Great Tang princess

Chapter 586 Rename

Chapter 586 Rename
After Wang Wuqiong answered, everyone stood in place, looking expectantly at Li Yuechen who was sitting on a chair drinking tea.

As long as she nodded and said the content was correct, the experiment would be considered a complete success.

Under the expectant gaze of all of them, Li Yuechen slowly put down the teacup, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "At least this time it was successful."


Everyone cheered in unison, and the sound wave formed even made Li Yuechen feel a roar in his ears, and he quickly raised his hand to pick his ears.

But she didn't blame them, she just smiled and said: "Okay, don't be too busy to be happy, it's only a one-way transmission right now, we have to see if it can be transmitted from there to this side."

When everyone heard it, they realized that it was indeed the case.

Although the one-way transmission has been successful now, there is no doubt about the two-way transmission, but since it is an oath, it is better to try.

"Wuqiong, go over there and type a word and pass it over to have a look." Li Yuechen gave the order.


Wang Wuqiong agreed, and quickly turned around and ran to the Engineering Academy, thinking about what to write while going there.

In fact, the first thing that came out of my mind were flattery words like "Your Highness is brilliant", but considering that if His Highness read it in public, it would definitely be a little embarrassing, so I had to write something else.

After arriving at the Engineering Academy, looking at the transmitter in front of him, Wang Wuqiong also took a deep breath, and after finding the corresponding characters on the codebook, he tapped lightly.

In the office, the people who were waiting saw the lead and paper strips on the machine start to move slowly, became excited again, and surrounded them one after another.

Li Yuechen just sat quietly on the chair and smiled. To them, this should be equivalent to a fairy method, right?
Although the technology has been understood and everyone knows the principle, but only this Highness has researched it.

After a while, the lead core held by the metal rod stopped jumping. After waiting for a while, Geng Yunqiang tore off the paper strip with the pattern on it, brought it to Li Yuechen, and offered it with both hands: "Your Highness."

Li Yuechen reached out to take it, and looked down.

Because this set of codes was written by herself, she can translate it without checking the code book.

At this time, Wang Wuqiong also just ran back. Seeing this scene, he and the others looked expectantly at Li Yuechen who was holding the note.

Then I heard her slightly deep and ethereal voice: "Your Highness has developed the country's most important weapon with the power of the sky, it is really auspicious and blessed by God..."

To be honest, other people might not think of this sentence as much, but Li Yuechen always felt a little embarrassed when he read it himself, as if he was boasting.

On the contrary, Wang Wuqiong opened his eyes wide: "It's not bad at all! Your Highness, it's a success!"

Although this result had been expected for a long time, everyone in the office flushed with excitement when they heard this sentence, and then burst into cheers.

To be honest, yelling in the princess's office is very rude, but at this moment they can't control that much.

Because this incident is so shocking, the information transmission can be reached in an instant, which means that the power of the country has been raised by several dimensions.

Even Geng Yunqiang couldn't help but think that if the whole army has such equipment in the future, the combat power will increase several times in an instant.

Other craftsmen were surprised that this kind of equipment for sending messages across thousands of miles was actually successfully produced, and now it feels like a dream, not real at all.

Wang Wuqiong expressed his admiration without hesitation: "Your Highness! It's really the trick of a god! You're really a god..."

"Good good..."

Li Yuechen raised his hand to interrupt her praise: "Since the experiment is successful, the next step is to improve it. The first is the spiral structure of the ceramic tube, and the second is a large number of cement tanks and copper. By then, it will be between Dongdu and Chang'an... ..."

As she was talking, she suddenly couldn't continue, because looking at the expressions of these people, they seemed to be still in shock, and they couldn't hear what she was saying at all.


She was not angry about it, but just smiled, and then said loudly: "This thing is the result of our joint efforts, and it is also the beginning of the country's progress. In the future, these technologies, crafts and knowledge will be passed down from generation to generation, so that Later generations can produce even more powerful results, and you all have the responsibility to inherit it."

A craftsman subconsciously shook his head: "Without His Highness, I would not be able to make this thing in another thousand years. This is..."

"Don't have such thoughts!"

Li Yuechen interrupted him: "As long as you keep studying, the results will always improve. Maybe you can't wait, but apprentices and children may not be the same. This is the meaning of inheritance."

At this moment, everyone present seemed to understand why His Highness wanted to promote universal education, so that both craftsmen and soldiers could read and write.

Originally, they all thought it was a waste of time, but today, it seemed that they finally understood what His Highness really meant.

"The so-called results come from continuous accumulation. When the accumulation reaches a certain limit, corresponding results will naturally be born. This is wisdom!" Li Yuechen stood up slowly, and said sonorously to the people in front of him: " Wisdom understands all things, creates and breaks the rules! I am honored to have achieved such results with your help and hard work!"

If someone asks where the princess's personality lies, whether it is a craftsman or an ordinary soldier, she will answer that the arrogance of the superior can not be seen in her.

As a princess of a country, Li Yuechen's majesty has never been hidden, but majesty belongs to majesty, and arrogance are two different concepts.

In fact, the people under her only felt reverence for her, not fear.

It can also be seen from this sentence that for a new achievement, the princess will also give them sincere appreciation and praise, rather than the pity of the superiors for the subordinates.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be that under the princess' hands, they lived like human beings.

It's a novel experience they haven't had before, and over time, they love it, become addicted, and eventually become a habit.

In fact, Li Yuechen was very aware of the consequences of doing so. Once the wisdom of the people was opened, it was equivalent to restricting the imperial power, but she still did it.

Only by allowing the people of the whole country to supervise the royal family can the emperor's stupidity be limited to a certain extent.

Moreover, once the hole is opened, it will be difficult to go back to the past, which can be regarded as an insurance for the royal family.

When the father was still alive, he denied Li Yuechen's idea of ​​forming a royal council to supervise the emperor, because for a capable emperor, this institution was useless.

But these years, Li Yuechen has figured it out. In fact, there is no need to form a royal council at all. It is enough for the people of the whole country to supervise the royal family.

In this way, there is no limit to how good the emperor must be, but at least the worst cannot be so bad, otherwise, the throne will definitely not be stable.

At least this can ensure that the emperor will not be too stupid to a certain extent in the future. To put it bluntly, there must be a bottom line in doing things.

Coupled with childhood education, it should be possible to avoid an emperor like Li Longji.


The news of the successful communication experiment spread all over the barracks in an instant. Li Yuechen didn't deliberately keep it secret. Anyway, few people know the principle behind it. As for the effect, gossip as you like.

So the rumors began to become diverse, but no matter how they were said, the final result pointed to one thing, that is, the princess has supernatural powers, can send messages across thousands of miles, and communicate with people in other places at any time.

Even though they have all received a certain level of education, there are still many people in the military camp who think this is the princess' supernatural power.

As for why it wasn't shown before, many thoughtful people have thought of an excuse: the princess was young before, and as she grows older, her divine power will become stronger...

Humans are intelligent creatures. Even if they don't understand many things, they will rely on their brains to give themselves a reasonable explanation.

Li Yuechen didn't bother to clarify such rumors. Anyway, with the popularization of education, it will become common sense sooner or later. As for now, it doesn't matter if it is a story.

If there is no legendary story, how can a dignified princess of a country show her style?
Pretending to be aggressive is also one of the spiritual needs of human beings, and this will not change from the past to the future.

Not to mention Li Yuechen's character who always likes to show off. Even if he has become a princess of a country now, he still has to pretend if he can, provided it doesn't affect his career.

Those who are really willing to calm down and study at this time should be the children in the school.

In class, they listened carefully to Li Yuechen explaining to them the obscure and difficult electromagnetic principles that even Li Yuechen himself did not understand.

Li Yuechen didn't know what to say to make them understand, so he could only describe the problem in as concise a language as possible.

"In short, magnetism generates electricity, and electricity generates magnetism, just like Tai Chi... As for the voltage in it, how many volts is there, it is difficult to detect without measuring tools..."

Not only did the children listen to this electric course with a confused face, but Li Yuechen was also a little confused. Although it was successfully completed, the principle knowledge was almost forgotten. We can only let them have a concept first. Specifically, Let posterity slowly complete it.


A few days later, it was September, and besides the still hot daytime, there was already a hint of coolness in the morning and evening.

After trial and error during this period of time, besides confirming that the telegraph machine can be used, Li Yuechen plans to write a letter to his mother to explain it, and ask her to take some time to come and see it for herself, and then consider starting the communication between Chang'an and Dongdu. Works out.

This letter has not been written yet, but I have received a letter from the palace first.

This letter was written by Shangguan Wan'er, and it roughly talked about the recent affairs in the palace. First of all, the envoy of the Japanese country paid tribute to a lot of seemingly useless things, expressing their admiration for the saint.

The sage also complied with Li Yuechen's request and promised that they could send envoys to study, but in the future they would pay tribute of gold, silver, copper, iron and other ores.

In fact, the current Wa country does not have large-scale mining technology, but it doesn't matter, people can be sent here to teach them.

Of course, the gold, silver, copper and iron are not in vain. Here, the technology of drying salt can be taught to them, so that the Japanese envoys will be grateful for a while.

In fact, it is impossible to preserve the drying salt technique for a long time. After all, the venue is too large. As long as you squat from a distance and take a look, and then carefully experiment, you can basically guess it.

So instead of being guessed in the future, it is better to pass it on to them now, and they have to be grateful and inherit this great favor.

What's more, Li Yuechen had already thought about it, when the time comes, the missions sent there must be composed of various big families, and when the time comes to pass them on without reservation, these big families will be able to compete with each other, thus further elevating the royal family.

In the future, as long as we keep trading with them, teach them some capitalist methods from time to time, let them continue to hold the emperor above the ground, and encourage them to send their children and future heirs here to study here, they will naturally become good Tangs.

Of course, this plan seems simple, but it is not easy to implement, and it still depends on the specific situation in the future.

But Shangguan Wan'er's letter also mentioned another point. When the sage was entertaining the envoys for dinner, the Japanese country chatted about the name issue, saying that they wanted to change the country of Wa to Japan, and the sage agreed.

Seeing this, Li Yuechen raised his eyebrows. In fact, they seemed to have mentioned the name change as early as the Xianheng years. At that time, they hoped that his father would agree to add a V certification for him, but his father didn't respond.

Following Shangguan Wan'er's letter and continuing to read, Li Yuechen understood the whole story.

In the kingdom of heaven, etiquette must be done in place. The envoys came from afar, and the emperor must invite them to dinner, so he held a banquet in the palace to entertain these envoys.

The leader of these envoys is Awata Masato, who is considered an expert in Chinese culture and speaks Chinese fluently. At the banquet, he frequently praised the sage's various policies, saying that the Great Zhou is now rich in products, strong in national strength, etc...

It's the same flattery, but the effect is naturally different between the insider and the outsider. Wu Zetian was also praised for being in a good mood, and drank several more glasses.

Then Masato Awata formally proposed to change his name, using a very lofty excuse.

During this period, most of the surrounding areas had contemptuous names, such as "Dongyi, Xirong, Nanman, Beidi" and so on. They meant that the two countries are now friendly and should be called differently.

Geographically speaking, they are in the east and belong to the land of the rising sun, so they want to be called Japan.

Wu Zetian didn't think much about it, and drank a lot at that time, and was happy to be flattered, so he agreed, and directly took out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and stamped it on the other party's request.

Seeing this, Li Yuechen raised his eyebrows, good guy, so the name came from his mother?

I don't know if it was like this in the original history, but anyway, seeing this incident can be regarded as a wonderful feeling of witnessing history.

Although he said that he was not there at the time, but from the description in Shangguan Wan'er's letter, he could also think of some scenes at that time.

 This chapter is from yesterday.

  Thank you [Meng Ruoqing] for rewarding 5000 starting coins!
  Thank you [Mercury's Masked Superman] for rewarding 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Sacred Tree Pie Baili] for rewarding 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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