Great Tang princess

Chapter 510 Information about the Mohe people

Chapter 510 Information about the Mohe people
After Lu Xiaoqian's explanation, Li Yuechen understood.

It turned out that because Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty raised the butcher's knife against people with the surname Yuwen, in order to avoid the emperor's pursuit, he had to flee for his life and hide his name.

Among them, such a branch came to the territory of Hebei, because it was close to the outside of the pass, and it was gradually hidden.

However, there are still some people who feel that staying in the country is not safe enough, and they definitely go outside the customs to join the nomads and live together. After a long time, they will naturally become nomads.

The so-called assimilation often has little to do with ethnicity, but is more easily affected by environmental factors.

Hu people tend to be Sinicized after staying in the country for a long time. Similarly, Han people who stay on the grasslands for a long time are also easy to be Sinicized. This is why it is said that Han people living in border areas have a strong Hu style.

These members of the Yuwen clan stayed outside the customs like this, because they often do business with the country, and they can still speak Chinese, but in fact they are already barbarians.

Even many of them got quite good positions in the Mohe tribe.

And it was these people who came to the Lu Mansion this time. They talked with the patriarch Lu Wangda, and it was not clear what they were talking about.

"Can you find out the specific content of their conversation?" Li Yuechen asked.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid that the daughter of the people can do nothing about this matter." Lu Xiaoqian replied, "No one is allowed to be around when the patriarch is having a secret conversation with him, and all the servants will be driven away..."

Hearing this sentence, Li Yuechen frowned, and the information would be cut off in this way.

If it's what he thinks, if Lu Shi uses the Mohe people to invade the border and find a way to transfer himself away, he must find a way to figure out when their plan will start?
At the very least, with a specific time, it is better to go to the border to prepare in advance.

It just so happened that I originally planned to push the national border outwards, and I was worried that there was no reason to go to war. If I could take advantage of this invasion of the Mohe people, I would be able to lead the army out of the customs in a legitimate way.

It's just that Lu Wangda don't think about it now, as an old and mature patriarch, he will definitely not leak this kind of thing.

Temptation is unlikely, but if you coerce... Maybe you will expose yourself in advance, which is not a good thing.

It seems that the breakthrough point of this matter is still in those Mohe people.

"Do you know what the Mohe people like?" Li Yuechen asked.

Lu Xiaoqian thought for a while: "Lust! I heard from Grandpa that these people often hang out in brothels, and my subordinates have also seen them by accident, and they all have lewd looks on their faces."

Although she claimed to have suddenly become a subordinate, Li Yuechen didn't care, and continued to ask: "Do you know what kind of woman she likes?"

Lu Xiaoqian shook her head slightly: "I don't know about this matter, but I have spoken twice before to moleste the wives of collateral children, and I almost did it."

Does that mean you like someone else's wife?Li Yuechen immediately had an answer in his heart.

In fact, this kind of thing is not common at all in this era, especially in upper-class families who raise concubines to entertain guests, so there is no meaning in this regard.

Even including the royal family, starting from Tang Gaozu Li Yuan, descendants basically have examples of loving other people's wives.

But it is true that we can work hard in this area, maybe we can get enough information.

Whether it is a man or a woman, there are many examples of planting on the opposite sex from the past to the future. After all, this is the most primitive happiness of human beings.

Therefore, Li Yuechen thought that he could think about it in this regard.


After returning to Lu Zhenghao's mansion, the others were still awake, waiting for her to come back.

After sitting on the chair, Wang Wuqiong immediately advised: "Your Highness, the weather is not early, so go to rest earlier."

"No problem." Li Yuechen waved his hand, and then said to Lu Zhenghao, "Go out tomorrow and do something for me."

"Yes! But Your Highness, if you go out at this time, you will definitely be watched. This subordinate is not as skilled as His Highness..." Lu Zhenghao seemed a little embarrassed.

"Don't care about those." Li Yuchen smiled, "The place you're going to tomorrow is a brothel."

"Brothel?" Lu Zhenghao looked confused, a little confused, what kind of operation His Highness asked him to have fun at this time.

Li Yuechen smiled: "Naturally, I didn't ask you to go to prostitutes. The royal guards are all over the world, and brothels have been the easiest place to get news since ancient times, so there must be non-staff members of the secret guards..."

After hearing her explanation, Lu Zhenghao finally understood that he was not asked to have fun, but to find someone.

Afterwards, Li Yuechen asked Wang Wuqiong to bring a pen and paper, wrote a sentence on the paper, and handed it to Lu Zhenghao: "Tomorrow, take this riddle to the brothel, and if there is a woman who can write the answer, she will be a non-staff member of the secret guard. Just bring it back."

It is not an outrageous operation to bring a prostitute home these days, it is a very normal thing, and it should not arouse suspicion.

Lu Zhenghao looked down, and there was a sentence written on the paper: Friends Ji Yunji.

This puzzle was originally designed by Li Yuechen. In this day and age, it is absolutely impossible for others to guess the correct answer.


The next afternoon, Lu Zhenghao got up and went to the brothel. When the sun was about to set, he brought back a woman.

In all fairness, this woman looks pretty good, and she has an elegant temperament, even if she is not the top class, at least she is in the first echelon.

Seeing Li Yuechen, the other party quickly saluted: "I have seen Your Highness."

"Excuse me, sit down and talk." Li Yuechen waved his hand.

The other party saluted and thanked, and then gently knelt down on the cushion next to him.

Although Lu Zhenghao had a chair invented by Li Yuechen at home, she didn't dare to sit at the same height as her in front of the princess.

Li Yuechen didn't care about this either, but asked, "What's your name?"

"Return to Your Highness, servant girl Zhang Lian'er."

"Why did you get into trouble?" Li Yuechen didn't announce the task straight to the point when he came up, and he learned this order from his parents.

Zhang Lian'er replied in a low voice: "There was a famine when I was young, and my family couldn't support them. Life forced me to enter the dust."

"Since you are willing to join the secret guard, you are unwilling to accept the status quo." Li Yuechen propped his chin with one hand, "I hope you can help me find out some news. Wish, how about it?"

"Your Majesty's order, I will definitely obey!" Zhang Lian'er bowed her head.

Generally speaking, this kind of woman in the world is more realistic, has a more unique vision, and understands the importance of seizing opportunities.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Recently, have foreigners visited the brothel?"

"Returning to Your Highness, there are some people who are generous and linger for many days." Zhang Lian'er replied, "The servants have also contacted them, but they have never asked to enter the account..."

The foreigners are very poor, and if the brothel girl can say that she is generous, it means that she must have thrown a lot of money in the brothel.

Normally, it is impossible for the nomads to afford so much money, which only shows that it must have been given by the Lu family.

After thinking carefully for a while, Li Yuechen nodded: "I want to get some information from you from these people. They are likely to plot to invade our country's border. I need to know the exact time..."

Li Yuechen roughly explained what he needed.

Zhang Lian'er looked embarrassed: "But Your Highness, those people don't seem to be interested in slaves, this..."

For a prostitute like her, this kind of thing is really not difficult, it is almost easy to grasp.

But the problem is that if those people don't order her, she can't force her up, can she?
"It's okay, I'm free to do it, and if it doesn't work, I don't blame you!" Li Yuechen nodded.

Then arrange for Zhang Lian'er to stay here tonight and go back tomorrow.

After dinner that night, Li Yuechen began to arrange a character for her.

First, a fictitious husband with a marriage contract came out. Li Yuechen directly applied a template, and quickly wrote the image of a prostitute who used her savings to pay a poor scholar to apply for an examination, and then waited for him to go home to pick her up.

In this era, no matter the stories or legends, they basically seem a bit dry, and the characters are not full enough.

Like Li Yuechen, after a few words, he erected the image of a completely non-existent scumbag.

Let Zhang Lian'er take some time to recite this person several times, and then let her go to rest.


On the second day, Zhang Lian'er got up early and kept repeating the images in the story, while Li Yuechen asked Wang Wuqiong to do her makeup, and she was guiding beside her.

Li Yuechen has never put on makeup since he was a child, and he doesn't know how to operate this thing.

But her aesthetics can be considered from the perspective of a man, guiding Wang Wuqiong to make her face more attractive.

"The eyebrows are slightly higher, yes, not too sharp, smoother..." Li Yuechen stood in front of Zhang Lian'er, constantly looking left and right, trying to create a face that I still feel sorry for.

Lu Zhenghao was also watching from the side. Although he was a little confused, Zhang Lian'er's face seemed...really...a bit attractive.

When the dress was completely finished, Lu Zhenghao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If he met such a woman in a brothel on weekdays, he would definitely...

Although Li Yuechen doesn't know how to put on makeup, she probably understands what the makeup technique will look like in the future.

Different from applying on the face in this era, the method she asked Wang Wuqiong to use was to brush a little bit on the face with a brush, so her blush was painted very naturally, compared with the blush in this era where two fingers can be used to finish the job. Kind, to appear more natural.

At the same time, two small dots were placed under the corners of her eyes, which looked like teardrops. This kind of makeup was seen on a singer.

The makeup of the future is different from that of this era. The makeup of this era is visible at a glance. You can tell that you are wearing makeup at a glance, just like wearing a mask.

But the makeup look in the future should be natural, try to achieve a feeling of wearing makeup but looking plain.

Using future techniques to make up the makeup of this era, on the contrary, creates a feeling of vacillation between reality and illusion.

When the makeup was finished, Li Yuechen stood opposite and couldn't help but nodded: "Not bad, not bad..."

Wang Wuqiong, who was in charge of makeup, was even more surprised, because she didn't expect that His Highness, who had never put on makeup since childhood, would understand this.

The most important thing is that applying this method is indeed much better than the popular makeup, and the facial features are more prominent, but there is a special temperament faintly.

It is still the wind and dust aura, but when the wind and dust aura is strong enough to a certain extent, it becomes a monster aura.

Like the beauties and goblins in the novels written by His Majesty, she has a special attraction.

Seeing something wrong with Wang Wuqiong's eyes, Li Yuechen touched his face: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Forgive me, Your Highness! I just feel that His Highness seems to be omnipotent. I heard that His Highness has not dressed up since he was a child, but he is so good at it..."

"It's nothing..." Li Yuechen smiled and waved his hands.

The main reason is that she comes from an era of information explosion. Although she still has things she is not good at, if she is placed in the background of ancient times, she will appear very versatile.

In fact, in the eyes of a real make-up artist, her level is completely a low-level layman, and there is no comparison at all.

A really clever makeup artist can use one foundation to produce many different effects through different techniques. For a good makeup artist, they only look at the color and not the type.

For example, lipstick can be used as eye shadow, eye shadow can be used as blush... these are the basic operations.


After everything was dressed up, Li Yuechen asked Lu Zhenghao to arrange a carriage to take her back: "Ask for information, pay attention to safety, if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter, don't fold yourself in!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern." Zhang Lian'er saluted, "I will definitely do my best!"

After sending her out of the gate, Li Yuechen glanced at the people watching at the gate, turned around and went back to close the gate.

The next thing to do is to wait for the news, and, if all goes well, the people sent by Geng Yunqiang and the others are about to arrive.

Her prediction was not bad at all. That night, the two soldiers sent to deliver the letter a few days ago avoided the watchers and sneaked into the mansion.

The two knocked lightly in front of Li Yuechen's door a few times, and soon there was an agreement: "Wait."

After a while, Li Yuechen, who had put on his coat, opened the door, saw two soldiers, and smiled slightly: "How's the matter?"

"Return to Your Highness, at this time the large army has landed and is on standby, waiting for the next instruction!"

Li Yuechen nodded slightly: "You two are waiting here, I will write a letter and take it back to Geng Yunqiang."

Although she has been paying attention to protecting her eyesight since she was a child, she can't control this situation so much. After lighting a few more candles, she began to write hard.

Tell Geng Yunqiang the information he got here, and ask him to discuss it with the staff, and find a way to let the large army hide in the mountains and forests near Zhuozhou City without attracting attention.

Anyway, Mohe people are still in the city now, and I still have enough time to think about countermeasures.

At the same time, he also made up his mind in his heart that invading the country with a foreigner was already a real crime of treason. Once he had figured out the information, he would definitely resolve this matter with the fastest speed and the least casualties.

Moreover, we must take this opportunity to push the national border outward, and we will never give them a chance to succeed in their plot!

The people on the border will never be affected by the war!
 This chapter was written yesterday. I have been too busy recently. I only sleep for a few hours every day. I am too tired. Try to make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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