Chapter 117
Also in 2006, "Fearless" had a box office of 900 million on the first day, "The Banquet" had a box office of 200 million on the first day, and "Baby Project" had a box office of 500 million in the first three days.

Xu Che's "33 Days of Broken Love" raked in 900 million yuan at the box office on the first day, which not only broke the first-day box office record of a domestic romance film, but also can be called a rescue work in the past two months!

Her consumption has become one of the hottest topics, and it has given birth to two new concepts, one is a chick movie, and the other is a fan movie.

The moviegoers were either little girls or fans of Xu Che, in short, these two people accounted for the largest number.

It caused a movie-watching craze, and it has been released for three days now, although various magazine companies and film critics don't know the exact number.

However, there is absolutely no problem with the final box office results of more than 5000 million movies nationwide.

The film’s investment cost is only 600 million yuan, excluding publicity costs. Xu Che only spent 600 million yuan to achieve the first-day box office results in mainland China with big-name directors and Hong Kong and Taiwan stars plus tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of investments. .

Totally unbelievable.

Even if Xu Che's films are difficult to sell overseas,

But the achievements in the Mainland are enough to be proud and touted.

Light is actually very clear about the data, and now the results in three days are about to surpass the 3000 million box office mark, and Wang Changtian also feels that his investment is a wise move.

If you invest more, you will get more money later.

It's a pity that I only invested 1000 million for the cost of 200 million.

But thinking about it, I don't think it's anything.

200 million won a future cooperation opportunity with a director with a box office record of 5000 million, which is definitely a guaranteed profit.

"Director Xu."


"Hey, our director Xu is here."

Pushing open the door, Xu Che walked in.

I received a warm welcome from everyone.

Now Ling Xiaosu, Yang Zhigang and others can become more famous because of this movie, which has attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone said that Xu Che would be the youngest mainland director to break through 5000 million box office.

They are also stained.

Especially Ling Xiaosu, who plays Lu Ran, is very brilliant.

However, he was still recognized as a native of the country, because he really looks alike
Gao Yuanyuan is also a moment of glory, even if there are not many roles in 33 days, but it is likely to be a big winner of this year's movie.

The box office of Baby Project is close to 33 million, and breaking through 5000 million in [-] days is definitely a certainty.

Next year, Gao Yuanyuan's film route will only become smoother and smoother, and the interest in these two nights is much higher than before.

And Bai Baihe, as the heroine, is a good start for her debut film.

Everything is thriving.

"Why are you so polite today?"

"Haha, it's not thanks to you, we are now more famous." Yang Zhigang patted Xu Che on the shoulder and smiled, "I really didn't think we could win such a good box office. .”

"So thank you for believing in me."

Xu Che smiled.

Ling Xiaosu took a sip of water and said with a smile: "I knew I would be a waste looking for a brother. At that time, if you didn't take the initiative to find opportunities, I was the one who found opportunities for you. Now I am a big director. Hahaha."

"Haha, Lao Ling, what do you say, was I so unmotivated before?"

"That's quite unmotivated. You stay in the suite and eat melon seeds every day."

The two smiled at each other.

[The earth will not stop because of someone's lovelorn.

Under the double stimulation of broken love and work, Xiaoxian discovered many things that she had never noticed before.

For example, Wang Xiaojian, the sissy colleague who is always opposite to her, is not so annoying.

For example, what is the principle of the marriage between the diamond king Lao Wu and the woman from Henan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the secret of how to get to the golden wedding.After understanding all kinds.

That is, on the 33rd day of Huang Xiaoxian's broken love, in that dimly lit city, he suddenly looked back and found the person who loved and cared about him.Always by Xiaoxian's side.

In fact, what I want to say is the same reason, don't look at things too pessimistically.

Maybe the people I haven't been able to find have actually been buying around me all the time. Most people lack the eyes to discover. 】

There are a lot of movie reviews in a certain section,
But Xu Che liked this one better.

I don't want to comment too much on the film's other shooting techniques and artistic attainments.

Just start from the story, start from the emotion.

Although the shooting techniques and artistic attainments are not very high.

The main thing is not to play tricks.

These days still continue to promote,

Xu Che parachuted into many first-tier cities, and then appeared on many shows again.

Maybe knowing that the grades will definitely be pretty good.

So Xu Che was not as anxious as he was a few days ago.

Star City, in a movie theater,

The audience is already seated. If this is the usual time, they should be ready to start. The lights are dimmed, but there is still no movie. After waiting for a while, everyone can't wait.

"What's going on? Why hasn't it started playing?"

"Hurry up, I've wanted to see it for a long time,"

"Do you want to go out and ask the staff?"

When everyone whispered and complained.

The lights suddenly turned on, and the main creative staff of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" walked in, and walked onto the stage with the audience in a daze. Xu Che said to me through the microphone:
"Hi everyone, I'm glad you all came to watch the movie. I'm Xu Che."

The audience exploded again: "Fuck, is it true?"


"Fuck! Xu Che!! Ahhh!"

In short, everyone's reaction gave Xu Che a face, Xu Che said very seriously: "We rarely produce actors in Hunan Province, and we rarely produce directors. As a native of Hunan Province, I would like to hear your valuable opinions. "


In a week, the box office has exceeded 5000 million, and there is still room for improvement. Not only are the box office cities mainly making efforts, but apart from the high box office in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, even those small theaters in Hunan Province have extremely high box office results. .

Maybe this is the power of fellow villagers?
In short, people in Hunan Province are very supportive.

One week after its release, even "The Banquet" only had 6000 million views.

"33 Days of Broken Relationship" is destined to be a dark horse this year, the goal of 5000 million has been achieved, the movie is expected to be released in early December, and it may even break through the box office of [-] million!

Light has already started to hold a celebration party for Xu Che in the capital.

The celebration party is not just held once, it will be held again when the time comes.

The main thing is to be a little arrogant.

It is more effective for publicity.

Xu Che was dressed in an expensive suit, and he was very handsome with a well-groomed body. His hair was long and uncut, and he went back to the times after surpassing the times. Now, long hair has become a non-mainstream again. Don't have a literary temperament.

of course
This artistic temperament is not his own.

It's because the box office is so high, it's just a literary filter attached to other people's eyes,

Xu Che didn't pretend to be anything.

The celebration party for the first film produced by Ray is self-evident, with many key media present, it is definitely a very eye-catching celebration party.

Xu Che got out of the car, walked onto the red carpet, and greeted the flashing lights of the media.

(End of this chapter)

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