Chapter 130 Sword Qi Art
"Master, do you have any clues about your breakthrough in the innate realm?"

Changing the topic, Tian Hao is more concerned about the breakthrough of the cheap master Lao Yue.

He has a lot of ideas that need to be implemented, and at the same time, there is a big opportunity in the original book that needs to be planned. If the plan goes well, he might be able to get all the wealth of the Shaolin Temple in Nanming Kingdom.

But this requires a certain amount of strength. If Lao Yue can achieve innate talent by then, everything will be much simpler and more secure.

"As a teacher, I will still take the path of extreme yin, although there will be some side effects, but it can break through the innate faster, and it is more compatible with Zixia's magical skills.

Supplemented with Zixia Qi, the power will inevitably increase greatly, but the Zixia Qi at the pure Yin level is not enough to break through the innate, at least the Zixia Qi at the Xuanyin level can do it. "

Telling his own choice, Yue Buqun's desire for the innate realm became more and more.

In order to fight against Feng Qingyang and Dongfang Bubai, the two innate powerhouses, he chose the extremely yin way that can break through faster.

"Alright, after you break through, Master, we will truly have a guarantee of life and security in Nanming Kingdom.

In the future, even if the secret of the black iron forging technique is leaked, we will be able to resist the pressure, and even use this to make deals with many forces. They provide meteoric iron, and we will be responsible for forging the black iron weapons. At that time, [-]% of the produced black iron will be intercepted. "

Nodding his head, Tian Hao has a lot of plans for the future. Even if the secret of the black iron forging technique is leaked, he will have a way to deal with it, and even use it to open up a market.

Strategic materials such as Xuantie are collected and preserved by forces large and small. It is not easy to get the Xuantie from the whole world.

It is definitely not possible to rely on robbing, after all, they have limited manpower now.

Since it is impossible to rob, then change to a robbing method.

Monopoly is much more efficient than robbing. Once black iron weapons flow into the rivers and lakes, and people hold black iron weapons when fighting, I ask you if you panic?

As long as you don't want to be eliminated by the rivers and lakes, you must take out the black iron you have accumulated to go to Huashan to forge black iron weapons.

At that time, they will naturally obtain a large amount of meteorite.

Of course, the premise is that they have enough strength to resist the pressure of at least all the forces on the Nanming side, otherwise, no matter how good the idea is, it will be useless.

"You have a good idea, but strength is one aspect, and the confidentiality of the venue is also very important.

It's not safe enough here, so let the brothers and sisters dig down three thousand feet tomorrow. "

Yue Buqun also became ruthless, meteorite itself is a kind of strategic material for Jianghu martial arts, and black iron is a legendary existence.

With a dark iron weapon in hand, he can definitely leapfrog battles.

The reason why Shan'er and the others were able to gain the upper hand despite the disadvantage in numbers during the previous Battle of Huashan was that in addition to the strength bonus of internal and external cultivation, the black iron long sword also provided a great help.

Facing the unparalleled sharpness of the black iron long sword, unless there is a magic weapon made of different iron of the same level, it is absolutely difficult to compete.

And Tian Hao, who is wearing black iron armor, can fight Feng Qingyang even more without temper, which shows its value.

The tempering of black iron is very important, and it cannot be sloppy.

Anyway, they now have a lot of black iron long swords in their hands. Under the sharp edge of the black iron long sword, they can cut rocks like mud. With so many people working in shifts, they can dig ten feet down every day no matter what.

It takes only one year to reach a depth of three thousand feet, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Teacher, let's forge some black iron long swords!"

Smash it, Tian Hao was also shocked by Lao Yue's majesty, but he agreed very much, and even planned to make a batch of black iron long swords for punching holes as soon as possible.

Although the black iron long sword is extremely sharp and indestructible, it will wear out a little if it is used to dig stones and holes, so it needs to be prepared in advance.

In addition, ventilation facilities must be done well to avoid hypoxia below.

However, he didn't think it would be possible to dig as deep as three thousand feet. After all, digging down would involve many problems.

Even if Huashan is a solid piece of granite with stable geology and can avoid many problems, it is still very difficult, and it is enough to dig a thousand feet.

After some discussion, the master and the apprentice took out the manuscripts of Dugu Nine Swords and Sword Qi Jue, which Feng Qingyang silently wrote.

During the period, Ning Zhong came over with a refreshment and joined the ranks of enlightenment.

"I never thought that Dugu Nine Swords' Qi Breaking Style is actually a way to cultivate sword intent."

After carefully comprehending the manuscript in his hand, Ning Zhong was greatly surprised.

Dugu Nine Swords is essentially the same, but the final Qi-breaking style is very unusual, allowing people to cultivate sword intent.

Although it requires a very high level of comprehension from the practitioner, it is indeed a method of refining Qi and turning into a god, which is extremely precious.

Even if it is not comparable to the secret concepts of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, it is still very precious. It is not inferior to the semi-finished method of refining Qi and transforming gods in the Sunflower Collection, and it can also cultivate sword intent.

"It's a pity that my boxing skills are stronger now, and my sword skills are not as good."

It's a pity that Tian Hao secretly said that compared with swordsmanship at this stage, he has been practicing boxing for a longer time and has deeper attainments.

If he really wants to cultivate martial arts will, the current boxing will is more suitable for him.

However, the Qi-breaking style is indeed exquisite, revealing the essence of the sword intent. It is indeed a unique technique created by the sword demon. Using it as the foundation should be able to fiddle with a way to cultivate the fist intent.

"It turns out that there is a sword intent to bless the sharpness of the sword energy. No wonder it can pierce your black iron armor, Hao'er."

Yue Buqun also attaches great importance to this, after all, it is the legendary will of martial arts.

Martial arts will has incredible power, and sword intent can greatly enhance the conciseness and sharpness of sword energy. No wonder Feng Qingyang's sword energy can penetrate black iron.

"It's a pity that his internal strength and mental skills are not good enough to make people become innate. I'm afraid he used his sword intent to force a breakthrough back then, so that his foundation was damaged and his body decayed."

Yue Buqun had carefully comprehended Feng Qingyang's sword qi formula, and felt regretful.

Originally thought that this would be a unique innate skill, but who would have thought that it would allow people to break through to half a step at the innate level at most, which is similar to the previous Zixia magic skill.

And the zhenqi cultivated by this unique technique has a sharp characteristic, which can condense a sharper sword qi, which belongs to the internal strength of a swordsman.

"That internal energy should only be regarded as a semi-finished product. Although this kind of true energy can condense stronger sword energy and is powerful in battle, it will cause damage to the meridians and acupuncture points and even the body's muscles and bones.

Moreover, after the meridian orifice points and even the dantian are damaged, the amount of true energy that can be stored will also be greatly reduced.

It must be paired with external skills of the same level and special skills that can strengthen meridians and acupoints, and it is best to match that kind of skills with a special internal skill, wrapped like a scabbard, so as not to hurt oneself. "

Tian Hao commented, and even speculated that Feng Qingyang's short life might be the pitfall of that set of internal skills.

The true qi cultivated by that set of inner strength and mental methods is too strong, and it belongs to the kind of thing that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts oneself a hundred.

It doesn't matter for a short period of time, but if you want to practice for a long time, and even use it in fierce battles, it's a desperate struggle.

Not worth the candle!

Tian Hao always believes that the way of martial arts should be that of Comrade Zhang, who pursues the improvement and evolution of life, the longer he lives, the more combat power comes second.

Even if doing so will make the initial combat power almost inferior, it can be made up for by external forces, such as his armor-stacking martial arts.

As long as the stack of armor is thick enough, the myth of invincibility can still be achieved.

After relying on the armor-stacking strategy to complete the initial insignificant development, the strength cultivated will become stronger and stronger, and the bottleneck of breakthrough in the later stage will be much smaller, and will not be stuck in a certain realm bottleneck.

To put it simply, this is the way of development in the late stage, weak in the early stage, bullish in the middle stage, and invincible in the late stage! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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