Great Tang princess

Chapter 689 Craftsman Rating

All the way to the Academy of Engineering, Pei Bishu hurriedly came out to greet the carriage as soon as the carriage stopped.

Li Yuechen has ridden this carriage many times, and now he has firmly remembered it.

Seeing that the princess didn't come alone today, Pei Bishu was a little curious, but he didn't ask any more questions. After saluting, he quickly led a few people inside.

Entering the laboratory, the other craftsmen inside followed suit.

Vice President Wang Gangdan hurried over: "Your Highness, there are still some problems with the single-barreled shotgun..."

"I didn't come here today to ask about that." Li Yuechen smiled, "You have seen the photo of the saint, can you engrave it and print it?"

That's right, this is one of the anti-counterfeiting methods that Li Yuechen thought of, directly printing the face of the emperor, his mother, on the banknotes.

Nowadays, the technology of cameras is only available to us. If we can’t solve this problem, don’t even think about forging counterfeit money.

Wang Gangdan thought for a while, and then said: "This subordinate is sure, but this is an extremely delicate job, I'm afraid in terms of time..."

"Probably estimate." Li Yuechen said.

After all, she is in her 30s, and life, old age, sickness and death are like this.

Although he is not a professional in economics, in the era of information explosion, it is enough to fool the ancients with all kinds of things learned under the influence of ears and eyes.

At that time, one yuan will be equal to ten Kaiyuan Tongbao, so just follow this exchange price.

After returning to the princess mansion, it was already late at night, and everyone didn't talk much, but went back to rest.

The weather is hot, and many dandies still hold a folding fan in their hands, and open the fan twice from time to time.


Although this daughter has invented many unconstrained gadgets since she was a child, she can do anything in the world.

Then I went to the wing room inside to take care of my mother.

Because the curfew was cancelled, even though the sun had already set, there were still many pedestrians strolling in groups on the street.

Everyone chatted while looking at the scenery outside the window.

Not to mention that the formula of this ink is only available in the paper workshop under the name of Li Yuechen, and it is not easy for the outside world to imitate it.

So naturally there will be more people there, and in those dark corners, I don't know how many young men and women are taking advantage of the cover of night to make love.

After listening to his daughter's explanation, Wu Zetian lowered his head and thought for a while: "In this case, it's worth a try..."

She also knew that when her mother suddenly fell ill at this time, she might be dying.

While drinking tea, Li Yuechen explained to his mother in detail with his extremely limited financial knowledge.

As for the ten yuan, put a photo of Chang'an City.

Just don't feel too comfortable these days.

Then Li Yuechen said: "Since I agree, Aniang will come and participate in the paper and pen page design together? By the way, Wan'er will come too."

"Wax sheets and ceramics are fine... But if you have other ideas, you can also try them together." Li Yuechen replied.

Li Yuechen raised his hand: "Don't worry, Mommy, let's listen to the baby's explanation first."

Then write the face value below the Surrender and in the upper right and upper left corners.

Anyway, it is not that paper money has not evolved. With the continuous development of technology in the future, there will always be changes.

The two sets of patterns overlap each other like a jigsaw puzzle, and can also form different new patterns.

"The pattern must be complex enough, but there must be regularity in it. The two sets of engravings are printed on paper with different colors of ink, so the lines can cross each other, but there can be no repetition... For example, suppose this line is red , then the line above is black and crosses each other. But the two lines cannot always overlap..."

Li Yuechen strikes while the iron is hot: "And the boy didn't plan to implement it nationwide at the beginning, just try it out in Chang'an and Dongdu. By the way, Fan Yang is also fine. The cooperation between the Lu family and me can also be used..."

"This palace is thinking about improving the craftsman examination system. Divide the existing craftsman skills into several levels from high to low, and each level is equipped with a corresponding skill certificate..."

It was you who wanted to enlighten the people at the beginning, but now you are the one who wants to use paper as money, isn't it a bit contradictory?

Li Yuechen's idea is that banknotes are in yuan, divided into one yuan, five yuan, ten yuan, fifty yuan and one hundred yuan.

However, because it is close to the main street, there are not too many people. If you walk to Nanbei City, it will be more lively.

"With machine assistance, it will take about three months. And during this period of time, the old man will not be able to do other work..." Wang Gangdan replied softly.

In just one day, the promotion of banknotes has been settled, which is always a bit of a joke.

Because it uses a mainspring, it does not need electric drive, and overall it is relatively simple.

Because she has demonstrated too many miracles.

That being said, there's really nothing wrong with it.

Not for anything else, just because she is Princess Taiping!

After spending the whole afternoon finishing the first draft of the banknotes, this matter is considered settled.

"Yes, brother, he doesn't know how to be blessed while he is in the midst of blessings." Li Yuechen said with a smile, "Speaking of which, he is living a much more comfortable life now than before."

As long as people gradually get used to this method, copper coins will gradually withdraw from the market.

Shangguan Wan'er nodded, and suddenly asked: "Will His Highness be lonely if Wan'er is not here?"

In the evening, when everyone left Jixian Temple together, Pei Qingwan still felt a little dazed.

With this alone, this banknote can definitely be circulated.

But the efficiency of manpower is too slow after all, and there is no way to achieve mass production.

Li Yuechen thought for a while: "As long as the shops under my name can be settled and paid by banknotes, including Lelou, you can also use banknotes for consumption."

Unlike now, government affairs are handled by the cabinet. As a prince, he only needs to learn how to read reports and not let the people below fool him.

Of course, it is impossible to expect people to accept it forcibly at the beginning, and it still needs to be paralleled for a period of time, and then gradually replaced.

After drawing the blueprints, let them figure out how to build the parts they need.

In this way, the cost and difficulty of counterfeiting will be higher.

It is actually simple to say, that is, use two sets of templates to carve different fine patterns, and use two different colors of ink to print on the paper.

If you want to say that the benefits of future people are here, maybe those who are proficient are the same, but they know a lot.

It is only necessary to open banks in these three places. If the trial operation is successful, other cities will naturally ask for the sale of banknotes.

This is indeed the case, if the society does not develop.Even if he is still the prince now, he has to study a lot every day.

This kind of delicate work, I am afraid that only the craftsmen of the Engineering Academy can do it.

Li Yuechen still believed in this point. The craftsmen in the gold and silver workshop were all experts in fine work.

As long as she did something, no matter how unreasonable it seemed, no one would say anything.

"The most important thing is that this is the court's credit currency. The more people use it, the more stable the court will be..."

Anyway, it's just opening banks in these three places, and they can exchange paper money for copper coins at will.

Ziwei Palace felt aggrieved and put it on the back of the 50 yuan.

According to his explanation, photo engraving needs to carve the lines as finely as a knife edge to show the effect.

Then Li Yuechen said again: "Find some people to make me a pattern engraving."

But since this policy was proposed by Princess Taiping, there should be no problem.

But currency is currency after all, and no amount of caution can be exercised in anti-counterfeiting work.

Now the Taiping Group under her name, although I dare not say that it covers all aspects of life, at least in the noble circle, it has long been indispensable.

For example, one yuan, five yuan... and so on.

With the reputation, other merchants who cooperate with Taiping Group will naturally be willing to accept banknotes. Under such a cycle, it will be a matter of time before they are circulated.

After entering September, the weather began to cool down gradually.

So during this time, Shangguan Wan'er came back from get off work every day to take care of her mother, trying to let her enjoy a few more years of happiness.

After explaining the work, Li Yuechen took his sister-in-law and sister to the palace to report the matter to his mother.

"Our country's copper output is not much, and there will be more and more places to use copper in the future. Besides, copper coins are heavy and inconvenient to carry and transport... Besides, money and silk are paralleled now, which can easily affect prices... "

Because a lot of the square walls over there have been demolished, and some merchants even hung up lanterns spontaneously to use as street lights.

Princess Xuancheng turned her head: "Can't both parties enjoy the comfort?"

The craftsmen looked at it and felt that the difficulty of this thing was not too great. After asking some more questions, they immediately started making it.

However, Li Yuechen doesn't plan to spread the word across the country prematurely, or that sentence, for now, as long as it is used in Dongdu, Chang'an and Fan Yang are enough.

As for the back, that's much easier to say.

As for banknotes like a few cents, just think about it when you have a chance in the future.

Li Yuechen leaned on the back of the chair: "That's right. If the common people live comfortably, the country will be fine. If the royal family starts to enjoy it and live comfortably, then the common people will suffer."

"Yes, but just treat that hugging bear as you." Li Yuechen replied with a smile.

In Jixian Temple, Wu Zetian was holding a teacup and even forgot to drink water, just looking at her daughter with raised eyebrows in bewilderment.

Princess Yiyang also said: "Speaking of which, the prince complained to me two days ago, saying that the noise outside at night made him unable to sleep."

Li Yuechen nodded: "There may be noise, and I can't guarantee the sound quality, so let's try it out first."

Li Yuechen took some free time and came to the Engineering Academy to study the phonograph.

Respectively marked with uppercase Chinese characters and Arabic numerals.

Five yuan and one far away, you can find a place with a good view and take a picture of the landscape.

Ziwei Palace and Daming Palace are all very good patterns on the back.

So Pei Qingwan, Princess Xuancheng, Shangguan Wan'er, and Li Yuechen's mother and daughter gathered together and started writing and drawing, designing the layout of the pen and paper.

Craftsmen have achieved this point, and their hands are already more precise than machines.

In the carriage, Shangguan Wan'er was sitting next to Li Yuechen, and she couldn't help raising her own doubts: "Your Highness said that all officials' salaries will be distributed in banknotes, so how can we ensure that they use them?"

At the same time, the paper itself also has a watermark. It can be said that the anti-counterfeiting work has reached the acme of this era.

On the front, the emperor's head is placed in the middle, surrounded by puzzle patterns designed at that time.

Most things don't require him to think about the solution, even if he becomes the emperor in the future.

Although it is still hot at noon, the temperature has dropped in the morning and evening.

"The principle of this thing is very simple. It is to use this needle to engrave the sound on this disc. It is necessary to ensure that this disc can record for more than half a quarter of an hour, so you can adjust the speed accordingly."

Shangguan Wan'er watched the people coming and going outside the window, and couldn't help laughing, "It's become a lot more lively at night."


Considering that Chang'an is the real capital, Li Yuechen still decided to put Daming Palace on the back of one hundred yuan.


Pei Bishu felt a little curious: "Your Highness is saying that this thing can preserve our voice?"

Recently, due to Zheng's illness and poor health, Shangguan Wan'er stopped sleeping with Li Yuechen and took care of her mother.

A craftsman asked: "Your Highness, the material of this disc..."

But today, he suddenly ran over and said that paper money would be issued, which really made Wu Zetian stunned.

Li Yuechen understood this, but he didn't leave right away, but chatted with Pei Bishu about other things.

As a princess of a country, Li Yuechen's bed is very spacious, with several life-sized hugging bears and other pillows, it doesn't look crowded at all.


Shangguan Wan'er is now the commander of the hidden guards. Although she is still a slave, who dares to treat her as a slave?
Therefore, in the Princess Mansion, the Zheng family is also served by someone every day, and they live a very good life.

Now the craftsmen who are idle in the engineering institute have not mastered the kung fu, and many fine parts cannot be made.

It's just that the speed may be slower, because recently the most powerful big touch Wang Gangdan in the Academy of Engineering is busy making photo engravings, while other craftsmen who are good at fine work are also busy making banknote engravings.

Then in the middle of the pattern is the head portrait of the emperor, mother, so that the emperor's recognition rate among the people can also be improved.

"Okay, Wan'er, you can go back too." Li Yuechen touched her little face.

Shangguan Wan'er smiled: "That's good."

Those artisans in the folk, it’s good to be able to eat enough at ordinary times, how can they have the time to study such complicated things?

Then Li Yuechen explained his thoughts to his mother.

"I wonder what kind of pattern Your Highness wants?" Wang Gangdan asked.

When Shangguan Wan'er heard that she was called, she also followed her.

Li Yuechen immediately asked for a pen and paper, and then began to draw while talking.

"Paper money?"

"But banknotes are different. First of all, they are easy to carry, and it is easier for merchants to trade with each other. In this way, a part of copper can be saved for other purposes... At the same time, in order to stabilize food prices, the salaries for officials in the future can also be reduced. Distributed in banknotes..."

With the opening of industrialization in the future, the artisan industry will usher in a wave of explosion.

In order to prevent fish in troubled waters, Li Yuechen wanted to take the lead in improving the craftsman rating system.

Her idea is to set Wang Gangdan's level of big touch as eight levels, and then from high to low, level one is the lowest.

Let him discuss the specific examination content with Wang Gangdan, an eighth-level craftsman.

All kinds of craftsmen, including carpenters, blacksmiths, stonemasons, etc., must be tested.

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