The Shangyuan Festival is not only crowded during the day, but also at night. The scale is more than one year, and it can be clearly felt that the people in Dongdu are also more than one year.

In the evening, Li Yuechen originally planned to change into inconspicuous clothes and go out for a walk, but when he stood on the top floor of Mingtang, he saw that the street was crowded with people, almost shoulder to shoulder.

Especially in some more prosperous places, it is almost crowded with people, just like eating dumplings.

Shangguan Wan'er, who was standing aside, couldn't help but turned her head and asked, "Your Highness, do you still want to go shopping?"

"Forget it, don't go."

Although it is good to have a lot of people, it is really troublesome to be so crowded.

Ordinary people can forget it, but royal family members travel, even if they are in micro-clothes, there are not too few accompanying bodyguards, and accidents are prone to happen in this kind of crowd.

She turned her head and looked at Wu Zetian who was boarding the Ming Hall together: "Aniang, this is the Lantern Festival, let's change it in the future."

"How to change?" Wu Zetian asked back.

"Nowadays, the curfew is only canceled on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year, and there are too many people gathering. It is better to change the Lantern Festival to the fourteenth, and cancel the curfew on the fifteenth and sixteenth. In this way, there should not be so many people. people."

Regarding her daughter's suggestion, Wu Zetian bowed his head and thought for a while, then nodded: "It is possible! Then next year when the Shangyuan Festival starts, let's change it to three days."

In fact, things like curfews will inevitably be abolished when the country's economy develops to a certain stage.

It is said that there was no curfew during the Song Dynasty, which should be a manifestation of economic development.

But for now, it is still very troublesome to completely cancel the curfew in this era. The biggest difficulty is the lighting problem.

Candles in this era are usually exclusive items for the upper class, because their main raw materials come from luxury goods such as honey, which ordinary people generally cannot afford.

I bought two occasionally on the Lantern Festival, which is considered to be a relatively good family condition.

Speaking of which, Li Yuechen felt that he should consider letting the people from the Engineering Academy in Dongdu to study this subject.

If cheap candles can be made, it will be possible to gradually open the curfew in the future.

Thinking about it this way, there are really a lot of things in the future.


This year's Shangyuan Festival was spent in the palace.

The elder brothers originally wanted to enter the palace to accompany their mother, but Wu Zetian said that it would be better for them not to enter the palace too often, so they all drove them away after lunch.

At night, only Li Yuechen accompanied his mother to watch the lanterns on the city wall, the bustling Eastern Capital.

As for the brothers, they must have been dragged out by their own children to go shopping in microservices.

The Mingtang is much higher than the city wall. Standing here and looking down, there is really a feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance. Compared with the city wall of the imperial city, you can see more than half of the Eastern Capital here, and the view is really wide.

Wu Zetian suddenly felt a little emotional: "Since Chen'er was born, this country has seen some new changes every year..."

From her point of view, the environment before and after giving birth to this daughter seemed completely different.

After all, from the perspective of the ancients, I am afraid that it is difficult to see any changes in a lifetime, which is why I feel that many ancestral precepts are very practical.

But when society begins to develop rapidly, and the speed is so fast that people feel dizzying, children will naturally question the education of their elders at home.

This situation is extremely obvious in the 21st century. The biggest reason is that society develops too fast, and children feel that what their parents teach is completely different from what they actually teach.

Ever since her daughter was born, Wu Zetian also felt this way, as if she was a little out of touch with the country.

Many of her ideas are so wild and unconstrained that it is difficult for herself who thinks she is a smart person to understand.

"Actually, the change is not too obvious..." Li Yuechen replied with a smile.

Wu Zetian didn't know what the world looked like in her eyes, but she didn't ask too much. She was also old, as long as she knew that her daughter would be fine.

After staying in the Ming Hall for a while, the mother and daughter returned to Jixian Hall, poured a cup of tea and chatted about their plans for this year.

"My boy will still be in Qingdao in the next year. Many things need to be followed up. I should go to Harbin in the second half of the year. Some skills of the frontier army will need to be trained by me..."

Listening to Li Yuechen's work plan, Wu Zetian felt that there were some parts that she didn't understand, but it didn't matter, since she had made such a detailed plan, she should be sure of it.

Shangguan Wan'er was equally curious. Now that the military system has been formed, what skills do she need to train herself in the past.

Li Yuechen could see her thoughts through her expression, and smiled slightly: "It's just skiing. If you have a chance in the future, I'll let you see for yourself."

"Of course, this skill is a little troublesome to train, so it may not be possible to come back next year..."

Compared with what skiing is, Shangguan Wan'er reacted more to this sentence, but she didn't say anything. After being stunned for a while, she continued to concentrate on making tea.

After chatting until late at night, Wu Zetian felt a little sleepy, so he waved the two of them to leave.


Once the Shangyuan Festival is over, even if the New Year is over, the court will officially start to work.

The children's winter vacation is also announced to be over, and it's time to prepare to leave for Qingdao.

But before that, there is one more thing to do.

The first thing after going to court on the [-]th day of the first lunar month was to announce that the curfew would be canceled and changed to three days starting from the Shangyuan Festival next year. At the same time, it was announced that Princess Taiping Li Yuechen had made great achievements in opening up the territory and land, and was officially named the world's soldiers and horses. marshal.

The ministers didn't have any special reaction to this news, which can be said to be expected.

First, he discovered the evidence of Lu's rebellion and collusion with foreign tribes, and then he led troops to fight all the way out. Not only did they not let the foreign tribes succeed, but they also laid down a larger piece of land for the country.

Since ancient times, there have been only a few kinds of great contributions. Apart from saving people, the achievements of opening up territories are not insignificant.

It is normal to confer this official position.

But the only problem is that Princess Taiping already has the post of Secretary of the Ministry of War, and she is already considered the highest military administrator in the country. If you add a general of the world's soldiers and horses, it will be no different from Emperor Taizong's Tiance Admiral. .

No, not even more than that.

Many ministers felt that the emperor should be choosing an heir. After all, having achieved such a position, it seemed unreasonable not to be the crown prince.

When the princess became emperor, most of the courtiers actually had no opinion. After all, her surname was Li, and she became emperor, so the country name could be changed back to Tang.

But the question is how to choose her successor?
This year the princess is 26 and still not married, and she is in the upper class. It is not a secret that she has a relationship with Shangguan Wan'er. There is a high probability that she will never get married for the rest of her life.

Then if she becomes the emperor, there are no more than two options for choosing an heir.Either adopt one from among the siblings, or find a way to have one by yourself.

In fact, in this era, although the adopted son is also recognized by the clan, the royal family is different. The royal family must value the blood more, and it is impossible to allow this kind of thing to happen.

All of a sudden, many ministers became entangled, where to stand in the future, this is a headache.

But Li Yuechen didn't care what they thought at all, he was busy with another matter now, the awarding ceremony.


The seventeenth day of the first lunar month, in the morning.In the Qianniuwei barracks outside the palace, the emperor's imperial driver entered the barracks.

On the playground, all the soldiers were wearing straight military uniforms, standing on the training ground in several square teams like javelins.

The gorgeous royal driver slowly drove into the playground and stopped beside the podium.

The car door opened, and Shangguan Wan'er walked out first, then got out of the car while supporting Wu Zetian's arm.

All the soldiers on the playground remained silent, no one made a sound, they were as neat as a sculpture.

Li Yuechen walked out from the side, came to the front of the car, and guided the emperor gradually onto the podium.

Today's Li Yuechen was different from usual, very rare wearing a pure black military uniform, with his jet-black hair coiled behind his head, and three silver hairpins were inserted to fix it.

This hairstyle looks a lot more mature, and with the height of 1.7 meters seven, it makes the whole body look a lot taller and straighter.

The army is very particular about the sense of ceremony, so today Li Yuechen is not smiling like usual, but has a serious face.

Wu Zetian walked up to the podium slowly with steady steps. At this moment, Geng Yunqiang trotted over and raised his hand in salute: "Your Majesty has seen you!"

"Excuse me!" Wu Zetian slightly raised his hand.

Geng Yunqiang turned his head and reported to Li Yuechen: "Your Highness, the season of the whole tour is over! Please order!"

"Take a break!"


After agreeing, he saluted again, then turned around and shouted: "Slow down!"

With a "crash", all the soldiers spread their legs apart, put their hands behind their backs, and stood on the spot with their heads held high.

Li Xian and Li Dan also attended today's conferment ceremony with their children, but they are not yet members of the army, so they were arranged to stand by and watch.

Not to mention, in this uniformed barracks, the few of them looked extremely conspicuous.

Afterwards, Zhang Chengxin stood up from behind, came to the podium, took out the imperial decree, and began to read aloud: "The destiny belongs to, the whole world submits, Li Yuechen, the Taiping Princess of Zhenguo, expands the territory..."

This kind of imperial decree is usually written very neatly, and it is very demanding to read it with rhythm and rhythm.

But at the same time, because the grammar is relatively complicated, even though education is promoted in the army, many soldiers still look confused and feel that they can't understand it at all.

It's just that they can understand the last two sentences: "Feng, Li Yuechen, Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, is the general of the world's soldiers and horses; Feng, Geng Yunqiang is the lieutenant general of Qianniuwei..."

Finally, after understanding these words, the soldiers, led by Li Yuechen, raised their hands and began to applaud.

In fact, there is no such etiquette of applauding in this era, Wu Zetian also felt a little confused, but let alone, standing on this podium and watching thousands of people applauding below, it feels quite good.

Then came the awarding ceremony. The generals were awarded the titles, and the emperor was asked to come in person.So today's Li Yuechen and Geng Yunqiang are both in charge of Wu Zetian.

Fortunately, I had practiced once yesterday, and it was not difficult.

When Wu Zetian came in front of her daughter, she took off her admiral's epaulets in a strange manner, while Shangguan Wan'er beside her was holding a tray in which was the four-star marshal epaulets that had just been made.

She put the removed epaulettes in the tray, and then put the Marshal epaulets on for her. Compared with the unfamiliarity just now, her technique was a little more proficient.

But Li Yuechen couldn't help thinking, the future emperors were all from the army, so what title should the emperor wear?Could it be five stars?

Thinking of this, I feel that it is not feasible. The emperor is the son of a real dragon. In the future, the emperor's epaulettes should be designed as a golden dragon. In this way, it can be regarded as highlighting the importance of the emperor.

While Li Yuechen was thinking about these things, Wu Zetian also put on the epaulettes for her, and then came to Geng Yunqiang, and personally put on the two-star lieutenant general's epaulettes for him.

This is not the first time Geng Yunqiang has seen the emperor, but he still saw it so close, and even put on epaulettes for himself, which is already a matter of Guangzong Yaozu.

After wearing the epaulets, he raised his hands in salute with excitement, his voice trembling: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wu Zetian nodded slightly in response.

After the conferring ceremony was over, all the soldiers below followed Li Yuechen and Geng Yunqiang to stand at attention, raised their hands in salute, and said in unison: "Long live my emperor!"

The sonorous and powerful roar resounded on Mount Mang, and even startled a large number of birds, like a mountain god sneezing, causing the nearby creatures to react in various ways.


After the conferring ceremony, Li Yuechen announced that he would fly back to Qingdao directly tomorrow.

Even though Li Xian and Li Dan's family had a lot of reluctance, they knew that this was an unavoidable path for the children of the royal family in the future, so they didn't say much.

Moreover, yesterday's conferring ceremony really shocked the two of them. This army has undergone fundamental changes from the former Fubing, and it is no longer the same type of army.

The children are quite excited. After being in school for a long time, they always feel comfortable at home, no matter what they do, they are always taken care of.

But after returning home from vacation for a long time, I still find it interesting to go outside. After all, Qingdao has the sea, shipyards, and huge salt fields.

They can even go to the training ground to play grenades and artillery when they are free, but the number is strictly limited and they cannot play too much.

But this is not enough. During the winter vacation, the children wanted to play with grenades and artillery more than once, but they were all scolded by the second uncle.

Not to mention them, even if their own sons Li Shouli and Li Shouyi wanted to play, they would not let them play, saying that the cost of this thing was too expensive to give them to play with.

Today's children's understanding of the army is still concentrated on the front line. They don't know about the logistics cost. They simply think that the second uncle is too stingy, unlike his aunt, and occasionally allows them to play.

Of course, Li Yuechen wouldn't let them play every day. Most of the time, she still taught them to play football or parkour and other sports, and exploded grenades every day.

The next day, after saying goodbye to his family and Shangguan Waner, Li Yuechen took the children and flew to Qingdao on a hang glider.

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