Raiders China Entertainment 2004

Chapter 144 Celestial Immortal: Give Points

Chapter 144 Celestial Immortal: Give Points

no way
very troubled.

The eldest lady has her own things to do now, and Xu Che has no manager, so what should I do?There is no other way, and the eldest lady will not be able to accompany me every day in the future, and it is not as difficult to meet as Qian Qian Shi Shi Yuan.

But it can't stick together.

Inexplicably uncomfortable.

And there is no agent.

So Xu Che contacted Wang Kui, and Wang Kui was very happy. He was now in the cold at Huayi, knowing that he hadn't taken over an artist yet. When he received a call from Xu Che, he went directly to resign with Wang Zhongjun.

Wang Kui's character is credible,
If he really listened to Xiao Wang Xuezang Xu Che's operation, so many evidences of Xu Che's playboy in his hand could be exposed, but he didn't.

It can be seen.

When I came to Wang Zhongjun's office, I was a little hesitant, but I nodded and opened the door and walked in, and said straight to the point: "Wang Dong, I plan to resign."

Wang Zhongjun directly approved without saying anything else: "Okay, I approved, come on Xiao Wang."

But when Wang Kui returned to the office after the resignation procedures were completed.

Wang Zhongjun still said a lot of provocative words in a decent manner, and added a sentence at the end, "I wish you a better future."

to some extent,
Wang Kui still has a lot of affection for Huayi. He was Wang Jinhua's apprentice after he joined Huayi, so when Wang Jinhua left for Chengtian, he still chose to continue with Xu Che in Huayi.
But Xu Che terminated the contract.

Wang Zhongjun will not bring new artists to himself.

Without an artist, who wouldn't be able to spend the thousands of yuan as the basic salary of an agent?Idle is really idle, no money is really no money.

A day later, Wang Kui packed up all his things and walked into Xu Che's studio. When he walked in, he saw Xu Che sighed and said, "Brother Che, I think I'm still suitable to follow you."

"." Xu Che said with a smile: "Could it be that when you were in Huayi, the big and small Wang didn't sign you a new artist?"

"No, I'm not pleasing to anyone now. The two directors didn't give me a chance, and my master complained that I didn't go to Chengtian with her. It was too difficult for me."

"So a person's position is very important, you need to choose your own path."

"I understand."

"Here, my schedule is yours to make again." Xu Che handed over to Wang Kui the things that the eldest lady hadn't finished sorting out.

A few days later, there was an award ceremony for a certain yoghurt music chart.

This is the Beijing Exhibition Hall,

Stage setting and preparations are in progress.

After finishing part of the planning of "Complete Entertainment", the eldest lady came to the scene to guide and study, mainly to study. Maybe she will do this kind of large award ceremony in the future, and she will start to formally contact these matters little by little. .

The Music Billboard has been one of the key projects of Light.

In the past few years, I usually did it myself.

But in the past few years, we will cooperate with various websites and brands. In the past two years, we have cooperated with and Pepsi, and this year, we have cooperated with a certain yoghurt. This kind of award ceremony still has a lot of exposure.

After all, most well-known singers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait will come to participate.

However, the nominations for the Music Billboard awards are divided into pigs. There is only one best male singer in each region of MTV. Five places, five places for male singers in the Cantonese region.

Wolves are more meaty.

This is also the reason why such awards are not worth much and become pork.

Because it was too sloppy.

Of course, there is only one award.

But if it wasn't for the nominations of the audience and the project of this light, those artists didn't bring them at all, and even flew over from Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was even more worthless.


There were indeed a lot of people who came to participate, and there was a rehearsal, and there were many groups of artists who just passed by and greeted me, such as Jinsha, Hu Yanbing, Zhang Jingying and the like.

And say hello to each other,

I also met Chen Yufan, and Chen Yufan also thanked Xu Che very much for helping him make his girlfriend famous, "Thank you, thank you."

"It's okay, let's achieve each other."

Bai Baihe is indeed emerging and resources are constantly emerging. Many film and television companies have taken the initiative to find her at a high price. It is conceivable that a female lead with a box office of over [-] million.

Jay Chou is naturally going to come too, but he is currently in his senior year and he is extremely busy. He probably won't be there until tomorrow morning, and then he will have a rehearsal temporarily, and he will go directly to the stage to accept the award in the afternoon.

Cowboys are not busy, Jay is busy.

I have been busy filming "The Unspeakable Secret" before, and I also called Xu Che to make a guest appearance, but Xu Che was filming "BJ Meets Seattle" in New York at that time, so naturally I couldn't go to Taiwan to shoot.

Xu Che had no choice but to shoot a VCR on the set at the beginning, and then added it to the last tidbit of the unspeakable secret. Let’s sing, I’m heading north all the way, leaving the season with you~”

Do not shy away from close relatives,
The lighting is clearly arranged.

Xu Che's finale performance was nominated for the most popular male singer in the mainland, and he deserved the award.

Let’s forget about any excellent albums, this one released by Hua Yi this year is indeed electronic waste.

Xu Che saw Liu Qianqian after a long time. He was dressed very casually, with a fluorescent green jacket and gray sweatpants. He stretched while walking, and then caught a glimpse of Xu Che sitting in the dressing room.

With bright eyes, he trotted up to Xu Che like a penguin.

"You came today? Why didn't you tell me?"

Xu Che smiled, "Don't you want me to be there? I'll accept the award too, okay? I came here because I knew you were here."

"Tsk, I think you have to run with me. The new album doesn't have a single original song, so it must be a hit." Tianxian teased and said venomously.

"What you said is a little too much."

"Let's write the song yourself, it's so nice."

Xu Che shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "No way, I can't decide these things."

"So what?"

Tianxian wants Xu Che to do something.

Show me something!
Don't you even say a single beautiful word?so cold!what does it mean!

Seeing this, Xu Che deliberately pretended to be puzzled, "So what did you say?"


Liu Yifei was a little disappointed and pouted.

"I miss you." Xu Che understood very well, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then stood up and hugged her gently, "How are you doing these days? Is there anything unhappy? "

"There is nothing unhappy, but seeing you makes me happier."

Liu Xiaoli sat in the back and pretended not to see.


I saw it, I was pissed off.
(End of this chapter)

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