Chapter 102
"Why are you here? You're here alone? Where's your mother?" Xu Che looked at Liu Yifei, who was rushing towards him, with no other emotions on his face except surprise and some joy.

Similarly, if Shi Shi came to visit the class, then Xu Che could rest assured
It is common for Shishi to shoot alone, and she is relatively independent by herself.

There is absolutely no need to worry about that much.

But this is Liu Yifei, who flew here alone without an assistant, and Liu Xiaoli was not by her side, so Xu Che was really worried.
She has also debuted for so many years, and she also knows the ways of the world.

However, Liu Xiaoli's shelter still made her not very familiar with some things, and she was not mature enough.

She took Xu Che's two hands, and said with a sweet smile, "Well, the itinerary is over for now, so I flew here alone, and I will hurry back by plane tomorrow night."

"Good guy, does your mother know? You just flew here alone? You are too scary, right?"

Xu Che asked three times, and finally said, "Your mother knows that you must tear me up?"

"It's okay, I'm already an adult."

Cui Peng and others on the other side began to discuss, "These two are also talking about a partner? I'm sorry, Brother Che was born in 79, and he is 27 this year.

Liu Yifei was born in 87, and she is only 19 this year, so it seems that she is not yet 19.

This is an eight-year-old difference, brother Che is awesome. "

"You don't care about others, you single dog."

It doesn't matter to Wang Chuanyi. In the entertainment industry, isn't it normal to talk about someone?
Cui Peng explained the ins and outs, "I don't know if you came from Taiwan, brother Xu Che and sister Shenxian worked together on a magazine before.

Then the fans of the two parties were very angry. Didn't expect the two to fall in love now?I don't know what the fans think when they find out. "

Wang Chuanyi said that there was nothing to talk about, "Then why do you care about others? You look like you have never seen the world.

Wasn't the love between Da S and Zaizai also like this at the beginning, I even witnessed it with my own eyes, you are too surprised. "

"I just made my debut after what you said."

Xu Che met Liu Yifei's eyes, and he said seriously: "If Auntie doesn't know, call her right now and tell her."

"She knows." Liu Yifei was a little guilty, and ran out by herself, feeling that her mother would be dizzy no matter what.

Unsurprisingly, Liu Xiaoli was already very angry when she saw the text messages left by Liu Yifei.

Xu Che emphasized again: "Call, call now."


Sullenly, Liu Yifei took out her mobile phone and called Liu Xiaoli with some reluctance.

Obviously I came here to find you, but you actually want to send me back.

what does that mean
She also understood that Xu Che was doing it for her own good, but women, especially little girls, are like this when they are emotional.

Liu Xiaoli was quickly connected, and she scolded loudly: "Sissy! Why did you go to the new province alone?! How could you leave without saying a word! Ah! Do you know how much I have? worry about you!"

Liu Yifei felt a little guilty,
She did not speak.

After getting angry, Liu Xiaoli on the other end of the phone begged softly: "Come back soon and don't go out alone again."

"Call me." Xu Che stretched out his hand and spread it out.

Liu Yifei put the phone in Xu Che's hand, still frowning, what she did was really too much.
In any case, you can't fly half of China alone and keep silent.

Xu Che picked up the phone and said seriously: "Auntie, I didn't know that Qianqian came to my place this time, but please rest assured, I will personally send her to the plane tomorrow."

Liu Xiaoli wanted to lose her temper, but she just couldn't yell at her.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally just sighed, "Oh, we must ensure the safety of my family, Qianqian."

is there any method?
The daughter just likes him, and she just wants to fly so far to see him.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Che put Liu Yifei's cell phone back into her hand, and said solemnly, "Do you know how much your mother cares about you? Don't do this again next time."

"But, I just want to see you~" Liu Yifei was unhappy, and said coquettishly, "Could it be that you want my mother to keep me in check and not let me see you? How can that be?"

Xu Che pinched Tianxian's face and began to draw cakes: "I will take the initiative to come to see you next time."


Liu Yifei was silent for a while, and then said: "Why do I feel that I shouldn't believe what you look like?"

"Why do you feel so suddenly?" Xu Che was puzzled.

"I don't know, I just felt this feeling all of a sudden."


"Hey, just kidding, do you still have a lot of scenes today?"

Xu Che felt helpless, and answered with a smile: "You came at 07:30 early in the morning. I haven't started filming yet, so you ask me if I still have a lot of scenes?"

"Oh, sorry."

"Why are you so silly and sweet?"

Liu Yifei pouted in displeasure: "Are you scolding me?"


When the filming started, Xu Che was serious about acting. Liu Yifei sat beside Lin Fengsheng with his chin propped up and watched, and asked with a smile, "Director, what do you think of Xu Che's acting?"

"A very good performance,"

"I think so."

In that short gap of 2 minutes of filming.

Little Liu Jia quickly approached Xu Che and whispered in Xu Che's ear: "Sister Immortal is also your girlfriend? She seems to be a high school student, is she eighteen?

You can do this too?You are really a slap in the face of a dead man, shameless. "

"Your allusion is really interesting, but I'm not happy about what you said. He's going to be 19 years old, okay?"

"But you are 27. The more you talk, the more you smear yourself.

If she is younger for a year or so, you will have to go to jail, don't drive the baby carriage! "

"? Love doesn't need to consider age, but I don't dare to be a minor."

Little Liu Jia expressed disbelief in Xu Che's words.

"Ha ha."

Xu Che said seriously: "Do you dare to say that you didn't fall in love when you were nineteen?"

After speaking, he unfolded the fan and shook it. Either he did it on purpose, or it was a pity not to shake the fan in his hand.

Little Liu Jia retorted: "When I was nineteen, I fell in love with 19- and 20-year-old boys, not with a 27-year-old weirdo.

Really, don't delay other people's youth, okay, you scumbag. "

"If you can't speak, don't speak."


Little Liu Jia shook his head.

The next scene was Xu Che's fighting scene. Xu Che had practiced all kinds of fan tricks very well. After Wu Zhi taught the routine again, Xu Che's fighting was still very smooth.

In the end, he made a rather chic pose.

The finished film is really cool.

But looking at the play on the screen, Liu Yifei thinks it's not interesting
She has played the role of Little Dragon Girl, and she has personally filmed such flashy, dramatic and aesthetic martial arts scenes. For this Chu Liuxiang's fighting scene, she thinks it is average, it is really average.

Not amazing.

It is just a little bit above the passing line.

(End of this chapter)

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