Great Tang princess

Chapter 577 Brothers turn against each other

Chapter 577 Brothers turn against each other
Li Yuechen was sitting in the gazebo drinking tea, and after a while, Fulai came over with a man who looked less than thirty years old.

Looking up, I have to say that this guy is the same as Zhang Changzong in front of him. If he is placed more than a thousand years later, he will be able to make a lot of money with this face alone.

Even if their acting skills are almost okay, there will be a large number of fans who will pay for them.

This man also seemed to know his own strengths, he could tell at a glance that he had carefully dressed up, not to mention his appearance, which would definitely fascinate many women.

Moreover, the two brothers are not bad in height, and their figures are extremely tall and straight.

It can be said that if Li Yuechen called all the aristocratic women to the Princess Mansion now, these two guys would definitely be the ones vying to be taken care of.

"Your Majesty Zhang Yizhi, I have seen Your Highness the Princess!" When he came to the gazebo, he hurriedly saluted.

"Exemption." Li Yuechen picked up the teacup and looked it up and down, "Speaking of which, the Japanese Palace asked him to call you a while ago, why didn't you come then?"

Zhang Yizhi shook his head slightly: "It is indeed His Highness who misunderstood. It's not that the officials didn't want to come. It was because they were busy with official duties and couldn't get away. I hope His Highness will forgive you..."

This excuse is so bad, what kind of official duties can you, Bi Mawen, have?Li Yuechen complained inwardly.

Of course it doesn't matter, Li Yuechen stood up gently and said: "Your brother said that you are also good at melody, why don't you just show it here?"

"Subordinate to obey!"

Zhang Yizhi agreed, and without further ado, he pulled out the flute from his back and put it near his mouth to play.

Li Yuechen took a closer look, this guy had not only this musical instrument, but also a shakuhachi.

Shakuhachi is a wind instrument made of bamboo, one foot eight inches long, so it is called "Shakuhachi". Compared with Dongxiao, the sound of this thing is thicker, and the timbre is murderous.

As for the hole flute, it is different. Not only can it be made of bamboo and wood, it can even be made of jade if you have money.

Zhang Yizhi's one in front of him is made of wood, but the paint color is very good, and it looks very high-end.

The moment the music started, Li Yuechen, who was drinking tea with his head down, suddenly raised his head and looked over in surprise.

I thought he was playing the traditional music of this era, but I didn't expect it to be a piece that Li Yuechen rehearsed with the musicians these days.

I have to say that this guy really knows how to flatter, and his music is not bad, at least in the process of his playing, Li Yuechen couldn't find the slightest mistake.

When Zhang Yizhi saw the princess looking up at him suddenly, he felt that he had stabilized, so he played harder, and even his body began to shake with the music.

Li Yuechen smiled slightly, continued to drink tea from the teacup, and waited for him to finish playing.

A piece of music didn't take long, and it was finished playing in a few minutes. Li Yuechen put down his teacup and clapped his hands.

The princess applauded, and Fulai, who was standing beside her, raised her hands and applauded accordingly.

Zhang Yizhi felt that the matter was settled. Seeing the princess applauding, he hurriedly saluted: "Thank you princess..."

"Oh, I have to say, the relationship between the two of you is really good!" Li Yuechen interrupted his flattery.

"Ah... Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment..."

Although they don't know what it means to praise the relationship between the two brothers, the two of them quickly saluted and thanked each other.

Li Yuechen stood up, looked at Zhang Changzong and said, "Well, your brother stays here, you can go back."


Zhang Changzong was taken aback: "Why does Your Highness want me to go back?"

"Didn't you give your brother the opportunity? Then you can go back naturally." Li Yuechen replied.


At this moment, Zhang Changzong was completely stunned: "Is there only one person, Your Highness?"

Li Yuechen looked regretful: "To be honest, both of your brothers are very good. But now the army's finances are not loose, and the quotas are all dead. One more person means an extra military salary. I don't have any surplus food. Therefore, you two brothers can only have one of them!"

"But Your Highness..."

"Okay, let's go back after the matter is over. I have other things to do in the future, so I won't keep you!" Li Yuechen directly interrupted his next words, got up and was about to leave.

Zhang Changzong said eagerly: "Your Highness, the villain didn't know beforehand!"

"Huh?" Li Yuechen turned around, "You don't know? Fulai, didn't you notify me?"

Fulai hurriedly saluted and replied: "This... this slave is busy, I forgot it for a while, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

As the person who took care of Li Yuechen growing up, Fulai reacted very quickly and cooperated with her very well.

"You said you, let you forget the things you notified, what else can you do?" Li Yuechen taught a lesson, "Aren't you going to apologize?"

"Yes!" Fulai quickly agreed, then took out two small golden beans from his bosom and stuffed them into Zhang Changzong's hands: "We were negligent at this time, Zhang Lang, don't mind..."

Even though he said so, no matter in his expression or tone, he seemed to be indifferent.And Li Yuechen next to him acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Of course no one doesn't want golden beans, but Zhang Changzong knew from Fulai's expression that if he dared to ask for the money today, the father-in-law Fu would definitely try to punish him tomorrow.

As the saying goes, it is true that Fulai is an eunuch in front of the prime minister's door, but he is the princess's personal eunuch, not to mention he is a musician, even if he wants to change the whole book, it is easy.

Therefore, I absolutely dare not ask for this money, so I quickly declined.

Seeing that Zhang Changzong didn't dare to take it, Fulai smiled with satisfaction, and then had no choice but to put away the golden beans.

Li Yuechen on the side acted as if he hadn't seen it, and said to himself: "Then, the two of you brothers will discuss it here, and after the discussion, go to the Ministry of War to apply for military registration today. If you find the result, just come to me."

After finishing speaking, she went back to the room on her own, and Fulai quickly followed behind, leaving only the Zhang brothers behind.

It's hard to say how others face this situation, but for extremely real people like the Zhang Brothers, it's likely that they will turn against each other because they compete for this position.

What's more, Li Yuechen didn't give them a chance to go back to discuss, but now they had to get the result immediately, and didn't give them time to think carefully.

It doesn't matter to her who will end up after the two of them turn against each other.

Anyway, I just want a musician. The remuneration of the art troupe is really good, but in most cases it is difficult to get promoted. After entering the army, these people will also have the rank of non-commissioned officer. If they work all the way to retirement in the future, maybe they can get mixed up before retirement. Sergeant rank.

Of course, if you can risk your life to go to the front line to cheer for the soldiers during the war, you may be able to mix up to the rank of sergeant major.


After returning to the room, Li Yuechen sat down at the table and began to write lyrics for the good tune, while Fulai helped grind the ink beside him.

Li Yuechen muttered to himself while writing: "My generation of soldiers, what's the difference, just because we all wear glory and military uniform... Isn't this place not very good..."

In the courtyard outside, the Zhang brothers were discussing who could enter the army.

Needless to say how good the treatment of the new army is, neither of the brothers wanted to let go of this opportunity.

"Liulang, you are still young, and you still have chances in the future. Listen to brother, this time I will go in first for you. If you stabilize in the future, you can also..."

Zhang Changzong directly interrupted his drawing of cakes: "In these years, my brother entered the palace by relying on the shade of the door, and served as an acolyte. Did you ever think of me? Did you ever provide me with a little help? Instead, it was me this time. I offered to let my brother come over, thinking of you in everything. But now only one person can enter, and brother still wants to deprive me of my qualification?"

What Zhang Yizhi said felt a little hot on his face, but this kind of thing can't be admitted, otherwise wouldn't it become a negative example for brothers and friends?
But thinking about it carefully, there seems to be no objection. Over the years, he has never offered to help him. Instead, he often asks him to help when there is something wrong.

I feel sorry for him, but this time there is only such a chance, no matter what, I don't want to let it go.Just letting my younger brother in, who knows if he can make a difference, if after many years he is still only a musician, wouldn't I have to wait in vain?

"Anyway, this time let Brother Wei go first, you..."

"Brother, don't you feel ashamed when you say this? Now, brother is an official, but I'm a musician. Doesn't brother want to make me feel better? Or do you think that if I leave, I won't be able to continue to help if there are troubles? "Zhang Changzong asked loudly.


Zhang Yizhi suddenly roared, raised his hand and slapped his brother's face with a "slap": "How dare you talk to brother Wei like that?"

Zhang Changzong, who was slapped suddenly, was a little dazed, and then glared at him: "You don't look like a big brother!"

While talking, he rushed forward two steps, threw Zhang Yizhi to the ground, and then started beating him.

While waving his fists, he said: "You have been like this since you were a child! If you have any troubles, push them to me, and if you have benefits, you can take them yourself! Take the food that Grandpa gave you, and even lie to me. Get into trouble and say yes to Auntie." I……"

With such a move, it seemed that years of grievances had welled up in his heart, and he kept waving his fists.

However, Zhang Yizhi's body was much better than his since he was a child. While blocking his fist, he reversed the situation as soon as he turned over: "How dare you fight against Brother Wei!"


In the room, Fulai frowned when he heard the shouts outside, and planned to go out to have a look.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he turned back again, with a gloating expression on his face: "Your Highness, Your Highness, there is a fight..."

There are no means of entertainment these days, and watching people fight is a good way to pass the time.

"Huh? Fighting? I'll take a look too... Go open a can for me!" Li Yuechen put down his pen and sat down by the window.


After a while, Fulai brought the canned food, and Li Yuechen poured half of it into the bowl, and handed him the other half for him to eat.

Fulai hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

"Don't talk nonsense, sit down too, and watch slowly!" Li Yuechen waved his hand, "By the way, remember to clean up the blood after they finish beating, so that sister and Wan'er don't come back to see it."

(End of this chapter)

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