Raiders China Entertainment 2004

Chapter 111 Is it true, I don't believe it

Chapter 111 Is it true, I don't believe it

This sour taste is simply,

Women are amazing creatures. How could Gao Yuanyuan have such a situation a few years ago?

Xu Che hurriedly coaxed: "So I'm not just the two of us on the show this time? Just you and me, how about we go shopping after the show?"

Indeed, there were only two of them, not even an assistant.

joke?What light bulb do you want?Have you ever seen a young couple bring an agent with them when they go out?Although that kind of thing does happen, it's a very, very small minority.

At this moment, the boarding announcement sounded, and Xu Che smiled and said, "That's it, ready to board the plane."

Gao Yuanyuan stood up and stuffed the bag in Xu Che's arms, "Who said that's it? I don't, I won't go shopping with you."


"Really, I will never go shopping with you."

The recording site of "A Date with Perch".

After a boring and routine introduction, Xu Che and Gao Yuanyuan walked onto the stage and sat on the sofa.

Perch asked: "This is the second time Xu Che has come to us to have an appointment with Perch. Is there anything you want to tell everyone?"


"Really? I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either. This is the second time I have an appointment with Bayu. It's a pleasure to meet everyone and you. How are you doing recently?" Xu Che asked Bayou instead.

"I've been doing well recently, how about you, Xu Che?"

Xu Che didn't deliberately imitate, but just shook his head slightly, "Really? I don't believe it."


Not only Ba Yu was confused, but Gao Yuanyuan was also confused. What does this sentence mean? He looked sideways at Xu Che suspiciously, but didn't say anything, "?"

"Haha, let's get down to business. This time I'm here to have an appointment with Bayu, and I'm here to promote our new movie "33 Days of Broken Relationship" with Yuanyuan. I hope everyone can support it."

Xu Che also really didn't follow the routine. Others came to promote the problem and cooperated with the perch, and didn't start to promote it until the second half. Fortunately, he took the initiative directly and got straight to the point.

Sea Bass also smiled, it seems that you can't make it through if you don't ask embarrassing questions all the time.

"The cost of this movie is said to be 1000 million, right? Then Xu Che, what is your forecast for the box office?"

"At least 5000 million, I will lose money if it is less."


What is the concept of the current 5000 million box office?Proper annual box office top ten, Xu Che's forecast is a bit of fantasy to her ears, you, Xu Che, have never made a movie, that is, you are an idol actor who makes TV dramas and sings.

Why do you direct and act in a movie with a box office of 5000 million?

Do you think you are Jay Chou?

Uh. The popularity of the two seems to be about the same now. Xu Che's current popularity in the mainland can even be said to be slightly better.

But it is still too far behind Jay Chou in the whole of Asia, and popularity alone cannot support the box office.

Who gave you the courage to predict your own box office of 5000 million?

Liang Jingru?

In fact, Xu Che's target is expected to be around 8000 million, 5000 million is still too low, and now the box office of mainland movies has begun to get higher and higher.

The box office of Golden Armor broke [-] million, the upper limit of the movie box office is still very high.
It doesn't make sense that it broke 33 million in 5000 days a few years later, and it can't break [-] million now.

Xu Che reported a number that he thought was safe.

Because he really thinks so.

Perch asked: "Why do you think this movie can have a box office of 5000 million? What do you think makes this movie attractive to go to the cinema for consumption?"

Xu Che replied with a smile on his usual expression: "My novel of the same name is selling very well now. In short, I can't force the movie box office, but as a director, I certainly hope that my movie will be well received and well received.

This is all understandable, small-budget romance movies can also have a spring, I can guarantee that this movie will be one of the best romance movies in recent years.

Whether it is the content or the choice of characters, I am very satisfied. "

"I haven't read your novel, so I don't know."

"Then you can go and have a look."

"I'll take a look when I get a chance."

"I brought it here for you. You can read it in your free time." Xu Che greeted the people below, took a brand new 33 Days of Broken Relationship novel, and handed it over to Bai Yu.

"Thank you, this is the first time Yuanyuan has come to us for an appointment with Perch. I'm sorry for ignoring you just now."

Gao Yuanyuan sat by and watched the two chatting for a while.

Now that she was a little bit empty-headed, Xu Che patted her on the shoulder lightly before she realized, "It's okay, I'm also very happy to come to Perch for an appointment, and I'm very happy to meet the audience."

"Yuan Yuan won the Best Actress nomination at the Cannes Film Festival. Why hasn't there been any new action in the film industry recently except Baby Project and 33 Days of Broken Relationship?"

Gao Yuanyuan thought for a while, "Yes."

"Actually, after Xu Che told me that my acting skills are not very good."

"?" Xu Che was puzzled.

"I think that although he can't speak, what he said is right, so I have been reflecting on my acting skills recently, and I am a little too anxious now.

So I have been practicing acting recently, hoping to show you a better actor Gao Yuanyuan when I appear on the big screen again. "


Xu Che still looked puzzled.

I can't speak that much.

Seeing Xu Che like this, Ba Yu wanted to laugh, but still maintained his tradition, "Actually, Yuanyuan, your acting skills are very good, comparable to Jia Jingwen."

But?Is Jia Jingwen's acting skills good?

The two of them have always been on the same page.

Isn't that just for nothing?
Gao Yuanyuan looked puzzled.
So, are you complimenting me or are you saying I haven't improved?

In the end, I could only say awkwardly: "Thank you."

It is indeed embarrassing.

But Xu Che is used to it, that's it?
This is too boring.

According to this stage, the part that will wait for a while should be the part of the scandal. Xu Che has already analyzed her tricks very thoroughly.

"Since the filming of No. [-] Under Heaven, there have been rumors about the two old partners who have worked together in Yitian. It has been more than a year now, and there are still rumors. So are you really dating?"



Xu Che and Gao Yuanyuan said in unison with a tacit understanding.

"Really? I don't believe it. There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

If you really don't have a relationship, I don't think those on the Internet will appear for no reason. "

"." Gao Yuanyuan was really embarrassed.

How to answer this?

"I can't help you if you don't believe me."

"Then is there an accurate answer?"

"Guess, what if you guess right?"

It was the first time that Xu Che was so vague about his relationship on the show.


After the show ended, although Gao Yuanyuan was surprised that Xu Che didn't directly say no this time, but was vague.

But some are secretly happy.

"Come on, let's go shopping." She said in a natural and tender voice with her arm around Xu Che's shoulder.

"Didn't you say you won't go shopping with me?"

"Who said that?"

 Thank you for your rewards, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets.

  It's almost two o'clock in the morning now.

  It will be pushed tomorrow.

  Hope this book can have an ideal result.

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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