Raiders China Entertainment 2004

Chapter 138 Becoming a pregnant woman for the first time

Chapter 138 Becoming a Pregnant Woman for the First Time (Time 1979 reward plus 33)

Liu Shishi's part in the scene is the least, even a few words, Xu Che brought her out this time can only be said to brush his face, Xu Che Queen's supporting actress, commonly known as Che girl, hahaha.

In short
I don't give you a role,

But I let you show your face, I can bring you wherever you appear, anyway, the acting skills are not good enough to be exposed, Liu Shishi is indeed a little nervous during this time, after all, the exposure of those few dramas combined is not as high as Xu Che's "33 Days of Broken Relationship" has high exposure.

Apart from Gao Yuanyuan and Haiqing, another character expectant mother Chen Yue
Xu Che used his old friend Chen Xiuli.

Chen Xiuli's side just completed the filming from the TV series distributed by Guangguang.

This time it was long overdue.

The crew has already started filming for a few days.

Chen Xiuli frowned when she saw this book, but when she thought about it, it was worth it when the box office exceeded [-] million. It's a pity that I am so good-looking, and I have to play such a stingy and caring role.

"Xu Che, can this role be changed?"

"It can't be changed, the script is set, you just act according to it."


What can Xu Che say?
I copied the answer, and I don't know how to change it.

But Chen Xiuli thinks about it.
I'm already 29.. It's almost enough to play a pregnant woman.

In this scene, the heroine is led by the hero into the confinement center.

Wen Jiajia, played by Gao Yuanyuan, is a pregnant woman, so she had to put things inside to look like a pregnant woman. In this way of filming, Haiqing is also playing a pregnant woman, so naturally she has to do the same.

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "I didn't expect the first 'pregnancy' to be stuffed like this. It's really interesting."

Hai Qing also said: "I can't help it, the character needs it."

Xu Che asked the field manager to set up the scene quickly, and walked over and said, "Is it almost ready?"

"What are you in a hurry for, you have to make it better, don't let yourself go too far." Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Xu Che, and then said.

"It's my first time playing a pregnant woman. I always need to be prepared. The first scene is so urgent. How can I calm down and shoot after that?"


"Never mind Xu Che, I'll do the filming, and you just do what you're supposed to do as an actor." Zheng Zilin took the script and sat in the director's seat. Seeing the dilly-dallying manner of the few people over there, she acted straightforwardly. Said.

The eldest lady raised her legs.

Seeing that everything on the prop table on the other side was neatly arranged, she greeted quickly.

"Stage affairs, mess up the things over there, otherwise it won't fit the heroine's personality."

Wen Jiajia is such a carefree character,
How can you make her room so fast?

"Brother Li, put it over there"

"Is the eldest lady so demeanor now?" Gao Yuanyuan whispered in Xu Che's ear, expressing her admiration.

"She graduated from the directing department, and she was originally going to direct movies."

"That's right, otherwise, being your assistant manager every day would really be dusty."

"It's obviously very bright."

The atmosphere is a little frozen,

Gao Yuanyuan frowned, " can drive this too?"

"I mean, the light she releases is very dazzling, very bright, why are you inexplicable?"

The eldest lady stood up and said: "Everyone is ready, Xu Che Gao Yuanyuan, don't bite your ears, everyone is waiting to start work, what do you mean by dilly-dallying? Don't act later, and you will be NG."

Gao Yuanyuan looked at Xu Che,
Xu Che shrugged, "Look at me."

"Then you are not ready yet?"

"What are you preparing for? This is a show between you and Hai Qing. I'm the director." Xu Che turned around and walked to Zheng Zilin's side to sit down, then put his hand on the eldest lady's lap, "Are you directing this scene yourself?"

"Then won't I guide you personally? You can only touch your upper lip to your lower lip and say a few words. Can you do technical work? Isn't it 33 days that I guide you personally?"

"Well that makes sense."

Xu Che rested his head on the eldest lady's lap, and put his beautiful legs on his head.

"Get up, you're filming, and your beard makes my legs itch."

"Sorry, sorry." Xu Che raised his head quickly.

Then he rubbed his hand on the eldest lady's leg.

The eldest lady slapped his hand off,
"If you have nothing to do in your spare time, do you want to take notes on the spot?"

"That's right, you still have this little time?"

Ling Xiaosu sat on the floor in the back and ate an apple, and joked with a smile, "Can you young couple be friends again at night, the filming will start soon."

The eldest lady stood up, "Everyone, get ready."

"Alright, Director Zheng."

"Understood Director Zheng."

"3, 2, 1, action!"

After receiving the order, the recorder slammed the board, and the scene started like this.

"What do you mean? I have a foreign devil boyfriend, and my English must be a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred million times better than yours."

Hai Qing: "Can you say it again?"

Chen Xiuli: "Stop arguing!"


In short, at the filming scene, when Gao Yuanyuan and Hai Qing were playing each other, they always wanted to laugh, mainly because of the short white hair that Xu Che assigned to Hai Qing.

so funny.

"Puff." Gao Yuanyuan couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm really sorry."

Hai Qing was helpless: "I don't want to do this either."

"Then you should die laughing when you play against me." Xu Che expressed helplessness, "Yuanyuan, you have to control yourself."

"Okay, my question."

After speaking, he touched Xu Che's stubble with his hand: "Well, if you don't say that you are 28 years old now, I would think you are 45 years old, which fits your role very well."

"It's almost there, let's continue shooting."

While filming here, Xu Che and Liu Shishi were playing with the little flute. When Liu Shishi was going to the bathroom, the little flute suddenly gestured with his hands and said in a very low voice: "The one who came today Who is that beautiful aunt?"

"That's sister Chen."

"Sister? But I see that she is older than Aunt Yuanyuan."

"Look at it and shout, anyway, you have been calling Sister Yuanyuan these two days."

"Uncle, you have to be honest, isn't this also an aunt?"

"In the entertainment industry, you probably have to call a woman aunt after two steps."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"I'm lying to you, anyway, don't shout, just call everyone sister."

"Then I'll ask Uncle Ling how to shout."

Ling Xiaosu was on the side. When he heard this, he realized that he still had a role to play. He turned his head and said, "Little Dizi, what do you want to ask? Uncle Ling must know everything and talk about it."

Xu Di also looked at Ling Xiaosu cutely, and asked suspiciously: "Who is my aunt among those sisters? Everyone stayed alone in the room with their uncle."


Ling Xiaosu also didn't know how to answer, "Then you should just call your aunt all the same as before. The main thing is to call that sister Zheng, she will buy you candy."

"Really fake?"

"Uncle Ling is not lying to you, it is absolutely true."

(End of this chapter)

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