Chapter 440
To be honest, Li Yuechen didn't dislike alcohol and tobacco, but as an athlete, he always kept a respectful distance from these substances.

Let Wang Wuqiong pour half a bowl for himself today, just because here are all the soldiers brought out by him, he has feelings for them, and is willing to give them face, so drink a little.

Wang Wuqiong also agreed, and poured half a bowl for her, feeling somewhat grateful in her heart.

As a guard, she is supposed to be the last person to drink, but His Highness was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so he poured half a bowl by himself.

In fact, she knew very well that the princess basically didn't drink alcohol on weekdays, and only drank a little when she was with her family.

Now willing to drink half a bowl for her, at least it shows that she is still in a relatively important position in the heart of the princess!

Thinking of this, she looked at the princess excitedly.

Perhaps feeling the fiery gaze, Li Yuechen raised his head slightly, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Hearing the question, Wang Wuqiong replied subconsciously: "Your Highness, if I were a man, I would definitely do my best to be a son-in-law!"

The moment the words came out, Li Yuechen was slightly taken aback, good guy, is my old lady so charming?How could he attract all the bodyguards around him?

Wang Wuqiong also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and suddenly reacted, quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, opened her eyes wide and scanned the surroundings, looking for whether anyone heard what she said just now.

If you want to say that you are the same, why did you say such a thing out of your mouth?
Seeing that no one was paying attention to this side, he hurriedly saluted and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, forgive me, this subordinate does not mean this, but..."

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Li Yuechen waved his hand without hesitation, "But don't let others listen to such words."

"Yes, this subordinate understands!" Wang Wuqiong agreed, "I will definitely take care of myself in the future."

At this time, Li Yuechen stood up suddenly, walked towards her, leaned forward and leaned towards her.

The faces of the two were close to each other, and their mouths were close to each other's ears. Li Yuechen twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, and said in a low voice: "But for a change, if I am a prince, I hope to have a concubine like you!"

After finishing speaking, she got up and went to chat with Geng Yunqiang and the others, leaving behind only Wang Wuqiong who was still standing there in a daze.

After a few seconds, she suddenly turned her head, looking at His Highness's back, she couldn't help showing a smile.


In the early morning of the next day, Li Yuechen put on his Taoist robe and went to chant scriptures as usual.

At the same time, I couldn't help thinking in my heart, is it possible to consider building a Taoist temple outside the camp?
It's just that this idea just popped up in my mind, and it was rejected in an instant.

The army itself is very murderous, so it's better not to get involved with religion.

The reaction of people in this era to religion is different from hers. She became a Taoist priest purely to make her mother happy, and sometimes it can also play a role in stabilizing emotions, but in fact she doesn’t care about these gods and ghosts. How to catch a cold.

Even if she is a time traveler, she thinks that this should be some kind of space-time rift, and she is not inclined to be sent to this era by the so-called "fairy".

But other people are different. People in this era are more likely to believe in ghosts and gods, so it is better for soldiers to learn from religion.

Soldiers don't need to believe in ghosts and gods, it is enough to believe in the princess and the country!

After reading the scriptures, it was almost noon. She came out of the room and planned to look around.

The family is not here, this year is actually quite boring, apart from taking a group of royal children to look around, there are almost no other entertainment activities.

But the children liked to play with her very much, so after the meal, Li Yuechen took them to play games like eagle catching chickens and throwing handkerchiefs in the snow.

In the middle of the afternoon, all the remaining soldiers were even called out and divided into two teams, and then the children were organized into the two teams and started a snowball fight.

Because Li Yuechen's fighting power is too strong, he didn't play in person, but acted as a referee.

On the endless open space outside the camp, Li Yuechen planned the site with them, and then planted a flag in each of the two camps.

"The flag cannot be moved. If the opponent pulls it out, it means losing!" Li Yuechen announced the rules, "First of all, it is not allowed to wrap stones in the snowball! Second, it is not allowed to directly beat with fists and feet! Again..."

The rules were announced one by one, and the soldiers on both sides were gearing up and getting ready to go to war.

The children who were incorporated into the team also began to hold snowballs with anticipation, preparing for the upcoming war.

Li Yuechen gave them a cup of tea to discuss tactics, then drew a rough range, walked to a small hill next to him, raised his arms and swung them down: "Start!"


The soldiers on both sides roared in unison, threw the snowballs in their hands towards the opposite side, and started to move forward at the same time.

Although it is stipulated that punching and kicking are not allowed, you can hug the opponent and then fall down. As long as you press a handful of snow on your chest, you will be out of the game.

In addition to Li Yuechen himself, Geng Yunqiang and other military officers were also in charge of refereeing and surrounding them to watch.

If anyone is found to be cheating, they will be directly judged to be disqualified.

After all, they were all professionally trained soldiers, so both sides paid great attention to the integrity of the formation. Although they were both advancing, they did not mess up overall.

The soldiers at the front of both sides kept hugging the enemy tightly and pressed them to the ground, then grabbed a handful of snow and pressed it on the opponent's chest.

After being knocked down, the soldiers tended to look left and right, and when they found a referee staring at them, they obediently got up and walked out of the team, and came to the side to cheer for their camp.

The more people who are eliminated, the less daring the remaining people are to cheat.

After all, they will stare at the people in the opposing camp, and when they find cheating, they will immediately raise their hands and report it.

A large number of snowballs flew back and forth between the two sides, exploding on each other's body parts from time to time, and some unlucky ones were hit directly in the chest, so they could only withdraw from the game with hatred.

The performance of the soldiers is quite satisfactory, and they have basically integrated the battle formation learned during this period into this game.

The Jiaolong special reconnaissance company was also divided into two teams. They were incorporated into the two camps. Their style of play was a bit weird. They usually attacked from the flanks after the soldiers in the front row of the two sides met, and ran away after the fight.

What surprised Li Yuechen was a group of royal children. Although they were all young, they were already very mature in military theory, and could even command other soldiers around them to carry out effective tactical attacks when necessary.

After all, they were all children of the royal family. Because of their noble status, these soldiers were more willing to listen to them.

Without internal strife, the overall efficiency will be much higher.

Although these are still a group of children who have not yet received military training, the proportion of physical education classes on weekdays is very large, and these children are all in good physical fitness.

Moreover, weapons such as crossbows have already been in contact with, and the snowballs in their hands are usually aimed at the head or chest.

Even though they are children, the power of throwing snowballs is not low, and with the cover of other soldiers around them, most of the children have also achieved the state of "killing the enemy like hemp".

The snowball fight with hundreds of people lasted from mid-afternoon until dusk, almost equivalent to a small war.

The final winners sat on the snow and gasped for breath, constantly spitting out white mist.

"Everyone performed well today, let's have extra meals tonight!" Li Yuechen announced to all the soldiers who participated in the snowball fight.

After the voice fell, deafening cheers were heard.

Looking at the orange-red clouds in the sky, Li Yuechen took a deep breath, and the first day of the new year has just passed.

Without my family around, this year has indeed been quite boring.


Early the next morning, Li Yuechen got up early to practice kung fu as usual, and practiced until noon. After eating, he went back to the office to write letters back to his family.

I received a letter on New Year's Eve, and today is the second day of junior high school, so I can almost tell them what happened here.

Because there were too many replies to be written, and the brush writing was too slow, it took Li Yuechen a full afternoon to finish writing the reply.

Especially for the reply to Shangguan Wan'er, she really couldn't write so many nasty sentences, she still expressed her thoughts in her usual tone, that's all.

After sunset, Li Yuechen handed over the sealed envelope to Xiao He, asking her to send someone back to Dongdu, while she stretched herself standing at the door of the office.

Taking advantage of this time to rest, she plans to start thinking about the hydrogen experiment tomorrow. If she is sure that there is no problem, she can put the airship on the agenda.

She is still sure about this. The key problem is that such a big thing does not yet have the ability to be manufactured industrially, and it all depends on the hands of craftsmen.

Leaving aside the difficulty of production, just the collection of materials is extremely troublesome. It seems that this thing is really not something that can be done overnight.


From the third day of the first lunar month, Li Yuechen stopped playing with the children, and stayed in the Academy of Engineering all day, researching new gadgets with those academicians.

She hasn't mentioned the concept of the airship to anyone, so even Xiao He and Wang Wuqiong don't know what she plans to study next.

Geng Yunqiang and the others were looking forward to it. The stuff His Highness researches always surprises people. I don't know what unexpected stuff this time will be.

To be honest, the big ship whose skeleton has been assembled on the shore is already very shocking. Everyone who passes by there can't help but wonder what the ship will look like after it is completed.

Geng Yunqiang waited for these officers to sit down and chat when they were free, discussing what new gadgets His Highness would develop.

Many people think that it is a more powerful weapon, perhaps even more powerful than artillery, and some people think that it may be a boat that can dive into the water.

After all, she has even made a vehicle that can fly into the sky, and it seems that it is not difficult to be able to dive into the sea. From their logic, this makes sense.

 Recently, my work is unstable, and I have unstable time and mood... This chapter is still yesterday, so I will update it this afternoon. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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