Chapter 130
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Five shifts on the shelves + five five shifts with ten thousand rewards owed.

Ten more together!
The big tree attracts the wind, and some unsatisfactory things happened before I became popular.

So it can only be put on the shelves early tomorrow morning.

I would like to thank my editor Liu Xing for his support and encouragement. In fact, I was a little bit eager to cut this book when the grades were not good at the beginning.

But when the number of words gradually increased, the results also improved a lot.

Thank you for your support.

Now I can only comfort myself that I can get good recommendations after being put on the shelves. There is no other reason, but I am not reconciled. Otherwise, I will not say anything else. With the current development momentum, I think I can get more good recommendations.

But there is no way.

I am very calm about writing books to make money, and I have nothing else to say, I just hope that everyone can subscribe more.

I asked for leave this afternoon and didn't go to work. I just stayed at home and coded.

Because without the various circumstances before, it would not be released so early.

So the Jiageng mentioned before actually doesn’t have a few chapters saved at all.
I can only write temporarily.

to be frank,
Originally, if there is no accident and there are recommendations, I am very confident in the results of this book.

but now,
I feel very hanging.

So finally,
I still hope that you will subscribe more!

Thank you!

Thanks also to everyone who saw this.

You can also add a book friend group, I will listen to any suggestions.

(End of this chapter)

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