Great Tang princess

Chapter 773 Years Ago

Chapter 773 Years Ago
After the policy of reforming the New Year's Eve banquet was announced in the court, it did not arouse much opposition.

Except for the few people from Yushitai who stood up and sprayed a few symbolic words out of work needs, there were no other problems.

It's better to say that the current Yushitai has been greatly restrained compared with before.

Since the imperial power has become more and more centralized and stable, most of Yushitai's guns have been aimed at other ministers.

On the contrary, it is very rare to dare to really face the emperor. After all, no one wants to really offend the emperor.

Especially in the context of the high concentration of imperial power, maybe the spray was too much, which made the emperor feel unhappy, and he probably won't be happy for the rest of his life.

Therefore, the issue of restructuring the New Year's Eve banquet was quickly unanimously approved.

Since most of the ministers these days are from aristocratic families, their families are rich, so they often go to places like Le Lou for consumption.

Naturally, they have seen that kind of novel program, and since the emperor wants to introduce it to the court, it is actually a good thing.

After all, every year the court will watch a group of You Lian from the Jiaofang Division singing and dancing, and it is really a bit tiresome.

Being able to intersperse with each other, occasionally listening to cross talk and watching sketches is also a pretty good pastime.

What's more, today's Le Lou cooperates with some foreign religions and has already started to have magic performances.

This amazing magic trick is really interesting to watch.

Li Yuechen did not expect that the first batch of magicians were all transferred from religious followers.

But this is also good, at least to a certain extent, it can make people understand that the so-called miracles of some liars are actually tricks, so as to avoid the possibility of being deceived.

Coupled with the gradual promotion of education, try to avoid it as much as possible.

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid it, because human beings are easily deceived creatures.

Even after more than 1000 years, there are still many people who are fooled by tricks like "I, Qin Shihuang, send money" that seem to be incapable of fooling even the mentally retarded.

But what should be reminded is still to be reminded. It cannot be said that because people are easy to be deceived, anti-fraud should not be done.


Seeing that the winter solstice is about to enter, the imperial court also began to get busy.

After all, it's the end of the year, and the settlement and performance appraisal of various departments are about to start, so they are extremely busy.

Even Li Yuechen, who hardly went to work to clock in on weekdays, recently ran to the Ministry of War whenever he had time to check the various reports submitted below.

This year's exercise is the Yizhou Military Region and Qianniuwei, and the location of the exercise is set on Mount Mang.

People from Yizhou have already set off, and Qianniuwei is also working intensively.

You know, Mangshan is his territory. It's okay if he wins this exercise, but if he loses, he will be ashamed.

Therefore, during this period of time, Geng Yunqiang, the person in charge of Qianniuwei, has made all preparations.

Although he is over 50 years old, Geng Yunqiang still has not stepped back and is sitting in the position of commander of Qianniuwei.

Originally, Li Yuechen planned to put him in the Ministry of War, but he himself said that he was not suitable for that kind of place because he was not very literate and had fought all his life, so he continued to stay here.

Of course, during this period of time, young officers have gradually begun to emerge.

For example, two brothers Li Chengqi and Li Chengyi.

Unlike the youngest Li Longji, the two brothers stayed in Qianniuwei after they graduated from the military academy and served as grassroots officers.

Over the years, his ability has gradually emerged, and he has become a deputy company commander.

In the commander's office, Geng Yunqiang held a teacup: "In this exercise, although the opponent is said to be your brother, there is no need to worry, just do your best. After all, Mangshan is our territory, and we must not lose to them!"

"Don't worry, Commander!" The two brothers agreed with a salute.

At the same time, in the office of the Ministry of War, Li Yuechen looked at the second brother in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Brother, are you worried about keeping etiquette and righteousness?"

Li Xian shook his head lightly: "It's just a drill, and no one will die, so why worry?"

"But to be honest, they have little chance of winning this exercise. The key is to see how far they can go." Li Yuechen said while drinking tea.

Li Xian did not refute this.

After all, Mount Mang was the site of Qianniuwei, although the final location of the exercise was definitely not in the area where the training was usually done.

But in essence, it is the Mang Mountain range after all, and the degree of familiarity is definitely not comparable to that of soldiers from other places.

In Li Xian's view, as long as the Yizhou Military Region can match the battle losses to one to one in this exercise, it will be considered a victory.

"However, I'm a little curious, why did you choose Mangshan as the location for this exercise?"

Li Yuechen smiled lightly: "As a soldier, you can't just fight at home. They may face various combat environments in the future, and they must learn to adapt."

What he said made sense, and Li Xian didn't say much, and then directly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, after the trucks are made, remember to give me a few trucks for the logistics department first!"

Li Yuechen shook his head: "Impossible, the technology of machine tools is not perfect now, after the production workshop is built, it is already the limit to be able to make one machine a month, and the annual output is only twelve machines... I will give it to your logistics department, and others The major military regions are definitely not willing to..."

"Who is not satisfied, let them come to me directly!" Li Xian waved his hand, "The soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are moved, and the logistics can't be taken care of. How can they fight?"

"You can't say that, how about this, for the first year's output, each of the major military regions will be equipped with one, and the rest will be given to you!" Li Yuechen said.

After thinking about it, Li Xian shook his head: "Instead of this, it's better to give it all to me."


"Yuechen, think about it for yourself. A truck can carry no more than 30 people. It can't even transport a scouting unit to each military region. Giving them one is really tasteless!"

The word tasteless was learned from Li Yuechen before.

Hearing the old brother's answer, Li Yuechen thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

The maximum cargo capacity of this thing is almost two tons, but when it comes to transporting people, considering that people cannot be stacked like cargo, it is enough to put thirty people.

This is still in the case of crowded people and no room for movement at all.

So this thing can still play a greater role for Li Xian's logistics department.

"Didn't you say that you are still researching the internal combustion engine? When that research comes out, why don't you just give it to them?" Li Xian said.

Li Yuechen replied: "But the internal combustion engine is still at the theoretical stage. It is estimated that it will take at least a few years to make it."

After all, this internal combustion engine is not the first engine, but a design drawing drawn by Li Yuechen based on his own understanding in the future, an inline six-cylinder engine.

The earliest internal combustion engine car in history has a top speed estimated to be only a dozen kilometers per hour.

But the one designed by Li Yuechen is a mature model, and it can run at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour when it is fully loaded.

If it is an empty car, it should be able to run close to a hundred speeds per hour.

This still takes into account the problems of road surfaces in this era. If it is the asphalt road in the future, it should be faster.

"Those don't matter. In short, this truck needs to be useful for the military region. There is only one truck. Apart from looking good, it is not very useful!"

Hearing his brother's words, Li Yuechen nodded, expressing that this was indeed the case.

Besides, if the various military regions don't give it, they can't say anything, so they nodded: "Well, just do what my brother said, and send more to the logistics department first."

After all, in the future, the logistics department will be responsible for the transportation of many materials in the major military regions.

Whether it is weapons and equipment, consumables such as personnel clothing and bedding, or money such as salaries of soldiers.

All of these require logistics to be responsible. It can be said that as the military system gradually improves and expands, the importance of logistics becomes more obvious.


On the day of the winter solstice, the emperor led civil and military officials to hold a grand sacrificial activity, announcing the beginning of the New Year.

That's right, in ancient times, the New Year was celebrated as soon as the winter solstice passed.

And this day is also the time for the final report of the performance of major departments across the country. After this day, it will be counted until next year.

It stands to reason that Li Yuechen, as Minister of the Ministry of War, should also participate in the sacrificial activities together.

However, she was not there, but was looking at the sand table in front of her with a group of officers in the temporary office built on Mount Mang.

This day is the last day of the military exercise, and the winner will be decided at sunset.

A group of senior military officers and staff members sat around the sand table and observed the situation according to the reports submitted by the battlefield observers.

I have to say that the system of this exercise has matured a lot now, and it feels smooth and smooth when doing it now.

The soldiers on the battlefield are extremely orderly in offense and defense, and they are doing quite well.

In the end, when the sun went down, Qianniuwei kept his position and was not beaten by the soldiers of the Yizhou Military Region, winning the exercise.

Senior military officers in the office applauded the success of the exercise.

Li Shouyi, the commander of the Yizhou Military Region, also smiled and congratulated Geng Yunqiang with a smile.

But Geng Yunqiang, who won, had a look of displeasure.

Win, indeed won, but the problem is that the battle damage has reached 30.00%!
But you must know that this is your own territory, and in the home game, 30.00% of the soldiers were "killed"!This is quite a terrible loss.

Although it is said that the battle damage in Yizhou is higher, close to 60.00%, but I still feel extremely upset!

Geng Yunqiang only felt ashamed to achieve such a record on his own territory.

Li Yuechen stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, don't be sour. The Yizhou Military Region has relatively rich experience in actual combat. It is already a pretty good result to be able to fight like this!"

After all, the Yizhou Military Region participated in the exercise this time, all veterans who had experienced the Tubo War, and their quality is really worth mentioning.

Although Qianniuwei also has a group of veterans with actual combat experience, after all, they are not comparable to young people in terms of physical fitness and mental flexibility, and it is not wrong to lose.

After the exercise, Li Shouyi and Li Shouli asked their subordinates to lead the team back first.

The two brothers told Li Yuechen that they wanted to stay and spend the new year with their parents.

Li Yuechen nodded and agreed. After all, they are different from ordinary soldiers. The children of the royal family have been in the military all their lives. Naturally, the little wish of going home to celebrate the New Year with their parents must be fulfilled.


After the exercise was over, there was nothing to do at the Ministry of War, and with the winter vacation, Li Yuechen also had nothing to do. Basically, except for practicing in the morning, he went to the palace to stay with his mother in the afternoon, chatting and drinking Tea, playing mahjong or something.

It's almost New Year's Eve, and the city is getting more and more lively.

After all, the days get better and better, and the scale of the celebration will naturally become bigger and bigger.

In addition, many foreign businessmen are also willing to celebrate the New Year here and join in the fun, so all kinds of teahouses and restaurants basically start to be lively at night.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, after dinner in the evening, the children bid farewell to their mothers and went back to their respective homes.

On the way back to the princess mansion, Li Yuechen looked at the bustling scene in the city through the car window, feeling a little lost in thought.

Shangguan Wan'er sat beside her, leaning her head on her shoulder: "What is your Highness thinking?"

"I'm thinking about the changes in the country, and about me..." Li Yuechen said softly.

Shangguan Wan'er was a little puzzled: "His Highness's change?"

"After the new year, I will be 35." Li Yuechen smiled and pressed her forehead, "Of course it's the change of age."

"In Wan'er's opinion, His Highness hasn't changed much in the past ten years." She said with a smile.

This is the truth, now that Li Yuechen goes out to tell people he doesn't know that he is 20 years old, they will definitely believe it.

She doesn't have a single gray hair, no wrinkles can be seen on her face, and she has a light body. Even if she says she has only one, many people will believe it.

"It's an exaggeration if it hasn't changed for more than ten years. In fact, doesn't Wan'er look younger?" She said with a smile.

But Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were a little dim: "It's incomparable to His Highness, and I found a white hair a few days ago..."

As he spoke, he grabbed the hair on the back of him, as if he wanted to find the white hair he saw a few days ago.

Although she does look much younger compared to other people of the same age, she is really incomparable with Li Yuechen.

In fact, many people now believe that Li Yuechen is really cultivating immortals, after all, his appearance is too young.

But to be honest, I can feel the changes that outsiders cannot see.

Li Yuechen can feel that he is also getting old, but because of various reasons such as exercise, he is much slower than others.

Some subtle changes are difficult for outsiders to know, for example, the growth rate of the nails has gradually slowed down, and the eyesight has somewhat decreased, etc...

Outsiders may not be able to see these changes, but Li Yuechen can clearly feel them.

"I'm just a physical problem, and I'm not a real god." Li Yuechen smiled.

Shangguan Wan'er leaned her head on her shoulder and said softly: "It's just that Wan'er is a little scared, what if the young Highness really watches me grow old..."

"What are you thinking? I'm old and slow at most, but I'm not a monster after all!" Li Yuechen hugged her head with a smile.

"However, I do hope that His Highness will live forever, so that he can find me in the next life!" Shangguan Wan'er said with a light smile.

"I will find you without immortality! Just in case I become a man in the next life..." Li Yuechen joked heartlessly.

"Your Highness is His Highness, it doesn't matter whether you are male or female!" She raised her head and replied firmly.

 Thank you [Mercury's Masked Superman] for rewarding 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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