Great Tang princess

Chapter 556 Ski training

At the end of September, it was snowing heavily, and after getting up in the morning, everything in sight was pure white.

Li Yuechen, who was dressed in bright red, walked out of the room, exhaled lightly, and almost condensed into substance in the winter air, like a white arrow of air.

The thick snow on the ground is loose, and when you step on it, there will be a continuous "creaking" sound, which sounds extremely crisp.

At this time the sun has not yet appeared, so it stands to reason that the sky should be very dark, but under the reflection of the white snow, there is a feeling that it is already dawn.

Speaking of which, such a scene has appeared in my memory before. Once the snow is heavy enough, even at night, it will look like daytime.

The compact military drum sounded at the right time, and the strong sense of rhythm instantly swept across the entire military camp.

The soldier who was still asleep heard the sound of the drum, opened his eyes suddenly, left the warm bed as quickly as possible, put on his clothes and ran to the training ground.

After all, there is a fireplace in the house, so I didn't feel cold at first, but after I opened the door and ran outside, I couldn't help shivering, and felt a layer of goose bumps instantly.

Stepping on the soft snow to gather on the training ground, Liu Huang stood at the front of the team and said loudly: "Everyone is there, turn left! Get ready-run!"

When the voice fell, he had already taken the lead and ran forward, followed by black soldiers, galloping towards the mountain road that he usually runs every day.

Li Yuechen also took advantage of this time to take out his Fang Tian painting halberd and sledgehammer, and started practicing on the training ground.

Due to the heavy weight of her weapon, when she wields it, she can always generate greater wind pressure. For a while, there are constant "whoosh" sounds on the training ground.

A large number of snowflakes were swept up by the wind pressure driven by the waving weapons, making the bright red figure looming in the constantly flying snowflakes, like a swimming dragon hidden in the clouds.

The soldiers in the cooking class also started to get busy at this time. When passing by the training ground, they couldn't help but stop and take a second look.

At the same time, he would subconsciously show some envious looks, thinking that if he had such ability, maybe he could be invincible on the battlefield, right?

Others can't help but sigh that the emergence of grenades and artillery has already marked that the future war pattern will be completely changed.

Perhaps this princess will be the last person who can rely on personal force to cross the battlefield. In the future, it will be the era of various large weapons and tactics.


When the sun was fully up, the soldiers also finished their morning exercises and returned to the training ground.

Because the ambient temperature was too low, when these soldiers came back, there was a white mist visible to the naked eye, as if they had succeeded in cultivating immortals.

After breakfast, everyone brought the ski equipment distributed a few days ago as required, and came to the ski resort that had already been built.

According to the requirements, Li Yuechen asked them to line up and stand aside from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. He first used the veneer to press the soft snow track several times, and then taught them how to slide on the snow track.

At the same time, let them see what the hell this ski is.

Today, Li Longji and others also took a break from class, and stood by the side of the snow track with the soldiers, watching and studying.

The simple cable car at the foot of the mountain was ready. Li Yuechen and the others rode on the sledge, and the people on the top of the mountain turned the winch to easily pull them up.

In the process of going up the mountain, Liu Huang couldn't help asking: "Why is there only one piece of wood, Your Highness? Could it be used for sitting?"

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not wide enough for sitting. Although the princess is slender, it is not a bamboo pole after all. If this thing slides down while sitting, the buttocks will be worn out, right?

Li Yuechen shook his head: "This thing, you just have to look at it, it's my hobby..."

Originally, she had no plan to promote veneers in the military. This toy was still too restrictive. It could only be regarded as a toy specially made for herself, purely because she wanted to play with it.

On the contrary, Wang Wuqiong, seeing this board, suddenly heard that his grandpa said that when it rained heavily in Dongdu and Luoshui overflowed, when His Highness rescued people, he stepped on a board and flew across the water. Could it be that...

After reaching the top of the mountain, Li Yuechen took the board to the snow track to prepare, while Xiao He asked someone to take out the prepared charcoal and prepare to light it, set up a fire, and make tea for His Highness here.

It sounds a bit weird, but a princess is a princess after all. In a feudal society, this is nothing more than a normal thing.

Li Yuechen came to the snow track, first put on thick wool shoes, then fixed the board on his feet, stretched his waist, and made a "cracking" sound from all over his body, and finally put on the shoes made of glass. Ski goggles, took two steps forward like a penguin, and slid slowly along the snow path.

On this first trip, Li Yuechen didn't plan to play any fancy stuff. After all, the snowboards in this era are different from the future, and they still need to get used to it.

So everyone watched Li Yuechen start to slide down the snowy path in an S-shaped route, but even so, the eyes of everyone who saw this scene widened.

In the eyes of outsiders, an expert skier will always create an illusion that the upper body and the lower body are controlled by a separate brain. Now Li Yuechen looks like this, with the upper body standing still, and the lower body swinging back and forth extremely flexibly.

As the speed gradually increased, the posture gradually became outrageous.

When cornering, her entire body fell down, as if lying on the ground, but in fact her body was not completely attached to the ground, and there was always a gap.

And the board under her feet was almost completely erected, allowing her to quickly stroke the snow on the ground.

This posture as if flying close to the ground made people who saw this scene stunned in place, thinking that this His Highness should not be the reincarnation of a god, but a god.

The first trip quickly reached the foot of the mountain. Li Yuechen lowered his head and smiled. It's no problem now. He already has a clear understanding of this ski, and he can try to do some tricks.

After being pulled up to the top of the mountain on a sledge, Li Chengqi and others, who had been watching the whole process with binoculars just now, surrounded him with a "crash", and began to ask how they did it just now.

"Auntie, teach me!" Li Chengyi couldn't help but speak.

"And me, I want to play too!" Li Longji is an active person, and of course he doesn't want to let go of such an interesting thing.

The other children were similar. Under her influence, these children of the royal family also liked sports very much, and they all clamored to play.

Li Yuechen smiled: "Don't worry, I will teach you a lot of fun today."

As he said that, he came to the underworld on the side, planning to do some flower work and have a good time moving around.

After twisting his neck, he jumped and slid down the snowy road quickly.

This side is much steeper than the blue road, and there are various raised stones and bushes, which makes it much more difficult.

Everyone could see Li Yuechen's figure swaying left and right on the rough road, at a much faster speed than before.

Soon she came to a platform, and she rushed to the platform without slowing down. Under the action of inertia, her body flew into the air without hindrance.

When he flew into the air, he had turned into a head-down posture. While holding the snowboard with one hand, his body had already started to rotate rapidly.

It's not one-way, but it's still rotating laterally while doing the front somersault, and the snow on the snowboard is thrown away in a circular radial shape during the rapid rotation.

At this moment, it was like entering bullet time, and the crowd watching had an illusion, as if the time around them had slowed down.

They could clearly see the big red figure spinning in the air, and some even had better eyesight, and they could also see the excited smile on her face.

Afterwards, the time returned to normal again, and Li Yuechen's figure landed steadily, and then he turned his body and slid down along the S-shaped route again and again.

For a while, her left side was in front, and for a while, her right side was in front. Her legs were like springs, swinging from side to side extremely silky.

For veneer masters, many people will jokingly say that the edges on both sides of the board have been polished, and the wax on the bottom of the board has not yet fallen off.

This is a little exaggerated, but it is enough to show the level of these masters.

Not to mention that a Red Bull-level expert like Li Yuechen has always done it to death as long as he can't die.

Her figure shuttles between rocks and dense forests, swinging back and forth at high speed, without any sense of lag, extremely silky.

People on both sides of the snowy road stared at this almost flying technique close to the ground, admiring it to their heart's content.

It was another jumping platform. The moment Li Yuechen rushed up, his body turned sideways in the air, as if lying in the air, and flew out like a cannonball.

Then I didn’t forget to reach out and touch the snow. This posture is like stretching on the bed when I just woke up.

After a slight rotation, it lands firmly, and then connects to the carved slide. The connection process is extremely smooth, just like the pre-set program, without any sense of stuttering.

This level of snowboarding made many onlookers think of various fairy tales.

There are rumors that immortals can fly with their swords. If you think about that what the princess is showing now?

When she came to the top of the mountain again, the eyes of the people around her had completely turned into admiration. It was conceivable that after today, the legend that this princess was a fairy would once again become popular all over the country.

Li Yuechen took off his skateboard, stretched his ankles, and Xiao He brought a cup of hot tea in a timely manner.

Liu Huang on the side couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, is this really Taoism?"

"Where do so many Taoism come from? Believe in the facts!" Li Yuechen waved his hand while holding a teacup, "This is just skiing."

"But Your Highness only uses one piece of wood..."

"Don't worry, I'll show you the skis in a while." Li Yuechen smiled and asked someone to bring his skis.

Wang Wuqiong was puzzled: "Your Highness, since you can use one plank, why use two?"

In her opinion, one piece must be more convenient than two pieces.

"The emphases are different. In the mountains, it will be better for them to use double skis in the future."

Li Yuechen drank tea while explaining. After resting for a while, he changed the board and asked them all to watch carefully.

Her idea is very simple, first show them some difficult tricks to arouse their interest, and then teach them slowly from the basics.

For people who don't understand skiing at all, the actions in various skiing games seem unreal, as if they are out of reality.

But as long as you go to the ski resort and watch some masters slide, you will understand that the movements in these games are still too conservative, and the masters in reality can always make all kinds of incredible movements.

Many people even think, can this really be done by humans?

After Li Yuechen put on the skis, everyone onlookers observed more carefully, wondering if he could reach the level of the princess demonstration.

However, just the first movement made many people feel their hearts tremble.

I saw her rushing up to the platform quickly, followed by a 1750 mid-air roll, and after landing, she turned backwards and slid backwards.

Then he jumped and turned around, kept swinging the ski pole, and kept swinging back and forth among the rocks and dense forests. To be honest, many people were not as smooth as her when walking on their legs in the woods.

At the same time, when turning sideways, there would always be large snowflakes flying in the air, and when everyone thought she was submerged, the bright red figure would rush out of the flying snowflakes without error, like a snow elf.

Everyone watched her shuttle back and forth on the snowy road in this kind of surprise from the bottom of their hearts. Her movements were powerful but elegant.

While the connection is smooth, she also shows strong body control, flying in the air from time to time, which makes many people can't help but wonder if she can really fly.


After gliding back and forth a few times, it was almost noon, and the heavy snow that was still falling had stopped temporarily.

The cooking team had already prepared hot meals, and the soldiers were eating hot meals in the snow, discussing the skiing skills displayed by His Highness while eating.

At the dinner table in the middle, Liu Huang couldn't help asking: "Your Highness is like this, can we really do it?"

"There's no need to do what I do, it's enough to be able to glide stably." Li Yuechen said with a smile, "Today I'm just showing you what the function of this thing is."

A group of children were very interested, discussing that they must practice hard in the afternoon, and strive to be like her.

After eating, the soldiers put on their snowboards one after another and officially started practicing.

"The first thing you have to learn is to push the slope. You don't need to think about any fancy moves, as long as you can slide from here to the foot of the mountain smoothly and without falling."

Li Yuechen explained various postures to them while talking: "First of all, your feet are slightly inward, inward! Like me!"

A group of people surrounded her and listened to her explanation. No one dared to speak, and they all listened intently and imitated.

"Pay attention to speed control when gliding, don't be afraid, control your body shape, and keep your center of gravity at..."

While she was explaining, she also pulled Liu Huang in front of her to pose to explain.

A group of royal children also gathered around, listening to each other and checking whether their actions were standard.

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