrupted him: "Don't tell me, your military department can try it first, even if it's really good, wait until the next emperor comes to power and then change it."

"Okay..." Li Yuechen smiled slightly, "Now that Chongrun has entered the school, I will teach him to be a good emperor!"

"Well, let's wait and see as a mother!" Wu Zetian nodded lightly, "Okay, Chen'er should take a rest too, it feels much more comfortable after pressing for a while."

Li Yuechen agreed, came to sit beside her, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Speaking of which, Mingtang has been completed, when is Aunt going to ascend the throne?" Li Yuechen asked.

"How is the New Year?" Wu Zetian asked back with a smile.

"That's right. The enthronement ceremony is scheduled for the New Year, which saves time and improves efficiency." Li Yuechen nodded, "But it's already October, so Auntie should have already made preparations."

That is to say, but in fact there is nothing to prepare. Now the kings who are capable of rebelling are dead, and the next generation of royal family members are receiving a new education in the school.

Those who are still alive and capable of rebelling against her are these few children left, and these children are still with her now.

As for the gentry, it is impossible for them to hijack or incite any members of the royal family to rebel, but with Princess Taiping around, they can't find trouble in their own name.

So so far, there is no one who can object to her sitting on the dragon chair.

"All the preparations are ready, and Jingu Dale is also completed..."

"The great joy in the palace?" Li Yuechen asked back, "Is that the dance that A Niang choreographed?"

Speaking of what the dance looked like, she hadn't seen it yet, all she knew was that it was a large-scale dance performed by a dance troupe of nearly 1000 people, even more than the number of people required for the King of Qin's Breaking the Array.

Before coming to this era, the dance that Li Yuechen had seen with the largest number of people should be "Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands", but that was only a few dozen people, and it was incomparable to this large dance with hundreds of people.

Seeing Wu Zetian nodding his head to admit it, Li Yuechen asked a little puzzled: "Why do you call it Jingong Dale?"

"Wei Niang plans to name Ming Tang the Vientiane Shrine and the Eastern Capital to the Divine Capital. What does Chen'er think?"


Li Yuechen didn't know what to say for a while, it was obvious that his mother's second-school illness had happened again.

"Wanxiang the name...too big?" She asked cautiously.

However, Wu Zetian smiled slightly: "Has Chen'er visited Mingtang?"

"I've never been there. Isn't this just completed? It's not too late." Li Yuechen shook his head.

"When you go back, go and have a look!" Wu Zetian said.

Li Yuechen nodded, planning to take a look at it when he went back later.

At this time Zhang Chengxin came over suddenly: "Your Majesty, Princess Qianjin is asking to see you."

Wu Zetian was a little surprised: "Hey, she hasn't entered the palace for a long time, let her come!"


Li Yuechen also put down his teacup and got up to salute his aunt.

After a while, Princess Qianjin, who was wrapped in an animal skin cloak, entered the Hall of Renshou. Li Yuechen hurriedly greeted her: "Grandma, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

In fact, she is about the same age as her mother, but the appearance of the two is very different.

My mother has a good face, and there are many precious medicinal materials in the palace, so she looks nearly 20 years younger than her actual age.

Although Princess Qianjin looked good, she could still tell that she was already an old lady.

"Chen'er, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Princess Qianjin touched her face with a smile, "Now she's the minister of the Ministry of War! Chen'er is really amazing!"

"Grandma's the prize."

Wu Zetian asked her to sit down, poured a cup of tea and handed it over: "I don't know why the princess entered the palace today?"

Li Yuechen didn't want to get involved in the affairs between the adults, so he planned to drink his saliva and leave.

However, at this time Princess Qianjin suddenly saluted solemnly, and said surprisingly: "Please Your Majesty recognize me as a righteous daughter!"

"Pfft! Cough-cough-cough..."

Li Yuechen couldn't hold back when he heard these words, choked on a mouthful of water, and coughed non-stop.

Coughing and looking at Princess Qianjin in surprise, her big black eyes were full of doubts.

What did you just hear?Let mother recognize her as a righteous daughter? ?Is this brain okay? ? ?

Not only Li Yuechen, but also Wu Zetian didn't react for a while, showing a trace of astonishment on his usual calm expression.

They even subconsciously looked at their daughter and asked what was going on with their eyes.

Li Yuechen wanted to know more than she did, and shook his head slightly.

"Cough!" Wu Zetian organized his words, "This not in line with etiquette..."

"I have been with His Majesty since I was a child, and I need His Majesty's care to grow up safely. I have been thinking about it recently, so I made such a decision..." Princess Qianjin explained.

Li Yuechen, who was narrating, was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but want to turn around and leave, but this matter was too explosive, and she instinctively wanted to stay and see why she did this.

But after listening to her explanation, I can basically guess a general idea.

My mother's accession to the throne is already a certainty. Some time ago, the kings rebelled against each other, and for various other reasons, my mother has cleaned up many members of the royal family in recent years.

Princess Qianjin's move, presumably, was because she was afraid that her mother would regard her as an obstacle on the way forward, so she wanted to show her loyalty and show that she was harmless to her...

In short, she was afraid.

Wu Zetian seemed to have thought of this too. Looking at Princess Qianjin who was solemnly saluting in front of her, she lowered her head and remained silent for a few seconds, then said, "Let me consider this matter."

"Yes!" Princess Qianjin agreed, "Come here today and take your place. If Your Majesty has no orders, I will go back first!"


Looking at Princess Qianjin who turned around and left within 5 minutes, Li Yuechen froze in place for a moment, did he come here today just to recognize his stepmother?

She turned her head mechanically, and looked at her mother with a puzzled expression: "Is this also arranged by Auntie?"

Wu Zetian shook her head lightly: "It's her own intention."

"Then Princess Qianjin did this to protect herself?"

"Thinking about it, it seems that the things you have done these days are still effective." Wu Zetian returned to his usual calm expression, and slowly picked up the teacup, "I just don't know how Chen'er thinks about this matter?"

"I's over?" Li Yuechen's expression was a bit complicated, and he didn't know what to comment for a while.

It has to be said that this aunt is also a miraculous person who can do such a thing.

"I think it's just right for my mother," Wu Zetian suddenly laughed, "If this matter gets out..."

She didn't say what happened next, but Li Yuechen already understood.

She just intends to use this to explain a problem, those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!

Especially now that not long after the rebellion of the kings, Princess Qianjin recognized her as a foster mother. She might be ridiculed, but at least they must admit that this is just a way to save their lives.

But Li Yuechen still felt a little awkward, this seniority was really a bit messy.

Princess Qianjin is the daughter of Gaozu, a generation older than her mother, but now she wants to recognize her as her mother... It feels a bit confusing, is it possible that the two will really have their own opinions in the future?
"Ma'am, you can do whatever you want, the child will go back first!" Li Yuechen shook his head with his mouth curled up, and left directly.


After leaving the Hall of Renshou, Li Yuechen turned his head, looked at the bright hall that stood at the original location of Qianyuan Hall, and walked over.

The roof was capped a few days ago, and she already knew the height data, which is more than 29 feet, which is almost 90 meters high in conversion!
To be honest, this is the largest wooden building Li Yuechen has seen since he came to this era.

It looks like a square palace with a round tower in the middle, nearly 90 meters in height, but only nine floors, you can imagine how spacious it should be inside.

The main brackets and pillars are painted bright red, and there are various lifelike decorations under the windows and beams.

At this moment, on the top of the tower, craftsmen are carefully installing a golden phoenix, letting it spread its wings and look to the south.

Li Yuechen looked up, then slowly raised his legs and entered the palace.

Walking up the steps and arriving at the main entrance of the main hall, she stretched out her hands, and gently pushed open the main red door with a golden frame.

The first thing that catches the eye is a nearly 20 meters high space, which makes the field of vision extremely wide.

Facing the gate is a high platform of more than one meter, on which there is a large and resplendent dragon chair.

Behind the dragon chair is a huge statue of Nuwa, the upper body of which is a woman with a compassionate complexion, looking down at Li Yuechen.

The lower body is a snake tail, and the snake tail is entangled behind him in circles, forming a huge disc, forming an oval like Buddha's light behind Nu Wa...

It's just that the Buddha's light is usually on the back of the head, the size of a disk.And this snake tail becomes an oval disc, which becomes the background of the same height as the statue of Nuwa.

Different from the bright red color outside, the interior decoration of the main hall is mainly black and gold complementing each other, which has great visual impact.

Gold is mostly used to outline or surround various patterns. The main color is black, but gold has become a frame to limit the spread of black.

Because a large number of windows are inlaid with transparent glass, the inside of the palace is extremely bright, and even looking up, it seems that the entire palace and the statue of Nuwa, which is about ten meters high, are shining.

The floor is also paved with a kind of black stone, but in the middle there is a large pattern of baoxianghua, which seems to echo the pattern of stars all over the sky painted on the top of the head.

Perhaps because some cement and concrete techniques were used during the construction, there are no columns inside this wide hall, which makes the field of vision extremely wide.

(End of this chapter)

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