Great Tang princess

Chapter 589 Communication Plan

Chapter 589 Communication Plan
As the night passed, the entire barracks had already woken up at the same time as a non-glare red sun jumped out from the side of the day.

Perhaps this is the benefit of the lack of entertainment. There is nothing to do at night, so not only the soldiers, but also the people in the nearby villages go to bed early and get up early.

Although the construction of Qingdao is good, there are still no entertainment venues such as brothels.

After all, the soldiers are usually under strict control, so they must not have so much time to go out to play. As for the nearby fishing village, there are only a few people in total, and there is no consumer market at all.

When the autumn sun was pouring on the ground, the soldiers had already started singing together at the entrance of the cafeteria, preparing for breakfast.

In the room, Li Yuechen was helping his mother comb her hair.

Her movements were very serious, holding a wooden comb across the hair that had been doped with a lot of silver, her movements slowed down a lot.

"Chen'er, what's on your mind?" Wu Zetian turned her head slightly and asked.

"No, I just feel that Auntie has a lot more gray hair..."

Wu Zetian smiled: "You are almost thirty years old, and you will naturally grow old as a mother."

Time is really the fairest thing in the world, no matter rich or poor, no one can escape death in the end.

After combing mother's hair, the breakfast time for the soldiers was over, and everyone got up and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

The stewed tofu nao was placed in front of him. Li Yuechen took a spoon and scooped a little chive flower sauce into the bowl, then took a piece of pancake and gnawed it.

In fact, Li Yuechen liked this way of eating better. Because the other soldiers also had training in the morning, they mainly ate cakes and didn't like soup very much.

However, since the stewed bean curd was prepared, more and more people are willing to follow her way of eating.

After breakfast, everyone came to Li Yuechen's office, had a cup of tea, and listened to the detailed explanation about the telegraph.

Standing in front of the family, Li Yuechen briefly explained the whole principle of the telegraph in his hand, then answered many of their questions, and officially started the experiment.

She asked Wang Wuqiong to go to the Engineering Academy and write a sentence.

After Wang Wuqiong left, everyone stared at the telegraph in front of them, wanting to see how it worked.

After a while, the lead core on the bracket suddenly jumped up and down without warning.

Even though everyone around was already prepared, they were still taken aback.

"Oh, it really moved!" Li Xian subconsciously took half a step back.

Others stared curiously at the lead core that was jumping up and down, with doubts, puzzles and other expressions on their faces.

Even Wu Zetian, who was always moody and angry, tilted his head and stared at the beating lead in front of him with a strange expression, as if he wanted to figure out what the reason was.

Shangguan Wan'er smiled all over her face. She always believed that if Li Yuechen said he could do it, he would definitely do it.

After a while, the lead core stopped and stopped beating, Li Yuechen tore off the note, glanced at it and laughed, because he said this sentence last time.

At this time, Wang Wuqiong came back and held up a piece of paper in his hand. Li Yuechen said with a smile: "Wisdom understands everything, and creation breaks the rules!"

Then she opened the paper in her hand, and it was completely correct.

"Oh, amazing!" Li Dan was the first to praise, "It really is an instant message!"

The others also had expressions of astonishment.

"No hurry, do it again."

Li Yuechen handed the brush to his mother, and then said: "Mother, just write a sentence, then transmit it from this side, and receive it from the other side."

Wu Zetian nodded, and immediately began to write, while Wang Wuqiong left early and went to the other side to prepare to receive it, which can be regarded as making the experiment more accurate.

After all, the emperor must know that he was not a trustee, and Wang Wuqiong left first. If this can be proved, it means that the function of this telegraph is really magical.

The pen went like a dragon, looking at the poems left on the paper, Li Yuechen immediately tapped rhythmically on the transmitter.

Everyone watched this scene quietly, waiting for a miracle to happen.

After typing, Li Yuechen sat next to his mother and took a sip from his teacup: "Wu Qiong has not endorsed the translation, it may take some time, just wait."

Not long after, Wang Wuqiong came back again, and put the translated text on both hands: "Please have a look at the sage."

Wu Zetian asked her to open it, she agreed, and opened the paper in her hand in front of everyone.

A few lines of poems were written on the paper: "The wind opens the festival, and the gray rhythm moves the early sun. Hundreds of barbarians worship, and the dynasty of all nations is at the end. Although there are no traces of Shun and Yu, fortunately, the world is healthy. The track is the same as the eight watches, and the writing is mixed Quartet."

This is a poem by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, describing the scene of the court meeting.

Seeing that she translated it accurately once, Li Xian and the others couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's amazing!" Princess Yiyang opened her eyes wide, looking at the telegraph made of wood, she couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

The shaking of the head here is not in denial, but in extreme surprise.

Li Xian even leaned down and stared straight at the small transmitter. Just now he saw his sister tapping on the thing, how could it be converted into text?
Moreover, he has seen the pattern sent over there just now, it is just dots or bars, and he can't see the pattern at all. How can he decipher the meaning accurately?

Of course it wasn't just him, everyone had such doubts, and Wu Zetian asked it right away.

"Actually, what this thing conveys is not words. It can be understood as two simple symbols, one yin and one yang. As long as they are arranged according to the rules prepared in advance, they can naturally be deciphered into words..."

Li Yuechen roughly explained.

"This thing doesn't look big, and it's not heavy when you think about it. If it can be used by soldiers in the army to perform tasks on weekdays..." Li Xian immediately put forward his own ideas.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Yuechen: "It's not possible at the moment. From my brother's point of view, this is a wire, which must be connected to the other end. Soldiers are always on the move, so they can't carry it with them. .”

Hearing the explanation, Li Xian looked regretful: "That's really a pity."

"Perhaps after many years, this communication method can be changed from wired to wireless, and the scenario envisioned by brother will naturally be realized." Li Yuechen comforted.

Then he turned his head and smiled at Wu Zetian: "Aniang thinks, if this thing is erected between Dongdu and Chang'an, what will be the result?"

"The two places are closely connected, everything can be reached in an instant, and the administrative efficiency is undoubtedly several times higher!" Wu Zetian nodded.

In fact, Li Yuechen had talked about this a few years ago, but at that time, just listening to her, she didn't have an accurate concept in her mind, and it was not easy to express her opinion.

But now that the real objects have been made, Wu Zetian will naturally express his support.

It’s just that there are still some doubts: “This thing only needs copper wires and this wooden frame?”

Li Yuechen shook his head: "Mother, don't underestimate this copper wire, this is an electric wire, and a generator is needed to supply power..."

Just explaining this way is not enough, in the following time, Li Yuechen personally took them to the power supply equipment for a tour, let them see it with their own eyes, and explained the principle.

Although she thought she had explained it in great detail, to the ancients of this era, she still felt unclear.

Only Princess Xuancheng understood most of it, and asked her more questions about it.

Li Yuechen also had to sigh, it's a pity that my sister is getting old, otherwise, with her talent, maybe she can really train a scientist in this era.

For the emperor Wu Zetian, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, as long as he can understand the function, with this thing, the connection between Chang'an and Dongdu will be closer.

If one day it can be installed all over the country, the influence of the royal family will undoubtedly increase greatly.

She couldn't help thinking: "How long will it take for this thing to spread all over the country?"

"It will take more than a hundred years, right? Judging from the current industrial level..." Li Yuechen muttered to himself, "But if it develops well in the future, it may be shortened to a few decades."

Wu Zetian leaned down and looked carefully at the connected wires: "The last time you wrote a letter saying that you want the Japanese country to pay tribute to copper ore, is it for this thing?"

"Yes!" Li Yuechen nodded, "Not only copper, but precious metals are of great benefit to the development of various technologies. Early preparations are necessary."

Hearing her explanation, Wu Zetian nodded to show that he understood: "When will the project between Chang'an and Dongdu start?"

Now she can't wait to try what it feels like to be able to send messages in real time between the two places.

"Don't worry, Auntie. First of all, we need to make long enough copper wires, cement tanks and other items. It will be the end of the year soon." Li Yuechen smiled, "During these days, my child also wants to Do the daguerreotype well..."

"Daguerreotype?" Wu Zetian raised his eyebrows, "What is that?"

The others also looked at her with puzzled faces, thinking about this word that they had never heard before.

"Simply put, it is the technology that can preserve A Niang's appearance. In the future, all generations will know A Niang's real appearance."

Li Xian was taken aback: "Isn't that just a painting?"

"No, we'll know when it's done." Li Yuechen shook his head, and now he doesn't bother to explain.


In any case, the surprise brought to Wu Zetian this time was indeed beyond expectations. It was really unexpected that such an object that could transmit messages across thousands of miles could be produced.

So after staying for three days, I went back immediately to prepare for the upcoming project next year.

After returning to the Eastern Capital, Wu Zetian immediately promulgated a new policy, requiring the surrounding countries to ask for as much copper ore as possible when paying tribute.

Of course, the words can't be too straightforward, this is all for the officials of the Ministry of Rites to convey in private, otherwise the emperor's face will not be wiped away.

The ministers of the cabinet were puzzled and asked why the emperor suddenly promulgated such a policy. Could it be that he felt that there were not enough copper coins on the market and wanted to increase coins?
It is impossible to hide important national affairs from ministers, so Wu Zetian immediately explained that the princess had invented the telegraph, which can send messages across thousands of miles, and a large amount of copper was needed for this.

In the court hall, Wu Zetian sat on the dragon chair and explained: "At that time, I wrote a sentence casually, and it could be transmitted to the other side in an instant. Therefore, I plan to install this thing in Shendu and Chang'an. In this way, the two places communicate. In an instant..."

After listening to the emperor's explanation, some ministers exclaimed in disbelief, while others bowed their heads in thought or had a heated discussion with the narrator.

But no one doubted the authenticity of these words. First of all, the emperor had tested it himself, so it must be no problem.

What's more, who is Princess Taiping?Even objects that can fly into the sky have been invented, and sending messages across thousands of miles... It seems that it is not unacceptable.

But this news still couldn't help but make many ministers from aristocratic families sigh. If things go on like this, the development of big families will become more and more difficult in the future.

Di Renjie expressed his support for this. Anyway, the existence of this thing is conducive to ensuring the stability of the country.

However, this work will not start until next year at the earliest. This year, we can make preparations first. This matter does not need to be reported, and it is not suitable for the public to know at present.


But Li Yuechen was thinking that while telegraphs were being set up in Chang'an and Dongdu, airports should be built in both places at the same time.

After all, as the communication links become closer, the trips between the two places will become more frequent, so it is best to have an airship dedicated to traveling between the two places.

If the airship is used, the distance between the two places can be shortened to two or three hours. After Chang'an has breakfast, he can reach the Eastern Capital before noon, which is much more efficient.

As for the next step, we should consider making a sextant.

Because the second ship is about to be built, and it is expected to be completed next year. At that time, people can be sent to America to find things like potatoes and corn.

As for the accompanying crew members, some of them can be selected from the Qingzhou government soldiers for a targeted training.

To use a sextant, the premise is to know knowledge such as latitude and longitude, so that you can know exactly where you are.

Because the army is still young and has not yet reached the age of retirement, it is impossible to send active soldiers to sea. After all, this trip may take two to three years, or even longer. It would be good to train a group of specialized sailors.

Then soldiers who were retired due to injuries from previous wars can be put in and become commanders. As long as a few artillery pieces are installed on the ship, equipped with a certain amount of grenades and other weapons, I believe they can protect themselves.

This kind of equipment can already allow them to walk sideways on the earth in this era. As long as they don't encounter some natural disasters, other problems are not a problem.

So Li Yuechen wrote to Jiang Zhengan after his mother went back, asking him to send a group of young and strong soldiers over.

After receiving the letter, Jiang Zheng'an immediately sent it over a few years ago, but in the end no one was selected to come over.

When these people heard that there was a second chance to join His Highness's army, they all cheered. Seeing that they were about to dislike the trend of introversion again, more accurate news came.

The recruits this time are crew members who will go to sea for many years in the future, not soldiers. Going to sea will be very difficult, so you must be mentally prepared.

As before, it's still not mandatory, but once you're in, you can't regret it.

But even so, no one intends to launch it, and everyone is gearing up to prepare.

 Thank you [Mercury's Masked Superman] for rewarding 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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