Great Tang princess

Chapter 469 Completion of Queen's Ship

Chapter 469 Completion of Queen's Ship

The next day, Li Yuechen went to the Engineering Academy and asked them to find time to make more hang gliders.

This thing has already been finished, and it is not difficult to make, and the Engineering Academy immediately agreed.

It just so happens that the queen ship, which is currently under production, has also reached the final stage, and it is expected to be completed in April, and then the hang glider can continue to be produced.

Li Yuechen was not in a hurry, anyway, the training of the pilots would take time, but there was no deadline for them to hurry up.

After explaining the work, I went out for a walk by myself.

Because Geng Yunqiang and Wang Wuqiong each took their people out to suppress the bandits recently, the number of people in the barracks suddenly decreased a lot, and it seemed a bit deserted to some extent.

But the remaining two companies worked hard to train with all their strength, and some even practiced extra on their own after returning home at night, perhaps because they felt a little reconciled that it was not their turn to go on this mission.

Unknowingly, the thinking of these soldiers has also been changed.

In the past, being a soldier of the government was all about avoiding fighting as much as possible, but now I was thinking about how to perform well and then perform tasks.

Li Yuechen has noticed the changes in these soldiers, and she is quite happy about it, at least it shows that her efforts over the years are worthwhile.

For this expedition, not only the soldiers went out, but also Li Shouyi and the other royal children and students who were about to graduate from the military academy.

As future military officers who are trainees, they still need to go out more to see the world.

At the same time, Li Yuechen was also thinking about whether the military academy should consider establishing a branch here in the future.

After all, the army and the navy are still fundamentally different, so when she goes back in the future, it is impossible to train naval officers in Dongdu or Chang'an, and it is not realistic.


Geng Yunqiang and Wang Wuqiong led the troops out on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and it was already the end of February when they returned.

The two stood in the office, one on the left and the other on the right, reporting the situation to Li Yuechen.

During this trip, more than [-] gangs of bandits were wiped out, and nearly [-] people were captured, which is quite a record.

However, when reporting here, Geng Yunqiang on the opposite side suddenly paused, and said cautiously: "However, Your Highness, this time, two soldiers were sacrificed..."

Hearing these words, Li Yuechen, who was originally calm, raised his eyes and looked at him straight.

Geng Yunqiang was a little hairy from being stared at, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, but he still stood there with his head bowed.

"If it's against a fully armed enemy army, it's just a group of bandits and mobs, and two of them died?" Li Yuechen asked back.

Her tone was very calm, and her voice was not loud, but anyone could feel the majesty suddenly emanating from her body.

Not to mention Geng Yunqiang, even Wang Wuqiong standing next to him can tell that His Highness is already angry now, and there must be a reasonable explanation for this matter.

Geng Yunqiang also understood what she meant and immediately explained.

It turned out that due to the complicated situation during the battle, there was a deviation in the cooperation between the soldiers, which caused the two soldiers to fail to respond to the sudden attack of the enemy, which led to the sacrifice of the two soldiers.

After listening to the report, Li Yuechen was silent for two seconds, and instead of continuing the topic, he waved his hand to express his dismissal.

Creatures are inherently unstable, and it's normal to have occasional deviations, but since everyone else is fine, it means that the problem may not be in the training mode.

However, Li Yuechen still asked him to go back and reflect on himself and write a review.


There were victims in the army, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

In the next two days, I basically dealt with this matter.

The fallen soldiers were cremated and their ashes returned to their families.Their names were engraved on wooden plaques, just like the camp in Dongdu, hanging on the tree inside the gate of the military camp.

Looking at the two wooden signs flying in the wind, Li Yuechen thought that after the completion of the city planning in the future, he must build a cemetery for the martyrs so that the soldiers who died would have a place to bury them.

But this time the focus of the matter was on another matter - more than half of the more than [-] dens of the bandits were found, including armor, steel knives, bows and crossbows and other contraband.

It is basically certain that someone is investing in it, trying to use it at some point in the future.

After a few days of interrogation, the situation of these people is the same as that of An Gui. They don't know the real identity of the other party, but their own identities are clearly known by the other party. Either they have a handle or their family members are being controlled. with.

After getting the news, Li Yuechen was a little worried.

Without knowing the real identity of the other party, it is impossible to conduct a large-scale investigation. Such a search is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It seems that the hostages cannot be rescued.

Li Yuechen couldn't help being a little worried. Although the families of these bandits enjoyed the ill-gotten gains they robbed, they could be ruthless and ignore them, but what should they do if there were hostages that had to be rescued in the future?

It seems that we still need to pay attention to this aspect in the future, and if necessary, we will set up an organization similar to the special police in the future.

After the captured bandits found out their identities, Li Yuechen asked Jiang Zhengan and Lai Junchen to investigate.

If you haven't done anything outrageous like rape and plunder, you'll be fined to work for a few years, building roads with prisoners of war or something.

But if you have done it, then do hard labor like Angui and the others until you die.

In addition to the investigation on their side, these people who were detained separately also conducted interrogation investigations, and asked them to report to each other what they had done.

After all the questions are asked, the confession is checked again. This method has a high accuracy rate.


After all these things were done, I thought it was time to resume training, but Li Yuechen gathered all the soldiers together and took a day off.

It's not that people ask them to play, but to do vision tests, and plan to select some suitable people to train them to become pilots.

Li Yuechen drew a few more vision test forms and hung them up in the cafeteria. The four companies conducted them at the same time.

Fortunately, there are no radiation products such as TVs and computers in this era. As long as most people can keep up with nutrition, their eyesight is still quite good.

The standard set by Li Yuechen is 0.8, and the number of people who meet the standard is about 100 people.

It seems that the number is quite large, but this is only the basis, and there will be other selections in the future.

Followed by skydiving, to see if these people are afraid of heights, and other reactions and so on.

When I came here a few years ago, I brought a hot air balloon and a parachute. Now the reconnaissance company has almost learned the grenades and artillery, and it's time to touch the parachute.

Taking advantage of this selection, it can be regarded as opening their eyes in advance.


Rumors that Princess Taiping can fly have long existed in the army, but when the soldiers really heard that they were going to the sky, they still couldn't help feeling a sense of anticipation.

The people participating in this hot air balloon training are the reconnaissance company and those who have been selected to meet the eyesight standards. First, they will be shown how skydiving is going on, and then they will enter the training.

Hot air balloons are easier to take off in winter than usual, and in a short while, a dozen hot air balloons carried the first batch of soldiers into the sky.

The officers on each hot air balloon were carefully observing the expressions and movements of those next to them to see if they showed signs of fear of heights.

Li Yuechen and several officers from Qianniuwei showed them skydiving, and jumped directly from the hot air balloon after rising to a certain height.

The soldiers below were also distributed a few binoculars, and when they saw that they really jumped down, they couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Then the parachute opened, and Li Yuechen and others landed on the ground safely and smoothly.

Looking at the expressions of the soldiers, it was the same as that of Qianniuwei back then, revealing various complex emotions such as shock, puzzlement, anticipation and envy.

The hot air balloon in the sky was extremely conspicuous, and it soon attracted the attention of many nearby villagers. Many people came to the gate of the barracks, hoping to go in and worship. They all thought it was some kind of divine manifestation.

Although the sentry on guard was also surprised by the hot air balloon in the sky, they still didn't let them in.


It didn't take long, and all the soldiers who were called went to the sky to experience the thrill of flying.

But unfortunately, five patients with fear of heights were found out, and Li Yuechen announced on the spot that they were eliminated and there was no need for subsequent tests.

The five soldiers actually all burst into tears, begging to give them another chance, they thought they had let His Highness down.

Li Yuechen squatted down and smiled at them: "It's not that you let me down, it's a personal difference, not a mistake. It's not that I don't give you a chance, but I don't want you to die in vain!"

Although the soldiers who were eliminated were still very sad, the princess explained it to them personally, which was something that they had never dared to think about before.


After that, these people officially started training in skydiving, not only must they memorize the safety regulations, but they must also be able to keep up with the operation.

Therefore, the umbrella folding and ground training that the soldiers of Qianniuwei had experienced back then had to be repeated here.

While they were training here, Li Yuechen also received a letter from Shangguan Wan'er.

Qianniuwei in Dongdu also carried out bandit suppression work after the New Year, but no similar situation was found there, they were all ordinary bandits.

From this point of view, the scope can be locked in Shandong for the time being.

After all, this era is far away, and it is almost impossible to transport so many weapons and armor from other places. If it is really done, it can only show that the imperial court has existed in name only.

So it must have been done by the big families nearby, and only they can afford to support the dead soldiers and get so many armors and weapons.

But how to check is a big problem.

The aristocratic family not only has a lot of voice in the court, but also generally has great social influence in the local area.

If there is no evidence and only rely on suspicion to investigate, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other people in the court, and the key is to lose face.

There are many standards in a civilized society, one of which is never suspect!

Now directly investigating the family on a large scale will definitely cause panic and dissatisfaction, so we can only investigate secretly.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen wrote another letter to Lai Junchen, asking him to investigate secretly to see if he could find some valuable clues.

Although this is a very troublesome and drudgery, Lai Junchen still agreed to it, and decided to make some achievements!

We all know that this kind of work is not easy to do, and no one is willing to do it, but the problem is that the rewards are extremely generous if you do it well, not to mention anything else, at least your impression in His Highness's heart will be greatly improved!

In the future, maybe there will be a chance to be directly transferred to the commander of the Shangguan, and then will he not be able to rise to the top?

Li Yuechen didn't know the sloppy things in his heart, and he didn't put all his hopes here.

She herself knows very well that with the current clues, the chances of finding useful results are too small. Compared to this, she might as well focus on her own plan.

Among other things, once the pilots have been trained, the efficiency of information transmission with Dongdu will increase by then. To put it bluntly, if something really happens in the north in the future, the news will be transmitted to Dongdu within two or three days at most. Go, with this kind of efficiency, if someone wants to rebel, he has to weigh it carefully.

Coupled with the permanent presence of the navy, the scale will expand in the future. As long as there is no chaos within the court, there is no fear of rebellion.


The Institute of Engineering is moving very quickly. Now the queen ship has begun to finish. After the final work is completed, it can be launched into the water for trial operation.

During the recent period, apart from his daily work, Li Yuechen would always go to the shore to check on the progress when he was free.

Now the hull of the ship has been completely put together, and the deck is clean and spotless.The hull is also painted black, which adds a touch of domineering to the whole ship.

There are firing ports for the cannons on both sides of the hull. Fifteen cannons can be placed on each side, and there are thirty cannons on both sides. Even if the live ammunition test has not been carried out yet, it can be seen that its firepower is extremely powerful.

There are two floors of cabins and command rooms on the deck, as well as a huge mast. When the sails are pulled up, it will be a different scene.

I have to admit that sharp-bottomed boats always feel out of place with this era, but standing in front of them now, I have to sigh at their huge size.

The length of the queen's ship far exceeds this era, especially now that it has not been launched yet, standing next to it looks like a huge black lacquered monster.

People themselves have a sense of giant worship, and there is always a sense of awe for huge creatures or objects, especially for people who rarely see them.

At the end of March, when the soldiers came to visit the ship, they all opened their mouths wide, looked up at the huge hull, and stood there in a daze.

Some soldiers were fishermen, and they used small sampans for fishing. They never thought about it. They always thought that the warship was already the largest ship, but seeing the Queen's ship in front of them once again broke through their previous cognition. .

The most important thing is that they may take this ship to go to sea to perform missions or participate in combat missions in the future. Looking at the opened gun windows one by one, many soldiers have already imagined the scene of the roaring artillery in their minds.

 Let me take a leave of absence today, there is only one chapter... Sorry everyone, I have been really busy recently.

(End of this chapter)

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