Chapter 869
Amidst the grand, tense and lively music of the King of Qin's Breaking the Battle, the national flag of the Tang Dynasty with red background and gold characters was slowly rising.

The flag fluttering in the wind attracted everyone's attention in the music, and everyone present couldn't help staring at the fluttering flag.

When the music ended, the flag was raised to the highest point.

Then everyone turned their heads and looked at the team that had formed a square formation on the left side of Danfeng Gate.

Sure enough, the officer in charge yelled, "Let's go!"

After the voice fell, everyone waved their hands and started at the same time, walking forward with uniform steps.

Because it is so harmonious and unified, it feels like a clone of one person when the Cube team comes out.

Everyone waved their hands and raised their legs at the same distance, and the team couldn't see the slightest chaos.

Rather, in this kind of square team, if there is a problem with one person's rhythm, it will become extremely conspicuous.

However, in the gradually approaching phalanx, there is no disharmony at all.

Everyone waved and walked, and all movements were exactly the same.

In order to achieve such an effect, when selecting candidates for this year's military parade, both tall and short people were eliminated.

So this square team looks like not only the amplitude of the swing of the limbs is the same, but even the height is similar.

Under the effect of camouflage uniforms, the boundaries between everyone seem to be weakened.

It seems that this one block is a completely unified and harmonious whole, rather than the feeling of many people combined.

The phalanx was about to reach the front of Danfeng Gate soon, when the leading officer continued to order loudly: "Go forward—go!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers in the phalanx all changed the swinging range of their hands and feet.

The arms are raised, alternately across the chest, and the legs are raised a little bit more.

At the same time, the sound of footsteps landing became much thicker.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The rhythm of the footsteps is just right every time, neither fast nor slow, and they keep moving forward at a constant speed.

In addition, everyone's movements are exactly the same, standing outside the phalanx and looking at the past will definitely make all obsessive-compulsive disorder patients extremely comfortable.

When the first platoon of soldiers reached the same line on the far left of Danfeng Gate, the leading officer shouted: "To the right—look! Salute!"

After the order was given, everyone except the rightmost soldier turned their heads 45 degrees in unison.

Then Qiqi raised his right hand to salute, and looked at the new emperor Li Chongrun who was looking at this side from the middle of the tower.

This sudden change in movement made everyone watching around feel their scalps tingling.

How much painstaking effort does it take to train soldiers to such a level that everyone's movements are highly consistent without any mistakes?

Look at this completely uniform costume, and the other teams that have already started preparing behind this phalanx...

It is really hard to imagine how much money Datang has invested in the army today.

At this time, the soldiers were just about to pass in front of Danfeng Gate, and Li Chongrun on the tower shouted, "Hello, soldiers!"

All the soldiers in the phalanx also shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor!"

The roar was so loud that no matter whether it was the people on the tower or the other people watching the ceremony on the other side, they could feel a momentum rising into the sky and spreading around.

Li Chongrun continued to shout: "Soldiers have worked hard!"

"Defend Datang!!!"

The momentum of more than 300 people roaring in unison made the entire phalanx seem a lot more lenient.

Although many people know that this is a psychological effect, it is still difficult to ignore it.

At this time, the soldiers in the front row also passed by the rightmost side of Danfeng Gate, and the team leader ordered again: "Move forward—look! Salute is over!"

The soldiers turned their heads and continued to walk forward, and then returned to the state of walking in unison.

But at this time, no one cared to watch them anymore, because Qianniuwei was followed by the square team of Qingdao Military Region.

The camouflage uniforms of the sailors are not green, but blue, but regardless of this point, whether it is in terms of the swing of their hands and feet or their momentum, they can be said to be on par with the Qianniuwei who just passed.

Everyone held their heads high, walked with firm steps, and walked forward in a neat rhythm with firm eyes.

Also because of this walking posture with chest raised and head raised, the whole person looks very majestic and majestic, with a feeling of majesty and high-spiritedness.

A person's words may not be so conspicuous, but when a group of mighty and majestic people stand together, there will be a sense of oppression.

Some people watching the ceremony couldn't help but wonder, if they stood in front of such a phalanx, would they really have the courage to take up arms?
Especially for those foreign envoys, looking at such a marching phalanx, they couldn't help thinking whether their own country could have the power to match it.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Even if we put aside Datang's airships or those magical weapons that can explode, and just talk about infantry fighting, facing soldiers of this level, I'm afraid I really can't find any advantage on my side.

Fighting really depends on morale, and the infantry of the two countries fights against each other. Facing such soldiers, I am afraid that most of the teams in small countries will turn around and run away subconsciously, without the courage to fight against them at all.

In the face of such a team, it is impossible for soldiers of their own country to maintain their morale today.

At this time, the soldiers from the Qingdao Military Region also came to the Danfeng Gate. Just like before, they stepped forward and turned their heads 45 degrees to the right to salute the emperor on the tower.

Li Chongrun shouted hello to them just like before.

The soldiers spoke again in unison, shouting "Long Live the Emperor" and "Defend Datang".

The soldiers in Qingdao are generally taller than Qianniuwei, and they look much stronger.

It's just that the shouting momentum of both sides is similar. After all, the number of people is the same, so the difference will not be too big.

It can be clearly seen that the Qingdao military region may be due to the excessive sun by the sea. The navy soldiers are obviously a darker color than Qianniuwei, and they are all bronze.

After the naval soldiers came the Yizhou Military Region, then the Northeast Military Region, the Northern Military Region and other military regions, and the soldiers from each military region passed by in turn.

No matter which military region it was, the performance this time was quite impressive, without any mistakes.

All the square teams stepped on the same rhythm, and as part of the steel torrent of the Tang Empire, slowly walked past the Danfeng gate.

Li Chongrun kept shouting, and the soldiers also shouted and responded enthusiastically, which made the mood of the entire ceremony audience extremely high.

For the emperor Li Chongrun, he was originally from the army and had a deep affection for the army.

I personally walked and participated in the procession when I was in the army, but I never thought that when I stood here one day and watched the soldiers from various military regions pass by, I would feel so excited.

Although I have seen the rehearsal effect in advance, when the official scene is in front of me, I still feel emotional.

Especially listening to their responses one after another, I can feel the strength of the country and the sense of responsibility I have sitting on the dragon chair.

Of course, it wasn't just Li Chongrun, the emperor. For the soldiers who participated in the military parade, this was also an exciting thing.

In the past, as a soldier, I didn't have any special feelings about the emperor himself.

The reason is simple, too far away.

We all know that the emperor of this country is the biggest, but to them, he is like a fairy in the sky, similar to an illusory legend.

This impression was not changed until the Queen's era.

The main reason was that at that time Li Yuechen often asked his mother to inspect in the army, and many soldiers had seen the queen's true face.

At this time, although the soldier's impression of the emperor is still far away, at least it is no longer a fictional legend like a fairy, at least he can see it with his own eyes.

But in Li Xian's era, this impression became much worse.

First, he often went to the shooting range to play frisbee when he was free. Second, because of the appearance of the photos, soldiers from all military regions could see his appearance, so he naturally had a more comprehensive impression of the royal family.

But now it is different. When the new emperor was still the prince, his resume had already been spread among various military regions.

The officers and men of the various military regions already had a deep impression on him, and at the same time they all saw his photos.

And the emperor who was born in the army can naturally arouse the favor of the soldiers. Therefore, the soldiers who came to participate in the military parade have a sense of closeness to the young emperor himself.

But now, the young emperor shouted with them, and there was a feeling of being connected together.

So the soldiers answered harder, full of passion.

Amidst the shouts, everyone watching the ceremony couldn't help being infected by the atmosphere and immersed in it.

During this military parade, many veterans who were invited had tears in their eyes, recalling many memories of their time in the army.

Especially when I saw the armored vehicles at the end of the infantry phalanx that had already started to form a team, I couldn't help crying.

As the first batch of soldiers after the reform of the army, they are the pioneers of today's army, but they have no fate with these advanced equipment.

I am full of envy for those young soldiers who have begun to organize their armored vehicles. I wish I was still young and could be one of them.

And on the tower of Danfeng Gate, all the foreign envoys felt their legs go weak amidst the shouts.

Too strong!

In addition, no adjectives can be found that can accurately describe the current Datang army.

At the same time, they were also thankful that their country was not Datang's enemy.

Otherwise, in the face of this kind of enemy, I am afraid that I will not even have the courage to resist!
This is a sense of oppression that has completely transcended the times, as if a person is facing those mythical monsters. That is no longer the mentality when facing beasts, because it is completely beyond understanding.

Because not only the aura shown by these soldiers, but also the iron-clad car at the end of the square team that has begun to move forward slowly.

It was not the kind of black-painted car that the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty took, but a large iron-clad car with a total of six wheels on both sides, and the whole car was covered with armor.

The wheels are equipped with angular spikes, which rotate continuously with the tires.

It is conceivable that once this kind of thing rushes into the cavalry group, it can continuously harvest life like a meat grinder.

Although the body is also painted with camouflage paint, it can be seen from the size alone that the weight of this car will definitely not be too light.

On the roof, the lid was opened, and two soldiers stretched out their upper bodies, looking straight ahead.

Unlike the infantry phalanx in front of them, the soldiers in these vehicles were all armed.

In addition to weapons such as long knives that they could recognize, there was also something that was a combination of iron pipes and wood, but they didn't recognize it.

Although there are a lot of things like shotguns in the army today, and there are various comments from the outside world, many foreigners still haven't really seen the real thing.

So many of them didn't know what it was, so they turned to ask the people next to them if they knew.

But in any case, today's military parade gave them a great shock.

Many people even took out their pens, intending to roughly draw what they saw, and then go back and tell their king.

In the future era, if you don't follow in the footsteps of Datang, you may have big problems.

Leaving aside the reactions of the foreigners, even the ministers who were standing next to the emperor were equally astonished and couldn't keep their mouths shut.

Although they have some understanding of what the army looks like today, a military parade of this scale still exceeds their expectations by a lot.

And not only the army, but also the young emperor, every time he shouted, it seemed that people could see the moment when he was on the battlefield.

In this era, even the ministers' impressions of Emperor Taizong came from legends.

But today, looking at the back of the young new emperor, I seem to be able to understand what it was like for the ancestors to face an emperor like Taizong in the Zhenguan Dynasty.

The oppressive feeling of an emperor who was born in the army and personally went to the battlefield is too obvious, even looking at his back or side face has a sense of fear.

When the last phalanx passed by, the armored phalanx officially appeared.

These heavy armored vehicles moved forward slowly, and came to Danfeng Gate amidst the roar of the engine.

Just like the infantry phalanx just now, the soldiers on the armored vehicles also turned their heads to the right and raised their hands in salute.

They all shouted their own responses to the emperor's call.

A torrent of steel made of armored vehicles passed by, and everyone present knew one thing - the era of cavalry was coming to an end!
In front of this battle formation composed of armored vehicles, the cavalry has no advantage. They cannot rush, but cannot fight; escape, cannot escape.

Except for some special terrains, the cavalry has no advantage in front of this armored vehicle when fighting on the plains!

Ordinary people who saw this scene completely forgot to discuss it. Although they have seen many cars in the city over the years, this kind of oppressive iron-clad car moved slowly. The shock was still palpable.

Of course, this is not over yet, because just as the phalanx of armored vehicles was about to drive past the Danfeng Gate, a strange roar sounded from far to near in the sky...

 Thank you [Mercury's Masked Superman] for rewarding 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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