Chapter 107
What Yue Buqun thought was right, Wu Buyi and others took a boat out to sea, entered the Yellow River by detour, and went upstream, it took a total of several months to finally reach the border of Huashan.

All the way back to the border of Huashan, and then secretly sneaked into the depths of Huashan, detoured the mountain, and entered the karst caves in the mountainside from the secret tunnel.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers and sisters!"

Yue Buqun looked at the senior brothers who seemed to be much older, especially Wu Buyi who was quite old and had gray hair, obviously he had suffered a lot along the way.

There is no way, after all, they are all men from the Northland, and they are not familiar with water, let alone go to sea by boat.

And in order to keep it secret, they can't hire others, they can only steer the voyage by themselves.

Even sailing along the coast is still extremely dangerous, not to mention there are many pirates blocking the way.

If they hadn't had some skills, they would have been buried in the sea long ago.

"Everything is for the rise of the Huashan faction!"

Wu Buyi, Zhao Bulu and others solemnly said that since the Sword Qi War, their only goal in life is to revive the Huashan faction, even if they sacrifice their lives for this.

"Everything is for the rise of the Huashan faction!"

Yue Buqun and the others also spoke solemnly, they were all fighting for this goal.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, let's take a look at Hao'er's achievements these days. They are all unique skills comparable to the nine kung fu of Huashan in the past."

He took out three revised cheat books and handed them to everyone to read. They were the Crazy Ape Kung Fu, the Jinxia Magic Kung Fu and the Yulong Kung Fu.

"Good boy, the old man really saw you right!"

Wu Buyi patted Tian Hao on the shoulder excitedly. He didn't expect that this kid would create three unique skills after they left for only a few months.

This kind of unique learning created is different from the ones snatched from Putian Shaolin. Those Shaolin unique learnings are all shady and can be used as a reference.

The meanings of the two are quite different!
Not to mention that Jinxia Divine Art is still internal energy, even if it is not perfect, it is still very precious.

"This is what a disciple should do. By the way, the Crazy Ape Kung Fu is not perfect yet. I wonder if the master can see the horizontal hard kung fu of the golden bell cover in the inheritance of Putian Shaolin?"

Smiling modestly, Tian Hao opened his mouth immediately, feeling quite nervous.

The ranking of Golden Bell Cover in Shaolin 72 stunts is not low, and after practice, its defensive power is no worse than King Kong's indestructible magic skill.

It's just that the Vajra Immortality Magical Skill is a kind of internal strength and also cultivates external strength, while the golden bell cover is just the opposite, it is a kind of strong external strength and also cultivates internal strength.

To put it simply, external strength is the main focus, and internal strength is supplemented. It can also be regarded as a kind of internal and external cultivation.

"Yes, the piece that the old man is in charge of has a golden bell cover, but it seems incomplete. It can only be cultivated to the inner qi state, and lacks the cultivation method of the acquired state."

An old man responded, and rummaged through the big box he was carrying up the mountain for a while, and finally took out more than a dozen books. The first one had the three characters "Golden Bell Cover" written on it.

"Those bald thieves are too insidious, and they have left many loopholes and secret doors in their exercises. If others really want to continue practicing, they must go crazy."

After swearing and complaining, the old man brought over the dozen or so cheat books.

The faces of the others were also very ugly, and they were not idle during the process of returning. They had been revising those martial arts cheats, especially those 72 unique skills.

Fortunately, Tian Hao reminded them at the beginning, otherwise they would have been fooled by those monks.

"People just recite Amitabha Buddha on their lips, but there is nothing good in it."

Tian Hao chuckled, in view of the hard fate of Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo in Tianlong, he was very wary of those Shaolin martial arts.

It was for this purpose that the uncles and uncles were asked to go out to find the prescription that could be used for interrogation.

Although he is not going to practice those Shaolin unique skills directly, it is only for reference, but there really can't be fatal flaws, otherwise it will be fatal at the critical moment.

I sat down and looked through those secret books. Except for the first one which was about the golden bell jar, the rest were all the experience of the Putian Shaolin ancestors practicing the golden bell jar.

With so many experiences and experiences to assist, Tian Hao quickly comprehended a general idea of ​​the golden bell cover.

"It's really fierce and domineering!"

After an unknown amount of time, Tian Hao let out a sigh of relief.

The golden bell cover is indeed strong and domineering, with both internal and external skills. Once the power is exercised, the defense power can be called invincible.

It can even make a sound like Hong Zhong Dalu when it is hit, and it is because of this that it is called the golden bell cover.

Of course, even the full version of the Golden Bell Shield only strengthens the body's defenses and also builds strength. It focuses on external strength and supplements internal strength.

"Maybe we can work hard towards the Hong Kong comic version of the Invincible Golden Bell."

Thinking about this possibility, Tian Hao is ready to try it.

Although the force value in this world is far inferior to that of Hong Kong comics, the potential is not low, and the limit of internal strength and body protection is not bad.

For example, a floor-sweeping monk from the Shaolin Temple in the Northern Song Dynasty, his body-protecting qi directly formed a three-foot wall of qi, and Qiao Gangzhu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms could not penetrate it.

At that time, it will be transformed into a golden bell shape, which is the copycat version of the Hong Kong manga golden bell cover.

Of course, it is still far from that level now, but it can be used as a goal. In the future, it may be possible to copy the Golden Bell Shade that is invincible in the world.

As soon as his thoughts eased, Tian Hao just smelled a familiar scent of medicinal food. He raised his eyes and found that Master Lao Yue and others had disappeared, and there was only a beautiful wife guarding him, who was staring at a small stove cooking medicinal food.

Since getting back the property of Guanjiabao, he has not stopped eating medicinal food, and has been cooked by the beautiful wife himself.

I have to say that the master's craftsmanship is really good. The cooked medicinal food basically conceals the medicinal taste of those medicinal materials, which can be said to be full of color, fragrance and taste.

Don't think that medicinal food is delicious, that thing is essentially a soup, and anyone who has tasted the soup knows what it tastes like, and that's how good medicine tastes bitter.

Medicinal food is better, between pure soup and food, the medicinal properties are milder, and the taste can be reconciled with food.

As for how much can be reconciled, it depends on individual craftsmanship, and Ningzhong is undoubtedly the best among them.

But at this time, against the backdrop of the fire, Ning Zhong, who was focused, looked even more beautiful and heroic, and Tian Hao couldn't help but look sideways.

To be honest, this beautiful teacher's appearance is really high, and the practice of inner strength has a great maintenance effect on the appearance, especially the skin quality.

Just the skin of the beautiful teacher's wife, who bullied Saixue, no one could match in her previous life.

It's a pity that he underestimated the obsession and determination of his master Yue Buqun for the Huashan School, and finally took that path.

Thinking of this, Tian Hao felt even more guilty, for the beautiful wife.

Sensing someone's gaze, Ning Zhong trembled, pretending not to notice, and continued to cook the medicinal meal silently, but there was some strangeness and resentment in his heart.

Since she became pregnant with Shan'er, she has never had sex with her husband for twenty years.

I thought that my husband had cultivated Zixia's magical skills to the level of great success, and I had suffered so much, but who would have thought that my husband would sacrifice himself again for the Huashan sect, and would directly become her sisters across the board.

It's been a hard day! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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