Great Tang princess

Chapter 686 The Game Begins

Chapter 686 The Game Begins

During this period of time, the Shangyi Bureau was fully fired, and Wu Zetian could truly see the charm of the industrial revolution.

The uniforms of the four teams were all made in just five days.

The key is not solid color clothes, but stripes of different colors.

Of course, this is also for the convenience of the audience to distinguish, otherwise both sides will mess up on the court, and no one will know who is who.

Moreover, the current football teams have just been formed, so the Qiuyi numbers can be arranged directly in order.

The goalkeeper is No. [-], and the others are lined up for them, and they can choose by themselves.

The concept of numbers is actually known to all players, and everyone has chosen their favorite number.

Although Arabic numerals have become popular in the imperial court, they are rarely spread among the people.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Li Yuechen will arrange a commentator in the stadium seats, and you should know after listening to it a few times.

After all, as long as these people don't run naked in front of the emperor, sitting opposite will not have any effect.

As the number of people increased, the stadium soon fell into chaos. Like a vegetable market, people chatted in groups and made a mess.

Lu Zhenxing thought for a while: "Since the tickets are sold like this, it doesn't matter..."

But at this moment, as a group of soldiers in black military uniforms ran out from the opposite stand, the entire stadium fell silent instantly.

Just got out of the car, came to the door, and handed the ticket in his hand to the old man who was guarding the door.

I heard that it was originally made by the princess to honor her mother, but after many people inquired about it, it was sold as a commodity.

"Since that's the case, please come in, gentlemen. After entering, someone will guide you to Area C."

But she was wearing a black and red crown and a crown with beads hanging down from her head.

After sitting on the soft sofa, Wu Zetian turned his head and asked, "Chen'er, can we start?"

Those who can afford tickets to this area are not short of money, and basically know each other, and everyone salutes and greets each other.

Her full name is Lu Zhenxing, she was also the first female number one scholar a few years ago, and Lu Yao's cousin.

In fact, the waiters in these stadiums are little girls pulled from the Lelou.

When the photos and sounds are available, people in the future will have a more intuitive understanding of ancient times.

Area C is another area facing the emperor. It also has a very wide view and is also a place where the ticket price is very expensive.

Of course, these dandies don't need his bamboo cup. Nowadays, many dandies like to bring a small teapot made of glass when they go out, which is the kind that can drink directly from the spout.

One of the teenagers had a tray hanging on his shoulder, holding several bowls of Su Shan.

"That's more than that. The stand on the opposite side of me must be the seat of a saint, right?"

If it can be passed on to future generations, then people in the future will be able to hear the music of this era.

Including Emperor Wu Zetian, they all especially like to drink tea from glass cups.

"Sushan, hot tea, is there any distinguished guest in need?" Suddenly there was a voice not far away.

And the members of the cabinet, as well as the emperor's children, are eligible to sit not far from the emperor and watch the game with her.

"No wonder the tickets are so expensive, this place is pretty good."

In fact, the reason why pop music in the future will be as short as three to five minutes is also related to this.

This thing was made under the influence of the royal family. Li Yuechen originally made this kind of thing for his brother to play with.

Then he said to the ministers who followed behind him: "All the lovers, please take your seats, let's see how today's competition is going to be."

Although the loudspeaker couldn't be made, she thought of another gadget, a tape recorder!

Anyway, the principle of the phonograph is not complicated, and it should not take long to make a sample.

The crown of Dagon is embroidered with mountains, rivers, sun, moon, golden dragon, fire and phoenix, which is extremely luxurious.

It is even possible to record the voice of speaking, maybe it will also allow future people to listen to the voice of this princess.

Behind them are a few women dressed as court ladies. These women hold long knives that are almost as tall as a person.

The young man promised, and immediately walked over: "This distinguished guest, do you want crispy mountain or hot tea?"

"A bowl from Sushan." Lu Zhenxing turned his head, "Choose yourselves."

In this era, security issues cannot reach the grassroots after all, so people must have weapons to be able to protect themselves.

The phonograph was wind-up, not powered by electricity.

Hearing his friend's question, Lu Zhenxing shook his head lightly: "I asked too, but sister didn't explain."

Then I saw a figure gradually appearing in the shadow of the aisle.

The ministers behind him agreed in unison, and continued their actions under the guidance of the waiters who had already arranged.

Not only sons and daughters came here today, but also the Crown Princess Wei Lianer and other female relatives.

Even if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, such an obvious attire was enough for everyone present to recognize his identity.

After asking some common-sense questions, Lu Zhenxing threw a small bunch of Kaiyuan Tongbao to the waiter, about a dozen of them.


As for weapons such as knives, they cannot be avoided. They are just verbal warnings.

A group of people entered the stadium, and suddenly felt that the field of vision was much wider.

Several people sat in place and discussed while waiting for the game to start.

Everyone in the stadium stood up and bowed in unison.

Two rows of soldiers came to the stand, turned around neatly, and stood facing each other, forming a passage.

Later, although the short board of recording time was solved through technical methods, the pattern of pop music was established in this way.

There is a white goal on each side, and the layout is exactly the same.

The stadium opened today, and Li Yuechen directly pulled them over.

Most of the ticket inspectors and cleaning attendants here are recruited retired government soldiers, which was what Li Yuechen had always emphasized at the beginning.

Two of them were holding incomprehensible weapons. It looked like a stick with the back half made of wood and the front half made of iron.

On weekdays, these little girls would also work as waiters in the music building to earn some pocket money for themselves.

Although this new style of black military uniform does not match the aesthetics of the current era, it is precisely this way that everyone's attention can be focused on it.

The few people had just chatted for a few words, and a young girl ran over: "Please take out the tickets, gentlemen, and I will take the noblemen to the seat."

After Lu Zhenxing and the others followed the waiter all the way to District C and sat down, they couldn't help admiring.

And if the experiment is successful, it might change the future of music.

The boy next to him was carrying two thermos pots and a string of cups made of bamboo tubes hanging on his body.

These days, it is impossible for any little girl with a similar occupation to have such a spirit.

As for the auditorium, because of the shelter of the canopy, it will not feel dazzling, and you can watch the game later in the shade.

The main job of the hidden guards is to collect information, and they have to play the role of a rich man as a servant.

Why don't we wait until the game is over and let the engineering institute carry out experiments.

After all, there is no way to make a loudspeaker, and there is no way to transmit the voice of the commentator to every corner of the stadium.

The soldier on the opposite side kept working, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "The saint is here today."

In fact, this thing existed in our country until the 90s, and there was one in the orphanage back then.

Most of these little girls were sold by their own family members. Le Lou would not train them as prostitutes, but would teach them to read and write, and let them choose their own future path.

In fact, dishes and cups are worthless and can now be mass-produced.

Some people with good eyesight can already see them. The one walking in the middle is an old lady with benign eyes and half gray hair.

At the beginning, the phonograph could only record for three to five minutes, so the market for a song had to be controlled within this time period.

"Brother Lu, your sister didn't reveal any news to you?" asked a dude.

As time went by, more and more people entered the stadium, and after a while, they were full of people.

Generally speaking, only women from wealthy families can have this kind of weird temperament.

In this day and age, doctor refers to the meaning of Xiao Er.

However, although Li Yuechen was familiar with the phonograph, it was hard to say how the sound quality of this thing would be preserved.

After the waiter's explanation, they understood that this competition lasted for several days, with two games per day for the first three days, and one game in the afternoon of the fourth day was the final.

The thermos pot is no longer a rare item in Dongdu, and many rich and powerful people have it in their homes.

In this day and age, even if there are commentators, they can only serve the emperor or the powerful.

Li Yuechen still remembered the phonograph in the orphanage, because it was one of the few ways for children to entertain themselves.

No, no, of course it is impossible to do it in this era of tape recorders, but it should be possible to make that kind of ancient phonograph.

And this cost has been apportioned among the tea and Sushan.

But helplessly, they like it, so let them go.

The first thing you see is a huge square lawn, divided into several different areas by white lines.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen was suddenly taken aback.

Today I finally had the opportunity to enter one of them to see what happened.

The waiter thanked happily, and after saying a few more auspicious words, he turned and left.

And the record does not necessarily have to be vinyl, wax, ceramic or even metal.

In fact, Li Yuechen persuaded him many times, saying that it is better to drink tea or use ceramic cups.

Although these people are old, after simple training, these simple jobs can still be done.

The two teenagers were busy for a while, and after collecting the money, they said: "Guests, I've finished eating Sushan, just put the bowls and dishes on the seats before leaving. If you run out of tea, you can add water for free later..."

That morning, many people left the city early and came straight to the stadium.

Others thought about it too, they could think of this question, how could it be impossible for the court to think of it?
Of course Li Yuechen thought of it, but the distance is so far, and there is no sniper rifle these days, so it will not pose any threat to the emperor.

Directly above the stadium is an oval open-air structure, allowing sunlight to fully illuminate the interior of the stadium.

In such a big stadium, Wu Zetian didn't need to speak, and raised his right arm to show his courtesy.

But how could someone from a wealthy family do such a job?

This guy called Brother Lu is the leader of this gang of dudes.

Wait, megaphone?

Lu Zhenxing raised his hand and said, "Doctor!"

The rest are some female soldiers who will be arranged to enter the dark guard in the future.

So let them come over to act as waiters today to get used to it.

After hearing this, these dudes shook their heads: "Forget it, anyway, I want to take a good look when I come in, so there is no need to go around."

On both sides are densely packed seats, one level higher than the other, like a huge staircase.

A few dandies nodded, and asked the soldiers on the opposite side while being searched: "Why do you need to be searched here?"

If I made one that can be recorded for a long time from the beginning, will it change the pattern of future music?
But forget it, let's think about these things later, let's think about the football game first.

Several people turned their heads to see that two teenagers were yelling in front of the seat aisle.

But it's not round, and it looks a bit odd-shaped.

The doubts belonged to doubts, but she still showed her ticket and asked her to take it to the seat.

A group of playboys came out of the house early, and a row of carriages came to the outside of the stadium.

But somehow, it slowly spread to the outside world.

And today, because the emperor is here, there are active soldiers guarding the door, responsible for ticket checking and body searches, to prevent people from entering with bows and crossbows.

The other dandies thanked each other and chose crispy mountain and hot tea one after another.

The old soldier who was in charge of checking the tickets for the dandies looked at the tickets they handed over, and then said with a smile: "Gentlemen, if you enter through this gate, you have to go around farther. It's better to enter through the east gate, where the seats are closer."

So Li Yuechen thought that maybe he could try to make a phonograph in this era.

They were very curious when the stadium was built, but because it was built by the military, no one else was allowed to approach it, so they didn't know what it looked like inside.

As time progressed, it finally came to the scheduled match day.

It's better to say that this will make the emperor appear close to the people and leave a good impression on the people.

Looking at this energetic little girl, the dudes were a little dazed for a moment.

"Oh, then if I sit opposite the saint, wouldn't it be presumptuous?"

That is the so-called vinyl records!

Beside her was a tall woman in a red round neck gown with a high ponytail.

"So that's how it is..." The dandies nodded, and only entered the interior after undergoing a body search.

And if ceramic pieces are used, the storage time is long enough, and it should be able to stay for thousands of years.

And the waiter next to him also explained at the right time: "Don't worry, gentlemen. By the way, this ticket is for the whole day today, and there is still a game at [-]:[-] in the afternoon..."

In fact, it is not considered a commentator, but someone will explain things like corner kicks or free kicks to them in different audience areas.

"Well, start!"

Li Yuechen nodded, waved his hands behind him, and announced the start of the game.

The soldier on the side agreed, picked up a chess piece and waved it.

The next moment, a row of big drums that had already been arranged on the court remembered the sound of a tight rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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