Great Tang princess

Chapter 757 Patents

Chapter 757 Patents
Today's Qingdao Wharf has undergone tremendous changes compared with a few years ago.

It wasn't even a pier at one point, just a big wooden bridge.

But now it has become a huge cement pier with an extremely wide square.

It is possible to dock more than a dozen Queen's ships at the same time, although there are not so many now.

There is also a roller skating jib on the pier, which can help unload and move materials, which is a bit out of step with the times.

The surface of the sea is shining in the sun, and it flickers from time to time with the ups and downs of the waves, which is very dazzling.

Even the neat square team standing on the pier seemed to be looming after them.

The sailors are standing on the pier in pure white military uniforms, and the undulating waves seem to be able to form a unique landscape.

And among this group of people wearing white military uniforms, only Li Yuechen's black military uniform was particularly conspicuous and stood out from the crowd.

Liu Zihe was very touched by the fact that the princess came to see him off in person: "Please trouble Your Highness to come here on a special trip, this subordinate really..."

"Okay, there's no need to be polite in front of me." Li Yuechen smiled, "It's been a few years since you left, and your contribution to the country is so great, so it's nothing for me to see you off in person."

These words were not only for Liu Zihe, but also for other soldiers around.

As long as there is credit to the country, the country can see it.

And for those who were going to travel with Liu Zihe this time, they were more or less excited.

Come, you can go out and see this huge world.

Secondly, the last time Liu Zihe came back, he became a major general, and the other people who accompanied him also received different degrees of rewards.

This time I can catch up with this opportunity, maybe I can turn over directly when I come back.

They are all from the navy and know that the sea is dangerous, but behind this danger, there are also rare opportunities.

After reading and writing in the army, they have broadened their knowledge and thinking a lot, so they are willing to try new possibilities.

Liu Zihe looked up at the sky, nodded slightly and said, "It's getting late, so my subordinates are leaving now."

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news!" Li Yuechen smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Liu Zihe raised his hand to salute, then turned around and waved: "Board!"

The others behind them also saluted together, and after a promise, they boarded the boat separately.

This time, a total of three large boats set off, and the number of people was not small, almost close to 300 people.

Among the 300 people, there were two eunuchs.

These two eunuchs were none other than the two South American natives who were captured by Liu Zihe last time.

After being trained in the palace for several years, he is much more obedient now.

And the Chinese level has also improved significantly, at least to be able to communicate normally.

Bringing these two people this time is also to let them act as a translator.

After all, it involves transactions, so communication with the locals is also extremely important.

And Li Yuechen also tried to communicate with them, but these two people couldn't understand English at all.

I can't understand their language at all, so I can only use this way in terms of communication.

As for letting the people here learn their language, let's wait until it is unified.

In fact, due to the limitation of dialects, different languages ​​are likely to be born in regions that use phonetic characters, making it difficult to unify.

This is very different from pictographs such as Chinese characters.

After all, no matter how the dialect changes, as long as they use the same language, they are culturally a family.


Everyone boarded the ship quickly, and before leaving the shore, they all stood on the deck and saluted the officers and soldiers on the shore.

On the pier, all the officers also raised their hands to salute at the same time, sending silent blessings.

They are the navy, and they know that the sea is dangerous. These people want to cross the vast sea to another continent. They are all warriors.

Seeing the three empress ships leave the shore and gradually become smaller in sight, Li Yuechen smiled.

The communication of the world has been opened, and what follows should be development and... war.

Maybe no one dares to come to the Great Zhou to make trouble, but the opening of the Great Age of Discovery will definitely bring the world into war.

But not necessarily, after all, other countries do not have weapons such as artillery.

If ships are used to carry infantry to fight, there will be a lot of logistical pressure.

Therefore, there may be a period of peace in the era of great navigation at the beginning. Only when weapons and logistics have been upgraded to a certain stage can war be started.

What Li Yuechen has to do is to ensure that Da Zhou will always be at the forefront of the world in the next development.


On the pier, Li Shu, who was dressed in a pure white military uniform, raised her hand to brush the hair hanging from her forehead: "Auntie, I don't know something."

"What's the matter?" Li Yuechen asked while leaning on the railing.

"Now that I have strong ships and powerful guns, why don't I take advantage of the situation and expand..."

Li Yuechen smiled: "Expansion is simply too easy, but after a piece of land is acquired, how can it be turned into income instead of debt?"

To give the simplest example, it is not easy for Dazhou to destroy Silla now.

But after it is destroyed, do you want this piece of land?

If you want, you must invest money and energy in various constructions. These are unavoidable expenses, and they are very expensive.

Then don't?What is the point of fighting?
Even if the imperial power is concentrated again, the emperor said that I did not seek his territory by attacking him, but simply disliked him...

With such words, the throne will definitely not last long.

"This...isn't something I should think about?" Li Shu was a little embarrassed for a while, "I'm a soldier, so it's fine to just be responsible for fighting."

Li Yuechen shook his head slightly: "Other officers can think so, but as a member of my Li family, you shouldn't think so."


"My education to you has always been based on the style of aristocratic families. Although you have been soldiers all your life, you can't look at problems completely according to military thinking." Li Yuechen touched her head lightly, "You, There is still a lot to learn.”

In the final analysis, after all, I am still a young man in his early 20s, so it is somewhat easy to think about the problem.

But Li Yuechen will not deny her because of this, she is still young, and there are still infinite possibilities sleeping in her body.

So she didn't continue on this topic, but changed the topic: "Speaking of which, you are also 20 years old, but is there a man you like?"

I don't know why, but after accepting his identity as an elder, Li Yuechen also began to care about young people's affairs.

Hearing this question, Li Shu's expression was a little dark: "Yes, there is, but the identity is a bit..."

"Civilian?" Li Yuechen asked.

Li Shu nodded: "The ability is good, and she is excellent in all aspects. Unfortunately, he is the only child in the family, and he is the only child of the seventh generation. If this status is with me, I am afraid that his parents may not be willing."

"You, you still think too much, maybe you plan to let him marry?" Li Yuechen asked with a smile.

"Of course not. It's just..."

"In the end, if you really want to talk about the right family, there are not many people in the world who are worthy of our Li family. The key is you. If you think that marrying him is what you really want, then go and tell him. Of course, he Whether you agree or not is a matter for others..."

Li Yuechen didn't give her a definite answer whether she must marry or not, the key was to see if she really wanted it in her heart.

It is best not to force things like marriage, otherwise it will be that sentence, the melon that is forced is really not sweet.

But speaking of it, Li Yuechen felt that it was time to consider the lifelong events of the future members of the royal family.

As an elder, Li Yuechen certainly hopes that each of them can find their own person.

But fate is really hard to talk about, maybe you really won't meet any of them.

After that, as a member of the royal family, you can't be single for the rest of your life.

In addition, the royal family members are all military members, and they may go to the battlefield at any time. In order to preserve a bloodline, it is better to get married early.


Back on the airship in Dongdu, Li Yuechen sat by the bed, looking at the white clouds floating outside the window, thinking about this issue all the time.

The emperor's children have been considered before, but the other clan members are always reluctant to ignore it.

That night, after the airship landed, he returned to Jixian Temple to greet his mother, and Li Yuechen also put forward his own ideas.

Wu Zetian said that she was too lazy to take care of this kind of thing, and let her figure it out.

But how can this matter be so easy to solve?

As the children's thinking becomes more and more active in the future, the atmosphere of free love will definitely be irresistible, and they may not be willing to listen to the family's arrangements.

Rather, this trend has already begun among the nobles.

In the current wealthy family, except for the legitimate son and the legitimate daughter, the rest of the collateral children basically find their other half when they go out to play.

This atmosphere of free love has been formed many years ago.

Li Yuechen, who was lying on the rocking chair and waiting for dinner with a cup of tea, suddenly sat up: "Ah, I thought of a good way!"

Li Xian on the side just finished his work today, stretched his waist and said, "Tell me."

Li Yuechen thought of a compromise method.

Before the age of twenty, let them fall in love freely.

If you can find your true love, that would be great.

But if they are still single at the age of [-], they will be handed over to Zongzheng Temple to arrange their marriage.

At that time, let Zongzheng Temple find suitable people according to their preferences and requirements.

After finding it, ask the other party's wishes. If the other party agrees, then arrange marriage directly!
That's right, to put it simply, the country sends you a partner!
Hearing Li Yuechen's explanation, Wu Zetian thought for a while, then nodded: "This method is not bad."

Li Xian on the side also nodded: "Well, let's arrange for Run'er like this. If you are still unmarried by the age of 20, then arrange for him!"

Wei Lian'er also nodded in agreement: "However, in this way, the scope of authority of Zongzheng Temple will be expanded a lot in the future."

After all, to be responsible for the marriages of members of the royal family, one must have the power to investigate the household registration, so as to find the most suitable match.

"Yeah, it's troublesome, isn't it? Is the matchmaker's words bad?" Li Xian asked.

Li Yuechen shook his head: "Parents help to choose people, often with parents' subjective wishes, but children may not like it. Leave it to Zongzheng Temple, and they can find the most suitable person from an objective perspective."

"This is also..."

Li Xian nodded in agreement, but after seeing Wei Lian'er's eyes, he immediately said: "It's nonsense! Lian'er was chosen for me by Auntie herself, she is a good match from God..."

Wu Zetian on the side sneered: "Let's do what Chen'er said."

Now she agrees more with her daughter's words, after all, she still vividly remembers Wei Lian'er's daring and false preaching of imperial decrees back then.

If it weren't for his own daughter, there is no need to worry that his son will not be able to suppress this wife in the future. With her character, it is absolutely impossible for her to live until now.

The mother had spoken, and Li Xian, the prince, couldn't continue to say anything, so he closed his mouth obediently.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er suddenly said: "Your Highness, the first batch of woolen cloth has been delivered from Chang'an, do you want to see it?"

"Well, speaking of this, let someone take a look at it." Li Yuechen also suddenly became interested.

Wu Zetian took a sip of tea: "I've already seen it, it's really good."

While speaking, two eunuchs had already come over with a brand new woolen cloth, and handed it to Li Yuechen respectfully.

I took a look at it, and then touched it with my hands. It was not unexpected, after all, the feel was not as good as the wool material of the future.

Of course, if compared with this era, it would be too much!
The key is that the cost is not high, and the output is high enough.

This kind of loom made by Li Yuechen can weave ten feet of cloth in one day if it does not stop for twelve hours!
Even if there is a labor law now, each worker will work four hours a day, but that is nearly five feet.

And this is just one machine, but now there are a hundred machines in the whole factory!

Such a factory can already eat all the woolen cloth in Dongdu and Chang'an, and there is even enough room to expand around.

Li Xian also praised: "Brother Wei couldn't believe it when I first saw it!"

"Don't worry, there will be even more powerful ones in the future!" Li Yuechen smiled, "After you go back, let's put the first batch on the market. There should be many people coming to me in the future, and then there will be new cooperation to discuss .”

Wu Zetian asked, "What are your plans?"

"Patent authorization. Sell this loom to other fabric workshops, and then..."

"Yuechen, are you going to sell this machine?" Li Xian was taken aback, "Then isn't this technology going to be exposed?"

"If you want to improve technology, you can't build a car behind closed doors!" Li Yuechen smiled, "But brother, don't worry, the patent law was established for this."

"Patent?" Li Xian didn't quite understand.

Li Yuechen explained: "Simply put, in addition to buying the machine, they have to pay an additional patent royalty. At the same time, within 50 years, even if they crack the manufacturing method of this machine and make it themselves, because they use my The technology, but also give me patent royalties..."

In fact, it's useless for them to crack it. There is a big gap between the craftsmanship outside and the engineering institute. Even if it is cracked, it may not be able to imitate it.

Even if it is made, the quality is definitely not enough.

With the hard work of the Academy of Engineering for more than ten years, some people may be able to copy it in a year or two, but the cost of the ten years saved still exists.

(End of this chapter)

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