Great Tang princess

Chapter 703 Great Zhou Super League

The next morning, there is no need to go to court.

After Shangguan Wan'er came to the palace in her own carriage, she arrived at Jixian Hall with ease.

After entering, it is the daily salute: "Wan'er has met His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


Wu Zetian, who was sitting at the side supervising Li Xian, waved his hand: "Isn't today that...Saturday? Didn't Chen'er come with you?"

"Return to Your Majesty, after your highness has finished practicing in the morning, he will go to draw the design."


Li Xian, who was reading the memorial, raised his head: "What novelty is she going to study again?"

Shangguan Wan'er looked bewildered: "His Royal Highness said that he wants to study a typewriter. With a cup of tea, he can write hundreds or even thousands of words."

"You're bluffing?" Li Xian obviously didn't believe it.

As one of the best calligraphers in this era, Li Xianbie didn't dare to brag about it, but writing had too much right to speak.

Normal people write, let's say you are fast.The process of lifting the pen and dipping the ink puts the speed limit to death.

Even with the fountain pen invented by my sister, nearly ten characters can be written with one dip in the ink, but writing itself takes time.

How could it be possible for a cup of tea to have hundreds or even thousands of words?Unless you don't care about the font at all, writing it is almost like a ghost drawing.

Shangguan Wan'er shook her head: "Wan'er doesn't know too well, I can't understand the design drawing drawn by His Highness now..."

"This girl invented these objects in recent years, and I can't understand them more and more. When she was young, the princess plowed and handball was fine. Bicycles and roller skates can barely understand... But the big ships and airships that followed are really good. I can't understand it."

In fact, don't say that she, the emperor, can't understand it, almost everyone else can understand it.

This is the existence of the so-called technical barriers.

After more than 1000 years, fighter jets like the F22, even if they are given design drawings to some small countries, they will not be able to build them.

Is that called an airplane?That's a flying computer!

The technical barriers are there, and it is really useless to just look at it.

Today's Wu Zetian and others are also facing this problem. With Li Yuechen's knowledge and the ability of the Engineering Academy, the things invented in recent years are indeed becoming more and more incomprehensible.

Even the lighter that was invented a few years ago looks very simple in structure, and it's the same when you take it apart.

But other countries want to imitate, just can't do it.

Either it burns with too much smoke, or it doesn't light at all.

Because now only the Academy of Engineering has kerosene refining technology, they just can't do it.

The same principle applies to kerosene lamps, and other countries also have similar glass-making techniques.

But the glass they made has a lot of bubbles and is thick, so it can't be made into the desired shapes.

Even they can't make clear glass.

It can be said that today's Academy of Engineering is completely at the forefront of the world.

It is precisely because of their existence that the social status of craftsmen has improved a lot.

Not only on the court side, the treatment of craftsmen raised by big families has also improved a lot.

Because they also thought that maybe the craftsmen in their own family would be able to give birth to a few geniuses that day.

It can be said that now craftsmen have become the industry that young people are willing to choose after the imperial examination.

But helplessly, this profession requires too much talent. Some people have been craftsmen for a lifetime, and their level is just that.

It's okay to support a family, but if you want to make a fortune...the level is still not at home.

And now the Academy of Engineering is even on the verge of becoming its own school.

Because of the advancement of iron smelting technology, various tools have become sharper and easier to use.

So that craftsmen such as carpenters can make better works.

Carpenters make better works, which will give different feedback to other craftsmen, so that they can improve a little...

So now the Academy of Engineering is actually a virtuous circle process.

When Li Yuechen came over, he heard a few young apprentices chatting. He knew that he should choose a blacksmith or a carpenter.

He also said that if he has a child in the future, let him learn from someone as a teacher and learn technology.

Hearing them chatting reminded me of a construction site recruitment joke I had seen before.

Said that two people went to the construction site to apply for a job at the same time.

Manager: "Three hundred and five a day."

A: "I'm a carpenter, and I don't work if it's less than [-] a day."

Manager: "Three thousand a month."

B: "I graduated with 985 Civil Engineering."

Manager: "That's four thousand. If you can do it, forget it."

Although it is just a joke, it also shows the importance of having technology in hand.


Seeing Li Yuechen coming over suddenly, several young apprentices hurriedly saluted.

"Excuse me, you guys talk about your stuff, I just go in by myself."

I didn't notify you in advance when I came here today, so Pei Bishu didn't come out to greet her.

When I saw Li Yuechen coming in, I was even a little surprised.

Then he trotted over to salute quickly: "Why don't you say a word when your Highness comes here."

"No courtesy, it doesn't matter whether you are greeted or not. It is better than anything else to be able to complete the work." Li Yuechen said as he walked in.

"Your Highness taught me."

The two entered the laboratory as they walked. As soon as they entered the door, Pei Bishu clapped his hands and greeted him loudly.

"Stop what you're doing, your highness is coming..."

The craftsmen in the laboratory put down their work one after another, trotted over, and formed a semicircle in front of Li Yuechen.

There are many laboratories in the Academy of Engineering, and this one is the most special one, which is open to all kinds of craftsmen, and they will discuss some technical problems with each other on weekdays.

They usually only do some relatively simple work here. In order to make it easier for them to discuss, Li Yuechen even prepared a tea table for them here, allowing them to drink and chat when they are free.

Big touches like Wang Gangdan usually stay here when they have nothing to do, drinking tea and chatting.

Today's engineering institutes have apprentices for many complicated tasks, and they don't need to do them. Relatively speaking, they are relatively free every day.

Seeing Li Yuechen coming, they all came over to salute.

"Okay, no courtesy! I came here today to study a new utensil. Its structure is relatively complicated. Those below the craftsman will go to the back."

When the apprentices and craftsmen heard this, they quickly backed away, letting the craftsmen and craftsmen come to the front.

Li Yuechen spread out the design drawing on the table and said: "This thing is called a typewriter. Its specific function is to use keys instead of handwriting to improve efficiency... Take a look first, and immediately point out if you don't understand."

A group of master craftsmen hurriedly lay down on the table to observe.

There are a total of seven or eight design drawings in this set, including perspective structure drawings of the front and side, and exploded drawings of some large and small parts.

With Li Yuechen's ability, he can only do this. As for other details, he can only rely on these craftsmen to give full play to their whimsy.

Wang Gangdan was the first to put forward his own opinion: "I probably understand the effect His Highness wants, but this object is extremely complicated, and I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to make it, and it will take a year or two..."

"No matter how long it takes, at least make a prototype first!" Li Yuechen waved his hand, "As long as you can see the effect, you can talk about it later."

Other craftsmen also expressed their views one after another.

A carpenter asked: "His Royal Highness, is there anything missing in this drawing? Many internal structures have not been drawn."

"It's up to you to wait and think about it slowly." Li Yuechen shook his head slightly and said, "That's all I can think of."

There is no way, Li Yuechen's ability is only here, she only remembers so much.

As for the more complicated structure and details inside, how could she remember it so clearly?

What can be done now is to continue to explore according to this idea. Fortunately, most places are clear, as long as some details are considered.

The craftsmen nodded one after another to express their understanding, and at the same time, they all showed excited expressions on their faces.

Since entering the Academy of Engineering, although the things to be done are equally difficult, for craftsmen, after overcoming difficulties and finally completing them, the sense of accomplishment in their hearts is incomparable to other things.

Although this task is a challenge, the craftsmen all began to gear up and expressed their desire to start the challenge.

Anyway, even if the challenge fails, you won't be beheaded, so why not try it.


After the typewriter matter was finalized, Li Yuechen asked some other questions.

Now both factories have been built and can be put into use initially.

The first is the gramophone, which will officially start selling next month.

The problems required for production are also handed over to the person in charge of the factory, so there is no need to worry about follow-up problems.

The same is true for shotguns. The arsenal is not far from the Qianniuwei camp. There are patrols every day, and any suspicious people who approach will be arrested.

After all, this involves confidentiality issues, and no amount of attention can be overstated.

After listening to Pei Bishu's report, Li Yuechen nodded: "Well, I am quite relieved in this regard, and the next goal is to study this typewriter."

"Yes, rest assured, Your Highness!" Pei Biaoshu saluted and agreed.


After this matter was settled, Li Yuechen returned to the Princess Mansion and returned to his busy daily life.

A week later, another group of people came to the princess mansion to ask to see the princess.

These people are none other than the various owners who formed their own football clubs last year.

In the main hall of the Princess Mansion, Li Yuechen sat on the main seat, and on the left and right sides sat a dozen club owners.

At this moment, these people are all carefully tasting the high-quality tea in the Princess Mansion.

This kind of tea is now so expensive that ordinary people can't afford it at all. Even if they buy some tea, they are reluctant to drink it by themselves, and they usually use it to entertain guests.

If you have the opportunity to drink some today, you must taste it carefully.

Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "If all shopkeepers like it, before leaving, I will give you two taels each."

"How does this make..."

The bosses refused on the surface, but their expressions were all smiling, obviously wanting to accept it.

Li Yuechen didn't care, since everyone is now a partner, there is nothing wrong with sending some good tea.

A boss said: "Your Highness, the weather is getting warmer now, shouldn't the game be arranged?"

Last year they established a football club, and they managed to recruit a group of young people to train and play football every day, just to collect ticket money for the opening of the game.

After so much investment, we must find a way to earn it back.

"Well, it is indeed time."

Li Yuechen nodded slightly: "I wonder if there are any problems with the competition system proposed by this palace?"

"Your Highness, this method is quite perfect, and we have no objection!" The bosses replied one after another.

In fact, Li Yuechen just moved over the future league system, and hardly made any major changes.

As for the game, now that the weather is warmer and the stadium can hold people, we can start the game.

The game is scheduled to be held in the afternoon, and there are only two games, every three days.

In this way, after the weather cools down, this year's season is almost over, and then preparations for next year's season can begin.

After a few months of competition, the ticket share collected by these bosses is enough to make them a lot of money.

As long as he can make money, he will naturally continue to engage in competitions next year.

In order to ensure attendance, Li Yuechen also thought that after the start of this year's competition, he would show his face from time to time.

After all, he is considered an idol of the people now, and if he showed his face in the past, he should be able to increase the attendance.

All the bosses also laughed, one year's investment has been invested, and the specifics depend on this year.

And the group of kids they recruited didn't know what kind of game they could play after a year of training.

In order to publicize, Li Yuechen also asked Princess Yiyang to place an advertisement in the newspaper on March [-]th, announcing that this year's Great Week Super League is about to start.

After seeing the news, the young people who had watched football last year and started to fall in love with football said that they can watch enough this year.

And many people are ready to start buying lottery tickets. Last year, I heard that someone won the big prize. I don’t know if I can have such good luck this year.


And it wasn't just them who started to prepare to watch the game, even the soldiers in the army and the students in the military academy all had the same idea of ​​going to watch the game.

Li Yuechen also deliberately put the first game on Saturday, so that the children can also watch it live.

So in the next few days, people all over the city began to discuss this year's ball game.

In Jixian Hall, Shangguan Wan'er also reported to the emperor the public opinion in the city these days.

Wu Zetian couldn't help laughing: "Heh... Someone from Chang'an sent a special telegram for this matter, saying that they want to build a stadium there too... I didn't expect this game to reach such a level."

"Actually, it's a good idea!" Li Xian raised his head and said, "This cuju looks so interesting, how about building a stadium in Chang'an?"

"With such a huge investment, does it mean that it can be built? How can we guarantee the income? If the income does not meet the standard, what should we do?" Wu Zetian asked rhetorically.

"This..." Li Xian was a little dazed for a moment, and then replied, "If you think about won't lose money, right?"

Wu Zetian shook his head slightly: "If they really won't lose money, why don't they pay for the construction themselves? Anyway, it's a stable business, even if it's in debt, it's worth it to build it?"

Li Xian thought for a while: "I see, such an effect was driven by Yuechen. They don't have Yuechen's ability, so they may lose money!"

"A child can be taught..." Wu Zetian nodded slightly.

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