Great Tang princess

Chapter 456 Geng Yunqiang Zhang Dongdu

Chapter 456
Geng Yunqiang acted quickly, and set off with a company of soldiers the next day.

Although the first company is a frogman unit, as a special scout, it is better to learn more from seniors like Geng Yunqiang who have participated in a lot of actual combat.

Li Yuechen would be able to relax a bit after following along.

Except for going to class every day, the rest of the time is basically spent writing books in the office.

I mainly write about military drills and the like, which include my own understanding of the army and the division of different arms and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is Li Yuechen's own book of war, which is based on his own knowledge of the future special forces combined with his experience in wars he has participated in in this era.

Including the division of arms and the overall planning from logistics to front-line combat troops, etc.

She has read a lot of military books of this era, but when it comes to future military books, the only thing she knows is "On Protracted Warfare", and she only knows the name, and has not read the specific content.

So the book I'm currently writing is more of a summary of Li Yuechen's own experience.

She has participated in many wars, has the experience of leading a charge as a vanguard officer, and also has the command experience of strategizing in the rear.

Then combine it with my own understanding and cognition of the future army and write it in this book.

I hope that future generations can learn something from it, and at the same time improve it on this basis and keep moving forward.


At the end of September, Lu Zhenghao came to the factory to deliver the goods, and at the same time reported the sales results of the first batch of canned food to Li Yuechen in the office.

Although this was not the first time he had come to the princess' office, every time he came here he felt a little curious and envious.

What is curious is that the furnishings in this room are not luxurious at all, and it is a bit unworthy of her status as a princess of a country.

What I envy is that although the decoration is simple, it reveals a sense of atmosphere. As soon as you enter the door, you can feel the openness of the field of vision. Coupled with the transparent glass windows, the whole room looks very bright without candles.

If possible, he also hoped that his study would become like this, but it's a pity that this transparent glass is not cheap at first glance, and it is definitely not something he can afford.

Xiao He poured a cup of tea and put it in front of him, then packed it up aside.

After a while, Li Yuechen pushed the door and entered: "Hey, here we come!"

This casual way of greeting gave Lu Zhenghao an illusion, as if the princess had become sworn brothers with him.

Then he quickly shook his head and talked about the business: "Your Highness, although the first batch of cans are sold out, the speed is very slow, and..."

"Normal, it's September now, when all kinds of fruits are on the market, so naturally they won't sell too quickly." Li Yuechen sat on his boss chair with a smile, resting his elbows on the armrest, propping his chin , "You can watch it after winter comes!"

Lu Zhenghao also understood this, so he was not too anxious.

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Lu Zhenghao nodded, "The first batch sold well in nearby counties and counties, and this subordinate plans to ship some to Youzhou later..."

"You can figure it out on your own." Li Yuechen nodded, "If you have the ability, it doesn't matter if you sell it outside the customs."

The two chatted casually for a while, and then had lunch together before Lu Zhenghao left with the second batch of canned food.

After arranging the follow-up matters, Li Yuechen continued to write books in the office.

This matter is not in a hurry, so she is basically drinking tea, writing while thinking, and revising it from time to time.

At this moment, Xiao He suddenly ran in: "Your Highness, a letter from Hainan!"


Li Yuechen agreed, took the envelope and opened it to read.

Liu Zihe has already returned to Hainan, arrived at the end of August, just in time for the end of the hurricane, and immediately started to build the salt fields.

The construction of the salt field will take about a month at least, so this letter does not say whether the salt has been successfully dried, it can only be regarded as a report of safety.

Seeing this letter, Li Yuechen thought about it. It is already the end of September. If there is no accident, the first batch of salt should have been released there.

If it goes well, they should be able to ship a batch to Dongdu before the Chinese New Year, and they will definitely write a letter to inform me at that time, so there is no need to worry too much.

At present, the main experience of my side is to put it in the can, try to make myself more profitable, and when the time comes to make a glass greenhouse, there is no need to feel so distressed, right?


After entering October, there has been a very obvious drop, and it is no longer possible to continue drying salt at this time.

So Yantian was sealed up, waiting to reopen next year.

Outside Luoyang City, a group of soldiers in uniforms were riding along the official road at a constant speed on horseback.

Geng Yunqiang only brought back one company this time. Due to the small number of people and the fact that all the members rode horses, the speed was much faster. It only took about a month to come back.

When he saw the city wall of the Eastern Capital, Geng Yunqiang had a look of nostalgia in his eyes, while the soldiers behind him looked excited.

The soldiers are all from Shandong, and they have no experience of going to Beijing since they were young. This time they came here, which can be regarded as an eye-opener to see how it is different from Shandong.

As an officer, Geng Yunqiang also knew what they were thinking, but he didn't intend to stop them, but warned them that they must strictly follow the discipline here, otherwise there will be no second-guessing of military law!
The soldiers all expressed their understanding, and then they discussed where to go in groups of three or four, and also discussed topics such as how the brothels in Dongdu are different from those in Qingzhou.

After all, this is an era of lack of entertainment, and the only thing that can be played is nothing but wine and women.

"If you dare to wear military uniforms and go to the brothel, and your Highness beheads you when you go back, don't say I didn't remind you..." Geng Yunqiang urged from the side.

"Don't worry, Commander, I'll understand!" The soldiers agreed, and then asked: "Then where will I live these few days?"

"Of course it's the Dongdu military camp!" Geng Yunqiang joked, "Why? Is it possible that you still want to live in a posthouse?"

The soldiers shook their heads again and again, and then asked: "I wonder how much bigger the camp in Dongdu is than ours?"

"It's not too big, so let's talk about it. At this time, the camp area will be bigger. After all, the east is the first military camp, and there are inevitably some problems at the beginning of the design..." Geng Yunqiang explained to them, and then said, " After I arrive, you wait in the camp first, and I can disband after I enter the palace and finish my business."

"Yes!" The soldiers agreed in unison.


Because the military camp was at the foot of Mang Mountain, they didn't have to enter the city, but went directly to the military camp. After a while, Geng Yunqiang would enter the palace directly from Xuanwu Gate.

When they came to the gate of the barracks, the soldiers of the frogmen troop all opened their eyes wide and sighed in unison!
I saw a wide hardened road leading directly from the gate of the military camp to the Xuanwu Gate. There were ceramic cones in the middle of the road, which seemed to divide the road into left and right.

These cones are about ten feet apart from each other, and they also go straight to Xuanwu Gate, and they can't see the end at a glance.

Not to mention anything else, but looking at such a road, one can already imagine that Chudongdu must be much more prosperous than Qingzhou.

When the team arrived at the gate of the barracks, the sentry standing guard at the gate immediately ran over to salute: "Master!"

"Xiao Dou? Are you on guard today?" Geng Yunqiang suddenly laughed, "How is your master?"

"Master is back on vacation." Xiao Dou looked curiously at the soldiers in white uniforms behind him as he moved his horse away, "These are..."

"The navy is in charge of guarding the Shandong area. Although it belongs to a different branch from us, it is also our comrade-in-arms! Don't make trouble with each other!"

"Understood!" Xiao Dou saluted, and at the same time saluted the soldiers behind him.

The naval soldiers behind also jumped off their horses one after another, raised their hands in salute, and after finishing the team, they followed Geng Yunqiang and prepared to go in.

At the same time, they also raised their heads and looked solemnly at the wooden signs hanging on the trunks of the sidewalk trees.

Before they came, they had already heard that all the names of the sacrificed soldiers were hung on the wooden sign, and they must not laugh and play while walking on this road.

After entering the barracks with neat steps, Geng Yunqiang immediately arranged dormitories for them, but the news of his return spread throughout the barracks very quickly.

Two quarters of an hour later, Geng Yunqiang who had arranged the dormitory was ready to leave.

Before I had time to go out, a person came in first, Li Xian!
"I've seen the Second Highness!" Geng Yunqiang hurriedly saluted.

Although Li Xian had to listen to him at critical moments, he still respected the Second Highness in private.

Li Xian didn't put on airs, he waved his hands and said, "You came back alone? Where's Yuechen?"

"Your Highness hasn't come back yet. I sent my subordinates back to do some things this time..." Geng Yunqiang explained, and then he took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over, "This is a letter to His Highness the Second!"

He immediately took the envelope and read it impatiently.

Geng Yunqiang didn't bother, and saluted slightly: "Second Highness, I still have something to go to the palace, what orders do you have, can you talk about it when you come back?"

"Well, go and come back quickly, I will cleanse you up tonight!" Li Xian waved his hand, telling him to go quickly, and then continued to focus on the envelope.

Seeing his appearance, Geng Yunqiang smiled slightly, and then rode to the palace.

After arriving at the Xuanwu Gate to report, an eunuch immediately came to take him into the palace. Geng Yunqiang lowered his head and watched the heels of the leading eunuch walking forward, not daring to look around.

There are many rules in the palace, if you see something you shouldn't see, it will be troublesome.

When they came to Jixian Temple, Zhang Chengxin at the door waved his hand, dismissed the eunuch who led the way, and led him into the hall.

Entering the hall, Geng Yunqiang only raised his eyes slightly, and saw Wu Zetian lying on the rocking chair and Shangguan Wan'er who was helping her massage her arms.

Geng Yunqiang stood at attention and saluted with a "snap": "I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Hmm..." Wu Zetian softly agreed without even opening his eyes, "Chen'er sent you back, why?"

The voice was not loud, and the tone was not sharp, but Geng Yunqiang was secretly startled by the oppressive feeling unique to the emperor. When he heard the question, he quickly and cautiously answered it.

(End of this chapter)

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