Great Tang princess

Chapter 420 Craftsman Exam

Chapter 420 Craftsman Exam
Li Yuechen's current idea is to patent, such as canned food, to publish the production method by himself, let others use this method to produce canned food, and give himself a patent fee.

Anyway, she is a majestic royal princess, she doesn't believe that anyone dares to lie to her!
At the same time, this salt can also be established by the royal family as a state-owned enterprise, and the following distributors can also be subcontracted out.

Anyway, the spies of the secret guards can basically collect intelligence from all over the country, and if they find someone maliciously hoarding salt to raise prices, they can also punish them in the name of the country.

After all, the royal family should have the final say on the price of the Yantie official camp, and no one can refute this.

At least in this way, the salt farm only needs to be responsible for the shipment, and the retailer will be watched, so there is no need to set up a new department.

Now that the country is undergoing reform, the bureaucracy should not be too large and bloated.

Li Yuechen has always been particular about performing his own duties, and absolutely does not allow anyone to fool around.


The training of recruits has officially entered the normal stage. In the next few days, dozens of people will be eliminated every day, but this number is gradually decreasing.

Although these soldiers were trained very hard and tired every day, they also had to learn culture, which made many people regret it.

But at the same time, the food here is also one of the reasons why they are willing to stay. The daily big fish and meat have made many soldiers gradually become stronger after a lot of training.

Moreover, many soldiers want to persevere. As long as they can learn the culture, they may be able to let their children take the imperial examination in the future. Serve as a soldier.

The treatment here is really good. As a soldier here, you don’t need to think about anything every day. You just need to train full-time. The troops are in charge of eating, drinking, and harassing, and you won’t be disturbed by outside things at all.

The reason why many young people are willing to continue is that they know that there are female soldiers here.

Although they don't train with them, they can meet them occasionally. They are also anticipating or fantasizing in their hearts, whether one day they will be able to find a wife in this army or something...

While the soldiers persisted, Li Yuechen immediately asked the engineering troops to lead the captives to start the road construction project.

Starting from Qingdao, build a road directly to Qingzhou, and then go east. During the period of repair, we can also consider the waterway.

Compared with the dirt roads of this era, the speed of taking a boat is actually not slow, and it is a better choice to transport a large amount of salt.

Just considering the future strategic development and the linkage between the army and the navy in case of a war, this road still needs to be repaired.

There is already a blast furnace here, and products such as glass and manganese steel can be manufactured, but there is still a lack of equipment such as textiles. It seems that several spinning machines and looms need to be built here.

At present, this thing has not been popularized in large quantities. It is entirely because the population of the country is too small to be digested by the market, and it is also to protect food.

After all, if a large number of mulberries are planted, no one will grow food, which is not a good thing for the country.

Therefore, Li Yuechen still plans to use the loom here to make military products first, and at the same time, it is best to link up with Qingzhou to allow it to expand and develop.

Here at the military camp, if there is an opportunity in the future, we can cooperate with the fishermen to sell seafood or something.


Just as he was thinking, a report suddenly sounded outside the door, and Li Yuechen agreed to let him in.

After Geng Yunqiang came in, he immediately reported: "Your Highness, some fishermen contacted the patrol team and said they wanted to trade fish for salt."

Although there are patrols near the salt field that will not let outsiders approach, but after all, it is a pit dug out. As long as you stand on the nearby high mountain, it is not surprising to see the white salt.

Especially since the first experiment was successful, now there are snow-white salt piles almost every day in the salt field.

In the final analysis, it was still not enough manpower, and there was no way to expand the patrol area to the surrounding mountains, so people discovered it.

"Well..." Li Yuechen nodded, "Okay, give it to them! Tell them that if they can provide fresh fish to the army for a long time and stably, they can provide salt to them stably. At that time, whether they make salted fish Or something else, it doesn't matter."

There is no need for the navy to go out fishing by itself, it is better to train full-time. Seafood is purchased from the surrounding fishermen, which can also promote the development of the local economy and attract more people as soon as possible.

With a large population, villages can naturally become cities.At that time, the army's farm here will be built, and pork and poultry will be exchanged for seafood.

The navy, after all, depends on the sea, and the food should be mainly seafood. Then we will give training to the cooking class here, and let them pass on the rest from generation to generation.

After explaining the matter, Li Yuechen went to the place where the craftsmen were, and chatted with the craftsmen transferred by the engineering institute about the glass.

Although the ocean environment in this era is relatively good, Li Yuechen still doesn't like diving with the naked eye, so he asked glass artisans to make diving goggles here.

The glass is easy to say, the key is the seal around the face. If there is no rubber, it can only be replaced by something like beef tendon.

Fortunately, they have already made flying goggles, and making diving goggles is not difficult, the key is the quantity.

If Li Yuechen wanted to go into the sea to catch sea sausages, it was not enough for him alone, he had to have a special diving team. At that time, catching sea sausages could be regarded as one of the tasks of diving training.

There are no oxygen cylinders in this day and age. Firstly, we can only try to find people with relatively strong lung capacity, and secondly, try to make simple oxygen bags and breathing ports.

But to be honest, Li Yuechen expressed doubts about the craftsmanship of this era.

The oxygen bag is easy to say, it is nothing more than a cowhide bag connected to a tube, sealed with isinglass, and can carry some air down.

The key lies in the breathing port of the oxygen cylinder. In theory, it is enough to open two openings on the respirator, and then add a connection like a straw and a small cap.

In this way, inhaling underwater will only open the small opening connected to the side of the oxygen bag, and fresh air can be sucked in; while exhaling, the cover of the air inlet will be pressed, and the other cover will be opened. Expel exhaled air.

It is very simple in theory, but it is hard to say whether such a thing can be made in this era. It is not an easy thing to achieve in terms of materials and craftsmanship.

But Li Yuechen still drew up the design and asked them to try their best. If it was really done, it would be tantamount to directly increasing the combat effectiveness of the navy by a dimension.


As soon as he came out from the craftsmen, Xiao He walked over: "Your Highness, Senior Colonel Geng said that the shipbuilding craftsmen have already arrived."

"Well, let's go, let's meet!" Li Yuechen waved his hand and asked Xiao He to take them to his office, and then he went back to change his clothes.

This is the case in summer, a little exercise will make you sweat, even with Li Yuechen's strong physical fitness, it is still unavoidable.

After changing into fresh clothes, Li Yuechen came to the office, and a group of craftsmen saluted in unison: "I have seen Her Royal Highness!"

"Excuse me, everyone, sit down!" She waved her hand, and sat down in front of her chair. "I'm calling everyone here this time because I plan to build a new ship..."

Li Yuechen did not directly show them the design of the Queen's ship. After all, these craftsmen are not royal craftsmen, and there is no way to fully trust them, so they just chat to see if there are any worthy of admission into the engineering academy.

Since then, his father and mother taught him the art of emperor intentionally or unintentionally, and now Li Yuechen's vision of people is not bad.

After chatting for a while, she already had a similar judgment on the craftsmen in front of her. She nodded lightly, and took a sip from her teacup: "Qianniuwei has an engineering academy under its jurisdiction, which is a technical officer..."

After a brief introduction, Li Yuechen continued: "I don't know everyone, are you interested in joining?"

As he spoke, he put his hands on the table and looked at them with a smile.

The craftsmen looked at each other and saw the look of expectation in each other's eyes.It would be a lie to say that I am not moved, especially after listening to her explanation, both the treatment and status are much better than now.

Seeing their expressions, Li Yuechen smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, but the number of places along the project is limited, so I don't want everyone to enter it... I plan to organize an exam, just like the imperial examination." ..."

Li Yuechen wanted to improve their competitiveness through this method, and at the same time, he also took the opportunity to select some talents worthy of being absorbed into the engineering academy.

As for the others, it doesn't matter, the Academy of Engineering doesn't only recruit people this year, it may organize exams every year in the future.

In the future, the Academy of Engineering will become the highest hall of craftsmen in the country, and it will also be the goal that craftsmen all over the world look up to.

For this exam, Li Yuechen planned to let the craftsmen from the engineering edge come up with the questions and act as the examiners to form the branch of the Navy's Academy of Engineering.

Hearing the princess's words, these craftsmen looked at each other with a hint of vigilance, and subconsciously regarded each other as their competitors.

But what Li Yuechen wanted was this effect, so he immediately arranged for them to stay first, and then went to discuss various matters about the exam with the craftsmen of the Engineering Academy.

First of all, as a craftsman, literacy is not required, at least you must be able to draw pictures, and at the same time be able to understand design drawings.

The other is theoretical knowledge. Many processes must be able to talk about it.

Of course, there are also the most important practical issues, none of which will be forgotten.

With extremely high efficiency, it took less than ten days to draw up all the details of the exam.

It was almost July at this time, and the craftsmen who had been here for almost ten days had finally received the notice and began to take the exam.

During the period of living here, under the super-standard treatment of eating, drinking and sleeping, their hearts have been ignited with a firm fire, and they vowed to pass this exam and become craftsmen of the Engineering Academy...or according to their The saying is called - academician!
(End of this chapter)

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