Great Tang princess

Chapter 74 Barbecue

Chapter 74 Barbecue
The place where Li Yuechen and the others were located happened to be a tributary of the Luo River, not too wide, and the water quality was relatively clear.

Looking around, except for the relatively flat official road, most of the places are lush and green.

The air of the New Year has a fragrance of earth, coupled with the occasional chirping of insects and singing of birds around, it is easy to make people feel happy.

The only thing that is a bit inconvenient is the soldiers who are in charge of protection.

These loyal soldiers have completely surrounded the vicinity, forming an encirclement circle with a diameter of about 200 meters.

Outside the encirclement, other people gathered in groups of three or four on both sides of the canal, talking and laughing as they prepared to wash their hands.

It is not difficult to see from the brocade clothes on his body that they all came from some powerful families.

Fu Lai directed the accompanying eunuchs to take some bamboo poles from the carriage and prepare to build a curtain.

In this day and age, whenever someone with a little money or status goes out for an outing, if there are women in the team, they usually use bamboo poles to set up a curtain to cover the back and left and right.

Li Yuechen waved his hand: "Don't worry about it, just leave it like this."

"But Your Highness..."

"Even if the back is covered, can't the people on the opposite side see it?" Li Yuechen asked, "Besides, there are soldiers everywhere around here, so there is no need to do anything extra."

Fulai looked at Xuancheng and Princess Yiyang again.

Princess Yiyang smiled: "Just listen to Chen'er, I think so too."

The elder sister had already spoken, and Li Hong, who wanted to persevere, didn't say anything, but shook his head helplessly, and taught a lesson with a smile: "If your parents are here, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

"Then there's no need for it." Li Xian walked over wiping his wet hands, "I'm afraid there will be no outsiders within a radius of one mile by then."

Li Xian took the towel from the eunuch next to him: "Chen'er has always been like this, she never seems to mind being seen by outsiders."

"Hi." Li Yuechen shook off the drops of water from his hand, "Why are you afraid of being seen? Then I am so good-looking for nothing?"

Li Hong was choked up: "Cough! I know you are good-looking, but you don't have to boast about it, do you?"

"Hahaha..." The others laughed out loud.

The two princesses next to her also covered their mouths and laughed lightly. Shangguan Wan'er held back her shoulders and twitched her shoulders.

Li Yuechen directly called the servants to start a fire, and took out the prepared chicken, duck and rabbit to start roasting.

After a while, several fires were set up by the river, and the meat that had been marinated with seasoning was grilled on the fire.

While the smoke was filling up here, many people on the opposite side and in the distance looked over in surprise.

During the Shangsi Festival, there are very few outdoor barbecues. Usually, they bring some bacon and pancakes from home. At most, they bring a tea pot to cook some tea outside.

This kind of direct barbecue in the wild is still rare, or rather, no one thought about it at all.

Barbecuing in the wild is very troublesome in this era, and a lot of things need to be prepared in advance.

Seeing the smog here, many people outside the encirclement on the opposite side touched their chins and nodded, saying to each other that the royal family will enjoy it...

However, they did not see that the center of this area was indeed a strange scene.

In the eyes of outsiders, the servants should be in charge of roasting, and the princes and princesses are waiting to eat.

However, the actual situation is that Li Yuechen is in charge of the main roast, Li Hong and other princes are helping with curiosity and excitement, and the two sisters are watching.

Instead, the servants were driven aside, staring blankly at Fulai, asking what should be done with their eyes.

After all, Li Hong and the others have never grilled meat themselves, and this stuff is very new to them.

But now that my parents are not here, and I don't have to be tied up as usual, so I naturally open up to play.

After a while, the faces of Li Xian and Li Xian were already splashed by soot brought up by the hot air.

Coupled with sweating, wipe it with your hands, and the whole face turns black in an instant.

If you don't look at the luxurious clothes, you might think that you have escaped.

Fulai, on the other hand, was very experienced and asked the people to watch and learn from him.

After all, the novelty of the princes might pass away at some point, and these servants will still have to be on top.

At any rate, Li Hong still maintained the majesty of the big brother. Although he tried it himself, he didn't go too deep.

The others were different. Li Lun even saw that the fire was about to go out, so he took a small wooden stick to stir the fire, and his sleeves almost ignited.

Originally, Li Hong wanted to teach him a lesson, but Li Yuechen wiped his face with his black fingers, instantly turning him into a big tabby cat.

"Hahaha..." Li Xian and Li Xian laughed heartlessly, and the two older sisters also suppressed their laughter together.

"Presumptuous!" Li Hong yelled, pretending to be angry, "Chen'er, how can you be so rude?"

Li Yuechen chuckled: "What etiquette do my brothers and sisters want?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face.

This time Li Hong was completely blown up. Without a word, he squatted down and wiped his hand in the soot, and then grabbed Li Yuechen.

Li Yuechen, who was planning to hide, thought for a second and pretended to run, but was caught by Li Hong.

Seizing the opportunity, Li Hong rubbed her face with two dark hands: "You also give brother Wei a taste of this!"

In an instant, Li Yuechen's white and tender face also turned dark. Instead of being angry, she smiled, stretched out her hand and wiped Li Hong's face again, turned around and ran away.

Li Hong chased him from behind, and Li Yuechen came to Li Lun's side, and when he was not paying attention, he also rubbed his face a few times.


Li Lun, who was not much different from her age, didn't care so much, and grabbed her with his backhand.

Li Yuechen hurried forward: "Second brother, help me!"


With a promise, Li Xian raised two black hands and grabbed Li Hong, at the same time he didn't forget to slap Li Xian on the face first.

In an instant, almost everyone joined the war and became a mess.

Seeing them doing this, Princess Yiyang seemed a little worried about being seen by others, and looked around worriedly.

However, because the encirclement of the soldiers was very large, although the people on the opposite side could see that there was a fight here, they couldn't see it too clearly.

What's more, no one dared to stare at it for a long time. At most, they just heard the movement here, glanced up and went to their own business.

Even so, she still stopped Li Yuechen who was running over.

Bending down and smiling slightly: "Chen'er, we are outside the palace after all, so don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuechen directly raised his hands, one on each side, and wiped a few black marks on the faces of the two sisters.

"Hahaha..." Li Yuechen laughed loudly, "Since you come out to play, you have to have fun!"

"Chen'er, you..."

The two sisters also joined the melee.


Fulai and the others next to him all looked embarrassed, wondering whether they should watch or not.

Xiao He looked around, turned her head and said to Fu: "Why don't they expand the range..."

Fu Lai nodded in agreement, and was about to do it, when he saw Li Yuechen stopped by the river, and Li Xian and his two sisters squatted by the river and began to wash their faces.

Li Yuechen sat on the ground and giggled, and Li Hong and the others squatted beside them, panting to calm their accelerated heart rate.

Although they didn't say a word, they couldn't help laughing when they looked at each other again.

Invisibly, the distance between brothers and sisters has become much closer.

Li Yuechen also knew the principle of accepting as soon as it was ready. After squatting by the river and washing up, he felt that the barbecue was almost ready, so he turned around and went back to check.

The grilled meat on the rack had turned golden brown, and the fat dripped into the fire, making a "chi chi" sound.

As Li Yuechen sprinkled the seasoning, a fresh scent instantly permeated the surroundings.

A soldier came over suddenly and saluted respectfully: "Your Highness, there is a man who asks to see you, and he calls himself Liu Huang..."

"Well, let him come over." Li Yuechen smiled, "It's a good time."


The soldier promised to turn around and leave. After a while, he saw a young man in a light green patterned silk coat approaching.

Liu Huang is only six years older than Li Yuechen, so he can barely be considered the same age.

"I have met His Royal Highness, Your Highness!" Liu Huang saluted respectfully.

"No courtesy." Li Hong smiled, "You are senior brother Chen'er, so you don't have to be too complicated in private."

"Here, thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Yuechen beckoned to him: "Come, come, come and smell the fragrance. I'll cut a piece and taste it later. If it feels good, I'll send some to Master later."

"Okay!" Liu Huang agreed.

As soon as I came here, I smelled the smell of meat in the air here, and I couldn't wait to taste it.

After roasting for a while, Li Yuechen saw that it was almost ready, so he directly ordered to eat.

The servants accompanying Li Hong and the others took out their knives to cut off the pieces of meat and handed them over respectfully.

When they had everything in their hands, Li Yuechen pulled off a delicious chicken leg with all his strength: "Wan'er, come here!"

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shangguan Wan'er happily took the chicken leg and ate it.

After pulling another chicken leg for Liu Huang, he pulled off another duck leg and ate it next to him.

As for the rabbit, Li Hong and the others have almost divided up, so they won't join in the fun.

"Unexpectedly, this barbecue is really delicious!" Li Xian praised while eating.

Nonsense, put a bunch of strong seasonings, can it not be delicious?Li Yuechen secretly complained in his heart.

In fact, the taste of this barbecue is really ordinary, but for the members of the royal family who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas, eating this stuff once in a while feels fresh after all, so they will naturally find it delicious.

Liu Huang also nodded at the side: "Your Highness's craftsmanship is really amazing!"

Li Yuechen said with a smile: "Then I'll go back to Master's house and try."

"Then thank Your Highness in advance, Ah Weng will definitely be happy."


After eating the barbecue and chatting for a while, it was almost time to leave for the palace.

Liu Huang came here on horseback. After saying goodbye, he went back and rode back with his friends.

The carriage swayed towards the palace under the protection of the soldiers, perhaps because they were full, the two older sisters and Shangguan Wan'er seemed a little sleepy.

Li Yuechen was full of energy, feeling the swaying carriage, thinking in his heart whether he should make a four-wheeled carriage.

When I was playing in Europe, that thing was basically used as a taxi.

Moreover, compared with a two-wheeled carriage, a four-wheeled carriage has much greater driving stability and carrying capacity.

It seems that my country did not develop a four-wheeled carriage until the Qing Dynasty. Li Yuechen can probably imagine the reason.

The European side is basically a plain, while the roads in our country are rugged, with countless low-lying mountains and rivers, and road surfaces and tires are big problems.

Of course, the biggest problem is steering. In this era, four-wheeled carriages are also used when pulling some heavy objects.

But it is simply to install the four wheels on the frame, and the steering can only be turned by brute force, which is extremely troublesome.

Li Yuechen had personally ridden in a four-wheeled carriage, so it was of course very simple to solve this problem.

But even if it is made, it is estimated that it can only be used in the city, and the broken road outside the city... I am afraid it is not enough.

Looking up at the two older sisters who were sleeping with their eyes closed, and at Shangguan Wan'er next to her, Li Yuechen decided to give it a try.

Many things were considered useless when they were first invented, and this is not a reason.

Li Yuechen felt that as long as he really made the four-wheeled carriage, someone would find a way to solve the rest.

But to make such a thing by yourself, you need the cooperation of the craftsman and supervisor, not to mention, you also need a lot of materials.

So I can only talk to Li Zhi about this. In this era, as long as the emperor speaks, there is nothing that cannot be done.

It's decided, let's talk to father Li Zhi first, and make him a four-wheeled royal car first.

At that time, those high-ranking officials will definitely want to own such a four-wheeled carriage, and maybe they can make a lot of money again!

At the same time, she also contributed to the development of science and technology invisibly... My old lady is really great!

The motorcade slowly entered the imperial city. After the carriage stabilized, Li Yuechen patted the two sisters lightly: "Sister, sister, wake up."


Princess Yiyang opened her eyes: "Go back to the palace?"

"Well, I'm back." Li Yuechen nodded, then turned around and said, "Xiao He, take Wan'er back first, and I will go to greet my parents later."

"Here!" Xiao He agreed.

Li Yuechen jumped out of the carriage and went to Renshou Hall with his two sisters and four brothers.

Entering the hall, Li Zhi in front of the table raised his head and smiled: "They are all back? Just right, let's have some tea."

After the children saluted, they sat around the table.

Only Li Yuechen raised his leg and sat on the armrest of the rocking chair, and put his arm on Li Zhi's shoulder: "It's a pity that mother and father didn't go together today."

"Why did you say that? Could it be that auspiciousness came to the world?" Li Zhi seemed in a good mood and asked jokingly.

"I haven't seen auspiciousness, but the barbecue is extremely delicious." Li Yuechen's eyes were crooked with a smile.

Seeing her smiling happily, Li Zhi also hugged her and put her on his lap: "Really? Then why didn't you bring some back?"

"It's a long journey, and it's cold when I bring it back. How can I give it to my grandparents?" Li Yuechen replied with a serious face and wide eyes, "But don't worry, grandpa. The elder brothers are holding the food for their grandparents to taste. Xin, I ate a few more mouthfuls!"

"Pfft..." Li Hong, who was drinking tea, choked on the water and coughed.

Then Li Zhi and Wu Zetian also burst out laughing, obviously amused by her.

 Thanks to [Miao Ziqing] for the reward of 5000 starting coins!
  Thank you [Lonely Crab 001] for tipping 2000 starting coins!
  Thanks to [Ami] for the 200 starting coins!
  Thank you [Fantasy Mask] for tipping 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [Baby Harley] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [book friend 20210111231647741] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [Dream Image] for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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