Great Tang princess

Chapter 711 The Concept of Finance

According to the discussion of the Ministry of War during this period, the plan to sneak into Tubo to investigate the terrain was decided.

After reading it, Li Yuechen said there was no problem, and then took out the seal of his Minister of War and stamped it on the document, and then asked the pilot to take off directly to Yizhou.

Now Tubo is deploying a large number of people to fight against the countries in the Western Regions, and there is no time to deal with things here.

And with such a long border, it can be seen that the frequency of patrols has been reduced a lot.

Judging from the capabilities of scouts in the Yizhou Military Region today, sneaking into the opponent's border is not too difficult at all.

As long as the map can be drawn, and then the sand table can be made, when the plan starts, it can be rolled out dozens of miles in one day.

Coupled with the help of grenades and artillery, if you really want to fight with all your strength, I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to push forward a hundred miles a day.

Of course, this plan was approved by my mother. After all, this is already a military operation, and the emperor will not approve it.

But Wu Zetian didn't bother to care about this matter at all, so he didn't continue to ask after leaving a sentence to listen to her.


It will be July when this matter really starts to be implemented, and Li Yuechen, who has been busy for a month, can finally rest.

On the evening of June 28, Li Yuechen stretched after finishing his day's work, got up and planned to go back to the Princess Mansion.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Li Yuechen waved his hand, Xiaodong went to open the door, and then reported: "Your Highness, the Shangguan Commander is here."

"Huh? Let her in." Li Yuechen nodded in agreement.

In fact, the Ministry of War is an important military area, and outsiders cannot come in casually.

But now Shangguan Wan'er is the commander of the secret guards. Although she is mainly engaged in intelligence, she is essentially half of the army system, so it doesn't matter if she comes in.

After a while, Shangguan Wan'er, who was wearing a turquoise skirt, came in Shi Shiran.

She was different from Li Yuechen, she displayed elegant court etiquette all the time.

When walking, they always take small steps, and the swing of the legs is almost invisible, as if floating on the ground.

Sometimes Li Yuechen would think maliciously, if he saw her walking on the road like this in the middle of the night, would he think that he bumped into something unclean?
"Wan'er, why is it so early today?"

Li Yuechen looked out the window, the sun had just set to the west, and he would definitely not be off work at this time of weekdays.

"Your Majesty is going to play Shuanglu with Mr. Di Ge today, so I will come back first." Shangguan Wan'er replied, "I thought His Highness should not have left yet, so I came to have a look."

"I see……"

My mother has always liked gambling, and she often finds someone to play Go or Shuanglu from time to time on weekdays. Even the current cabinet ministers have played mahjong with her at the same table.

Although when playing mahjong, they always lose more and win less, and even say that they don't even win...

Winning money is indeed very cool, but Wu Zetian's essence is to gamble, not good money, and it will feel boring after a long time.

But she is an emperor, and the only ones who dare to play seriously with her, or even beat her, are Shangguan Wan'er or Di Renjie.

"It's just right, I'm fine here, let's go back together, I just sit in your car, and I don't bother to ride a horse today." Li Yuechen stood up while talking.

Until now, Li Yuechen did not have his own carriage.

In the early years, he trained the army in other places, and he rode horses every day.

Although it has been said in recent years, as the princess is a first-class prince, the specifications of the carriage are naturally not comparable to ordinary people, and it is too troublesome to make. Normally, the engineering academy must be responsible for the production.

But these years, the Academy of Engineering has never been idle, and almost everyone has endless work to do every day.

Li Yuechen didn't want them to work overtime either. Anyway, he was used to riding a horse on weekdays, so why not just ride a horse, and since he didn't go out much, there was no need to make a special car.

If you want to go out in rainy and snowy weather, it is the same to ride in the carriage of Guan Wan'er or sister-in-law.

Anyway, there are not many places where she really uses the carriage on weekdays, so let's just leave it at that.

Just in the carriage going back, Shangguan Wan'er also mentioned this issue.

"Your Highness, as a first-class prince, should have his own car."

"What? You don't want me to ride in your car?" Li Yuechen asked back with a smile.

Shangguan Wan'er raised her eyebrows: "Your Highness knows that I don't mean that, it's just..."

"Okay, don't have to think about that much, it's not that time yet. In the future, if the old man can't ride a horse, a carriage will naturally be arranged. As for now, don't worry..."

Li Yuechen waved his hand while talking, indicating that he didn't care.

Even though she has been a woman for more than 30 years, she is still a man in her heart.

Especially in many details can be reflected.

Faced with her attitude, Shangguan Wan'er could only sigh helplessly, and did not continue to dwell on this issue.


Back at the Princess Mansion, I saw the two elder sisters and sister-in-law drinking tea and chatting in the main hall, so Li Yuechen also moved over.

After greeting each other, they sat down to chat and drink tea together, waiting for dinner.

Princess Xuancheng talked about the recent work progress: "Chen'er doesn't know something. The bank system has just been proposed, and it has received a lot of praise from the household department."

"Oh..." Li Yuechen had no interest in this.

After all, it was directly moved from the future, and no one has used it before, so it is only natural to praise it.

After all, when something from the "future" appears in the "past," the repercussions are absolutely astounding, for better or for worse.

"It's just that I've been thinking about this question recently, and I still don't understand some things."

"Sister, what's unknown?" Li Yuechen asked while stirring the tea leaves in the water with a bowl lid.

Princess Xuancheng shook her head slightly: "I don't know how to explain it, but I just think that the bank can do more than deposits and loans..."

"It's really more than that!"

Li Yuechen nodded slightly and replied: "Actually, the function of currency is not as simple as buying and selling. It should have a greater use."

"For example?" Princess Xuancheng looked interested.

Everyone else had similar expressions.

From childhood to adulthood, they all liked to listen to what Li Yuechen had to say.

Although many things sounded like fantasy at the time, it was unbelievable.

But time will always prove that she is right.

Simply put, all the bullshit she bragged about when she was a child has come true.

Having such an ability naturally made them more and more fond of listening to what she said.

However, Li Yuechen's answer this time disappointed them somewhat.

She shook her head slightly, and then said: "My ability is limited, and I cannot fully explain this matter. But I can only say that the current paper money is not the final form of currency."

Hearing this sentence, Princess Xuancheng was somewhat disappointed, after all, she couldn't get the answer she wanted, so she sighed slightly.

However, Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "Sister, there is no need to be discouraged by this. In fact, in terms of economy and finance, sister has already surpassed me."

"Chen'er was joking!"

"This is really not a joke." Li Yuechen said with a serious face, "A few days ago, my sister told me that one copper coin is lent twice, which is already a high-end financial system."

"Finance?" Princess Xuancheng tilted her head, expressing her incomprehension of the word.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Economics, currency, finance and other disciplines related to money can be collectively referred to as finance. This discipline not only studies the ancient business proposition of 'transaction', but also specializes in the concept of 'money' !"

After hearing her explanation, Princess Xuancheng nodded slightly, indicating that she understood what she meant.

But then I suddenly thought of a question: "Speaking of which, how was money born?"

"I can give some superficial answers to this." Li Yuechen replied, "According to historical records, in ancient times, bartering was mostly used, and then the method of exchanging one thing for other materials began to appear. .It seems to have started out with shells, which is the oldest money."

Li Yuechen picked up the teacup, looked at the others present, and said with a slight smile: "Speaking of which, I would like to ask, why did the trading method change from bartering to exchanging one item for other items?"

Hearing this question, everyone here fell into thinking.

That's right, the change in the trading method is like the court's reform, there must be a reason, right?
It can't be that one day, on a whim, we said that we should change the trading method, and then we changed.

No matter what kind of change, there must be a reason.

Several people were thinking hard, even Xiaodong beside them was thinking about this question while pouring water for them.

The main hall suddenly fell into silence.

Li Yuechen was not in a hurry, so he sipped his tea with a smile, waiting for their answer.

After all, as the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

You can't let them completely copy the things you know, you have to let them understand the reason.

To put it bluntly, I need to learn to think for myself, and I can't completely apply what she said.

After all, what she said came from the future, and she copied it completely, which may not be able to adapt to this era.

It was said in the book before that half a step ahead is a genius, and one step ahead is a madman.

This applies not only to people, but also to things.

This is why Li Yuechen must consider the background of the times while reforming the army and the system.

Even with grenade artillery now, the main training skill of most soldiers is still hand-to-hand combat ability.

Except for scouts, the main weapons of other infantry are still spears and large shields.

It is because this era cannot completely copy the way of warfare in the future, so battle formations are still needed.


The air of silence lasted for less than 5 minutes, and Princess Xuancheng said slowly, "Quantity and...timing?"

There was some uncertainty in her tone, as if she wasn't sure that her answer was right.

"Why?" Princess Yiyang asked beside her.

Princess Xuancheng thought for a while and explained: "For example, sister is a hunter, and I am a farmer. On weekdays, we exchange with each other. I can eat meat, and sister can also eat grain."

Princess Yiyang nodded, indicating that she could understand here, and asked her to continue.

"But for example, I have a good harvest this year, and I have a lot of surplus food. My sister didn't catch too much prey. As a result, I want to exchange a small amount of meat for my large amount of food. Naturally, I don't want to... this is The quantity is not equal. For another example, it is not yet the harvest season, my sister already has prey to exchange, but I have no food to exchange, this is the unequal timing..."

"Clap clap clap..."

Li Yuechen suddenly raised his hand and clapped his hands: "My sister is really talented in this way, she can see through it!"

In fact, this answer is not too perfect, but it is enough for an ancient person to think of this, which is enough to surprise Li Yuechen.

You must know that this is an ancient person, her mathematics knowledge is in the future, that is, the level of a high school student, not even the third year of high school.

But to be able to draw such a conclusion based on these, really can only be described by the word talent.

"Following this line of thought, the unequal quantity and timing gave birth to the emergence of 'money'. How does 'money' affect the country?" Li Yuechen asked.

"As far as the imperial court is concerned, having money can naturally solve most problems, whether it is a disaster or a famine..." Princess Xuancheng replied subconsciously.

However, when he said this, he suddenly thought of something, and then raised his head and asked, "Money is food?"

"Some are not accurate, but such metaphors are okay." Li Yuechen nodded. "Money itself cannot be eaten, but it has value in exchange for food. Because people who do not lack food want money, this transaction can be established."

"But back to the issue of currency, people who are not short of food want copper, so there are copper coins. Will people who are not short of food want paper?" Li Yuechen asked.

With such a thorough explanation, Shangguan Wan'er also understood, and blurted out: "So now paper money is also worth exchanging for food!"


Li Yuechen nodded: "But for now, the value of this banknote comes from the court, and me!"

As she said that, she raised her hand and patted her chest lightly: "The reputation of Princess Taiping of my Zhenguo is the value of this banknote! But there is a more serious problem here, does anyone know?"

Everyone here is not a fool, so they naturally know it.

But looking at each other, no one said it. After all, in their opinion, this is a very unlucky thing.

Li Yuechen didn't have so many taboos, he said to himself: "That's right, the problem is that. After a hundred years, I will turn into a pile of dry bones. Whether this value can still exist is a problem!"

The reason why banknotes are recognized by the outside world today is because the banknotes can be used to buy products of the Taiping Group, so their value is recognized.

But in the future... that's really not certain.

Princess Xuancheng asked: "Then... is there a solution?"

"I won't answer this question!"

Li Yuechen, who has always been straightforward, made a fool of himself here: "I believe that with my sister's ingenuity, I will definitely be able to figure out the answer by myself. So think about it carefully."

After saying that, he stood up on his own: "Okay, it's getting late, and it's time for dinner!"

Everyone else was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that Li Yuechen, who has always been forthright, would now learn how to play tricks.

Feeling a little uncomfortable for a while, only Princess Xuancheng lowered her head and thought seriously.

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