Great Tang princess

Chapter 729 Goal

Chapter 729 Goal
Seeing Li Shouli who was full of vigor all over his body, Li Yuechen, as an aunt, also felt a sense of pride in his heart.

These are the children of the royal family taught by myself, the new generation of royal family, which is different from the previous ones from the inside out.

At least at this moment, her heart is full of a sense of accomplishment, because this is the result of her years of hard work.

The foreign envoys next to them were almost stunned. Seeing this cross-age army had a huge impact on their cognition and three views.

It's hard to imagine how this kind of army is trained?
If it is said that the uniform uniform and the rosy complexion are as long as you have money, but this kind of spirit is definitely not something that can be done just by being rich.

The expressions of these foreign envoys were seen by other people around them.

The accompanying officials all smiled, feeling that the expressions of these foreigners were really amusing.

After saying hello, Li Yuechen smiled: "Okay, it's been a night of flying, and the saint is still hungry."

After her reminder, Li Shouli quickly patted his forehead: "I was negligent, my subordinates have already arranged breakfast, saint, please come with me."

Wu Zetian nodded slightly: "Come here today is not considered a formal court meeting, and it doesn't matter if you call grandma."

Although she didn't meet these grandchildren very often, when she got older, she always felt a sense of intimacy when she saw them.

The so-called intergenerational relatives may mean this.

"Yes, remember grandma's teaching!" Li Shouli also agreed, and then led everyone to the cafeteria first.

It wasn't until then that Li Chongrun left the team and came to Li Xian and his wife: "Greetings, baby!"

"Forget it, let it go..."

Wei Lian'er hastily stretched out her hands to hold her son's face and looked left and right: "My son has worked hard all these years."

"Aniang, the child is not suffering, it's interesting to be in the army." Li Chongrun smiled and comforted his mother, "Don't worry about the child, but I can't always fulfill my filial piety in the army. Don't blame..."

"Don't blame, don't blame!"

Seeing her son so sensible, Wei Lian'er was full of pride, she gently stroked her son's head, tears of happiness shone in her eyes.

Li Yuechen on the side couldn't help but smile a little when he saw this scene.

Perhaps in this world, mother is the most special identity, and it also occupies the most special place in everyone's heart.


A group of people left the airship landing field in a mighty manner and came to the cafeteria.

When he was about to reach the gate, the army soldiers in charge of leading the way stopped suddenly, and said to the foreign envoys with a serious face: "The signs hanging on both sides of the trees on this road are all those who died heroically in our army. Soldiers, pass by from now on, don't laugh and fight, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

Although the Yizhou Military Region has not had a major war since its establishment, there have been some accidents during the investigation activities that started last year.

So now there are three signs hanging on the trees on both sides of the road, floating in the wind.

Looking at the three signs on the tree, even Li Yuechen, who was passing by, also had a serious expression on his face.

Wei Lian'er and Li Xian also stopped chattering with their son, and walked quietly and seriously.

One of these three soldiers was killed because of a conflict with the scout soldiers on the Tubo side.

The other two were sacrificed to rescue comrades while scouting the terrain.

This matter was finally reported to the Ministry of War, and Li Yuechen also knew about it.

Now that I see it, I feel a little sad in my heart.

Although the soldiers in Yizhou were not trained by her personally, as a soldier, she always has feelings for her comrades, whether she knows them or not.

From the moment they walked on this road, those foreign envoys never ceased to be amazed.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the soldiers standing guard at the gate of the road made them feel incredible.

The soldier stood straight and motionless.

If the emperor hadn't raised his hand to salute when he came over, they would even have thought that he was a dummy.

When the emperor entered the gate, the soldier maintained a saluting posture and kept his eyes on the emperor.

It wasn't until she was completely inside that she put her hands down and continued to stand in the same posture as before.

Many foreign envoys couldn't help but look back, and their surprise couldn't be added.

Crossing this straight and wide concrete road leads to a huge training ground.

The army's training ground is much bigger than a football field. In addition to the runway paved with stones, various training facilities such as bunkers, single and parallel bars, balance beams, etc. are even more dazzling for these people.

Not to mention this group of foreigners, even the accompanying officials saw the scene inside the army for the first time.

But at this moment, whether in the bunker or near the single and double poles and the balance beam, there are many chubby creatures staying nearby.

Some of them are sleeping, some are playing alone, and some are fighting with each other.

And in the bamboo forest not far from the training ground, there are still many people who are eating bamboo.

These chubby, black and white creatures quickly grab everyone's attention.

Wu Zetian couldn't help but smiled slightly: "You insist on taking this black and white bear as an auspicious sign, but it seems that everyone is living comfortably here."

"This is auspicious." Li Yuechen smiled slightly, "Mother, you should know that this thing is only found in our country, and it cannot be seen in other places!"

"Even so, you don't have to love her so much, do you?" Li Xian said beside him.

Li Yuechen shook his head: "Brother, you don't understand, this thing can be regarded as a national treasure, it's very important."

At this time, Li Chongrun also said: "Grandpa doesn't know, the black and white bears in the army are very cute, and I usually play with them when I relax."

Although there is no clear concept of "moe" in this era, human feelings are always connected.

When these pandas have no risk of attacking people, most people will actually like it immediately.

Now the pandas on the nearby mountains are not able to attack people. Most of them have been beaten by Li Yuechen, and they feel that they can't beat humans.

Secondly, they are quite familiar with the people here, so they are not too wary of them.

And this panda is also considered to be a relatively intelligent species. Nowadays, sometimes it even throws its children less than one year old to the care of humans, and goes to the forest to eat bamboo by itself.

Being able to do this is enough to show how smart these pandas are.

It is estimated that he has already begun to have a certain understanding of his status.


Hearing his son's explanation, Li Xian couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Really?"

"After breakfast in a while, grandpa can go over and touch it, it feels pretty good." Li Chongrun explained with a smile.

Li Yuechen in front suddenly turned his head: "It seems that you haven't missed pandas recently, right? You haven't stopped training, have you?"

"Don't worry, aunt, my nephew is now the platoon leader, and he came up on his own!" Li Chongrun explained with a somewhat proud face on his face.

Now that the children of the royal family are serving as soldiers, although their identities have not been deliberately concealed, they will not be deliberately publicized.

Except for the comrades around them, almost no one can guess their true identities.

At most, if you look at the surname Li, you will think that they are all relatives of the emperor, but it is absolutely unexpected that there is even a future emperor among them.


When they came to the cafeteria, the foreign envoys all felt their appetites whetted when they saw the sumptuous food that had already been placed on the table.

It has to be said that since the invention of stir-frying, the soul of foodies in this country seems to have been ignited, and various fresh dishes have emerged in an endless stream.

So much so that after enjoying the state banquet, these foreign envoys found it difficult to swallow the ordinary food when they returned to the post house.

Many times, I can't help but wonder whether I can still eat the food in my hometown when I return to my own country in the future.

But breakfast in the army is not the same as a state banquet after all.

Today's palace dishes not only pay attention to taste, but also pay attention to presentation. When you put them there, you will look appetizing.

And at first glance, it looks like ordinary people can't afford it at all, and they are getting more and more particular about the ingredients.

The water used to make ginseng chicken soup is required to be the dew collected under the branches and leaves the night before. One can imagine how high the cost is.

Fortunately, although the dishes in the army are not as grand as those in the palace, at least the taste is not bad, and everyone eats it with gusto.

Those foreign envoys couldn't help asking the people beside them: "This meat is so delicious, what kind of beast meat is it?"

"It's not a beast, it's just ordinary pork."

Castrated pork has long been a daily food in the upper class, and officials are quite aware of this.

But it was hard for these foreign envoys to imagine that pork could be so delicious.


After the meal, the foreign envoys were arranged to live, and someone would take them to visit the barracks.

Anyway, I'm here, since I want to show off my muscles, let's show it off.

As long as high-end weapons such as grenades and artillery are not shown to them, the rest are left for them to visit.

Even if you go back to their country and want to train the army according to this specification, it will not cost you 01:30.

This is the gap in national strength. Even if you tell them, it won't be that useful.

Just like the high-end aircraft carriers and fighter jets that only big countries can play in the future, even if you give the design drawings to a small country and ask you to do it, you can't do it!

They went to visit the barracks, and the emperor and prince followed to the frontline headquarters to attend the battle meeting.

Now that everyone has arrived, it is almost time to start.

Arriving at the front-line headquarters, the emperor and the prince sat down at the arranged positions, just in time to see the huge sand table in the middle of the hall.

This sand table was specially made for this battle, and it was more than one foot long and wide. When the officers and staff explained their thinking, they had to use long sticks to cooperate.

The operation was in charge of the Yizhou Military Region, so the brothers Li Shouli and Li Shouyi were the commanders-in-chief.

Li Yuechen was also in charge of listening in. Unless there was a major mistake in the arrangement of the brothers, she would try not to speak.

There are seven staff officers in the Yizhou Military Region, five men and two women, who are looking at the sand table without saying a word.

Li Shouyi said: "Currently, Tubo has understood our movements, and already knows that we are gathering an army here. According to the information we have so far, Tubo is also gathering troops, and it seems that they plan to meet our army."

While talking, he pointed on the sand table with a stick in his hand: "At present, the Tubo army is gathering here. If our army wants to attack by force, the terrain is low, which is not conducive to the cavalry charge. The opponent can use the high terrain to let the cavalry charge. Make the most of the…”

Under his explanation, everyone present could understand it. Even Wu Zetian, who didn't understand military affairs, knew that he didn't have the upper hand in terms of terrain.

If the cavalry on both sides charge, they will charge from top to bottom, and your side will charge from bottom to top, so the degree of difficulty will naturally be different.

Of course, this is just an introduction to the battle situation, but anyone who has read two military books will not fight like this.

The staff officer next to him said: "According to my subordinates, it is better to launch the hot air balloon directly and throw grenades from the enemy's sky..."

"No, it's too slow!"

The female staff officer standing on his left shook her head: "Whether it's a hot air balloon or an airship, it's too conspicuous in the air, and the speed is not enough. After taking off, the enemy has enough time to disperse, and the effect of the grenade cannot be maximized." .”

At this time, Li Shouli suddenly said: "You guys, are you thinking the situation is too complicated?"

"Huh? How do you say that?" Li Shouyi didn't quite understand.

Li Shouli picked up his teacup: "Don't forget, our army has artillery! Aim at the enemy army and shoot a base first, and after the enemy army is scattered, let the cavalry break up the formation completely, and finally the infantry go up to finish off, won't it be over? "

As soon as these words came out, several staff officers were taken aback for a moment, and then they all had expressions of sudden realization.

Li Yuechen who was on the side couldn't help but smiled, and said in his heart that yes, this kid really has the essence.

In fact, even if Li Yuechen was to command this war, he would still adopt this style of play.

After all, with artillery in hand, there is no need to consider the terrain at all.

A basic number of shells hitting the past is enough to tear the enemy formation into several pieces.

At that time, the cavalry will rush to harvest another wave, and the enemy's formation will be completely broken up.

When the heavily armored warriors who were broken up faced the complete infantry formation on their side, they would not have any chance to resist at all.

This is the so-called dimension reduction strike, and the gap in weapons and equipment cannot be made up by manpower at all.

Now this artillery only has actual combat records on the northern border many years ago, and there are almost no reliable legends in the world.

It is even more impossible for the Tibetans to know. They only know that there are hot air balloons and grenades here, so the main attention will definitely be focused on these two.

"I didn't think of such a simple solution, I'm ashamed..." The female staff officer on the opposite side bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Li Shouli smiled and waved his hands: "You just graduated last year, so it's normal if you didn't think about it. But my plan alone won't work, and the enemy may not act according to my ideas, so you should think about other plans more It is."

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

Li Shouli nodded: "Also remember, winning this battle is not enough. Our army has to cooperate with the air force and the special reconnaissance company to march all the way west! The ultimate goal this time is to capture the Tubo emperor and dedicate it to the saint. You can wait." clear?"

With a "crash", everyone raised their hands in salute, and said in unison: "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)

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