Great Tang princess

Chapter 558 Questions About Bathing

Li Yuechen has always been an actionist, and he will start immediately after making a plan.

On the second day, he started to draw the design drawings, and at the same time asked Liu Huang to choose a suitable place, and started digging the foundation as soon as it was too late.

Otherwise, the ground will be frozen in another month, and it will be a bit troublesome to dig. Now the military camp has everything, so hurry up and start doing it.

Although this year may not be able to catch up, but next winter should be able to let people here take a hot bath.

"Your Highness, how is this place?" Liu Huang asked, pointing to the floor plan of the barracks.

Li Yuechen took a look. It was next to the dormitory building, so it was convenient for the soldiers to go back to sleep after washing.

"Think about it, men and women must be connected together. Will it be convenient for the women in your family..." Li Yuechen reminded aloud.

"It's okay, just open another door here." Liu Huang pointed to the map and said, "Anyway, it's area from here."

"Well, here it is, let the craftsmen dig the foundation first according to the plan... By the way, dig a few ditches here, and I will send you some pottery craftsmen after the spring, and then make water pipes and connect them here side……"

Liu Huang looked at the pipes she drew with some curiosity: "Your Highness, what is the purpose of this place?"


Li Yuechen explained: "The water from the shower is used to flush the toilet, and then through the pipes, it is transported to the cesspool outside to grow fertilizer..."

"You can see the design of His Highness, the distance between the two places is a bit far, isn't this pipeline going to be hundreds of feet long?"

"It's easy to say, and the artisans naturally have a way to connect it. With a fixed fertilizer output, the land here can be brought to the point where it can grow food as soon as possible..." Li Yuechen roughly explained.

Liu Huang immediately felt admiration: "Your Highness is a great talent! One step at a time and three steps at a time, I admire you!"

"Okay, don't lick it hard. Remember to build a boiler room here. While boiling water, the bottom is connected to the bathhouse. The heat generated by the fire will flow under the floor of the bathhouse to form heating..."

Even though she thought she had explained it in detail, Liu Huang still didn't understand it, even with the design drawings.

But it doesn't matter, Li Yuechen doesn't care if he can understand, as long as the craftsman can understand.


So on the second day, the engineering unit organized the local people to come and work. The logistics staff asked the people to take back the rice bags they had brought back, refill them and put them on the side of the road to finish the day's work. You can carry a bag back.

After the bag is full, it can feed three people for five days. As long as the people are called over to do some work from time to time this winter, it can be guaranteed that they will not starve to death.

While the people were working, the roars of soldiers one, two, three, four could be heard from behind the training ground from time to time.

They couldn't see the training content of the soldiers, but they could clearly hear all kinds of roars and the collision of weapons, and couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

Because of the arrival of the snow season, the previously made sledges finally came in handy. From time to time, a few dogs can be seen pulling the sledges through the vast white snow.

It has to be said that on the snow, this thing is even more reliable than riding a horse, and the speed is definitely not too slow.

Li Yuechen also sat on it on a whim and played for a while, experiencing the joy of Siberia.


As time progressed day by day, after the foundation was dug, the construction stopped temporarily. Without him, it was too cold.

In this climate, apart from the soldiers who continue to train every day, ordinary people have already lived a life of lying down every day, and try not to go out if they can.

In order to keep these people from running out of food, from time to time, the troops will exchange food with them for some beef and mutton.

When he was free, he would call Liu Huang over and eat hot pot together in the house.

The white soup made from beef bones in the pot was bubbling and bubbling. After Li Yuechen and Liu Huang sandwiched the cooked meat slices and rinsed them, they dipped them in the prepared sauce to enjoy the deliciousness.

"Your Highness, I have this meat too, don't you..."

"In the barracks, drink as little as possible. You can drink a little today, but if you delay training tomorrow, you will be punished by military law!"

Liu Huang laughed when he heard it: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Xiao He brought a small jar and poured a glass of transparent white wine for the two of them.

"Oh, it's really comfortable to drink a cup of such fine wine in this winter!" Liu Huang took a sip and let out a comfortable breath.

In all fairness, I feel more comfortable at the border now. Although it is too far away from Dongdu, once this place is not prosperous, you can eat beef and mutton from time to time, and even occasionally some horse meat.

When I was in Qingdao, beef and mutton were considered luxury goods, and it was considered good to eat once or twice a year.

Although the armies in Qingdao and Dongdu eat meat every day, they mainly eat pork, chickens, ducks and other poultry.

But since coming to the border, beef and mutton can be eaten as much as you want. Almost every household here has sheep and cattle, and even the army has its own farms, raising cattle and sheep, but the number of pigs is not too much.

The most important thing is that this place is far away from the emperor, there are not so many bad things to get involved in, as long as you concentrate on following His Highness's orders, you don't need to think about anything else.

Anyway, Liu Huang is also from aristocratic background, and he knows all kinds of troubles in the court, and now he can stay away from such troubles, and at the same time, he doesn't have to worry about his future promotion.


Time soon came to the end of the year. After months of wrestling, hitting trees, bumping and tripping each other, and so on, the soldiers' skiing skills have finally improved to a certain extent.

Among them, the progress of the soldiers of the Special Reconnaissance Battalion is the most obvious. Now they can slide freely on the blue track, and they are extremely relaxed during the slide process, and they can chat with each other.

Li Yuechen felt that after the next year, they could consider letting them go to the underworld, as long as they could slide freely on the underworld before the end of the snow season, and from next year, they would be able to go out on their own on snowboards to perform tasks.

At that time, a class with a dog will be able to pass through most of the environment on its own. With skis, it is so willful.

Li Yuechen is quite satisfied with their progress. After all, the ski trails she set up are much more difficult than the ski trails in the future ski resort.

Being able to ski here to such a degree, in the future ski resort, can already be regarded as a pretty boy.

It is also worth mentioning that a group of royal children are now enjoying themselves on the snow track, and their skating skills are quite good.

It is much easier for children to learn sports, and now they can even exchange their experiences with the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion.

They skated well, and the female soldiers who were in charge of guarding them were naturally not too bad. They could follow behind them steadily and ensure their safety at any time.

During this period of time, these children can be regarded as playing crazy. When they are not in class, they must be skiing. In class from Monday to Friday, they will also organize snowball fights in the courseware.

Because they have accepted military thinking since they were young, even if they fight snowball fights, they still have a clear division of labor and organization. There are those who attack from the front, those who outflank, and even those who attack from behind...

It is at this time that the different talents among individuals begin to emerge.

Although Li Chengqi and Li Chengyi are older, in many things, they will listen to Li Longji, who is the younger brother, and they will do whatever he says.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuechen also had to sigh, "As expected of Tang Minghuang, this leadership is indeed innate.

It is worth mentioning that the third brother's son, Li Chongrun, is not bad either. He doesn't seem to have inherited his brother's lazy personality, but rather resembles his aunt Li Yuechen.

When encountering problems, I like to think about solutions by myself, rather than asking other people's opinions for the first time.

It's just that I'm still young after all, so many times I tend to get angry with myself when faced with things I can't think of, as if it's a bit of a dead end.

To say that among this group of children, Li Yuechen thinks that the most powerful one should be third brother's daughter Li Xianhui.

This little girl probably inherited her mother Wei Lian'er's character, she can clearly know what she wants and put in effort for it.

I also know that as a younger sister, I am very loved by my brothers, so in order to achieve my goals, I can be said to be coquettish and cute.

But maybe it was because he was influenced by Li Yuechen during the growth process, so even if he failed, he would not be discouraged, but would reflect on himself, find lessons from it, and remind himself to pay attention next time.

It can be said that with the gradual growth of age, these children have begun to show their talents, and Li Yuechen is also in the process of observing, looking for how to let them play their strengths.

The future education of the children of the royal family is destined to be different from that of ordinary people, and the future schools of ordinary people will not allow the children of the royal family to enter and follow them.

Because the school is just a place to popularize education, not a place to cultivate talents.

Rather, geniuses or elites are not suitable for the kind of education in schools.

From Li Yuechen's point of view, if the future education system is moved to the present, then the university doesn't matter, but before high school, the royal family's children must go to a special royal school.

Especially the children of the royal family, it is necessary to teach them in accordance with their aptitude. When these children grow up, they will have different education according to their specialties and talents.

Of course, such an educational method is extremely expensive, and there may even be more teachers than students in the royal school in the future.

However, Li Yuechen thinks that these are all worthwhile. The children of the royal family are born superior, but they must understand why they are superior!And, what is the price of this superiority!

Seeing that the end of the year was approaching, Li Yuechen also took the time to write a few letters to his family, asking them to pick a time when there was no snow to send them back.

As long as you fly from here to Qingdao first, and then fly to Dongdu, at most two or three days will be enough to send the letter back, so that the letter written years ago will not arrive after a year.

Because the weather is too cold, all the projects here have been stopped, and the rest will start after the Spring Festival.

Li Yuechen's plan is to leave as soon as the snow season is over, and he will also build a bathhouse in Qingdao, otherwise Geng Yunqiang will find out by then, and he will inevitably say that he is partial to the boss.

What's more, next year's plan also includes the idea of ​​bringing the family over to play. When the time comes, my mother will come as the emperor, and she must take good care of her life.

Not to mention that Li Yuechen planned to stay in Qingdao for a while in the future, in order to make his life more comfortable.

The main reason for her permanent residence in Qingdao is these children. Before their three views are fully formed, Li Yuechen does not want them to contact some ministers of the DPRK and China.

In case of instilling some troublesome ideas, it will not be easy to reverse them at that time, so until their three views are completely stabilized, try not to let them approach the court.

In Qingdao, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and there is almost no time to go home except for winter and summer vacations, and there is no need to worry that someone will contact them with other purposes.


The time soon came to New Year's Eve, and the barracks also entered the holiday period of the endless system of human leave. The soldiers are considered to be on holiday after they get up in the morning and call their names, and they can play as they please.

But because I have adapted to morning exercises, even if there is no order, I still lined up spontaneously and went out for a lap before coming back to clean up the housework and eat breakfast.

Sitting in the office, Liu Huang drank tea with Li Yuechen: "Your Highness, the surrounding mountains have been investigated, and there is a suitable sentry location, it's just a matter of delivery..."

To be honest, it is unnecessary to build another building similar to the Great Wall in this kind of place. Firstly, it will waste people and money, and secondly, this is not the final national border in Li Yuechen's plan.

She still wants to set the national border according to the template of the future, but now the Xing'an Mountains cannot be included in the national border, at least it is difficult to do it in her lifetime.

There are a lot of wild beasts and poisonous insects in the current primeval forest, and it is a big trouble to get in and out. Not to mention their soldiers, even the hunters who grew up here dare not go in deep. If it’s not good, you’ll get lost and you won’t be able to get out.

The level that can be achieved at present is already very good, and the rest will be left to future generations to complete.

"After the beginning of spring, let's build a beacon tower." Li Yuechen gave an order, "At that time, simply dig a road, and you can use a sledge to travel at any time in winter... Just try to make the transportation as convenient as possible..."

There are still a large number of nomads outside the border, and they may cross the border to come here from time to time, and sometimes even plunder under the heavy snow.

What Li Yuechen meant was to build a beacon tower on a nearby hilltop for monitoring and warning purposes at any time, but it doesn't matter if it is close to the Xing'an Mountains.

People in this era don't even know how big Xing'an Mountains is, and such a huge primeval forest is almost as dangerous as the Warcraft Mountains in fantasy novels. No one dares to enter it casually.

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