Chapter 30 Publicity
Wang Kui looked at Xu Che's itinerary, and said with a sigh: "It's the first time I saw Brother Che, you actually accepted so many interviews, you have been flying everywhere in the past half a month, and you have traveled to most of China in half a month, and only Only the Reds can do this.”

"What a big fuss, there will only be more in the future."

"That can't be helped. This is the first time I've officially become an agent. Please be considerate. I understand the truth, but I still think you're trying too hard."

"What are you fighting for? It's like I can't fall asleep on the plane. When did I wake up on the plane?"

Xu Che's customized promotion for EP is very simple, that is, non-stop promotion in various places, and then promote it in conjunction with the previous gossip and scandals, as well as the hype concept he has pondered.

It's hard for fans not to spend money,

Of course, an EP forty or fifty is really not cheap in this era.

Xu Che doesn't know how to buy them, he wants to stand up and make money, but not let the fans kneel, this is not his character, although Xu Che is not a pure and good person, but he still has humanity.

"Actually, aren't the staff more tired than me? It's really not enough to say that they are tired, it's just to pretend to be working hard in front of the fans."

It is now 05, and although there is no such adjective as a fan circle, there have always been a lot of groupies.

As long as there are artists, there will be such things as fans.

The groupies at that time were not much calmer than the current fan circle.

It's just that the filters of the times and the reality that is too magical now make the groupies look very calm.

In the evening, Xu Che flew from the capital to Hunan Province.

"Base Camp" was recorded at the Mango Terrace Building in Star City. Needless to say, the influence and popularity of the base camp, if it is not popular, it will not live for so long.

It can be said that Hunan's variety shows are among the top three in terms of influence in China.

For this recording base camp, Xu Che specifically requested that it must be a personal special, not an assortment special. If it is not a crew promotion but an individual show, only a personal special can reflect the celebrity status.

Xu Che is considered an outlier now..
no work,
But Nima is fire.

It's a big coffee, it's a wrist.

The power of hype is so powerful. It can be said that Xu Che is currently half-hearted, relying on Zhang Nala's enthusiasm for development in China as a starting point.

The game was in front of the base camp, and only in the second half could Xu Che play, so Xu Che waited in the background for a while.

Simply communicating with the program group in the background, Xu Che said that he has no taboos, and can chat about anything, and there are no gossips or gossips. Don't feel any psychological burden if you ask casually.

This is what the program group routinely does.

Many artists will ask their own lightning point is the instant black face, some will scold, but there are also some young fresh meat who think highly of themselves will feel that they have been insulted and leave the stage angrily.

For example, Mr. Han Geng, who we returned from Bangzi.

After he became a celebrity shareholder, he didn't want to be shameless, and he talked about all bad things, which led to a group of artists who appeared in confusion, and even got scolded, but he just lived a good life.

"Today's guest, he is Song Qingshu from "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", and he is Gui Hai from "No. [-] Under Heaven". Welcome Xu Che!"

After He Jiong's introductory speech, which was a little old-fashioned dance music, Xu Che, who was wearing a white shirt and white trousers, came out amidst fans' screams and tears.


"So handsome!!"

He Jiong introduced with a smile: "Welcome our actor Xu Che, it's an honor that you came to our happy camp."

"Hello, Mr. He, it's an honor to meet you."

Xu Che bowed slightly, and replied humbly and politely.

Wei Jia said, "Xu Che is from Hunan Province."

"Well, I'm from Hunan Province, and I've always liked watching our happy family."

Then, Xu Che had a dramatic greeting with these people.

Started to greet the audience at the scene, "Nice to meet you, how many of you are my fans? Can you raise your hand?"

Xu Che was very satisfied when two-thirds of the audience raised their hands.
"Thank you everyone, we will see each other often in the future."

Base Camp is one of the few relaxing games in China. Games such as Lyric Solitaire and Carrot Squat are all innovated by Mango Channel in variety shows.

This is called a surprise and a differentiation, which makes the ratings soar.

Xie Dazui interjected at this moment: "Yes, we meet often and come to our show every week!"

"Hahaha, Nana is very funny, as long as there is a schedule, I will come here often."

The chat topics in the base camp were not so sharp, they were all very homely, but that didn't mean they stopped gossiping. He Jiong began to ask questions according to the direction set in the script.

"I heard that the Yang family general was originally played by Brother Hu, right?"

"I can't say that, I can only say that I was a reserve for the time being. This movie was co-produced by Huayi and Song Ren. I just finished filming No. [-] in the World, and then I went to audition. In the beginning, there was no news. .

I waited for about a week for the director to think about it before finally deciding on me. "

"Then Brother Hu said before that your acting skills are better than him?"

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, I still need to learn, you must tell him that this is flattering me, I can't stand it."

Xu Che waved his hand half-jokingly.

Instantly resolved the problem.

"Brother Hu and I met once and admired each other. There is no hatred as everyone imagines. Sometimes the media really doesn't magnify the things between us.
This will make things inexplicably turn into a strange direction, I don't want this, and I very much hope to have some cooperation with Brother Hu in the future. "

Randomly chat a few words and change the topic.

Let the atmosphere cool down.

Xie Dazui has been watching with a very nympho, almost drooling, I really don't know if it is for the effect of the show or because he is really greedy for Xu Che.
Then Xu Che couldn't bear it, and it took Runtu to subdue Xie Dazui.

"Xu Che, your hairstyle is very nice now, it feels very different."

"This is simple short hair. I used to have long hair, but I thought it was too weird, so I cut it off at will. This is a hairstyle I came up with at will."

"It's really handsome."

"I think all male audiences can try it. It's simple, refreshing and not greasy."

There is only the last time left before the end of the show. He Jiong grasped this time very precisely, and quickly said: "We, Xu Che, came to our Happy Camp this time because we want to promote the new single that will be released soon.!"

"That's right, my new EP, Writing Poems for You, will be officially released on June 6th, and it looks like this."

Xu Che took the few EPs handed over by his assistant and showed them to everyone.

It is simply a design similar to a book.

The shell was designed by Xu Che himself, and the handwritten signature of writing poems for you is printed in Chinese and English on the pure white.

Very simple beauty.

He gave several albums to the hosts, and Xu Che said with a smile: "It contains blessings for you, I hope you like it, and I hope everyone can support it a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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