Chapter 107 Publicity
After leaving Shanghai and returning to the capital, Xu Che officially started the roadshow of "33 Days of Broken Relationship". It is actually very simple to conduct roadshows in major ticket warehouse cities, but Xu Che did not adopt such an approach
Offline efforts are also key.

but not now.

Now let’s talk about the same show as before, and still choose those familiar shows, "A Date with Perch", "Happy Camp", and finally say hello to Vogue, Zhang Yu agreed quickly, for Xu Che and her I still appreciate it very much.

After confirming the result, when the time comes, we will shoot the double cover of Xu Che and Bai Baihe, and then make a special topic about broken love on the front page.

This kind of operation of using fashion resources to promote one's own movies is the first time in mainland China.

In his previous life, it was Jay Chou who promoted his movies like this.

In 2008, Gui Lunmei and Gui Lunmei came to the mainland to promote their debut film "The Unspeakable Secret". The two shot the cover of Harper's Bazaar. Zhou Jiba was the first male artist to be on the cover of Harper's Bazaar.

It can be said that it broke the tradition,
of course,

Now this person is Xu Che, the first male artist to appear on the cover of one of the top five magazines.

Sounds pretty intimidating, right?

The main thing is to be compelling, very compelling, which has laid a solid foundation for winning luxury endorsements in the future.

Everyone will only remember the first person to create a pattern, who still remembers the second male artist to appear on Harper's Bazaar after Jay Chou?Surely not.

Speaking of the movie itself, 33 days of broken love is definitely a good story. Think about what this year's movie market is like, "Mo Gong", "Baby Project", "Night Banquet", "Curse of the Golden Flower".
These films all have Hong Kong and Taiwan people as the leading actors.

The current film market is in a stage of just beginning to develop.

What the audience wants to see is a good work, but the capital feels that what the audience wants to see is a mess of various Hong Kong and Taiwan artists plus sticks.

Especially the box office champion Huang Jinjia, what a wonderful thing to shoot?
Why can the golden armor win the box office champion?Fa Ge + Gong Huang + Jay Chou, no matter how bad a movie is, the box office will not be so low, and it is inseparable from the word-of-mouth and awards of Lao Mouzi's literary films.

But not good-looking is not good-looking.

Except for the color matching and big steamed buns, there is nothing to watch.

The biggest highlight of the movie!"Chrysanthemum Terrace" by Jay Chou!
Mango Channel in Hunan Province, the recording site of Happy Camp.

Xu Che and the film's main actors appeared here. This is Xu Che's third visit to Kuaiben, and everyone welcomes it.

"About this movie, do we, Xu Che, have anything to say to everyone?"

He Jiong raised this question.

"Everyone should have read my Museum of Broken Relationships. This novel and script were created by me and my agent. I also had a lot of feelings during the filming. You can see a completely different Xu Che in the movie. .”

It is completely different indeed,
It is simply the level of 'big change to a living person'.

It can be seen from the trailer that Wang Xiaojian and Xu Che really have nothing in common except that they are both men.

"Actually, Xu Che, everyone didn't think that you would suddenly go to make a movie, because you felt like you disappeared for a few days after you terminated the contract with Huayi. Why did you suddenly plan to make a movie?"

"Because of this movie, I wanted to make it a long time ago, because some of the content is actually my own personal experience, and I want to express these so that everyone can bravely face broken love.

Breaking up in love is not terrible, there will always be someone better waiting for you in the future. "

Xu Che made nonsense, although it was nonsense, but his expression was vivid, and there seemed to be endless stories in his eyes.

The acting is still there.

"So for this movie, do you think it can be a hit?"

"Of course, I have faith in myself, and I have faith in the story."

"Museum of Broken Relationships, what gave you such an idea?"

When Xu Che heard this, he thought for a while and replied: "I hope that everyone can share more stories in their hearts and release their depressed emotions.

I hope everyone can bravely face the broken love, and don't be afraid of the broken love. "

Xu Che's interview here is almost done.

He Jiong and others aimed at Bai Baihe, Ling Xiaosu, Gao Yuanyuan and others
Excluding Ling Xiaosu, they are not very popular, but Gao Yuanyuan and Bai Baihe are still relatively popular now, and various questions emerge in endlessly.

Teacher He even joked about the various scandals between Xu Che and Gao Yuanyuan.

As for Shishi, who was originally an innocuous character, and is not popular yet, it would be nice to be a beautiful background board next to Xu Che.

Full marks for retouching!

However, although Shishi is new to the public, she is so good-looking, and there is still a lot of LSP market, so after the session with Gao Yuanyuan and others, the topic naturally turned to her.

Under the interview where Shishi was so young that she was a little overwhelmed.

Quickbook recording ends,

Everyone returned to the hotel, and Xu Che met with a certain reporter who had already made an appointment.

"Mr. Xu Che, this time your movie will officially meet with you in November. What do you want to tell everyone?"

"I hope everyone can support us a lot."

There is no other difference between the questions they ask and those of other media, they are all similar questions.

After all, they didn't think that Xu Che's first movie could make a name for himself, "Why do you suddenly want to make a movie? And why is it about love?"

"For this aspect, I am not very good at answering. For movies, I only shoot what I want to shoot. This is the view of love I want to express."

Ha ha.

Xu Che didn't even believe what he said.

But the image of the external characters is here, and it's over if you say something nice.

At least everyone knows about Xu Che's scandal!

"A lot of people think that, with your present, a small-budget film without any big names in movies, and without any stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan, can you really achieve good results?"

"What the public wants to watch is good works, not movies with famous names and stars. I don't agree with that approach. Of course, this is also because I don't have money. If I have money, I will of course choose big names from Hong Kong and Taiwan. It's all relative. "

Xu Che finally came back.

I won't say anything outrageous.

Otherwise, others still say that they are against the market?

Now this can just sell a wave of misery,

Isn't it beautiful?

(End of this chapter)

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