Chapter 1275

Qi Tianchen left Xuanfo Mountain with his four juniors, performed lightness kung fu and went straight back to Beili.

Witnessing the Buddha Kingdom in his hands was full of shock, followed by longing and anxiety.

Buddhism already has such a vast Buddhist country, and Confucianism is also closely preparing to open up the Confucian world, and their Taoism must not be left behind, otherwise they will inevitably be eliminated by a new era in the future.

Even if you sell everything you want, you still have to build a Taoist world, and it must be big enough, bigger than the Buddhist kingdom and the Confucian world.

In the same way, after discussing with many bigwigs from Shanqian College, many great Confucianists all decided to open up the Confucian world by throwing pots and pieces of iron, overwhelming Buddhism and Taoism in one fell swoop, and becoming a well-deserved big brother.

At the same time, Wuchan took Zitong to Xueyue City on Baiya.

Bai Fang was huge in stature, reaching an astonishing height of three feet, and his running speed was much faster than those BMWs that traveled thousands of miles a day.

The most important thing is that Bai Fang's stamina is excellent, he can run for three days and three nights without getting tired after eating enough at one time, coupled with the blessing of internal strength.

It has to be said that animals are much stronger than humans in terms of physical function.

"so fast!"

Sitting on Bai Fang's back, facing the strong wind, Zitong was very excited, and even forgot the sadness of parting from her master.

He has seen many elephants in Tianqi City, but those big guys are all slow, and it is the first time he has seen an elephant running so fast.

No, it's not an elephant, it's a giant elephant!
"Brother Great Monk, how could Bai Fang run so fast? It's completely different from the elephants I've seen in Tianqi City."

Zitong couldn't help but turn back and ask curiously, he once asked some monks in Tianqi City, those monks said that elephants can't run fast, otherwise they might break their legs, because these big guys are too heavy.

"The elephants that Junior Brother has seen in Tianqi City should all be raised, and they haven't exercised much, and they look huge, but in fact most of them are fat.

It's just like us, a pampered fat man can't run faster than a healthy person who exercises regularly, let alone a martial arts practitioner.

The elephants on our side, especially those big wild ones, are very good at running. I have personally seen an angry bull elephant chasing a lion for more than [-] miles in half an hour.

And Bai Fang not only often followed us to do rough work, but also practiced the internal and external skills created by his master, he was regarded as a warrior among elephants.

Now it is just a normal running speed, which is equivalent to our trot.

If you run with all your strength, you can run three to four hundred miles in an hour, but that kind of state consumes a lot of energy and lasts for an hour at most. "

Wu Chan patiently explained that there are many elephants in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions, whether they are tame or wild, but the common ones are wild elephants.

After all, elephants eat a lot, even eating leaves and grass is quite a waste, and ordinary people can't afford it.

However, Jiulong Temple has a lot of money and has raised three elephants, so he knows elephants very well.

Bai Ya's current body size is many times larger than that of ordinary elephants, and because of the cultivation of internal strength and external strength, his muscles and bones are stronger, so he can naturally run faster.

"That shameless master can still create martial arts for elephants?"

Zitong was very surprised, and was even more curious about that shameless master. It seemed that he was really better than the Taoist master.

"Master can not only create martial arts for other people, but the martial arts we practice are all exclusive martial arts created by Master for us. This kind of exclusive martial arts that almost perfectly fits our own can be multiplied with half the effort.

However, the master will generally add the name of some ancient strongmen to this kind of created martial arts to increase the credibility. After listening to the words of the master, don't take it seriously, just listen to it, and don't refute it, or you will be beaten .

Don't make Master angry either, Master has a small mind and holds grudges very much..."

Wu Chan is very fond of this little junior, and tells him some taboos in the door, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

Although that master is a living Buddha, he is not as perfect as the Buddha. He has some habits that make people's brain hurt, such as small-mindedness, and likes to say things that deceive others and insult others' IQ.

"Why are those seniors like that? My master just likes to tease people!"

Puckering her mouth, Zi Tong couldn't understand why all those high-level people had such virtues.

"The so-called high-level people are just looked up to by others. They are actually human beings, and they have emotions like us."

Speaking of this topic, Wu Zen sighed endlessly.

Since following that master, his three views have been severely reshaped.

In the past, those tall and strong men in his heart were all dragged into the mortal world. Three of the five great swordsmen in the world are bitter cubs who can't control their belts. The Nu Swordsman has become a person who can't control his anger in the master's mouth. Beast, the last Confucian Sword Immortal, was highly regarded by the master.

Emperor Mingde was even worse, his hat was dyed dark green.

And the Beili national teacher who I met before, the Tianqi City Qintian Supervisor, the Taoist No. 1 old fairy Qi Tianchen is an old and shameless voyeur.

Those seniors are really nothing tall, they are all human beings!

"When you arrive in Xueyue City, you will study hard by Master's side. It's a rare opportunity. You can learn as much as you can. Master's time is running out!"

Calm down, Wu Zen solemnly exhorted.

"Is he dying?"

Zitong was stunned, is that shameless master dying?

"Everyone has a death calamity, the death calamity of ordinary people is lifespan, and some people's death calamity will be very special, such as you, or senior Qi Tianchen.

Although the master is powerful and invincible in this world, there are still death catastrophes that are difficult to resolve. "

Looking up at the sky, although Wu Chan is stupid, he has a good junior. Before Wu Xin's junior left, he told him a lot of guesses, and he vaguely understood what the master's death and the enemy were.

"Wouldn't it be good if there was a death calamity to avoid it?"

Zitong was puzzled, that shameless master could resolve the death calamity for others, but couldn't resolve his own death calamity?

"You are too young to understand that some things are unavoidable and that someone has to do them."

With a slight smile, Wu Zen stopped talking.


Zitong also fell into silence, thinking about those words just now, but suddenly the purple light in his eyes brightened, and he looked towards the entrance of the tunnel ahead and reminded.

There are people there, and they are all strong men, strong men from the Happy Heaven Realm.

This section of road was carved out of the mountain, with a width and height of ten feet, and the interior was very dark, but the eyes of Zitong were extraordinary, and could see things that ordinary people couldn't see, no matter how well the other party hid it. will also be seen.

At the same time when Zitong gave a warning, the rocks at the entrance of the tunnel collapsed suddenly, blocking the exit.

"Brother Great Monk, the front is blocked, what should I do?"

Zi Tong was in a hurry, the visitor was not kind!

"White Fang, run at full speed and hit him!"

"Vajra Dragon Elephant Prajna Bell!"

With a solemn face, Wu Chan greeted Bai Ya, and at the same time displayed the supernatural power of the Vajra Dragon Elephant Bo Ruozhong recorded in the Sutra of Samantabhadra Daxingjian.

The huge vajra bead on the neck flew out and spun rapidly. With the help of his skill, it turned into a big bell to envelop himself and Bai Fang, and spun rapidly.

This is obviously an ambush, the enemy wants to trap them inside the tunnel.

That being the case, you can't let the other party do what you want, you have to rush out to break the situation.


(Ms. Tian: Disciple, die, don’t you know that as a teacher, you hate others who speak ill of me behind your back?)
(End of this chapter)

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