Great Tang princess

Chapter 442 New Army Concept

Chapter 442 New Army Concept

The Shangyuan Festival in the barracks is very monotonous, there are no fancy lanterns made in the shape of various animals, and the only thing that attracts attention is the burning bonfire in the middle of the training ground.

Because the shelf is set up very high, the towering flames dance in the air. If you sit by the side and look up, it seems to have a feeling of going straight to the sky.

If you observe carefully, you can even see the flame flowing, and with the crisp sound of "cracking" from time to time, tiny sparks fly to the sky along the heat flow driven by the flame like fireflies.

The heat driven by such a huge flame is obvious, and the soldiers sitting on the side even took off their coats and chatted loudly with each other wearing only the camouflage uniforms they usually use for training.

They held low-alcohol rice wine in their hands, and made fun of each other from time to time.

Some are expressing their feelings after coming here to serve as soldiers, some are talking about interesting stories about their own families, and some are talking about their future prospects...

No matter what the topic is, they all know one thing, that is to be a soldier here, so that they have a sense of expectation for tomorrow's life.

Surrounding the flames were metal shelves, on which were hung a variety of game such as hares.

The meat that has been roasted until it is nearly golden yellow can see the oil that is constantly oozing out, and it can make a "chi chi" sound when it falls into the flames.

Along with it, there is a scent that permeates the air, gradually drifting away with the wind of winter night.

Occasionally, the roar of beasts could be heard in the jungle outside the camp, presumably it was the smell of barbecue.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many humans here, I'm afraid I couldn't help but rushed over directly.


But the soldiers here didn't care about that. They laughed and drank and toasted, and then a group of people gathered around and cheered.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that someone had drawn a circle on the ground and started playing sumo.

Sumo wrestling in the Tang Dynasty was different from that in Japan in the future. Not only can wrestling be used, but also striking techniques can be used.

Sumo wrestling in this era is more of a one-on-one arena, where winners and losers are decided in a small circular space.

It's just that in order to show one's own strength, in most cases, striking skills are rarely used, and more throwing techniques such as throwing skills are used to throw the opponent out of bounds. Therefore, sumo is also called wrestling.

Li Yuechen, Geng Yunqiang and other officers sat a little further back, not too close to the bonfire.

She was leaning on a rocking chair, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, and was chatting with them about the future development trend of the navy.

Xiao He on the side took a woolen blanket and wanted to cover her, but was rejected: "No need, I'm not cold."

"Your Highness, we girls must always pay attention to the coldness of the palace. Now it's cold weather, just in case..."

"Okay, okay, I'll cover it!" Li Yuechen couldn't bear other people's nagging the most, so he directly reached out and grabbed the blanket to cover his abdomen, planning her chattering.

It happened that at this time, she saw the soldiers in front started to play sumo, so she looked up curiously.

Geng Yunqiang frowned: "These bastards are really full!"

Standing up while talking, it seems that he wants to go over and teach them a lesson.

"Hey, forget it!"

Li Yuechen raised his hand to stop him: "Among the army, they worship the strong. It doesn't matter if they let them play. Wuqiong, go and tell them that tonight's champion will reward a pot of drunken immortals, and tomorrow they will have a day off!"

"Yes!" Wang Wuqiong agreed, but then asked, "Your Highness, what are the rules?"

"Let them go up and fight by themselves, and the last one standing will win. Tell them, friendship comes first, and competition comes second. If anyone dares to play tricks on his comrades, I will be angry!"

"Understood!" Wang Wuqiong agreed, and went to deliver orders to the soldiers.

She walked in front of the group of soldiers, and after making a few announcements, the crowd burst into cheers.

Geng Yunqiang turned his head: "Your Highness's method is really clever, at least it can guarantee that they will not think about messy things."

"Soldiers should not be affected by things that have nothing to do with them. They just need to train with peace of mind and study hard. Just be ready to fight or command at any time." Li Yuechen replied.

Now sitting around are not only military officers like Geng Yunqiang, but also a few royal children with relatively quiet personalities. Li Yuechen will not avoid them in many things.

Rather, they listen and sometimes learn more than they do in class.

Li Shouli, the oldest, always acted like an older brother at ordinary times, so he would not go to make noise with the soldiers at such times, but would sit by the side and study.

Hearing Li Yuechen's words, he suddenly raised his own doubts: "Auntie, my nephew is a little confused. Could it be that teaching soldiers to read and write is to cultivate their commanding ability? Then why should I wait?"

"This is a good question!" Li Yuechen nodded, but did not answer right away. Instead, he took a sip of tea and turned to look at Geng Yunqiang. "Do you know the reason?"

Seeing that the question was thrown on his side, Geng Yunqiang thought for a while: "Actually, my subordinates were also very puzzled at first. After all, since ancient times, there has never been a similar statement on the tree. But over the years, His Highness's fighting methods are more than Rather than the whole body, I prefer to disperse. If you think about this command ability, it should be in the small team, right?"

"That's the point." Li Yuechen nodded slightly, "The biggest disadvantage of an illiterate army is that once the commander dies in battle, or the formation is broken up, he will lose morale and fighting power in an instant, like a mess. So I never Solve this problem fundamentally, so that soldiers can perform tasks when there are too few numbers and also fight independently."

Li Shouli thought for a while: "But the premise is that you must have a strong enough combat power. Otherwise, the team will disperse, and the enemy cavalry will be completely wiped out in one charge."

"So we have grenades and artillery now." Li Yuechen nodded, "You are right, our troops dare to disperse and fight because they have powerful weapons. But the art of battle formation has not been abandoned. Niuwei and the navy, most of the soldiers are still in the battle formation. The scouts are still a small part."

"Then when will I be able to completely transform the troops into dispersed operations?" Li Shouli asked curiously.

Li Yuechen grinned: "I'm afraid I won't be able to see that time. To achieve that step, the artillery needs to be reduced to the size of my hammer, and it can be fired in rapid succession."

"Can't Aunt continue to study?"

"No, because limited by the times, grenades and cannons are already the most powerful weapons I can make at this time." Li Yuechen touched his head, "But if there are more educated people in the future , Maybe this step can really be achieved... This is not a problem that I can solve alone, it needs many... people as smart as me to gather together."

Geng Yunqiang frowned: "His Royal Highness is such an astonishing talent, I am afraid that only one person in five hundred years is blessed by God. How can there be many at the same time?"

Li Yuechen still smiled and shook his head: "Even if I tell you about such a scene, you won't be able to understand it. It's something that can only be understood after education is popularized. If it goes well, I'm afraid your grandchildren should be able to see some of it."

Several other officers also looked puzzled. In their logic, this is simply impossible.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. In the same era, it is impossible to have too many immortals reincarnated. Otherwise, wouldn't there be a fight?
In an era, there can often only be one hero, and even if there are others, they will all be killed by the one who wins in the end.

Seeing their expressions, you can roughly guess some of their thoughts.

However, Li Yuechen didn't explain too much. Such a scene was beyond their imagination, and they couldn't understand it if they said too much, because it was beyond their cognition.


As a burst of cheers interrupted their discussion, Li Yuechen turned his head and saw that many soldiers had already been lying on the ground in front of him.

They were lying on the ground, wearing rough clothes, like air humidifiers in the winter night.

And in a circle in front of the bonfire, a shirtless soldier was bending over, holding his knees and panting violently.

During these cold nights, his body was dripping with sweat, and there were still many bruises.

He was obviously very tired, but there was a smile on his face, and he kept smiling.

There were many soldiers around him holding roasted rabbit meat and looking at him with admiration.

Li Yuechen smiled and recognized that this was a soldier from the reconnaissance company.She threw off the blanket and stood up to the soldier.

"Your Highness!" Seeing her coming, the soldier stood up and saluted.

"The strength is good! I hope to continue to maintain it in the future, to protect the family and the country!" Li Yuechen waved his hand lightly, and Wang Wuqiong who was behind came over with a jar of white wine and handed it to her.

Li Yuechen handed him the jar: "The reward for the winner! The proof of the champion!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" The opposing soldier couldn't help grinning, took the jar and hugged it in his arms, then turned his head and raised eyebrows at the comrades beside him, as if to show off.

People in this era are actually a bit pitiful, as can be seen from this extremely easy-to-satisfy attitude... Li Yuechen thought so in his heart.

In the future, it is possible to hold more similar activities, not only in fighting ability, but also in other training subjects. It can also be regarded as a training method to keep soldiers bloody when there is no war.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen was stunned for a moment. He had occasionally seen titles such as military competitions on the Internet, and even many military-themed movies and TV dramas had such competitions as international special forces competitions.

Maybe this idea is really possible to realize, and maybe in the future, Qian Niuwei will be able to compete with soldiers from the navy.

In this era, large-scale exercises are not yet possible, but this kind of military competition is relatively easy!

(End of this chapter)

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