Great Tang princess

Chapter 81 Li Zhi's Liquidation

Chapter 81 Li Zhi's Liquidation

Hearing his father's question, Li Yuechen didn't hide anything, and told everything that happened yesterday, including some of his own guesses.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian sat beside and listened quietly. The matter itself was not complicated, it was just that Li Yuechen found that the prison guard couldn't resist, so he ran away by himself.

Li Yuechen gestured with his hands while explaining.

Seeing the scabbed scratch on her palm, Wu Zetian grabbed it and stroked it gently.

On weekdays, there is always a hint of distress on the serious expression: "Does it still hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt." Li Yuechen smiled.

"Since you know they dare not kill you, why did you run away?" Wu Zetian asked.

Li Yuechen grinned: "If my son is arrested, not only will he slap the royal family in the face, but he might also make my grandfather worry about getting sick. My son doesn't want my father and mother to worry about me."

Wu Zetian patted her head: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad will explain this to you!"

Well, better throw those masterminds in jail and let them pick up the soap!
Of course I want to return to my thoughts and say that I can’t say that.

Li Yuechen smiled sensiblely and said: "Actually, the child doesn't care about these things, parents don't have to force it for me. Now that the child has grown up, he knows that many things cannot be done by his own temper."

Hearing these words, the couple had expressions of relief.

Li Zhi stretched out his hand and gently touched her head: "Chen'er, don't worry, I'm not only doing this for my own daughter, but also to protect the face of the royal family!"

Wu Zetian also grabbed her hand and gently stroked it twice: "Chen'er doesn't need to worry about this matter, just take a good rest, but is there any discomfort?"

"No." Li Yuechen shook his head, then suddenly raised his head and said, "By the way, I hope that the two adults will not punish the guards in charge of protection. They did their best. And the father and son who saved me..."

"Okay, okay!" Li Zhi interrupted her with a smile, "I will deal with this matter, Chen'er will have a good rest these two days!"

Li Yuechen nodded: "Okay!"

Her body hadn't fully recovered yet, and after chatting for a while, she felt drowsy again, and fell asleep again after a while.

Li Zhi covered her with a quilt, and Wu Zetian touched her forehead, feeling that the temperature was still somewhat high, but it was much better than yesterday.

So he changed the towel and re-wet it with water, put it on her forehead, and then the two quietly backed out.


When they came to the palace, the expressions of the couple who were originally relieved also became dark.

Li Zhi lay on the rocking chair, closed his eyes and said: "It seems that my knife should see blood!"

Wu Zetian asked, "What is Your Majesty planning to do?"

"Meiniang thinks what should be done?" Li Zhi stopped the health ball in his hand and asked back.

No one knew what the two talked about in the inner hall. The next day, Lu Hexiang, a student of the Henan government, and his student, the magistrate of Henan, were exiled.

This result did not surprise most people. After all, the princess had an accident on their territory, so it is not bad that she did not die.

However, immediately afterwards, Liu Rengui impeached Liu Yue, the Minister of Dali Temple, for corruption and perverting the law, and asked the emperor to investigate strictly.

With the emperor's permission, Liu Yuena was imprisoned, and Zhang Wenguan, the servant of Huangmen, also served as the new Minister of Dali Temple.

At the same time, Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and Yushitai conducted a joint trial of the three divisions.

On the same day, Dali Temple Minister Zhang Wenguan ordered that a large number of shops in the northern and southern cities of Luoyang be investigated, and the shopkeepers were brought back to Dali Temple for surprise interrogation on the grounds of selling fake goods.

After receiving such news, many people's eyes widened in disbelief.

After all, Dali Temple should not be in charge of selling fake goods, but it just happened like this. If there is no emperor's order behind it, no one will believe it.

These shopkeepers were taken back to the interrogation room of Dali Temple, where they were all locked up.

Before they realized what happened, they were all escorted into the interrogation room.

Seeing the various instruments of torture hanging on the wall shimmering in the dim light, and even faintly saw dried blood stains on them, these people suddenly trembled in fright.

Zhang Wenguan leaned against the wall, lowered his head and picked his nails, and said loudly: "I don't want to talk nonsense, just ask, who is behind you? If you say it obediently, you can save a life; if you waste my time , stubbornly resisting...these instruments of torture will serve one by one!"


No one knows exactly what happened in Dali Temple, but it is said that the screams in the interrogation room were continuous in those few days.

A few days later, more than a dozen officials were all arrested by the emperor on various charges such as embezzlement, breaking the law or offering bribes. The evidence was solid and they were directly sentenced to death!

After a series of actions, nearly a hundred people were finally implicated in this incident!

When the emperor came down with the knife, what he really killed was the head rolling, and the blood flowed like a river.


At this time, Li Yuechen, who had completely recovered, returned to Anfu Hall, sat in the Linbo Pavilion and stared at the green seedlings in a daze.

Even though Li Yuechen couldn't bear it after receiving the news, he knew that there must be many innocent people involved, so he couldn't do anything.

After all, she is a princess of a country, and to some extent, represents the face and dignity of the royal family.

Since they did such a thing, they must be punished as they should!

Li Yuechen looked at the sky with his hands on his chin, thinking in his heart, this time, the smell of blood in Nanshi will be permeated for a long time...

The death penalty in the law of the Tang Dynasty was divided into situations. The death penalty for civilians and lower-level officials was generally carried out in crowded downtown areas, in order to serve as a warning to the world.

Officials above the fifth rank are allowed to commit suicide at home, except for serious crimes such as treason.

Those of the seventh rank and above, the royal family and women, if they committed a crime other than beheading, were generally hanged in a hidden place.

But this time, most of the prisoners will be taken to Nanshi to be beheaded for public display.

Among the brothers, except for the eldest brother Li Hong, the other three all secretly took a carriage to watch the scene.

Since ancient times, most of the onlookers watching the execution were children, and it was the same in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Xian also came to ask Li Yuechen to watch it together, but she didn't agree, she just said that her body hadn't completely recovered and she wanted to cultivate for a while.

Among the people who were killed, most of Li Yuechen didn't know each other, or even heard their names.

She knew very well that none of these people was the mastermind of this incident.

This is the warning given to them by the emperor. The emperor is telling them: I am not old yet, and my knife is still sharp!
This time it is because there is no conclusive evidence, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to stop here!

Xiao He walked over with a small silver plate: "Your Highness, the saint has given you some cherries."

"Well, let it go." Li Yuechen agreed without looking back, and continued to look at the sky.

What I did made those big families feel that it harmed their interests, so they did it.

But what Li Yuechen has to do will not stop. From a personal point of view, she is a member of the royal family, so she naturally has to consider issues for the benefit of the royal family.

From the perspective of the masses, the existence of such nobles is not a good thing for the common people.

They hold a large amount of land, money and even public opinion, even if they are obedient and vigilant, it is difficult for the higher authorities to find out.

And when they can't afford to eat, the people blame the ruler more than the nobles.

Although Li Yuechen didn't understand history, she knew one thing, that is, for two thousand years, when almost every dynasty was about to come to an end, there would always be peasant uprisings.

Why did the peasants revolt?The most fundamental reason is that there is no food to eat!
Most of the common people in this era are uneducated, simple and frightening.As long as they can survive, few people can give birth to the courage to rebel!
This is not only a problem of food production, but also a problem of these nobles.

In fact, it is easy to find the reason by inferring from the results of the peasant uprising.

Considering the special tax laws of this era, farmers must have land to grow in order to survive.

But if these nobles try to buy land at a low price without restraint, it will lead to less and less land for farmers to plant.

However, the court's tax will not be reduced because of this, so in the end they can't even afford food, so they can only rebel.

While rebelling, he also cursed the incompetence of the court...

Of course, it is true to think so, but all mistakes cannot be attributed to the royal family, and these nobles also have a large part of the responsibility.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen gently stroked his legs with his fingers and pulled them up.

It is also simple to solve this problem, that is, to control public opinion, so that all the policies of the imperial court can be implemented among the people, so that these nobles can largely avoid these aristocrats.

But to control public opinion, we must first improve the literacy rate, otherwise it is empty talk.

To improve the literacy rate, the premise is to solve the problem of food production. Only when people are full can they have the energy to do other things!

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen walked out of Linbo Pavilion, came to his own small field and squatted down.

Maybe this green field in front of me can become the starting point for my own rewriting of the Anshi Rebellion?
Thinking of this, another smile appeared on Li Yuechen's face.


In the morning of the next day, Li Yuechen went to Liu Rengui's house to accept the assessment as usual.

Li Zhi and his wife did not prohibit her from leaving the palace because of this incident, but increased the number of guards in charge of protection from twenty to sixty!
Several of them were originally responsible for protecting themselves. As for the one who was killed last time, Li Zhi also rewarded his family with some money to ensure his life.

Li Yuechen was actually not worried about anything, the last attack was already at the limit.

Coupled with the fact that Li Zhi killed so many people at once this time, no one would dare to do anything to him again.

The carriage drove to Jiashanfang, Li Yuechen let the coachman enter the workshop, and came to the entrance of the tall two-story building at the corner.

He saw a group of men in black with horizontal knives standing around a carriage parked at his door, and a rich middle-aged man quickly ran out of the door.

"I don't know who you are, whether you have found the wrong person..."

The rich middle-aged man came out of the door, explaining while thinking about whether he had offended someone.

When he saw the little girl in red who jumped out of the carriage, he was slightly taken aback: "You are..."

"Bold!" Fulai yelled from the side, "Shouldn't you be rude when you see Her Royal Highness?"

Hearing the slightly sharp voice of the eunuch, the other party was obviously taken aback, and then hurriedly bowed to salute: "Craftsman Zhang Yufang, I have seen Your Highness the Princess! Caomin has no eyes, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Hearing his name, Li Yuechen smiled slightly.

The names of this era are actually gender-neutral, and it is normal for a man to have a delicate name.

It's just that in Li Yuechen's opinion, a greasy middle-aged man with such a name still feels a little funny.

But she didn't say much, raised her hand and said, "Excuse me! Do you remember me?"

Only then did Zhang Yufang stand up, and replied respectfully: "Return to Your Highness, Cao Min remembers!"

"Is that woman your wife?" Li Yuechen asked
"It's not a mother-in-law, but a concubine." Zhang Yufang replied.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Can you call me to see you?"

"No problem, please enter the room and wait a while, Your Highness..."

"No need, I'll just wait here." Li Yuechen waved his hand.

"Yes! Caomin will call immediately."

As she said that, Zhang Yufang hurried back, and after a while, she called the woman who met Li Yuechen together that day.

Obviously already knew her identity, so she came to Li Yuechen and bowed respectfully: "Cao Min Liu has seen Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Zhang Yufang also quickly explained: "Your Highness, Granny Caomin is not at home today, so she cannot come to see the ceremony..."

Li Yuechen waved his hand indifferently: "No problem, I'm here today, just to thank you for your help back then, by the way..."

Having said that, Li Yuechen raised his hand and took off the hairpin on his head.

A head of shiny black hair fell down instantly, turning into a high ponytail tied with a red string.

"I took your hairpin that day, and I will pay you well after I tell you." Li Yuechen handed over the hairpin in his hand, "Take it."

The two were taken aback, the hairpin was made of pure gold, and the patterns were complicated, obviously it was made by a skilled craftsman.Put it in the folk, it is a priceless treasure!

"No." Zhang Yufang replied, "It's my blessing to help His Highness, how dare you talk about compensation?"

"Okay, I asked you to take it, so take it."

Seeing that she used the honorific title, Zhang Yufang didn't shirk, and patted the concubine on the shoulder.

Mrs. Liu stretched out her hands to take it respectfully, and both of them said in unison, "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

Liu Shi who got the hairpin was surprised. The hairpin was estimated to be nearly half the weight.

"Okay, I'm here today to take care of this matter, let's go."

After speaking, Li Yuechen got into the carriage, and Fulai followed behind.

Zhang Yufang and Zhang Yufang hurriedly saluted: "Congratulations, Your Highness!"

After returning to the carriage, Li Yuechen thought, the concubine should at least be able to receive some preferential treatment at home with her hairpin.

In fact, it is impossible for a concubine to threaten the status of a wife in this era, and the civil society is different from the royal family.

The emperor's concubine is a concubine at any rate, and may one day counterattack and become a queen.

As for folk concubines, it can be said that they are not regarded as human beings at all, and even friends may let concubines sleep with them when they come to the house, and their status is no different from that of slaves.

Even if the master really likes her, he is absolutely not allowed to marry a concubine according to the law, and he will never be able to get a formal status, nor will he be protected by the law.

In fact, Li Yuechen didn't care about men raising girls or women raising boys or other similar behaviors, because it was a personal hobby.

But if possible, she still wants to talk to the emperor in the future and revise the law. She doesn't expect everyone to be equal in this era, but at least people and animals should be treated separately!
 Thank you [Yumiya Xiaozhi] for the reward! ! !

  Thank you [book friend 20210301106587494154] for the reward of 1000 starting coins!
  Thanks [little book friend 9527] for the reward of 200 starting coins!
  Thank you [Selenium Thorium Xiaoying] for the 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [book friend 140101095940902] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thanks to [Love, Purple Love] for the 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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