Great Tang princess

Chapter 528 Humanoid Meteor Hammer

Li Yuechen was the first to run out of the city gate, then suddenly lowered her head, the mask on the helmet just fell, blocking her face.

Behind them are Wang Wuqiong and other guards.

The role of these guards is mainly to take care of the enemies on both sides and behind her.They don't have to worry about the front side at all.

The black and red colors are very visually impactful on the battlefield, and the enemy can notice her almost at a glance.

When she ran out of the city gate, the soldiers in the first row on the opposite side were almost under the city wall, and the two sides met face to face.

Li Yuechen kicked hard, his whole body jumped high, raised the hammer in his right hand and smashed it at the opposite soldier.

If you could look sideways at this time, you could only see Li Yuechen alone, facing thousands of cavalry, jumping from the spot by himself from a height of nearly ten feet, and launched an attack on the soldiers on the opposite side.

Soldiers on the prairie are rarely able to afford polearms, which are generally something that only slave owners can have.

For ordinary cavalry, what they usually hold in their hands is a scimitar with grassland characteristics.

Seeing Li Yuechen leaping high, the opposite soldier subconsciously raised his scimitar across his head, ready to block.

As if Li Yuechen didn't see it, the sledgehammer in his hand slammed on the blade.

The seemingly hard scimitar did not cause any obstacles to Li Yuechen. This hammer directly smashed all the lumbar vertebrae of the opponent's soldiers, including the man and the horse, and spread them limply on the ground.

She didn't stop after landing, and continued to attack the next soldier.

He yelled and raised the scimitar, went straight to Li Yuechen's shoulder and chopped it off.

In fact, this action was rather troublesome. After all, the horses in the grassland are big. If you want to cut someone from the top to the bottom, you have to bend down.

However, Li Yuechen's height is 1.7 meters, which is a figure that stands out from the crowd in this era, so this cut can be said to be quite smooth.

Li Yuechen waved his hand and threw the hammer away.

At the same time that the opponent's soldier chopped her shoulder, the hammer in her hand also hit the opponent's chest.

The scimitar only left a light white scratch on her shoulder, but her hammer directly knocked off the soldier on the opposite side, and flew upside down in mid-air for more than a foot.

After falling to the ground, he lay on the ground and vomited blood. The sternum had completely collapsed, and it was obvious that he could not survive.

Just these two strokes already frightened the surrounding Mohe soldiers.

When faced with an enemy of overwhelming strength, it is easy to lose your cool and become frightened.

Losing your calm means losing your judgment. In this case, it is easy to make some wrong decisions.

Perhaps because they were too frightened, several Mohe soldiers around shouted incomprehensible words and rushed towards her waving their weapons.

Among them, the soldier running at the front pulled the reins abruptly, causing the two front legs of the horse under his crotch to jump high, as if intending to use the power of the horse to deal with her.

However, this kind of tactic may be effective against ordinary people, but it is still not enough to face Li Yuechen.

She raised the sledgehammer with her left hand and pressed it directly against the chest of the war horse, no matter how its two front legs fluttered, it couldn't fall down again.

At the same time, the sledgehammer in his right hand swung violently, hitting the horse's shoulder.

With a muffled sound, the war horse neighed in pain, and its huge and heavy body fell down, directly crushing the soldiers on its back.

In a few seconds, Li Yuechen had already knocked down several of them in a row.

The Mohe soldiers around were terrified, and the soldiers behind also rushed out in a battle formation, and then immediately dispersed in an encircling manner.

The heavy armored infantry walked at the front with their shields held up, and behind them, spear soldiers protruded their guns from the gaps in the shields, and then slowly pushed forward.

At the same time, with the messy roar on both sides, [-] cavalry came out from both sides and surrounded all the Mohe people like a tide, leaving only a back road less than [-] meters wide behind.

This is not because there are not enough people, but because Li Yuechen deliberately did this. As the saying goes, it is for better hunting.

If they are completely surrounded, under the battle of trapped beasts, these people may re-condense their huge explosive power.

But it was different now. He was already terrified because of Li Yuechen's terrifying fighting power. When he saw an exit, he would naturally try to retreat.

But this road is not wide enough, so in this case, they will mess up themselves.

In a messy situation, it is definitely impossible to obey the command. In this way, it is tantamount to paralyzing the other party's command system in disguise.

As the old saying goes, when two people fight, it depends on their physical fitness.Group fights of thousands of people depend entirely on the command.

If the enemy's command cannot keep up, the combat effectiveness will naturally drop drastically.

In fact, just as she expected, the enemy army ordered to retreat when they saw the figure in red robe and black armor appearing on the city wall.

Not to mention the effect of blowing people away at the first meeting, it can fully prove that this person is not someone else, but the real Princess Taiping.

The enemy army who saw this scene naturally issued an order to retreat immediately. Except for a few Mohe soldiers who were intimidated and lost their minds and still dared to take up weapons to attack her, the others had already turned around and prepared to escape. .

There are always 60,000 people surrounded by cavalry on both sides, including soldiers from the reconnaissance company. Looking at the soldiers who started to flee, they picked up grenade launchers one after another, ignited the grenade and shot it out.

There was another round of violent explosions, followed by dust in the air that was lifted up and screams one after another.

In order to ensure that the enemy only dared to run in the direction of the reserved exit when they fled, they shot a grenade in front of them and exploded, so that they would not be tough with the cavalry responsible for the encirclement.

Sure enough, looking at the bloody soldiers and horses that were bombed in front, the remaining Mohe soldiers also quickly turned around and fled in the reserved direction.

In fact, this is an unbelievable picture. 200,000 cavalry were chased and beaten by [-] infantry, and they lost their rhythm in a mess. They only cared about fleeing and almost completely lost their fighting spirit.

But with the blessing of artillery and grenades, such an outrageous record will not make people feel abrupt, but should be taken for granted.

On the city wall, Tong Xing, Geng Yunqiang and other officers all watched the scene below with their own eyes, and they had different thoughts in their hearts.

And Li Shouyi, who had finished vomiting, and the others also came over and continued to observe the situation. Although there was still some nausea in their hearts, they still tried to divert their attention as much as possible.

Li Shouli patted Geng Yunqiang's arm: "Obviously we have already trapped the other party, why don't we completely surround him?"

"Your Majesty does not know, this is His Highness's brilliance. If you completely surround the opponent and know that it is difficult to escape, you may fight to the death. Even though I am not afraid of them, in order to reduce the casualties of our army, Your Highness will leave a mouth... ..."

Listening to her explanation, Li Linghui nodded suddenly: "My aunt once said that every death of a soldier in our army is a loss, so in a war, the casualty rate must be considered..."

Geng Yunqiang nodded: "The nobleman is right. The casualty rate is reduced, which can effectively preserve the strength of our army. Even if we can't take it for a while, we still have enough strength for a long-term guerrilla battle in the future..."

He was very clear about Li Yuechen's plan, and he also knew that these nobles would become his immediate bosses in the future, so he explained it in a very detailed way, almost more detailed than what the teachers in the military academy taught.

If they didn't understand something, they took it apart and explained it very carefully, trying to make each of them understand the meaning thoroughly.

Tong Xing next to him looked dizzy and numb.

It has to be said that Princess Taiping's strength has been spread all over the world, but for those who have never seen it with their own eyes, no matter how outrageous the legend is, it is not as shocking as watching it on the spot.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of powerful combat power is a god descending from the earth.

At this time, Li Yuechen under the city wall was like a dagger, constantly stabbing forward among the dark Mohe soldiers.

Without exception, all the enemies in front of them were killed on the spot by the huge double hammers, but they were lucky to die on the spot.

And those who are unlucky will not die at that time, and will have to persist for a while in the great pain that spreads all over the body before they die.

There are also a few whose lumbar vertebrae were broken by a hammer, and their lower bodies have no feeling at all. The smell of excrement accompanied by screams came from their bodies, and they continued to crawl on the ground with their hands that were still barely moving.

However, he was soon trampled to death by the heavy armored infantry who were advancing steadily behind him. Some kind-hearted soldiers would even take out their horizontal knives and give him a blow, so that he could end the pain as soon as possible.

Li Yuechen seemed reckless, but in fact, he kept a distance from the infantry phalanx behind him, and he didn't pull too far away, ensuring that he could support each other at any time.

She also knows very well that although she is powerful in combat and can be regarded as a humanoid tank, once surrounded by a large number of enemy troops, one person and one foot can smash herself into meat sauce.

So she thought about the distance of other team members behind her, and tried her best to prevent herself from falling so as to give the enemy a chance to swarm up.

The sound on the battlefield is very chaotic, and unless many people are shouting together, it is basically impossible to hear anything clearly.

While Li Yuechen kept waving his double hammers among the enemy troops, he also gestured to the soldiers behind him from time to time, asking them to gradually expand the formation according to his orders.

Now most of the enemy's attention is on how to escape, so the battle formation can be expanded from the depth mode to both sides to expand the encirclement.

In such a situation where the enemy army is busy fleeing, they definitely don't dare to turn around and attack, but they don't have to worry about their defense line being penetrated.


Perhaps it was because the commander of the enemy army also realized that Li Yuechen could not be allowed to rush through the crowd like this, otherwise, according to her frequency of killing one person with one breath, 200,000 people here would not be enough for her to fight.

It stands to reason that the battlefield consumes physical strength very quickly, and it is impossible for most people to engage in high-intensity battles for a long time.

But from the time she came out to the present, it was almost time for a cup of tea, but she kept rushing to the front, without any deformation in her movements.

No one knows how long her physical strength can last. In order to ensure that the soldiers can escape smoothly, several commanders suddenly roared, gathered their own guards, turned around and ran towards this side.

Two of them took out a hemp rope, grabbed one end of each other, and then gradually spread it out, rushing towards Li Yuechen.

Because of vision and attention, Li Yuechen didn't see it immediately, but other people on the city wall did.

Li Shouli lay on the wall and yelled, "Auntie, be careful!"

Although the roar was quickly drowned out on the chaotic battlefield, he still roared regardless.

On the other hand, Geng Yunqiang said with a relaxed smile, "Your Majesty, don't worry, they underestimate His Highness too much!"

He could see their intentions, they wanted to pull the hemp rope and run from both sides, avoiding the princess's attack range, and at the same time tie her up in a circle.

Because the hemp rope is soft after all, it is impossible to break it with a hammer, even if it is a princess, it is still a bit laborious to deal with this thing.

However... they don't know anything about the power of the princess!
With a hammer, Li Yuechen sent the Mohe soldiers in front flying more than a foot away, and then he noticed two people riding queens on both sides, and a group of people came towards him on horseback behind him.

Because he was wearing a mask, his vision was a bit limited. Li Yuechen turned his head left and right, and saw the people who were the first to run over from both sides. There seemed to be a thick hemp rope connected in the middle.

To be honest, the intention of rushing from the front is too obvious. For an athlete of Li Yuechen's level, as long as he grabs the rope and comes over for a moment, he can dodge perfectly with a flip on the spot!
But the problem is that it is easy to avoid by yourself, but this hemp rope will definitely be able to bring the infantry behind to a large area.

At that time, it will be quite troublesome to regroup and continue the siege. Even if the commander on the opposite side sees this opportunity, he may order to charge in reverse.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen decided not to hide, but there are only two horses, and with their own strength, they can still compete.

So at the moment when the hemp rope was about to stick to his chest, he let go of his hammer and reached forward with both hands, grabbing the hemp rope directly in his hands.

Seeing this scene, the two people holding the hemp rope thought in their hearts that they had succeeded, no matter whether she caught her or not, as long as she touches the rope, the two of them just need to run in circles and tie her up!

Thinking of this, he reached out to untie the rope tied around his waist, so that he could circle around for a while.

However, before she could untie it, Li Yuechen swung her right hand violently, and the soldier on her right only felt her body freeze, and the next moment, she was directly pulled into mid-air by the rope.

Before he could react, he felt that the surrounding scenery began to change rapidly, and his body seemed to become a little light.

But at this moment, whether it is the people in the enemy army who saw this scene, or the people observing the battlefield on the city wall, or even the heavy armored infantry behind Li Yuechen... all of them opened their eyes in disbelief when they saw this scene , opened his mouth, and was completely stunned!

Li Yuechen kept swaying his arms sharply, grasping a hemp rope more than ten meters long, and swung this person in a circle in mid-air like a meteor hammer.

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