Great Tang princess

Chapter 516 1 As usual

Chapter 516

At the same time, soldiers in camouflage uniforms stood outside the six places where three thousand dead men were hidden in Zhuozhou City.

These dead men live in houses that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The gates are relatively narrow. As long as there is a man in heavy armor standing here, it will be difficult to attack.

The soldiers outside took a sneak peek and decided not to enter the yard.

Various institutions have begun to exist these days. They were originally used by hunters to deal with wild beasts, but they have also begun to be used for early warning of humans in this era.

Faced with this situation, these soldiers who have been training hard and learning cultural knowledge thought of a solution very flexibly, which is not what they thought of, because it was learned from a battle in Tubo.

Several soldiers lit smoke bombs and threw them into the yard, and then shouted: "Go water! Go water!"

The other soldiers also yelled and came over very cooperatively, but they had already drawn out their axes and prepared their ropes, and waited in ambush on both sides of the narrow doorway.

The sleeping soldiers inside heard the shouts one after another outside, opened their eyes vigilantly and sat up from the bed.

They were also very vigilant at the beginning. They opened the door first and took a look, but saw that the yard was filled with smoke, and they couldn't see anything. Coupled with the shouts outside, they suddenly panicked.

Houses in this era are all made of wood, and once a fire occurs, it will be ignited quickly.

Because the smoke was too heavy and the fire could not be seen, I didn't know where the fire had spread, and I felt a sense of crisis in my heart for a while.

"Quick! Run out!"

The leader shouted and led them to the door.

It is easy for people to miss many details in a panic. For example, they didn't notice this matter. All the people who shouted had a strong Shandong accent, and they were not natives of Zhuozhou at all.

At this time, I can't control so much. I ran out without getting dressed in time, but just as I ran out of the door, I was grabbed by the arm and pulled by the person next to me. I tripped and pushed him to the ground in a smooth manner , and then tied it up with a rope.

This was the case for several people in a row, and there were many people who came out from behind who had quick reactions. When they were grabbed by their arms, they immediately raised their hands to resist.

But let's not say that these soldiers who have a lot of training every day are much stronger than them in terms of physical fitness. Even if it is one-on-one, these people cannot be opponents.

Dead soldiers, to put it bluntly, are just a bunch of desperadoes.Their powerful feature is that they are ruthless and not afraid of death.

But compared to physical fitness, military skills and professionalism, compared with professional soldiers, it is still a lot worse.

Facing these dead soldiers who resisted, the surrounding soldiers didn't talk nonsense, they swung their axes and chopped them down.

Compared with knives, this kind of weapon can not only cut through skin and muscle, but can cut even bones at once, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

With an ax down, even if you don't die, you will lose the ability to resist.

After catching dozens of them in a row, and cutting down a dozen or so, the people inside also realized that there was something wrong, and shouted a few times to the outside, but they stopped and continued walking outside when they couldn't hear the response from their companions.

At this time, the smoke inside gradually became much lighter, and the obstruction to the line of sight was no longer serious, but this kind of fire still couldn't be seen, which was enough to explain the problem.

As a result, the remaining dead soldiers huddled in the house and did not come out. Presumably, many people inside had already taken up weapons, and they were waiting for the soldiers outside to rush in and fight to the death.

Li Yuechen doesn't understand indoor CQB combat, nor has he trained them in this aspect.

But they don't need to go in either.

The soldiers outside took a look and found that all the rooms inside were completely dark, and all the candles had been extinguished, waiting for them to enter.

The non-commissioned officer in charge of leading the team waved his hand: "Tear gas! Let go and throw it!"

Tear gas bombs are made of things like pepper powder. In this era, the cost is terribly high, and they dare not use them in normal training, so many soldiers are curious about them.

Today is actual combat, so it is natural to be able to let go of throwing it away. At worst, it will be fine to make up an excuse when writing the action report afterwards.

If you are outside, pay attention to the direction of the wind when throwing tear gas bombs to prevent them from blowing to your side.

But now that the other party is nestled in the house, there is no need to think about this at all.

The soldiers agreed, and a few soldiers cut a few holes with axes on the coarse cloth window, and the people behind lit tear gas bombs and threw them in.

Then the soldiers withdrew from the yard and stood guard at the narrow doorway, waiting for the people inside to come out by themselves.

At first there was no movement inside, but then there was unstoppable coughing and retching, and the soldiers outside were also getting ready.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the people inside couldn't hold on any longer, they burst into tears, and ran out coughing and retching.

The soldiers who had been prepared by the side swarmed up, knocked them down one by one and tied them up. If they met those who dared to resist, they would cut them down without saying a word.

In fact, there was a big gap between the numbers of the two sides. The number of dead soldiers was far more than that of Li Yuechen's soldiers. However, under the all-round crushing of equipment and tactical thinking, the number of people could not constitute an effective advantage.


On the other side, on the city wall, Yu Baosen suddenly heard heavy footsteps, took two steps forward, and leaned out to look under the city wall.

In the dark night, Li Yuechen was fully armed, wearing that heavy armor, walking gradually with his two hammers on his shoulders.

Wang Wuqiong was beside her, holding an unsheathed horizontal knife in her hand, this horizontal knife was different from the ones used by the government soldiers now, it looked very luxurious at first glance, the strips of cowhide on the handle were intertwined and intertwined, and Also added hand guards.

Li Yuechen, on the other hand, was wearing a red robe and black armor, and the mask on his helmet was not pulled down, revealing his fair face.

Because wearing a helmet, there is no way to comb the ponytail high, so although he is wearing armor at this time, this face is less heroic than usual, and has a softer feeling.

Because he was wearing armor, his footsteps were much heavier than usual, and the sound of the armor plates rubbing against each other when walking also made the heavy footsteps more textured.

After arriving at the city wall step by step, everyone hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Your Highness!"

"Well, no courtesy." Li Yuechen smiled, came to a few people, and put the hammer on his shoulder on the ground, "How is it?"

"Returning to Your Highness, we are now in action." Geng Yunqiang replied, "According to the plan, it will pay off with a cup of tea."

"Well, let's wait then."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Li Shouli and the others, and leaned against the city wall and asked, "How do you guys feel?"

Li Shouli was the first to answer: "I have learned a lot, and I feel that I have really applied what is said in the military book to practice."

Li Linghui on the side also replied: "I can gradually understand what I didn't understand in the book of war before."

The other two also feel that they have benefited a lot. The things mentioned in the book of war are still cold after all. Only those who have participated in actual combat on the spot can understand many of the details.

Li Shu said with a smile: "Now I finally understand why my aunt always says that war requires professionals."

She used to think that being a soldier was just going to the battlefield to kill people, but after she really started to study, now she gradually understands what war really means.

Listening to their answers, Li Yuechen felt very relieved. At least these years of hard work were not in vain. Next, education and thinking must be firmly grasped.

After all, to put it bluntly, among the children of the royal family, some of their fathers died because of the rebellion. Strictly speaking, they still have enmity with the royal family.

But Li Yuechen didn't want to kill them all, so the only thing he could do was to provide them with ideological education.

At the same time, elevate their status in their hearts, let them worship themselves, worship to the point of forgetting hatred, and be willing to accept their own thoughts.

Fortunately, it is not too difficult to do this kind of thing in this era, Li Yuechen is somewhat sure, and now there is a trend in this regard.

After waiting for a while, some of the soldiers sent out gradually came back to report the situation, and all six hiding places have been cleaned up.

Hearing the report, Li Yuechen nodded, and then asked: "How about the casualties of our army?"

"Return to Your Highness, the two were slightly injured, no serious injuries, no deaths!"

Such a result made Li Yuechen very satisfied, and then shouted: "Yu Baosen!"

Hearing this serious tone, Yu Baosen quickly saluted and agreed: "This subordinate is here!"

"Let your soldiers be divided into three parts. One part is responsible for pulling the corpses out of the city to dig a pit for cremation, and then bury them directly; the other part takes the utensils and washes away all the blood on the street. The last part maintains law and order in the city and prevents people from making sudden disturbances. ! Remember, it must be completed before sunrise! After sunrise, I want Zhuozhou to go back to business as usual!"

"Obey!" Yu Baosen agreed, and immediately went down to convey the order.

Li Yuechen's order was not complicated, and even the illiterate soldiers could understand it, so he acted immediately.

Teams of soldiers carried buckets to the river to fetch water, and then rushed to the battle site just now to wash the blood on the streets. In addition, many soldiers were stationed in each street, and when they saw people going out, they scolded them to go back.

There were also those carrying corpses to the outside of the city. These government soldiers and the soldiers escorting some dead soldiers passed each other, with a look of envy in their eyes.

The soldiers escorted the captured dead man to the city wall, where they stood quietly, looking up at the majestic red and black figure on the city wall.

After a while, all the dead men from the six hiding places were escorted over. These people were all tied up and made to sit cross-legged on the ground, waiting to be punished.

Looking at these captured dead soldiers, Li Yuechen thought about it, and decided to take them back and let them work as handymen.

At the same time, we can also send some of them to the east, where many projects need manpower, and these people don't need to pay them wages, as long as they don't let them starve to death, it can play a lot of role.


Seeing that the sky had begun to turn pale, some of the soldiers who went to the Lu Mansion finally came back to report the situation: "Report! The entire Lu Mansion has been brought under control!"

Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "Let's go, go and have a look! Yu Duwei, let your people take care of these people first, and wait for the rest to come back."

"Yes!" Yu Baosen hastily agreed.

Then Li Yuechen grabbed the hammer and put it on his shoulder, and walked down the city wall.Geng Yunqiang and the others also followed behind, accompanied by Lu Zhenghao.

At this time, only he is not a member of the army, so he is particularly prominent and eye-catching among them.

When Li Yuechen walked down the city wall, all the soldiers below had assembled and stood in a square formation again. With a sound of "turn right", they turned around in unison and walked in front of Li Yuechen and others to open the way for them.

Now it is different from just now, the operation is over, and there is no need to deliberately hide their voices, so the soldiers are all walking.

After years of training, although it may not be able to reach the level of the guard of honor in the future, in this era, it is definitely an existence that can shock people.

This neat pace, like a person, made all the soldiers around and the dead soldiers who were tied up couldn't help but widen their eyes and watched them leave.

At this time, the most conspicuous thing here was not Li Yuechen who was walking behind carrying two hammers, but these soldiers with their heads held high.

Whether it is the swinging range of the arms and legs, or the distance between the steps, it looks like a clone of a person to outsiders, extremely neat.

Coupled with the uniform dress and equipment, this new-age army style made Yu Baosen, who was standing on the city wall in charge of commanding the soldiers, couldn't help but tremble all over.

It was so shocking!This kind of army is simply unimaginable. I am afraid that the legendary heavenly soldiers and generals are nothing more than that?

At this time, the sky was completely white and the sun was about to rise. The visibility conditions were much better than before.

At this point, the servants and servants in Lu's mansion were almost up and ready to work.

On the contrary, when these servants put on their clothes and got up, and opened the door to go out to wash their faces, they froze in place all of a sudden.

The courtyard in front of the main hall was covered with people wearing camouflage uniforms and holding axes, and in the middle of the courtyard, the patriarch of the Lu clan and all his descendants, including many female relatives and servants, were tied up and standing in the middle of the courtyard.

Seeing these dazed servants, the nearby soldiers raised their axes and pointed at them: "Tell the people inside to come out and sit cross-legged here! If you dare to play tricks, you will be beheaded on the spot!"

These servants who had just woken up were arranged to sit cross-legged in a corner with a bewildered expression, and their hands were forcibly tied behind their wrists.

They looked at these people in camouflage uniforms with some curiosity. They were soaked all over, as if they had just been fished out of the water not long ago, and some of them were still dripping from the corners of their clothes.

They stood vigilantly all over the yard, and even several stood on the roof, monitoring the controlled people in the yard from all directions.

As captives, none of them dared to speak. From the behavior of these people, it could be seen that if they dared to speak nonsense, the ax would be chopped down.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the gate. It sounded like there was only one person, but the sound was so loud that it didn't seem like a person could make it.

The soldiers standing on the roof gestured to the comrades at the door to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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