Great Tang princess

Chapter 524 Arrival

The governor of Jian'an Prefecture was very efficient about what the princess told him. It took only three days to transport the artillery and grenades back, and put them all in the post house.

Now the entire post house has been booked out, and everyone accompanying this time lives in it. Li Yuechen has also checked the roster for a long time in the past few days, and has temporarily determined the number of people who need to be mobilized.

Because there are no public security law enforcement agencies in this era, and they are generally managed by government soldiers at the same time, so it is absolutely impossible to transfer all the troops. In this way, public security in the city will become a problem instead.

Pingzhou will mobilize some, and the states and counties along the way will mobilize some more, enough to gather 100,000 people, enough to effectively manage the expanded territory after winning the war.

At the same time, we must also consider the issue of reclaiming fields and stationing troops here. Now that the northeast is almost all grasslands, it is actually not easy to grow food.

But it is impossible for this side to always count on transporting grain and supplies from the hinterland. After all, it is still necessary to find a way to develop the economy, so the main problem is to garrison troops and farmland.

In addition, after the aristocratic family paid taxes, the tax revenue of the imperial court increased by more than ten times, and there was also surplus money to build a military area here and raise a group of professional soldiers.

In addition, a group of retired government soldiers can be recruited, and they can be given preferential treatment, form a production and construction corps, and use all their strength to open up wasteland and develop this place.

Now the land is big enough, but the population is not enough. We must find ways to develop the economy and population. Otherwise, once these places are abandoned, they will easily become a drag on the country.

It took Li Yuechen a few days to make a plan, the things were shipped, and the number of people was confirmed, so he ordered a rest, replenished supplies, and prepared to go.

However, the day before departure, the governor of Jian'an Prefecture, Gong Renyou, came to see the princess with a gift.

As the governor of a state, he can tell from the actions of the princess that there must be a military operation next. If possible, he also wants to participate.

After all, this is military merit, and with the princess, the God of War, he will definitely not lose. Who wouldn't want such a military merit that is almost like Bai Jian?
Li Yuechen can actually understand his thoughts, but it is impossible to bring him, after all, there is the first one, and the leaders of other states and counties later said that they want to share a piece of the pie, should they bring him or not?So this opening cannot be opened.

Looking at Gong Renyou who looked expectant in front of him, Li Yuechen took a sip of tea: "I understand Dudu Gong's thoughts. But you also have to understand that being loyal to the country does not necessarily require military merit, right? Taking advantage of this palace to defend against foreign enemies , ensuring internal stability is also a very important task..."

Li Yuechen nagged for a while, meaning to tell him, stay here obediently, don't go anywhere, otherwise you will be asked not to do it, and some people will do it.

This is really not a joke. Anyway, there are several more places for graduation from the military academy this time. If they are really asked to be governors, they will definitely be able to do it, regardless of their young age.

Gong Renyou originally thought that this matter should be stable, even if it didn't work out, the princess would definitely give him some rewards in order to stabilize him.

However, he didn't expect such a beating when he came up, which made him freeze in place.

How do you feel that this princess doesn't play her cards according to the routine?This style of behavior does not want to be a soldier at all, but like an official.

He wanted to think about it, but what the princess said still shocked him, and he quickly apologized and admitted his mistake.

It is a very serious matter to be dissatisfied by the princess. If the princess gets angry, it will be fine to chop him off on the spot!
After walking out of the post house, Gong Renyou suddenly realized that all these years, he had always thought that the princess's current status was due to the army.But in reality, it should be the other way around.

It is the army of the whole country that relies on such a princess to have such a situation today.

All the soldiers in the country yearn to join the princess' army one day and become one of them.Rather than the princess yearning to join the army elsewhere.


Without delaying here for too long, Li Yuechen announced his departure and took his troops and supplies all the way north to the current border, which is the future Changchun.From Dunhua to Yanji.

This is the real national border. As for the outside, theoretically it can be regarded as its own territory all the way to Lake Baikal, but the actual control power can't keep up.

Outside the borders, all the tribes adopt an autonomous attitude, nominally surrendering, but in fact it is not surprising to rebel whenever.

Marching in this era is actually a very troublesome thing. Generally speaking, infantry needs to be at the forefront, the command center is in the middle, and logistics and non-combatants are at the end.

In addition to exploring the way ahead, most of the fast mobile troops are on both sides of the large troops, which is convenient for taking care of emergencies before and after.

Although it is said that the Turks pay tribute to a lot of horses every year, they have not given the level of one horse to each of the ordinary government soldiers. Therefore, at this moment, there are still a large number of infantry walking in front, and the marching speed will naturally not be fast.

And the most troublesome thing is that ordinary soldiers have not received special training in camping, nor do they have corresponding equipment, so they can only get up in the morning and go on their way every day, and stop at noon.

After lunch, you have to set up camp. In this era of camps, you can’t just set up a few tents. You also need to build simple walls and watchtowers. It takes a whole afternoon to do it.

Especially after Li Yuechen ordered them to build a simple toilet, it actually became more troublesome.

But this is very necessary. We must know that the excrement of tens of thousands of people is a huge pathogen. If it is not controlled well, once the plague breaks out, the consequences can be quite serious.

Li Yuechen himself is actually fine. When he first went to the battlefield in his teens, he also followed this kind of army, so he was quite used to it.

But people like Liu Huang, who are regarded as military officers of the new era from a certain point of view, feel a little unbearable. They all walk in the camp frowning, as if they feel incredible until now.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Li Yuechen came to them and asked, "Why do you all look like this?"

"This seems to be different from His Highness's army..." A student replied cautiously.

Li Yuechen nodded: "It is indeed different. We are a new type of army. But you must understand that this new army was formed after absorbing their experience. As future officers of the new army, you must not only look forward to the future, but also Remember the past. Could it be that without new equipment, when the country is in danger, the war will not be fought?"

I have to say that pouring chicken soup is still good, at least it can mobilize the enthusiasm of some people.

At least Liu Huang and the others raised their eyebrows after being taught a lesson, and talked to the busy soldiers about a little fight, and at the same time helped with some work, so that the camp could be built faster.

I don't deny that these people may also have some intentions to express themselves in front of His Highness, but even so, it is enough, at least they cannot be separated from these soldiers.

They are also soldiers of the country, and there is no distinction between high and low.

The special forces and the cooking soldiers are both part of the national army, and there must be no situation where one of them looks down on the other.

When passing through other states and counties along the way, Li Yuechen didn't stop much. Basically, he just replenished supplies, and then selected some people from the local Zhechong Mansion to add them to the queue, and then continued on the road.

In fact, it is easy to have conflicts among the government soldiers in these different places, but after Li Yuechen resolved several conflicts, even the government soldiers have calmed down.

Of course, the method she adopted is very simple, that is, whoever I say is wrong in this matter is wrong. If you are not convinced, come and compare with me. If you can win, do as you say.

Although it sounded a little domineering, in fact, no one expressed dissatisfaction.

At certain times, Li Yuechen's behavior is indeed no different from that of a hooligan, but she will definitely figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and will not make blind decisions indiscriminately.

Rather, such an approach is more effective in the army.

When Li Yuechen was in the orphanage, he met many veterans who had participated in the Vietnam War. When he grew up, he also saw many foreign soldiers who had been on the battlefield in the beautiful country.

In many cases, there is really only a fuzzy line between soldiers and hooligans, and occasionally vacillates between this line.

Especially for the older generation of soldiers, it is really common for them to talk about "Lao Tzu" one by one. Soldiers like Li Yunlong do exist in real life.

Under their influence, although Li Yuechen seldom calls himself an "old lady" anymore, he still looks like a gangster occasionally in terms of behavior, especially when he is in the army.

But no matter where the soldiers join in, they will eventually be overwhelmed by her personal charm, obediently obey orders and commands.

In this way, it took almost a month for Li Yuechen to bring [-] troops to Fuyu City on the border.After more than a thousand years, this place should be called Siping.

At this time, Geng Yunqiang had been waiting here for a long time, and even set up a simple barracks outside the city. Hearing that Li Yuechen had led the troops, he came out to greet him immediately.

When they saw the dark army approaching, Geng Yunqiang and several of his men jumped off their horses and stood by the roadside waiting for the princess to come.

Because the scouts had notified them in advance, the infantry walking in the front did not stop, but they all looked at these people in camouflage with a little envy.

This camouflage uniform seemed so beautiful to them. While it was clean and tidy, it also looked tall and straight, making it look very mighty.

When the team was walking in the middle, several people leaned over immediately, came to Li Yuechen and raised their hands in salute: "Your Highness!"

Li Yuechen jumped off the horse with one leap: "Well, how are you getting ready?"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, everything has been prepared." Geng Yunqiang replied.

"That's good, let's go in!"

Geng Yunqiang and others came to greet them almost ten miles out of the city. The governor of Fuyu City should also come and follow them, but Geng Yunqiang refused.

He knew that Li Yuechen didn't like to socialize, if the governor of Fuyu City came over and chatted for ten miles, the princess would definitely find it troublesome.

As a confidant, he knew the princess well, so he just let him stay on the city wall and wait.

While walking in the direction of the city, Geng Yunqi introduced the situation here. The governor of Fuyu City is called Tong Xing. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as half a barbarian, and he has a considerable understanding of foreign tribes.

During this time, Geng Yunqiang also asked him a lot about the situation. The Mohe people's tribe is not far from the border, but their tribe is still relatively large. Once a war starts, they can probably gather around 200,000 people.

The nomads themselves are in a state where all the people are soldiers. Both men and women can fight on horseback.

But compared with the domestic army, there is another characteristic that the management is too loose, there is not much training in normal times, and the combat method is relatively simple.

It was the cavalry rushing forward, like locusts passing through the border, overwhelming the blackness.

Relying on its high mobility, it can fight if it can fight, and run if it can't fight, and it is easy to break through the infantry formation.

"Speaking of which, my subordinates recently heard that many foreigners have been buying ironware over the years, and seem to be recruiting blacksmiths at the same time..." Geng Yunqiang's tone was a little worried, "Whether..."

In the battles in the Western Regions a few years ago, many of the horses on my side had their hooves cut off. At that time, all the cavalry under Li Yuechen were equipped with horseshoes. Now it seems that this thing may have become popular among foreigners. opened.

After all, it is normal for nomads to fight and annex each other. They fight almost every day, which is why they are all soldiers.

In this case, it is normal for things like horseshoes to become popular.

Assuming that the news Geng Yunqiang got is true, then it is very likely that all the cavalry of the Mohe people are equipped with this thing.

Li Yuechen once said that this kind of thing can directly increase the combat effectiveness of the nomads by a dimension, so this war may be a little troublesome.

Seeing his expression, Li Yuechen suddenly smiled, raised his hand and pointed his thumb at the back, "Why worry? Look at those!"

Geng Yunqiang turned his head and picked up the binoculars hanging around his neck to look at the rear of the team. When he saw the dozens of cannons and the whole box of grenades, his originally serious expression finally relaxed.

With this thing, the threat posed by the horseshoe is almost negligible.

"Of course, even though you have brought these things this time, you should not underestimate yourself. The beast Botu is also doing its best, and you must not make mistakes because of underestimating the enemy!" Li Yuechen said, "You know, now that you are the commander, you can make decisions with one order. The life and death of soldiers!"

"Yes, my subordinates will bear in mind His Highness' teaching!" Geng Yunqiang immediately saluted and agreed.

Li Yuechen nodded, and then carefully thought about this combat operation. Unlike the previous war with the Turks, this time he completely planned to expand the territory.

In order to prevent the news from being leaked, Li Yuechen had already informed Geng Yunqiang before coming that he had to do a good job of blocking the news, absolutely not allowing the news of his arrival to spread outside, so the current Fuyu City is actually in a state of martial law that does not allow entry or exit. .

At the same time, she couldn't help thinking that she once heard a friend who was a military fan say that the beautiful country woke up the whole world in the Gulf War. She wondered if she would wake up the entire Eurasian continent in this war?

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