Great Tang princess

Chapter 598 Lies

Chapter 598 Lies
In fact, for ordinary soldiers, this kind of punishment is already quite serious, but in Li Yuechen's opinion, if it weren't for the time to employ people, he really wanted to expel these people from the military.

Safety is always a top priority, especially in the military.

As a soldier, dying on the battlefield can still be said to be an honor, but how aggrieved would it be to die under the carelessness of one of your own?
Although the penalty order has been issued, the matter is not over yet. For the next time, Li Yuechen sat in the cab with a dark face and asked them why they raised the height.

The results obtained are not unexpected. In the final analysis, there are only two words - carelessness.

Human beings are slaves of habit. When one thing is done too much, one will subconsciously feel bored, so one will subconsciously relax.

Although Li Yuechen emphasized the issue of altitude from the beginning, the pilots operated the airship every now and then and were already very familiar with all the procedures, so they would subconsciously relax and no longer concentrate as much as they did at the beginning.

Chatting while flying has become the norm. The attention of chatting is too concentrated, and the height limit is forgotten.

There is no reference object in the sky itself, and it is difficult to feel it if the altitude exceeds it, so it exceeds the safe altitude emphasized by Li Yuechen.

It wasn't until someone in the cockpit started to have high reactions that something was wrong, and then what happened just now happened.

After listening to the explanation, Li Yuechen still had a dark face: "Okay! I don't care about the safety of everyone on the airship, and I'm bragging during the take-off... I really deserve to be an elite trained by my mother!"

"For many years, I have always been proud of you and proud of you, but now such a big event happened, which almost ruined the future of the royal family! You really deserve to be a good man under this palace!"

At this time, even those who have never read the book can tell that what she said is absolutely ironic, and everyone on the other side lowered their heads in shame.

Since the reform of the military system, the princess has never talked to them in such a weird way, and her opponents have always been kind.

But now they are all starting to mock them, one can imagine how angry they are in their hearts.

Everyone was reprimanded and dared not speak, and Li Yuechen didn't continue to teach him a lesson, but he sighed helplessly. After all, he was indeed partly responsible for it.

After all, the airship is not something that should appear in this era. Forcibly moving it over, you must pay a certain price, such as the altimeter or the problem of cabin pressurization.

It is impossible to achieve such a function in this era, and it is an inevitable price to bear.

Having said that, for the soldiers, the result of such a punishment is already very good. Instead of apologizing with death, it is worthy of being grateful to Her Royal Highness.

By the way, I also have a more intuitive impression of Li Chongrun and other nobles, and it will be a good thing to be able to work under them in the future.


There were no accidents in the following itinerary. At night, after the sun went down, the airship had already appeared in the sky of Dongdu before the sky was completely dark.

Now the people of the Eastern Capital are gradually getting used to this thing, knowing that it is not a miracle, but the work of Princess Taiping. Even so, there is not much change in behavior.

It's just that in the past, when I saw it, I would put my hands together and worship as a god, and it's still the same now, but it's not the gods of all walks of life who are chanting words, but the living god Princess Taiping.

Now all over the country, no matter where, there are people enshrining the longevity tablets of Princess Taiping at home, especially in Chang'an, Dongdu and Qingdao.

Li Yuechen himself knew about the fact that he had started to enjoy incense among the people, but he chose to pretend not to know.

Anyway, as long as I don't see my temple when I'm still alive, then I can talk about anything.

As for the common people, since they knew it was the work of the princess, every time they saw it, apart from bowing down, they couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if they could go up and see it themselves.

With such a big airship floating in the sky, the people in the palace would naturally not fail to see it, especially the Xuanwu Gate. The soldiers were ready for landing the moment they saw the airship.

Wu Zetian, who received the news, also came down to Xuanwu Gate with the help of Shangguan Wan'er, boarded the city gate and waited.

Every time my daughter comes back, she will come to pick her up as long as she has nothing to do, which seems to have become a habit.

Li Xian and the others also received the news, but they didn't come over. They guessed that it might be winter vacation. Anyway, the children will come back soon, and now they will disturb the mother when they enter the palace.

On the contrary, the two princesses Xuancheng and Yiyang, who work in the palace, also came with them. They hadn't seen their sister for a long time, and there was a hint of excitement on their faces.

Of course, apart from missing my sister herself, I couldn't help but want to see what the hell the camera was.

It has to be said that women are naturally sensitive in this regard, even if it appeared more than a thousand years earlier.

While the airship was slowly descending, Li Yuechen, who was sitting by the bed, also saw the torches on the Xuanwu Gate and the crowd walking back and forth, and couldn't help smiling.

It's been a long time, and I really miss my family.


As the airship slowly landed on the square outside the Xuanwu Gate, the hatch opened, and Li Yuechen walked out with the children.

The soldiers at the gate raised their hands in salute: "Welcome Your Highness, the saint has been waiting on the city wall for a long time."

"Oh, I see."

Li Yuechen replied, before walking over, he saw the gate of Xuanwu Gate suddenly opened, and several figures of different heights slowly walked out from inside.

Squinting his eyes for a while, Li Yuechen hurriedly walked a few steps: "Why did Aunt come out?"

"There are too many torches on the city wall, so I can't see clearly, so come down and have a look." Wu Zetian smiled, "This place is empty, so let's go for a walk."

Shangguan Wan'er supported her by the arm, and smiled at Li Yuechen as a greeting.

The two older sisters also followed, looking expectant.

The emperor came to the front, and a group of children behind Li Yuechen hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the saint!"

In fact, Wu Zetian didn't see many of these children, and she couldn't be called a fan of them, so she didn't have much energy to get along with them at all.

And these children, under the influence of their parents, are actually a little afraid of the emperor in their hearts, and they are all very respectful when saluting, without the slightest casualness in front of Li Yuechen.

Wu Zetian just smiled slightly: "Excuse me, it's getting late today, you don't have to enter the palace, go back and reunite with your parents earlier."

"Here!" The children all agreed and prepared to leave accompanied by their own guards.

However, at this moment, Wu Zetian suddenly tilted his head, looked at Li Xianhui's collar and asked, "Is that... blood?"

Li Xianhui looked down and saw that the nosebleed dripped on the collar of the airship.

And the soldiers in the cockpit who came out behind them all trembled.

However, before waiting for an answer, Li Yuechen took his mother's arm and walked in: "Okay, mother, don't worry about children's affairs, let's go..."

As he spoke, he took his mother's arm and took her away.

This picture made everyone around them widen their eyes, and the figures staring at their backs in disbelief gradually disappeared into the Xuanwu Gate.

Those who dare to drag the emperor away, since ancient times, there are probably not many, right?

But Wu Zetian didn't care about it at all. Since his daughter said so, it should have been resolved. It's not a big deal, so there's no need to ask.

Seeing that the emperor was dragged away by the princess, the other people present were also relieved.

Because the airship came and the whole city saw it, the carriages sent by the palaces to pick up the children had already waited outside the Xuanwu Gate. Seeing that they did not follow into the palace, they took their little masters back.

Inside the palace, on the way back to Jixian Temple, Wu Zetian couldn't help but said: "It's a bit earlier this year, it's just the twelfth lunar month."

"Well, isn't this because I miss my mother, so I came back earlier." Li Yuechen replied with a smile.

Although he knew it was flattery, Wu Zetian still didn't point it out, and laughed happily.

It was Princess Xuancheng who couldn't bear it first, and quickly asked, "Chen'er, did you bring the camera back?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely let my sister have enough fun. But the night is too dark to shoot, let's talk about it tomorrow." Li Yuechen smiled.

It is certain that they will be curious about this kind of novelty. Li Yuechen had expected it in advance, and brought back several sets this time, just for them to play with.

Shangguan Wan'er suddenly asked: "Your Highness has been flying all day, so you haven't eaten yet? Why don't you get some food first?"

"Alright, I haven't eaten the food in the palace for a long time, so I should try it."

After she agreed, without saying a word, Zhang Chengxin on the side had already notified people to go to Shangshi Bureau to prepare.

Li Yuechen wasn't really a foodie, but when he finally came back, he naturally wanted to try the taste at home.

In fact, in the years since stir-frying was invented, there have been differences between different dishes in different places.

Nowadays, because Qingdao is close to the sea, most of the dishes are seafood-based, but in Chang'an and Dongdu, pork and mutton are still the main dishes.

Back to Jixian Temple, we chatted for a while, and then the food was served.

"Your Highness, try this. This is a new dish that was just researched this year. The sages think it tastes good." Shangguan Wan'er pushed over a plate of mutton in the middle.

Li Yuechen looked at it, then picked up a piece and tasted it, then nodded slightly, indicating that the taste was really good.

It looks like an ordinary mutton soup, but it is different from Chang'an's water basin mutton. The method is different, and the taste is naturally different. It is a unique taste.

Because everyone else had eaten, they didn't eat with her. Instead, they poured a cup of tea and watched her eat while chatting.

The so-called silence while eating and sleeping does not mean that you cannot talk while eating, but that you cannot talk while chewing. You can still say a word or two in the middle of eating.

This time I came back and talked a lot about things in Qingdao, and at the same time reported the progress of the production of cement tanks and copper wires.

Li Yuechen thinks that the communication project between Chang'an and Dongdu will start in March next year, but the construction period may be a bit long, and it is expected to take a year.

Although it is only a distance of more than [-] kilometers, after all, it is done by hand without any equipment. Although there are a large number of captives and prisoners who can be used as labor force, it is a human project after all, and the construction period is sure to be long.

However, if the people who live nearby along the way are willing to work during the slack period, the time should be shortened.

Speaking of this, Wu Zetian and the others also began to listen to her carefully.

Although cameras are indeed very rare, when compared to communication technology, they should be put on the back burner.


While Li Yuechen was chatting with his mother in Jixian Hall, the other children also returned home.

In Luling Prince's Mansion, Li Chongrun's brothers and sisters had just got off the carriage when they saw their father Li Xian waiting at the door with his wife and concubines.

In the past, it would be impossible for a father to behave like this, but now, it seems to be normal.

"Grandma, the baby is back!"

Li Chongrun brought his younger brothers and sisters to salute in front of his parents.

"Okay, okay," Li Xian nodded slightly, "Come in first!"

Wei Lian'er even dragged her son's head to look left and right for the first time, and then said: "I have been flying all day, I must have not eaten yet, come in quickly..."

The other children also ran to their biological mother to say hello, causing a burst of greetings.

When entering the gate, Wei Lian'er suddenly grabbed her daughter's shoulder, frowned and asked, "Where did this blood come from?"

Li Chongfu, who was walking in front, subconsciously turned back and smiled, "Don't worry, Auntie, it's just that she flew a little higher when she came back..."


Li Chongrun coughed in various ways, interrupting the second brother's answer, then came over and took his mother's hand and walked inside: "Aniang, it's okay, let's go."

"Tell me clearly, why?" Wei Lian'er asked with a frown as she waved her hand.

Although as a princess, she basically doesn't care about things, but she is not stupid at all. Looking at the attitudes of these children, she knows that something must be wrong.

Seeing her mother's determined attitude, Li Xianhui glared at Li Chongfu, who had slipped her tongue, and then cast a questioning look at her elder brother Li Chongrun.

The brothers and sisters usually go to class and play together, and they already have a tacit understanding. They know that it is the younger sister who wants to help, but they don't know what to say for a while.

"Say it quickly!" Wei Lian'er frowned and urged, while Li Xian who was beside her also looked suspicious.

Li Chongrun's eyes lit up, and then he stomped his feet, pretending to be helpless, and said: "Don't ask me any more, Auntie, this is a question for me and the younger generation. If the elders are involved, it will be troublesome."

"Junior? Who is it related to?" Li Xian asked.

"When I came back today, Xian Hui and Long Fan clashed because they were competing for a seat on the airship..." Li Chongrun said.

Li Xian frowned: "Long Fan? Hit her a woman?"

"Grandpa's words are wrong. We are soldiers. On the battlefield, how can there be any distinction between men and women? You practice martial arts diligently on weekdays, so it is normal for you to miss a moment." Li Chongrun replied.

At this moment, Li Xianhui also came to his senses, and nodded quickly: "That's right, besides, parents don't have to worry, Long Fan was also punched by the child, and his nose bleeds!"

(End of this chapter)

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