"You girl! How can you misinterpret the sage's quotations at will?"

Hearing her daughter's answer, Wu Zetian immediately taught her a lesson: "If the scholars in the world hear this, they will definitely scold you bloody!"

"Hey, what A Niang said is wrong! This sage's quotations are meant to be interpreted differently by different people."

Li Yuechen lay directly on the floor, propping his head with one hand: "Have you read the ghost novel written by the boy?"

Wu Zetian nodded. Whether it was Journey to the West or Honghuang written by her daughter, she had read them all in her free time. It was a bit regretful to say that after reading these two books, she had no other entertainment to pass the time.

Although under her influence, many people have begun to try to write novels, and even newspapers are serializing them, but I always feel that the writing is not very good, not as attractive as my daughter's writing.

"Isn't there a similar plot in that book? When people listen to the powerful preaching, they realize different methods. Therefore, it is normal for children to have different understandings of Confucius' words?" Li Yuechen While answering, he reached for the pastry on the table.

That sounds...seems to make sense.

Wu Zetian felt that she was about to get involved, and then shook his head: "Nonsense! There are tens of millions of Confucian disciples since ancient times. If they are misunderstood like you, how could Emperor Wu of the Han respect Confucianism?"

"The only reason Confucianism is respected is because Confucianism is easy to rule, not because I really realized a certain truth from it." Li Yuechen ate his snacks with a smile, "My child is different. As a Taoist, it is normal for me to realize different truths from it. "

"Then tell me, what kind of truth did you realize?" Wu Zetian asked, holding up his teacup.

"A gentleman hides his weapon in his body, and he will move it when the time comes!" Li Yuechen replied.


"A gentleman should keep his weapon hidden on his body at all times, and strike when he finds an opportunity!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Wu Zetian raised his eyebrows.Shangguan Wan'er next to her couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing with a "puchi": "It's really unexpected that there is such a solution."

"This kind of joke, just say it. Don't let other people listen to it outside!" Wu Zetian taught.

Li Yuechen sneered: "Does A Niang know Zilu?"

"Naturally, what do you say?"

"According to the records, before becoming a sage's disciple, this Zilu was a local hooligan, a gangster on the street. Because he didn't like the sage Kong, he went to find fault... I don't know the process. The final result is that he listened to the sage. Since then, he has become a saint's disciple... Don't you think this is weird?"

To be honest, Li Yuechen also felt a little weird when he saw this record. If he could make the enemy accept his head and worship him just by reasoning, it would be impossible no matter how you think about it, right?

Even if it is Naruto Uzumaki who is the first gun king, he will press the person on the ground and beat him for a while before he starts to reason, so that the other side will listen.

Shangguan Wan'er looked deep in thought: "Your Highness is saying that Zilu and Kong Sheng have fought?"

"I think so!" Li Yuechen nodded, "I have been in the army for 13 years old, and for more than ten years now, there is almost no opponent who surrenders without a fight. When he fought Lun Qinling back then, even if he faced a person with natural power like me, he would not be able to fight. You didn't obey until you were caught by me, didn't you?"

"Makes sense!"

"Where's the reason?" Wu Zetian turned his head and gave her a blank look, feeling that she was almost being led astray by his own daughter, "The theory of saints has the most influential influence in ancient and modern times, how can it be explained like this?"

Li Yuechen raised his head: "Ah, think about it, during the Spring and Autumn Period, the aristocrats were very martial-minded. When Confucius knew his destiny, he dared to travel around the world with only a few disciples. He was regarded as a guest by various countries. political views...could this be achieved only by reasoning?"

To be honest, at least Li Yuechen didn't believe it.

You want people to listen to your reasoning, but the premise is that you have to let him sit down and listen to you.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s just say that last year Li Yuechen led an army of [-] into the grasslands to expand the territory.

If there were no [-] troops behind her, no artillery and grenades, and she would have passed by alone... she would have been detained as Mrs. Yazhai long ago.

Wu Zetian rolled his eyes and was too lazy to continue talking with her. Sure enough, when a scholar met Bing, he couldn't explain why.

On the other hand, Shangguan Wan'er bowed her head and thought seriously, maybe what His Highness said really made sense.

If someone else said that, she probably wouldn't bother to answer, but Li Yuechen said that... then she has to think about it.

It's just a pity, now that I am 30 years old, I have already passed the best age for martial arts.


Leaving Jixian Temple at night, on the way back to the Princess Mansion, the two were still sitting in the carriage, continuing to chat about this matter.

Li Yuechen translated a lot of Analects for her, which made her laugh constantly while also asking why.

However, she was able to get a logical explanation, which made her, who was already a little shaken, believe a lot more.

"If what His Highness said is true, then what is the explanation for 'learning without thinking will lead to death, thinking without learning will lead to peril'?"

"If you learn my martial arts, if you don't learn my thoughts, you will be confused. If you only learn my thoughts, but don't learn my martial arts, you will be beaten to death!"

Hearing such an explanation, even Shangguan Wan'er, who had somewhat believed it, couldn't help laughing on her shoulder.

Although it sounded reasonable, I always felt that something was not right. In the end, the tears of laughter came out, and then I stopped slowly.

Raising his hand to wipe away his tears, he said with some regret: "It's a pity that Wan'er is nearly thirty years old, and has missed the best age for martial arts, and it's too late to practice martial arts..."

"It's okay, Wan'er's brain is enough." Li Yuechen put his arms around her neck and chuckled, "With me here, it's enough to protect you!"

"It's just that I can't fight side by side with His Highness, I feel a little regretful..."

Speaking of this, she turned her head to look at the starry sky outside the window, and said as if she was talking to herself: "If there is an afterlife, Wan'er will definitely practice martial arts and fight side by side with His Highness!"

"The next life...it's too far away, it's better not to let this life have any regrets." Li Yuechen smiled, and the two of them held hands tightly.


The next day Li Yuechen got up early to practice exercises as usual, and it was almost noon after taking a shower after practicing.

This time I came back to deal with the abandonment of the exam. Since the mastermind behind the scenes has not been investigated yet, Li Yuechen planned to go to the palace to have a meal with his mother before going back to Qingdao.

We set off after lunch and arrived almost at night.

After entering the palace, they came to Jixian Hall and were about to ask what they had for lunch when Shangguan Wan'er raised her head: "It's time for His Highness to come down, there is news."

"Oh? Found it?"

Shangguan Wan'er nodded, and then said with some uncertainty: "There is no evidence yet, but... according to the investigation results, this incident is very likely related to... the Kong family."

"The Kong family?" Li Yuechen frowned slightly, "Aren't they always quiet? Why did they come out to make trouble this time?"

Although the word "make trouble" has not yet appeared in this era, at any rate, the biggest feature of Chinese is that it can take the meaning from the text, and the two of them can understand the meaning.

Wu Zetian also asked curiously, "Are you sure?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, there is no evidence, but... all clues, including the results of the interrogation of some people, it is indeed the case." Shangguan Wan'er replied.

Hearing this answer, Li Yuechen nodded, it was most likely close to ten.

She has no doubts about the investigative ability of the hidden guards. At present, the dark guards should be the most powerful investigation and interrogation agency in the world. If they all get such results, it is probably considered solid.

"If the Kong family is involved behind this, I'm afraid this matter will be a bit troublesome..." Even Wu Zetian, who has always been calm, frowned.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it is not too surprising to get this answer.

It is definitely not something that can be easily done by money or coercion for all students to abandon the exam.

These days, literati are very noble, or in other words, they pay more attention to integrity.In their view, fame is more important than life and death, and it is not so easy to be bought with money or threatened with life.

It's normal to say one or two, but it's really impossible to say everyone.

But if the Kong family came forward, it would be different. They are the descendants of the sages of Confucius. Scholars all over the world must respect them when they see them. Therefore, there have been people from the Kong family who have served as officials in the court for generations.

The official position is not necessarily high, but as long as you don't get involved blindly, you will definitely be the most secure.

Li Yuechen thought for a while: "How about... let's talk to them, my boy."

Anyway, she has been staying in Shandong for the past few years, and Qingdao is not too far from Qufu, so she can go and have a look.

"Don't mess around." Wu Zetian stopped without thinking, "The Kong clan has a special status. If you lead troops there rashly, you might start a fight with all the literati in the world?"

"Don't worry, Auntie, the boy won't lead soldiers over there." Li Yuechen replied, "I'm just going there as a princess to chat, and I won't do anything."

"That's not right." Wu Zetian shook his head, "The literati in the world belong to one family, no matter what your real purpose is, once you pass by, it will immediately cause all kinds of gossip."

"Then Auntie has a good solution?" Li Yuechen asked back.

In her opinion, gossip is better than being manipulated. In any case, the court should not accept any form of threat, otherwise it will be detrimental to the operation of the country.

Wu Zetian thought for a while, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "At this time, who is the official of the Kong family?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Kong Huiyuan, a senior scholar of Hongwenguan, is a famous minister of the Taizong Dynasty and the grandson of Kong Yingda..." Shangguan Wan'er replied, "This person is also on the investigation list. Few students have had contact."

"Did you ask about it?"

"No, the Kong family has a special status, so they were taken away by the hidden guards rashly, for fear of bad influence..." Shangguan Wan'er was also very concerned about this issue.

In the final analysis, she is mainly based on Confucianism, that is, because she grew up with Li Yuechen, she has not reached the level of belief in Confucianism.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say so much about this matter alone.

In this land, since ancient times, no matter the clan or the division, it has been regarded as a relatively united group.Literati usually fight with each other, but when facing foreign enemies, most people will definitely choose to be unanimous.

This is also the reason why Wu Zetian refused to let her daughter go to Qufu. She is now the minister of the Ministry of War and the generalissimo of the world's soldiers and horses. With this status, even if she goes to Qufu without anyone, it will cause a lot of gossip.

The pen of a literati can also be used as a knife for killing people. If the literati all over the world criticize their daughter with words and pens, no one knows what the consequences will be.

For a moment, Jixian Hall fell into silence, and no one spoke.

Li Yuechen didn't like this kind of atmosphere, so he was the first to speak: "This matter, we can't let it go like this, how about it, Wan'er will take that Kong Huiyuan to the dark guard for a cup of tea, and I'll chat with him."

"No!" Wu Zetian stopped, "The nature of the secret guard is well known throughout the country, and this matter has too much impact..."

"Aniang, the imperial court must not accept any form of threat! Otherwise, the regime will be unstable!" Li Yuechen interrupted his mother, "Don't talk about the Kong family, even if there are immortals coming to the world at this time, the child must lead troops to fight there ! You can try to reduce the impact, but you must not do nothing!"

"I didn't say no to my mother, it's just that this matter needs a long-term plan..."

Li Yuechen shook his head: "The longer it is delayed, the easier it is for some people to see the hope of kicking their noses. Now that there are clues, let's investigate! Don't worry about gossip, A Niang. Compared with a Confucius sage who has been dead for many years, this In the whole world, I am afraid that Hai'er's prestige should be even higher."

Although this is a bit crazy to say, it is true.

Whether it is the increased grain or refined salt, or the strict military discipline of not looting the local people when they send troops to fight, or the improvement of plow tools and various policies... Li Yuechen is also treated as a god among the people now. .

There are countless tablets of longevity and even the Temple of Princess Taiping. With such a status, even if there is a conflict with Confucius, it is not certain who will have the highest support among the people.

After all, many people are still illiterate, and they may not know who Confucius is.But as long as it is a farmer, there is almost no one who does not know Princess Taiping.

"That's right!" Shangguan Wan'er also came to her senses, and said expectantly, "Now His Highness has a very high prestige among the people, comparable to a god, and in terms of reputation, maybe even greater than Confucius!"

"What's the use of having a high reputation among peasants?" Wu Zetian was somewhat dismissive.

However, Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "Hey, this is my mother's short-sightedness! The power of farmers is really not to be underestimated!"

"Your Highness, don't talk nonsense, how can you say that His Majesty is short-sighted?" Shangguan Wan'er carefully reminded.

"That's not the point!" Li Yuechen waved his hands, and said confidently, "Don't worry, Auntie, just leave this matter to the child!"

Wu Zetian was silent for a while, and then reminded: "You have to think about it, if you don't fix one, the reputation you have accumulated so hard will be destroyed in one go."

"Fame can't be eaten, so what's the use of it?" Li Yuechen looked nonchalant, "As long as the country is good, reputation... just throw it on the ground and step on it!"

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