Great Tang princess

Chapter 594 Photos

In the following month, Li Yuechen explained the principle of the camera and the whole process and precautions of taking photos to the engineering institute.

At the same time, various changes were made, and a large number of photos were taken, most of which were landscape photos, as well as some photos of the royal children and... Li Yuechen's selfie.

Some are standing by the salt fields, some are sitting in the pavilion, some are drinking tea in the office, and some are even leaning against the bed in cheongsam...

Perhaps because of being a woman for nearly thirty years, I have shown a different side of myself in taking photos.

The various hairstyles in these photos are also extremely free, some with single ponytails, some with double ponytails, some with curly hair, and some with disheveled hair...

And the effect of the shooting is quite good, except for the lack of color, the level of detail is beyond the imagination of people in this era.

At the end of October, Li Yuechen was sitting in the office. On the table in front of him was a stack of photos that had been sealed in the glass layer, admiring them while drinking tea.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think that if the country is stable, maybe these photos can be passed down for more than a thousand years, so that future generations can see what beautiful women look like in this era without PS.

There are also photos of these children, who were born in a good era, so that when they grow up in the future, they can still use these photos to evoke a little childhood memory.

The next day, Li Yuechen asked several pilots to bring this batch of photos and the letter he wrote to his family, and flew to Dongdu with the hang glider to bring this surprise.

Seeing the hang glider go away after taking off, she smiled softly, returned to the office, took out the map and began to think about the military division.

To be honest, I have been in Qingdao for so long, and it is almost time to leave.

Now that his mother's grades are getting older, Li Yuechen doesn't want to stay out of town every year, at least it's time to go back and spend his old age with his mother.

The reason why I have not left here is because the infrastructure here has not been completed yet, and there is no suitable candidate to take over as the chief of the local military region.

But it's different now. Brothers Li Chengyi and Li Chengqi will be graduating next year. They belong to the army's top students. In addition, they have also experienced the experience of going to the battlefield. If they take it with them for a while, they should be qualified for the position of the head of the military region. of.

What's more, now that the hang glider is used as a means of information transmission, even if something happens at that time, I can come over as quickly as possible or give guidance.

The exception is Li Shu and the others, who will graduate next year. With a few of them here, they should be able to support the military region.

Although they certainly didn't have much prestige as rookies at the beginning, and it was not easy to suppress their subordinates, but since the old lady is still alive, no one would dare to make trouble.

The question Li Yuechen is thinking about now is to lay a foundation for the issue of the eastern coastal defense line now, which can also give future generations a clear direction.

Today's national center of gravity is in the north of the Yangtze River, so the southern region can slow down and leave it to future generations to slowly build.

But here in the north, Li Yuechen's idea is to make a sample first and set an example for them.

Her idea is to pull the coastal defense line up and build naval bases in Weihai and Dalian respectively, so that a coastal defense line will be formed in the east.

At the same time, it may be able to drive some floating population, and it would be great if it happens to stimulate the economy.

With this plan, Li Yuechen planned to lay a solid foundation before Li Chengqi and the others graduated next year, and then let them manage it slowly.


In the office, Li Yuechen was leaning on his boss chair, holding a pencil to write and draw on the paper, trying to figure out his future plans.

Suddenly Wang Wuqiong knocked on the door and walked in: "Your Highness, there is a boat docking, it is Zhenzhou's boat."

"Let's go and have a look." Li Yuechen stood up and stretched, and followed her to the shore.

As the ship approached the shore, the people on board also got off, trotted all the way down the pier, came to Li Yuechen and respectfully saluted: "The villain has seen His Highness."

"Excuse me," Li Yuechen raised his hand, "Liu Zihe didn't come?"

"The Shangguan asked me to apologize to His Highness for this matter. Now Zhenzhou Salt Field and New Grain are busy, so I couldn't come to salute His Highness in person."

While talking, the other party took out a letter and handed it over respectfully.

Wang Wuqiong reached out to take it, checked it to make sure there was no problem, and then handed it to Li Yuechen.

Opening the envelope and looking at it, Liu Zihe first apologized for not being able to come in person this time, and then explained that this time he sent a batch of artificially improved rice seeds, and hoped that His Highness would try planting them in the north to see how the results are.

After all, the climate in Zhenzhou is different from that in the mainland, so maybe it will produce different results.

This kind of experimental thinking made Li Yuechen appreciate it very much, and couldn't help but smiled and nodded when he saw this.

After reading the letter and seeing the two packs of seeds sent over there, Li Yuechen nodded, sent someone to entertain him, and returned to the office by himself.

These two packets of seeds are important experimental products, so it is necessary to think carefully about where to plant them.

There is not much arable land here in Qingdao, so you can keep one bag here for the local villagers to try planting, and the other bag can be sent back to Dongdu for the Royal Farm to try.

So Li Yuechen asked Wang Wuqiong to distribute one of the packets of seeds to the nearby villagers: "Let them plant these next year, and the fertilization procedures will be strictly in accordance with my palace's regulations. If the experiment fails and the seeds cannot be planted, this palace will compensate them for their losses."

"Yes!" Wang Wuqiong agreed, and took the seeds to distribute to the villagers.

And the villagers readily agreed without a doubt. The princess's reputation is too loud, and no one will question what she said.


Dongdu, Jixian Temple.

Whether it is Wu Zetian, who is usually moody or angry, or Shangguan Wan'er, who always seems to be poetic and bookish, they are all surprised at this time, staring at the photos on the table with wide eyes, silently with.

Dozens of black-and-white photos sealed by glass interlayers are neatly placed on the table, including landscapes and figures.

You can see the huge Baidizi moored at the pier, you can also see the beautiful mountain peaks, and you can even clearly see a black bear at the foot of the mountain.

You can also see the royal children having fun, and you can also see Li Yuechen in different shapes.

Although the hairstyles and costumes are different, the movements and demeanor are also strange, revealing the weirdness, and they don't look like the usual heroic and stable appearance.

But for the two of them, it is naturally impossible for Li Yuechen to admit their mistakes.

Although these photos were basically taken in profile, the two people who were very familiar with her could still tell at a glance that this was definitely her.

What is surprising is what kind of extraordinary painting skills can be drawn so lifelike, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false?

The impact of the photos on the ancient people is absolutely unimaginable. The two of them stared at the photos on the table for a long time before gradually calming down.

Then Shangguan Wan'er was the first to open the letter Li Yuechen wrote to herself: "Wan'er, are you surprised to see these images? Hahaha, this is not a portrait, this thing is called a photo, and it took me several years to create it. from……"

Looking at the familiar handwriting and the showing off that was almost overflowing on the paper, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help laughing, His Highness is still His Highness.

Wu Zetian also opened the letter to her and read it, and found out in detail what kind of thing it was.

The principle is of course incomprehensible, I only know that this is the image recorded by the light shining on the copper plate.

In the letter, Li Yuechen described the role in detail, and also expressed his desire to preserve the image of his mother and pass it on to future generations.

Although knowing the strategic significance of this thing must be more than that, Wu Zetian couldn't help but smile when he thought that his daughter was for him.

Shangguan Wan'er was amazed by the effect of this photo, which is really amazing. Except for the lack of color, the level of detail far surpasses any kind of painting.

After reading the letter, Wu Zetian stared at the photo on the table for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Say, do you want them to take a look at this thing?"

"Returning to the sage, this servant thinks that His Highness's research on this thing is mainly for the sake of the family, so it is better to inform in advance." Shangguan Wan'er replied.

Wu Zetian thought it was the same, so he asked Zhang Chengxin to call all his sons and daughters over, and let them see what a miraculous thing his sister was researching.


The fastest ones were Li Xian and Li Dan. When they heard that their mother told them to go over, they hurriedly put on their clothes and tidied up.

It is very difficult to see my mother on weekdays, and if I finally have a chance, of course we should take it seriously.

The two princesses Xuancheng and Yiyang are easy to talk about. Because of their work, they meet a lot on weekdays. To put it bluntly, the two of them are still very afraid of this mother until today. If possible, they can meet less often.

It stands to reason that the slowest one should be Li Xiancai, after all, he is in the army.

But because Li Xian and Li Dan spent a lot of time washing and dressing up, they were ranked behind Li Xian instead.

After Li Xian came over, he saw that everyone else had arrived, so he hurriedly saluted: "Brother, two sisters, you really came here quickly enough."

"Hmph, you are clearly in the palace, why did you come here slower than your elder brother?" Li Xian taught.

"Oh, it's not that A Niang summoned me for a while, she wants to freshen up..."

At this time, Wu Zetian's voice sounded from the hall: "Then it seems that I need to give you some more time to burn incense and bathe?"

Everyone looked up, and Wu Zetian in casual clothes came to the door from the hall.

The sons and daughters hurriedly saluted, covering up Li Xian's embarrassment.

Wu Zetian looked in a good mood today, with a smile on his face all the time: "Okay, let's all come in, and take a look at the novelty that Chen'er has newly researched."

"Oh? Chen'er is making novelties again?"

Li Xian was the first to take off his shoes and enter the hall, looking like a curious baby.

Everyone also followed behind with curious faces. Without talking, their eyes were naturally attracted by the pile of glass pieces placed on the table, so they all leaned over to look at it.

It doesn't matter if you look at it this way, followed by a series of exclamations.

Wu Zetian was already prepared for this, smiled and shook his head, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The children looked at the photos on the table with wide eyes, and opened their mouths for a moment, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Li Xian stretched out his hand several times, and then put it down again. After repeating several times, he heard Wu Zetian's words: "You can pick it up and have a look. Don't break it... Otherwise, the picture may be damaged."

After hearing their mother's permission, several people picked up the photo and looked at it in their hands.

"It's really lifelike!" Princess Yiyang held a photo of Li Yuechen wearing a cheongsam drinking tea, and couldn't help but said, "Who painted this?"

Princess Xuancheng at the side took another photo and looked at it: "It should not be a painting. Just now Aniang said that it is a novelty object that Chen'er studied, and it is not painted by human hands."

While talking, he turned over the photo in his hand. The photo was only about the size of an iPad including the glass layer, which was a few circles larger than a normal-sized mobile phone.

I can't see any mystery that I can understand.

Li Xian on the side took a look at the photos of his two sons, with a smile on his lips: "These two little boys have grown up a lot..."

Li Xian and Li Dan quickly read all the photos, looked at each other, and nodded at the same time.

The two brothers, who had a tacit understanding, immediately understood that they wanted to go together. It would be very interesting if they and their wives could have such a painting.

Li Dan asked, "Aniang, what is this?"

Wu Zetian waved her hand, and Shangguan Wan'er immediately introduced: "Your Highness, this item is called a photo, and it is a new study by Your Highness..."

After listening to the explanation, everyone nodded in a sudden realization, then praised Li Yuechen again, and then discussed one of the photos.

This photo is a group photo of Li Yuechen and a group of children. She is sitting in the middle with her arms around Li Shu and Li Linghui, surrounded by other children.

It looked like a kid king with a group of small followers, everyone looked at the camera with curious smiles on their faces.

The extremely detailed pictures make everyone come to life, as if they are standing in front of them at this moment.

If the picture had color, they might think that it was the soul sealed inside the glass layer.

Wu Zetian put down the teacup: "Chen'er said, this camera will be brought back during the Chinese New Year, and family portraits will be taken at home. Take these photos back with your own children. You can't see them on weekdays. This is also a thought... ..."

Li Xian originally had such a plan. Both of his children are far away from other places, and he is busy on weekdays, so his wife is the only one at home.

In order to keep her from being too lonely, Li Xian bought a dog for her to keep her entertained. If there are photos of her son at home, it might make her happier.

On the other hand, Li Xian was thinking that when his sister came back this year, he must take a few photos with his wife and put them on the desk. Lian'er should be very happy.

As for Shangguan Wan'er, she had already obtained Wu Zetian's permission to put a few photos of Li Yuechen on the table.Rather, Wu Zetian himself had the same idea.

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