Raiders China Entertainment 2004

Chapter 126 I got hacked out of nowhere, what did I, Xu Che, do wrong?

Chapter 126 I got hacked out of nowhere, what did I, Xu Che, do wrong?
Poly Bona, the publisher of "City of Hurting", announced that the film "City of Hurting" had already created a national box office of 400 million yuan in three days of release, and it even broke through 200 million yuan during the "Platinum Time" on Christmas Eve. mark.

To sum it up in adult language is just one sentence.

Not as good as Xu Che.

Although Xu Chena is the concept of Singles' Day, who really regards Singles' Day as a holiday?It's just a self-congratulation on the Internet, and it still depends on the support and attendance of the audience, but the wounded city is connected with Christmas Eve and Christmas, and this time it only has a box office of 400 million.

If the box office on the first day is not enough to explode.

It will be harder to explode later.

How can there be so many headwinds?

This kind of thing is generally gradual.

Coupled with the hype at the box office of Hurt City's three-day release, many people took out Xu Che's self-made box office chart of the 33-day break in love for comparison.

"Breakdown broke through 33 million box office in 3000 days and three days of release, 5000 million box office in the first week, 400 million in three days of release in Hurt City, the first week is unknown, we can look forward to whether we can surpass Xu Che!"

Generally speaking.
Shouldn't this be compared with the night banquet?

Xu Che is also weird. The Internet and the media are inexplicably comparing Xu Che's "33 Days of Broken Love" with "Scared City", saying that Xu Che's filming cost of 600 million yuan is actually better than that of the wounded city with an investment of hundreds of millions. compared to.

Then Xu Che's last speech at the premiere was interviewed.

edited it,
It was cut like a taunt.

Obviously it originally said "This movie was made very well, I'm ashamed of myself," but it was edited into "This movie is not as good as me."

This is simply outrageous.

Everyone else is taking it out of context.

You media just reversed the sentence for me, right?

The most arrogant one was "Southern Metropolis", and other newspapers mentioned it cryptically. It was not a good person, and directly put "33 Days of Broken Love" VS "Scarred City" on the front page.

The next day, Xu Che responded through the studio: "Actually, I don't want to compare. I'm not interested in the box office."

Very Versailles.

Very Versailles.

The famous scene where I bumped into others appeared again on the Internet, "How much do Xu Che and Feng's pants open?", "Which film talent is better, Xu Che or Chen Poet", "What is the difference between Xu Che and Wu Baige?" ".

Don't say

Xu Che felt that he still felt that he could compete with them for commercial success, and he was not reborn to be my savior in the movie industry, I just made some commercial movies.

This is the case with Tianchao movies.

No chance to change in a short time.

Changes are also necessary. Xu Che only needs to follow the wind, or be the wind himself is enough.

Xu Che's current situation is that the Four Beauties of the End of the World have been being selected all the time, but Xu Che will never be selected. Even if someone reads dozens of pages of posts, everyone still does not choose, which is called Xu Che's suspension.

I don't know why, it's just weird.

The time was almost up, and the Chinese New Year was about to come, so Xu Che was also an interview invitation after posting that page in Nandu.

But before that, he had to go to Chu Liuxiang Legend's pre-broadcast roadshow and launch conference and other promotional activities.

After acting in a play and receiving money, I was still very dedicated and had to go.

After the legend of Chu Liuxiang started broadcasting, the Four Beauties of the End of the World had to give up a position. Xu Che didn't care about it at first, but the four beauties of the End of the World spread more and more widely and even talked about the urban legend about Xu Che's suspension.
Then he still really cares.

Xu Che's second solo album was also released. Xu Che called it e-waste. Although it was written by Li Weisong, Li Weisong didn't miss Xu Che this time, so it was naturally perfunctory.

The quality is pretty average.

Hua Yi also named the album "Total·Loveyou", which I have never seen before. Xu Che directly refused to participate in the signing event, no matter what album promotional activities it was.

"What kind of album name is this?" Xu Che complained helplessly.

"I've been busy recently and couldn't participate in the signing activities. I'm sorry, Mr. Wang. I may not hold any signings in the future. As for the concert, I won't do it either."

It's too stupid.

Wang Zhongjun on the other end of the phone took it for granted, of course he didn't say anything, 1000 million in five years, 200 million in a year, you still expect Xu Che to help you sign the sale?

That must not be possible.

Seeing the editorial reporter sent by "Southern Metropolis", Xu Che nodded slightly, "Hello, I'm Xu Che."

"?? How did you enter Nandu?"

"I didn't expect it. It's me. I changed jobs. Fashion magazines are not suitable for me." This editor looks very familiar, and he didn't recognize it until he walked in front of Xu Che. Isn't this the reporter Peng from Esquire magazine?

After Xu Che's slight accident.

Reporter Peng directly asked: "Director Xu, do you have anything to say about the public's comparison between you and Liu Weiqiang and other major directors?"

"I am very grateful that they can compare me with these predecessors, but I still have a lot to learn, and I will work hard to become an excellent director."

"For movies, have you ever learned how to direct?"

"Of course, my agent graduated from the director department. She taught me a lot of knowledge and methods. It can be said that without her, there would be no director Xu Che."

For this,

Reporter Peng felt that something was wrong. Normal people talk about managers every now and then, and they all graduated from the director department. Why should they be your manager.

Although doubtful,

But that's not his primary goal.

He mainly wanted some information, "Director Xu, aside from these news, there have been rumors of an affair between you and Liu Yifei on the Internet and major media. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then why didn't you clarify?" Reporter Peng was a little confused, "Huh?"

Xu Che gasped and continued, "I mean, I know it happened, but Liu Yifei and I are just friends, so don't think too much about it."

no other meaning.

Just skin it.

It's really fun to have some truths confessed in a joking way.

"Then since there are no such things? Then why didn't Director Xu launch a strong counterattack? To prove his innocence?"

fight back?Back to the fart!

I am indeed innocent.

Didn't he just get photographed playing with a few people?

What's the matter, I'm too innocent.

Xu Che expressed helplessness and said: "I was hacked for no reason, what did I, Xu Che, do wrong? A person who is too good will have these rumors, I don't care.

But I've said it many times, as a good friend, I really can't see Liu Yifei suffering because of these things, she is still young. "

(End of this chapter)

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