Yu Baosen is the captain of Zhechong Prefecture in Zhuozhou Zhechong Prefecture. He has worked in this position for nearly ten years. Today, he is sitting in his office as usual, wearing his daily documents. It's almost time to arrive.

Suddenly, a guard at the door announced that a person had come, claiming to be Lu Zhenghao.

Hearing the name of a familiar childhood playmate, he immediately asked his subordinates to invite him in without saying a word.

Although it was said that the two hadn't seen each other for seven or eight years, the moment Lu Zhenghao came in, childhood memories still flooded in like a flood, making the two of them hold their four hands together and burst out laughing.

The handshake in this era is different from that in the future. Instead, you stretch out both hands and hold the opponent's hand up and down, and the opponent will extend the other hand to cover the back of the upper hand.

Generally speaking, only those who are very close will use this method, and in most cases it is just to salute each other.

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, they don't feel strange to each other. They just look at each other's faces that have begun to age, and feel mutual emotion.

After that, Lu Zhenghao didn't say much, and talked about inviting him to dinner tonight.Of course, Yu Baosen also thought that Fa Xiaoer might need help with something, but he still agreed to the dinner invitation without hesitation.

In this land, since ancient times, words are said on the table, and deeds are performed on the ceremony.What's the specific matter, let's talk about it when we meet tonight.

So after the two exchanged some polite words, Yu Baosen got up and sent Lu Zhenghao away from Zhechong Mansion, and then sent a personal guard to tell his wife not to go back for dinner.

When the evening drum sounded, he took off his armor, tidied up, and went to Lu Zhenghao's home in casual clothes.

Riding to Lu Zhenghao's house, he saw that there was no servant guarding the door, so he knocked on the door.

This scene happened to be seen by a few people who seemed to be doing nothing nearby. After looking at each other, one of them turned around and left immediately.


The door opened, and a young servant poked his head out and asked, "Who is it?"

"A certain surname is Yu. I was invited to meet your family, Alang. Hurry up and report."

Hearing this, the servant hurriedly opened the door, and saluted respectfully: "Ah Lang ordered that if the nobleman comes, there is no need to inform, please come in quickly!"

While speaking, he stepped aside and asked Yu Baosen and the two guards around him to enter the courtyard.

The young man called another servant to come over and took the reins from the guard, led the horse to the stable in the backyard, and then led him to the main hall.

Yu Baosen followed behind, looking at the back of the boy and the guard who took the reins just now, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

As Captain Zhechong, he has dealt with the army for more than ten years. For some reason, he always feels that these two servants seem to have received very strict military training.

But judging from their body shape, they are all physically strong people, and it seems that they usually do not lack meat.

It is good for soldiers in this era to eat enough coarse grains, and it is impossible to have the conditions to eat meat. From this point of view, they look like generals.

But how can a general who can often afford to eat meat be reduced to the point of being a servant?
Then Yu Baosen shook his head suddenly, secretly thinking that he was old and felt wrong, maybe it was just that he was born with better physical fitness.

In other words, it may be from the Orion family. If it is said that among the ordinary people who can often eat meat these days, it is only the Orion.

But he didn't go into it carefully. People who eat meat as their main food will have a stronger body odor, but this didn't happen to the two servants.

Entering the main hall, the young servant served a cup of tea, and said respectfully: "I'll go and inform Alang, and I ask the honored guest to wait a little longer."

Yu Baosen nodded, watching the boy leave, but suddenly he was taken aback. The boy just claimed to be someone?
In fact, this is not an exclusive title for the upper class. Whether it is a high-ranking official or a commoner, everyone can call themselves "someone", but this is not what a servant should use...

From the moment I came in to now, I always felt that there was a strange feeling everywhere in my childhood friend's house.

The house that enters three times and exits three times can't see a few servants working. From the time I came in to now, I have only seen a dozen or so, which is a little pitiful.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly smelled the fragrance of tea from the cup. He opened the lid of the cup and found that the tea soup was clear and bright, and there were no other seasonings in it except the tea leaves.

He approached his nose curiously and sniffed it. He only felt a refreshing tea fragrance, which didn't have the richness of the tea soup he drank, but he had to say that the simple taste was really unusual.

His position is not low, and he has heard that the tea in the Taiping Tea House in Dongdu is like this.

I heard that this childhood playmate seems to be working with Princess Taiping, but now it seems that this matter should be true...

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Zhenghao also came out from behind: "Oh, brother Yu is here! So-and-so just told the kitchen to cook more food!"

"It's easy to say, easy to talk, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, so don't stick to it."

"That's wrong! It's because we haven't seen each other for many years that we want to have a good get-together. Speaking of which, brothers have good wine here, so let's taste it tonight..."

Lu Zhenghao made a mysterious expression while talking: "The immortal is drunk, have you heard of it?"

Yu Baosen has really heard of this thing, and he heard from the businessmen that he came and went, that it is a kind of wine that is as transparent as water, but it is very strong, and after one sip, it is hot at first, and then mellow.

I really didn't expect this childhood playmate to come up with such a thing. It seems that he has developed a lot in these years.


Afterwards, the two sat down to chat. It was not time for dinner yet, so naturally they couldn't talk about serious matters. They basically talked about what they had done and experienced in these years that they hadn't seen each other.

In this kind of chatting all over the world, the strangeness they haven't seen for many years has long since disappeared, and it seems that they have returned to the scene when they were young.

As the saying goes, a man will be a teenager until he dies. At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the two of them can't see any falsehood, showing the joy from the heart.

When the sunset covered the ground and a maid came out from behind and began to light the lamp, Lu Zhenghao also got up: "Brother Yu, stay here for a while, and someone will ask the kitchen to cook."

After speaking, he temporarily left the main hall.

Is it okay to let the maid go for such a trivial matter?Yu Baosen was puzzled, and then began to look at the maid who was lighting candles around.

Looking at it, he frowned unconsciously.

This woman's steps are smooth and steady, and her figure is flexible. Only people with martial arts can do this. Moreover, judging from the distance between her feet and her standing posture, it is not only as simple as having martial arts on her body, but also a master. I am afraid that there will be three or five people. Can't get close.

Looking at the palm of his hand, there is an obvious layer of calluses. From the position of the calluses, it can be inferred that this is definitely the hand that often holds weapons!

Wang Wuqiong didn't expect that she would just light a candle, and Yu Baosen was about to see through it. After she finished lighting the candle, she saluted him, and then brought a teapot to refill him with water.

On the other side, in the kitchen, Lu Zhenghao was about to kneel down to Li Yuechen.

"Impossible! Your Highness, who is a daughter of gold, can make meals for my subordinates here?"

Originally, he thought it was the soldiers under his command who were cooking today, but when he entered the kitchen, he saw Li Yuechen rolling up his sleeves and preparing to do it himself, so frightened that he almost knelt down.

But there was no way to do it, the soldiers who came with him didn't have a cooking class, and the food they made would definitely not taste good, so Li Yuechen had no choice but to serve it himself.

"Okay, don't care about these things, just go and finish your task." Li Yuechen waved his hand impatiently, looked at the stove, and then nodded.

Fortunately, when I came here this time, I expected that I might have to eat in the wild, so I brought an iron pot and a small pedal bellows, which can be used for cooking.

"No, how could His Highness condescend to be here..." Lu Zhenghao was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed. How dare he eat the meal cooked by the princess?
Li Yuechen had no choice but to grab his back collar and lift him up, letting him stand in front of her.

She is 1.7 meters tall, a little taller than Lu Zhenghao, and he is bent over, so she is looking down at him.

"This matter is for the stability of the country, and it is also to deal with possible crises on the border." Li Yuechen said, "In terms of purpose, there is no difference between you and me, it is all for the country. If I cook a meal myself Keeping the country safe, that's a lot of money, isn't it?"

Hearing Li Yuechen's words, Lu Zhenghao didn't know how to refute, but at the same time, his admiration for the princess increased to a higher level.

People in high positions often only care about themselves. How could this princess condescend to do what a servant does in this place where a servant stays?

"Okay, let's go, don't arouse suspicion." Li Yuechen waved his hand, "If this can be done, the success rate of my soldiers will be several percent higher, and it's all worth it."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhenghao suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard of similar things.

A few years ago, there was a heavy rain in Dongdu, and Luoshui overflowed. The princess organized her army to fight the flood and rescue the disaster. At that time, many soldiers were washed away and drowned.

In order to save her soldiers, the princess almost got involved and drowned herself... After these years of spreading, it has almost reached the point where the whole country knows it.

In addition, he had personally seen the appearance of the princess training soldiers in Qingdao. No matter how hard or tired the soldiers were, they never relaxed their standards, just like a devil instructor.

But at critical moments, she cherishes the lives of her soldiers very much!
It's the same thing this time, if Yu Baosen is willing to help and open the city gate at a critical moment, maybe the matter can be resolved without bloodshed.

But if it didn't work out, there would be a battle when the large army entered the city. Even though her soldiers were well-trained, they were much smaller than the Fubing, and they would definitely cause a lot of sacrifices.

Today, the princess is willing to cook for Yu Baosen here in order to minimize the sacrifice of her soldiers.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhenghao couldn't help his eyes getting a little moist. To be able to follow such a boss, it's really smoke from the ancestral grave, and I don't know how many lifetimes of virtue he has accumulated.

So he saluted immediately: "Yes, this subordinate will go here!"

Looking at the back of him leaving, Li Yuechen murmured to himself in a bit of doubt: "Why are you crying..."

Then they started to set up the pot to prepare for cooking. After lighting the flame to ignite the stove, they began to show their cooking skills.

Although the number of times she has cooked in person in this life is very small, but the familiar memory still made her stir-fry a series of home-cooked dishes in her impression, and then asked Wang Wuqiong, who was in charge of playing the maid, to serve them to the table.


In the main hall, Yu Baosen looked at the never-before-seen dishes on the square table in front of him. For the first time in his life, he felt the tangy aroma of cooking, and listened to Lu Zhenghao's explanation on the opposite side.

"At this time, Dongdu and Chang'an, it is more popular to eat at the same table, and it is more intimate than eating at separate tables..."

Lu Zhenghao took out a head-sized jar while explaining, and poured two glasses of clear and transparent white wine into the porcelain cups on the table.

Looking at the liquid like clear water, but exuding a mellow aroma of wine, Yu Baosen couldn't help swallowing.

I heard that this wine was created by Princess Taiping, I really never thought that I would be able to drink this stuff one day.

"Come on, let me toast Brother Yu first!" Lu Zhenghao picked up the wine glass.

Yu Baosen also quickly picked up the wine glass, touched him lightly, and was about to drink, when Lu Zhenghao reminded: "This wine is strong, be careful when drinking it."

Although he had already been reminded, the first mouthful still made him cough again and again, and his eyes were instantly red.

But after recovering, he couldn't help but say: "Good wine!"

Then he quickly put some food in his mouth.

This action made Lu Zhenghao look terrified. You know, these are all meals made by the princess herself, so it's too rude to gobble them up like this!
Afterwards, I also started to eat, but in the process of eating, I always felt a little cautious.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the rhythm of the two gradually slowed down, and they began to chat about business.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Yu Baosen's face was a little red, and he asked with a light smile: "Brother Lu asked XX to meet today, presumably there is something to discuss. Just tell me what's going on, as long as you can help, XX will definitely talk to you!"

"You can't hide it from Brother Yu!" Lu Zhenghao laughed, then subconsciously looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lu is plotting to rebel!"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Baosen's pupils shrank, and he froze in place immediately, as if his alcohol had gone down a lot in an instant.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly got up: "Suddenly remembered that there was still something to do at home, and it was getting late, so I went back first! The alcohol was strong, and my mind was a little dizzy. I didn't hear a word of what Brother Lu said just now! Let's talk about it next time..."

With that said, he turned around and left.

But Lu Zhenghao suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm: "Brother Yu, you and I have known each other for many years, and we need your help in this matter!"

Yu Baosen, who was being pulled, broke free twice, but found that he couldn't break free.

I looked around and found no one, and sat down helplessly: "Brother Lu, you and I met freely, how could you harm me like this?"

Now it was Lu Zhenghao's turn to be puzzled: "Why did Brother Yu say that?"

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