Great Tang princess

Chapter 416 Arriving in Qingdao

Chapter 416 Arriving in Qingdao
Even on the way to Qingdao, Li Yuechen did not stop teaching, and devoted himself to teaching these children.

It may sound a little too much, but in fact, these children did not show any signs of being unhappy.

Whether it is the group of students in the military academy or the royal children born with golden keys in their mouths, there are very few opportunities to travel in this era.

So they were very willing to listen to the various knowledge that Li Yuechen explained to them, whether it was the vegetation or various plants they encountered along the way.

This era is a bit like Australia. It is easy to see wild animals on the official roads between cities, so some hares or wild boars can be caught on the road from time to time.

Countless torches were lit in the camp at night, making the entire camp fairly bright. On the smokeless marching stove dug out by the students themselves, a large iron pot was steaming, with oily broth It was "gurgling" and writhing in it to its heart's content.

A group of children sat around the pot, smelling the broth in the pot, they couldn't help frowning.

Li Linghui even made salt and asked: "Auntie, why didn't I catch the big bull that I saw this afternoon?"

These days, South China tigers cannot be said to be infested, but at least they can be seen everywhere.

I saw one when I was marching in the afternoon, and even a tiger would not dare to attack the dark human team here, so I just took a look at it from a distance and left.

"As long as people can survive, it is still necessary to ensure the ecology as much as possible." Li Yuechen explained to them with a smile, "Otherwise, if we kill them, future generations will not be able to see these species. In fact, If the wild boar hadn't attacked the scouts who were exploring the way ahead, they wouldn't have taken the initiative to hunt it down."

Li Chengqi who was on the side suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, when my aunt fought against the Turks, she released a large number of prisoners. Is this also because of this?"

"Well, although there is something wrong, it's okay to understand it this way." Li Yuechen couldn't help laughing, "The population of Dazhou is only tens of millions. If we bring all those people back, not to mention the difficulty of management, then Turkic The land is equivalent to wasting. So I released them and let them raise a large number of cattle, sheep and horses every year to pay tribute..."

"But in this way, what if they rebel again in the future?" A child immediately asked.

Li Yuechen touched his head with a smile: "You must also remember one thing in the future, no matter what you can do to govern the country, you can't expect it to be done once and for all. Just like Goryeo, the first year of the general chapter has been destroyed, and a large number of its population has been moved into the country. But if the power of the Great Zhou is now weakened, it will soon be revived..."

Speaking of this, Li Yuechen looked serious: "So again, as long as we remain strong, they will never have any chance of rebellion! Therefore, in the future, what you should consider is not how to destroy other countries around you, but how to let them We have remained strong ourselves."

But Li Shouyi, who was sitting across from him, seemed to have a different opinion: "But auntie, a country is like a human being. There will always be periods of weakness. It can't be strong forever, right?"

"Your metaphor is wrong. The country is a collection of people, but not people. Therefore, those who lead the country must not enjoy themselves and neglect politics because of their great achievements when they are young. Since they have the responsibility to lead the country, they must let Always maintain the momentum of youth, and never stand still!"

After the words fell, Li Yuechen couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Chongrun, who was the youngest among them.

Now only five years old, he still doesn't understand the content of his aunt's words, and he is staring at the boiling broth in the pot with wide eyes.

There was anticipation in Li Yuechen's eyes. This kid is the eldest son of the third brother. If there is no accident, he will become the emperor of this country in the future. He must be cultivated well while he is still young.

Neither can he be cultivated into the type of Li Longji who becomes confused when he gets old, nor can he be like the current elder brother who thinks about nothing but eating, drinking and having fun all day long.

We must find a way to let him inherit his own ideas, so as to lead this country to become more and more prosperous.


In this era, due to the backwardness of transportation and travel methods, the journey will always be very long.

The weather was still cold when we left Dongdu, but when we were about to arrive at our destination, the mountains and plains were almost all green as far as we could see.

Because the traveling team was all from Qianniuwei, there were not many taboos, so almost all of them had put on half-sleeves at this time.

Even Li Yuechen had already put on the sleeveless vest that she invented. She, who liked to ride horses, hid in the carriage to avoid the sun, and fanned herself gently with a folding fan.

At the beginning of May, the mighty team finally came to Qingzhou.

During this period of time, Li Yuechen would write a few letters every half a month and send them back to the stations along the way.

But because it was not an urgent military situation, they didn't ask them to use [-] miles to expedite it, as long as they sent it at the normal speed.

This letter is not only for Shangguan Wan'er, but also for my mother. Don't forget.

Otherwise, just write to her and not write to my mother, otherwise it will make her angry.

Qingzhou in this period can also be regarded as one of the important coastal cities. Although it is not as prosperous as Dongdu, it is not too bad.

Originally, this was the place where Lu Wang Li Lingkui lived, but because of the rebellion case of the kings, a new governor was replaced.

After receiving the news that the princess was coming, he immediately arranged for people to go out of the city to meet her.

The new governor of Qingzhou, Jiang Zheng'an, personally brought people to greet him ten miles outside the city.

When seeing a mighty large army approaching, he quickly revealed his identity and purpose to the scouts who opened the way at the front.

After Li Yuechen received the news, he rode to the front of the team and met Jiang Zhengan.

Jiang Zhengan was taken aback when he saw Her Royal Highness wearing a vest.

Although I have heard that Princess Taiping's style is different from ordinary people, but I didn't expect that she would be so independent that her two snow-white arms were exposed outside.

Looking at these soldiers in half-sleeves, I am afraid it is also the result of working hard.

But he didn't dare to look around, and quickly saluted: "Your Majesty has seen Her Royal Highness!"

"Prefect Jiang is free!" Li Yuechen raised his hand slightly, "Please go out of the city to meet..."

"Don't you dare... Your Highness has worked hard all the way, so let's go to the city to rest for a few days..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Yuechen: "How many days are there? After a night's rest, we will continue to set off! Jiang Shishi doesn't need to be too troublesome. The team should continue to set off after a night's rest after replenishment."

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few polite words, and when they heard that the princess was serious, Jiang Jieshi only kept a few words in a symbolic manner and then stopped.

The large army slowly approached Qingzhou, there must be no extra places in the city to settle, and the environment may not be all comfortable, so after discussing with Li Yuechen, Niu Ermao ordered the troops to camp outside the city.

Jiang Zheng'an prepared wine and food to clean up the princess, but Li Yuechen didn't drink, but just had a casual meal with him to socialize.

Although it was only after noon, Jiang Zhengan had already arranged the rest of the affairs: "Your Majesty has finished packing up the posthouse, Your Highness..."

"I'm sorry for the governor Jiang, but I'm more used to sleeping in the barracks, so I won't bother the governor Jiang." Li Yuechen waved his hand slightly.

If his expression was not sincere enough, Jiang Zheng'an might have thought that the princess was dissatisfied with his arrangement, and thus became angry.

In fact, Li Yuechen's purpose of living in the barracks is very simple, because the barracks are cleaner and more hygienic.Even if the post house had been cleaned deliberately because of her coming, it would definitely not be as comfortable as living in the barracks.

Not to mention that she must sleep in the middle of the barracks, so the safety issue is even more secure.


After staying in Qingzhou for the night, the big troops set off immediately the next morning.

It took another four days to arrive at Qingdao in the future.

In this era, some fishermen lived here, but they did not form a large-scale town, and could only be regarded as a village at best.

But all of this has changed a lot. First of all, a camp has been set up not far from the coast, and the dormitory buildings and houses with different purposes are scattered here and there.

At the same time, ten blast furnaces have been built behind the camp, and a large enough well, or reservoir, has been dug on the beach, not far from the coast, to ensure that seawater can be poured in when the tide is high.

When the large army came over, they saw such a scene, which caused a commotion.

Most people here have never seen the sea since they were born. At this moment, seeing the endless azure blue, they all opened their eyes wide and looked at the wonderful scene in front of them.

The sea in the distance is azure blue like the sky, while the near one is emerald green like emerald.

The sea breeze whips up waves of waves that hit the coast, splashing a large number of countless foams floating on the sea surface...

However, due to the chances, at most it caused a whisper of discussion, and the team did not become chaotic.

Geng Yunqiang, who had already received the news yesterday, had brought someone out to greet him, and he quickly saluted Li Yuechen after seeing him.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in two months, it's been dark!" Li Yuechen jumped off his horse and said with a smile.

Geng Yunqiang smiled: "I will start working immediately when I come here, basking in the sun every day..."

"Well, you've worked hard!" Li Yuechen nodded: "How is the situation now?"

"Your Highness, you can follow the officer over to have a look."

Li Yuechen nodded: "Okay! Niu Ermao, you arrange for the soldiers to follow behind, and then arrange for the camp area, I will take a look at it first!"



Li Yuechen followed Geng Yunqiang to the coast first, and while listening to his introduction, carefully observed the sea that had not been polluted in this era.

Looking at the waves crashing on the coast, I couldn't help but have the urge to rush down and have a good time.

After listening to Geng Yunqiang's introduction, Li Yuechen was very satisfied, at least he had completed all the tasks that he had given him, and the next step was to officially start making the salt farm.

"Not bad, being able to complete the task in such a short period of time deserves a second-class merit!" Li Yuechen nodded with a smile.

"It doesn't all depend on the subordinates, but also the efforts of the officers and soldiers. In addition, there are many difficulties, which are solved after consulting the local fishermen for advice." Geng Yunqiang replied.

Li Yuechen nodded to express his understanding: "Okay, the soldiers also deserve a collective third-class merit!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Geng Yunqiang was obviously very happy.

The soldiers began to unload the goods at the gate of the camp, and moved the brought things into the new camp in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Li Yuechen followed Geng Yunqiang to the coast to check the reservoir, and nodded with satisfaction: "Let's do the follow-up work. In the next few days, you should discuss with the people from the Engineering Institute to build a drainage system with cement over there. pool..."

"The design drawings have already been obtained from the Engineering Institute. You are responsible for leading the engineering troops to work, building the pool, and adding a few more shelves. If it rains, it must be covered..."

After explaining the precautions to him, Li Yuechen asked, "Where's the boat?"

"Return to Your Highness, there are few people here on weekdays, and there are no big ships..."

"Forget it, anyway, I have to build it myself..." Li Yuechen waved his hand, "The soldiers have been exhausted all the way, rest for two days, and then start officially."



After explaining things, he was about to go back, but at this moment.Li Yuecen suddenly heard a burst of cheers.

Turning around, a group of children had already run out of the camp in groups, and were running towards the coast.

Coming to the front, Li Linghui greeted: "Auntie!"

"Why did you run out? Have you cleaned up everything that needs to be cleaned up?" Li Yuechen asked.

"Well, don't worry!" The children responded in one voice, "It's just that I have seen the ocean, so..."

When speaking, the children all looked forward to it.

"Okay, go and have fun on your own, remember not to go too deep. The sea is different from the river, it's bottomless, don't fall into danger, especially sharks, you know?"

On the way here, Li Yuechen thought about such a scene.

After all, it is unrealistic for such a group of young children to keep them away from the sea, so Li Yuechen can only give them a warning to believe.

The children also heard her talk about what a shark is when they came here, but because they haven't seen the real thing, they can't make an accurate judgment yet.

But they already know that sharks are very dangerous creatures, and what methods should be used to deal with them after encountering them.

Then they took off their shoes one by one, and ran to the beach with their bare feet, letting the sea water on the shore hit their calves, bringing a icy cold touch.

At the same time, many people froze in place, staring at the distant horizon in a daze.

They had heard from Li Yuechen before that the real ocean could not be seen at a glance, but if they looked around, they could definitely see the connecting line between the sky and the sea.

At this moment, many children are staring at the horizon, thinking about how big the sea is.

Standing behind them, Li Yuechen had already started arranging the next courses for them.

(End of this chapter)

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