Great Tang princess

Chapter 520 The Future of the Country

Looking at the row of graduate students in front of him, Li Yuechen waved them to sit down, then told them the matter, and then asked: "I want to hear your thoughts on this matter."

Of course, these remarks were mainly for other students, and Liu Huang was just listening in, and he was definitely indispensable for the position of an officer.

Anyway, Liu Huang is also Li Yuechen's senior brother, and people's hearts are biased. It is impossible to be absolutely fair and just in many things, so Liu Huang's position must be there.

He knew this himself, so he stood there without saying a word, trying not to attract the attention of others, and only stood by as the background board.

Others began to express their opinions, because of the education in the military academy, they knew a lot about officers and special forces.

Not to mention, there are really a few people who want to join the Jiaolong reconnaissance company and become a king of special forces.

Li Yuechen nodded and said that there is no problem. The students from these military academies can still continue to rise after staying in the special forces for a few years.

And when the time comes, not only will he be an officer, but he will also have rich actual combat experience. Maybe he will be able to propose a different combat system in the future...

From this perspective, it can be regarded as providing a way forward for the continuous optimization of special forces in the future.

It didn't take too long for the students' problems to be solved. After eating at noon, Li Yuechen started to arrange the summer vacation again.

June and July are summer vacations, and there are enough hang gliders now, so it is possible for a group of royal children to go back to Dongdu for two months and enjoy life.

In order to prevent them from going back to herd sheep, it is better to save some summer homework properly... Li Yuechen couldn't help thinking in his heart.


Another day later, the reply from Dongdu came.

In the letter, my mother said that all the affairs here will be handled by her. I believe she will be fine, but pay more attention to safety when fighting...

Shangguan Wan'er was still the same as usual, chatted a little bit, and expressed some sadness that she was going to fight. After all, the border was too far away, and there was no way to communicate for several months.

But fortunately, she is very sensible and knows the priorities, so she was asked to take care of herself in the letter. It may take a long time to go to the border, so she must keep warm when the time comes...

The other brothers and sisters chatted casually with him, not worried about the war.

After all, Li Yuechen had never lost a war for so many years, and with all kinds of advanced weapons that they couldn't imagine now, they didn't worry about such problems at all.

Looking at their reply letter, Li Yuechen couldn't help but smile, this feeling of family harmony is really good.


The day after tomorrow is the first day of June, time is running out, and Li Yuechen can't continue to rest, so he issued a notice to prepare to set off, and at the same time arranged for the hang glider to send the children back for the summer vacation.

There are not too many people who want to go to the border with her this time, only Wang Wuqiong and Liu Huang, a group of graduates from the military academy.

With a small number of people, the speed is naturally fast. Including the accompanying bodyguards and so on, the total number of people is less than one hundred.

Li Yuechen's plan was to go to Pingzhou by boat first, and then take out fish charms to mobilize the army at the Anton Protectorate's Mansion, and then mobilize some soldiers from nearby counties and counties to make peace with the frontier army.

Because only the Jiaolong reconnaissance company arrived at the border this time, their special forces are not suitable for frontal combat, they can still only be responsible for reconnaissance, and if necessary, they can even carry out infiltration operations and assassinate the enemy's senior generals.

At the same time, in order to prepare for the reform of the frontier army in the future, some artillery and grenades should also be brought, which can not only deter the enemy, but also deter our own people.

After Li Yuechen issued the notice, the entire barracks immediately took action. Early the next morning, a hang glider took off and sent the children back to Dongdu. At the same time, the logistics also began to transport the artillery and grenades to the ship.

It is actually a helpless move not to bring more people this time.After all, the construction of the shipyard and the airship here is very tense, so no one can watch.

Not to mention that the captives who have just been captured have not yet undergone various ideological education, and there is a possibility of riots at any time, so enough people must be left to suppress it.

In addition, Yantian also needs people to watch, and Li Yuechen feels more and more that the population is not enough.

It seems that after the border issue is resolved, I still need to discuss it with my mother. The establishment of the Qingdao Military Region should also be expanded, and it needs to be upgraded from a battalion-level unit to a brigade-level unit.

But in this way, Li Yuechen couldn't support him alone, because he couldn't afford it anymore.Fortunately, now that the aristocratic family has started to pay taxes, the country's financial revenue has ushered in a wave of terrifying growth, and a part of it will be earmarked for funds at that time.

The next day, the pilots who were in charge of sending the children back came back again. After reporting that the task was completed, Li Yuechen also waved his hand and announced to board the ship and set off.

Before departure, the officers in the barracks all stood on the pier to see each other off, watched the ships gradually leave the shore, set sail, and all raised their hands to salute and see them off.


Dongdu, inside the palace.

Wei Lian'er ran out anxiously: "My son is back?"

Li Xian on the side put down the brush in his hand, and smiled lightly: "It's just landed, it will take a while, don't worry."

"It's been a long time, how can you not be in a hurry?" Wei Lian'er asked back, and then walked up and down in the main hall.

Li Xian was a little disturbed by her shaking, but considering that this was the mother's longing for the child, he didn't say much. He just lay on the rocking chair and drank tea with his eyes closed, out of sight and out of mind.

Not long after, Li Xian's personal eunuch Sun Jingbang ran into the main hall: "Your Highness, you are back!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Chongrun's brothers and sisters followed in and bowed obediently: "I have seen my parents!"

"My son is back!"

Wei Lian'er immediately ran over, knelt down and held her son's face in both hands, looked over and over again, and asked endlessly, "It's a lot stronger, I think it's been a while..."

"Mother, the baby is not bitter, and I am very happy every day. I just can't help but miss Grandpa and Mother..." Li Chongrun has become a lot more sensible now, knowing that he can comfort his mother instead.

The other children were similar, and they all greeted very sensiblely.

Li Xian nodded, looking at these children, he felt quite satisfied.

It looks much stronger than children of the same age, and the walking posture looks like holding your head high, and you look energetic.

This is also natural. After all, they eat well every day and pay attention to exercise, so their bodies look very well-proportioned, and they look taller and taller than their peers.

No matter how you say it, Li Yuechen was born as a professional athlete, so he can definitely guarantee that they will receive efficient and safe training, and his physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people by a large margin.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Wei Lian'er patted the children's heads with a smile, and immediately asked people to arrange meals, and then took the children to chat, asking if they were suffering or anything.

This kind of situation happened in many places at the same time. Although some children's fathers are no longer around because of the rebellion, there are still mothers at home who pull them to talk about the family's troubles.

The only difference is Li Xian's family in the family courtyard of the military camp.

Fang Furong looked aggrieved: "The children of other kings have come back, why haven't Shouli and Shouyi come back?"

"They will enter the military academy in August, and they will become officers in the future. There is a war in this matter, so naturally they have to learn something before going to the battlefield. This is a valuable experience for the future..." Sitting beside her, Li Xian explained.

"But they are still children now, the battlefield is dangerous, how can they..." Fang Furong is just an ordinary person, who doesn't understand so many high-level reasons, but is only worried that her children will have safety problems.

Li Xian shook his head: "This is the responsibility that the royal family cannot shirk. As a royal family, you must take the lead in the charge on the battlefield. If you encounter a dangerous mission, you must also cover the retreat of others, and cut off the rear..."

"This..." Fang Furong felt a little flustered when she heard that, thinking that her child would fight the enemy head-on on the battlefield one day, she felt flustered for a while.

But Li Xian immediately continued: "If the world is to have long-term peace and stability, it must be like this. This is for the sake of the country..."

Although he has been abolished as a commoner, but no matter what, he was once a prince, and he can understand the meaning behind the policies proposed by his sister.

I also know that this is impossible. Only in this way can the royal family last for a long time. Otherwise, it will inevitably decline for a few hundred years at most.

Like his parents, Li Xian believed in his heart at this time that his younger sister had a pair of eyes that could see the future, and she must know what the fate of the country would be like, that's why she made so many and such big changes.


At the same time, the battleship Baidizi was sailing on the endless ocean, its bow was splitting the waves, its sails were bulging, and it was advancing at full speed.

Li Yuechen lay on the rocking chair under the sail, thinking in his heart that he should find an opportunity to train new crew members.

The crew should learn more knowledge, at least to understand latitude and longitude, so that it will be meaningful to make a sextant in the future, otherwise, without knowledge, they will not understand at all.

This is also a preparation for future ocean voyage plans. If you can go to the Americas to get various crops such as corn and potatoes, you will be able to improve the country's population, economy and other aspects to a higher level.

At the same time, he is also thinking about the future national strategy. This future refers not only to decades, but also hundreds of years or even a thousand years.

Li Yuechen once also thought about whether to take advantage of the strong ships and guns now, and rely on technical crushing to directly plow the entire Eurasian continent?
But if you think about it carefully, it feels unreliable. If the country is too large, the management must be able to keep up.

When it comes to the size of the country, the Yuan Dynasty is definitely the most well-deserved number one, but the problem is, I remember the history teacher said that this dynasty will disappear in less than a hundred years.

The current land area is not small.And it has begun to show a trend of being unable to manage it. A large number of various guard houses in the north can already explain the problem.

Therefore, compared to wide-scale development, Li Yuechen's plan is to develop in depth and focus most of his energy on infrastructure and people's livelihood, that is, to increase the population and economy in an all-round way.

Take the lead in letting this country enter a higher level of civilization. Besides, the reason why the world is wonderful is not because there are different countries and nations?
Different civilizations and countries compete and develop in the collision, and the world will become better and better.

The only advantage of being born in this era is that you don't have to worry.There are still more than a thousand years before the real industrial revolution, so now the country can protect the environment and pay attention to the livelihood of the people in poor areas while developing. This is not an arms race, and there is enough time.

So what we need to do now is not to develop rapidly, but to slow down, to be steady and steady, step by step.

Tall buildings are a problem to be considered in the future. What needs to be done at this time is to lay a solid and stable foundation for future generations!
Thinking of this, Li Yuechen was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, why did he feel more and more like an emperor...

Wang Wuqiong came over with a cup of hot tea: "Your Highness, it's windy on the deck, drink some hot tea."

"Hmm..." Li Yuechen reached out to take it, and then continued to think about the next question.

In order to ensure domestic security in the future, this time we must take this opportunity to push the border as far as possible. Considering the need to deter foreigners enough, Li Yuechen's idea is to push the border to Harbin at once.

Anyway, the Northeast is basically a plain area, and these foreigners within the border line, after three generations, the Sinicization patch is almost applied.

The only problem is that this time he is commanding the army to fight, and the logistics cannot keep up. Fighting in winter is easy to freeze to death.

But for Li Yuechen to lead the reconnaissance company's lone army deep into the Northeast Plain... It's impossible to think about it.

The blizzard in the Northeast is extremely terrifying. Even in the future, people will freeze to death if they say it, let alone in this era, it is not something that can be achieved overnight.

So it’s better to change the way, continue to push the border, but don’t use force, but after the reform of the frontier army here, let the people from the engineering institute come over to teach some cement making techniques, start building houses and villages here, and then gradually push it out .

With a cement room and a fireplace, at least the chance of freezing to death can be greatly reduced. Coupled with the deterrence of artillery and grenades, foreigners must not dare to invade at will.

In the future, they may even take the initiative to ask the country to accept them and become a part of this country. In this way, it can be regarded as expanding the country without bloodshed.

The only problem is that it takes a long time, but fortunately, both schools and military academies are constantly sending talents, so it's not a big problem.

It is normal for national-level plans to take decades or even hundreds of years. The only problem is that people can't live that long, so they need inheritors or successors.

However, Li Yuechen wasn't too worried about this. Now that the education of the royal family was on the right track, Confucianism was only a part of the subjects, not all of them. I believe they could make a correct judgment.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen couldn't help stretching his waist. He is an emperor who does not sit on the dragon chair. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.At least on the level of the emperor, think more about the future of this country.

Perhaps no one will ever know that Li Yuechen set the tone for the future of the country on the ship Baidizi.

What she wants is not the longevity of the country, but the eternity of the country!

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