Chapter 1331
In the Red King's Mansion, Jinxuan came to meet Red King Xiao Yu in person to complete Emperor Mingde's mission.

"Your Majesty ordered Lan Yuehou to go to Xueyue City to find two people!"

Jinxuan didn't procrastinate, and revealed a piece of information as soon as he came.

For Bai Wang Xiao Chong, it is natural to use some means to pass on Emperor Ming De's words indirectly, so as to avoid his suspicion, but it is not necessary for Xiao Yu.

They are now partners!

Although His Majesty's original task was to let him be an undercover agent, he wanted more, and Emperor Ming De couldn't give him more, so someone else needed to take that seat.

"Father hasn't given up on him yet?"

Xiao Yu poured a cup of Autumn Lubai for Jin Xuan, knowing who the two people Jin Xuan was talking about, at least one of them must be the good emperor brother.

"After all, he is the best child, His Majesty will not give up easily and completely."

Taking a sip of his drink, Jinxuan could understand Emperor Mingde's mood, just like Emperor Tai'an back then, and his favorite was Langya King Xiao Ruofeng.

It's a pity that Xiao Ruofeng, the king of Langya, was too affectionate to give away the throne he had obtained. He was really stupid, and he didn't even understand the reason why there was no way out in the struggle for the throne.

Then King Langya died, and his death was extremely aggrieved.

"It used to be!"

Xiao Yu emphatically emphasized that Xiao Chuhe was once the best among their brothers, but he was abolished later, so what is there to care about?
"But he has regained his previous talent, at least the martial arts talent!"

Jinxuan also emphatically emphasized that a King Yong'an who has regained his talent is not an easy-going existence.

Not to mention that Emperor De still has expectations for him. As long as he returns to Tianqi City, there is a high chance that he will become the prince.

At least he will get the support of Emperor Mingde, which will be a huge bargaining chip, enough to turn King Yong'an completely and become the strongest existence of the Three Kings.

"Just martial arts talent?"

Cursing his lips in disdain, Xiao Yu aspired to become a generation of emperors. He naturally knew that to the emperor, his own strength was only secondary, and the key was scheming.

If Xiao Chuhe only regained his former martial arts talent but not other aspects, he would be just a martial artist.

And even if Xiao Chuhe can get back his martial arts talent, so what, it's amazing to become a sword fairy.

A sword fairy is really nothing in terms of the size of the country, and sending an army of [-] to encircle and suppress it can also kill him.

Not to mention that his current cultivation in martial arts is not bad, and he is confident that he will suppress King Yong'an in the future.

"But he stepped into that city after all, who can know his true thoughts?"

He reminded emphatically that Jinxuan had never underestimated Xiao Chuhe, King of Yong'an, to be precise, Xiao Ruofeng, King of Langya.

He was a man with extremely terrific calculations. As early as the time of the Nine Great Princes, he had no plans to spare, even after death.

As the most proud disciple of King Langya, King Yong'an must not be easy to get along with.

"I understand!"

Nodding his head, Xiao Yu understood what Jinxuan meant, that King Yong'an who entered that city was indeed worth noting.

"It's good that the prince understands, the old slave will stay soon, so farewell!"

Jinxuan didn't stay long, and got up to leave.

"I just want to see my concubine!"

Xiao Yu suddenly opened his mouth, wanting to meet the concubine Xuanfei, and verify some things along the way.

"This old slave can't do anything about it!"

After a pause, Jinxuan left after shaking his head slightly.

"Father, am I really just your abandoned son?"

After Jinxuan left for a long time, Xiao Yu murmured to himself, and a dark golden light flickered in his star pupils.

After the mysterious person sent the letter, he became suspicious. After he came back, he conducted a secret investigation, and the more he investigated, the more frightened he became.

If I didn't guess wrong, it is impossible for me to succeed to the throne. Even if I entered the Pingqing Palace like my father, I am afraid that I will face the countermeasures prepared by my father.

Originally, he was just skeptical, but Jinxuan's words just now made him directly sure.

There is only one person in the palace who can make Jinxuan helpless, and that is the father!

In other words, the father didn't want him to see the concubine mother, and it was very likely that the concubine mother knew something, so the guess that he was an abandoned son could basically be determined.

"They all regard Gu as the former Qing King!"

Xiao Yu smiled, a bit ferociously.

The Qing King of the previous generation was very sad, but after many years of planning, he was just a pawn of Emperor Tai'an.

And since he was similar to King Qing back then, he was obviously regarded as an abandoned son by that father, or someone's whetstone.

"Prince Nanjue will definitely be moved, and the younger brother of Tianwaitian will definitely find a way to rescue the mother and concubine from the palace, but this is not enough. Only by introducing another force can the waters of Beili and Tianqi be completely muddied!"

Xiao Yu turned his head to look north.

"Adding a northern barbarian should be enough!"

"But in the end, we have to leave a hole card that is enough to surprise everyone!"

Playing with the wine glass in his hand, the dark gold in Xiao Yu's eyes became more and more intense.

He refined and fused Ye Dingzhi's magic Buddha relics, and fused all Ye Dingzhi's memories about martial arts, including various perceptions of cultivation.

He is equivalent to the second Ye Dingzhi, with Ye Dingzhi's cultivation experience plus the trace of pure skill, it is not difficult to push the virtual thought skill to the ninth level.

That is equivalent to a kind of re-cultivation, which is much faster than simple penance.

Not to mention that he also obtained the lifelong skills and the power of the heavenly power of the five Qi Tianchen, and the speed of cultivation is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

As long as Qi Tianchen and the five people's lifetime skills and the power of heaven are refined, it is enough to push the virtual thought skill to the ninth level, or even surpass the ninth level.

"It's a pity that you are not born with martial arteries, so you can't avoid the side effects of Xu Nian Gong. You have to acquire the power of Xu Huai Gong as soon as possible."

Feeling the erosion of the power of Xu Nian Gong to his body, Xiao Yu thought about the Wu Huai Gong of the five great supervisors.

The power of imaginary thoughts and the power of emptiness come from the same source, and they generate and restrain each other.

There are flaws in pure imaginary practice, which will cause continuous erosion and damage to the practitioner, and the higher the realm, the greater the damage, and even damage the lifespan in the later stage.

It doesn't matter for a short time, but it will be fatal after a long time.

If one wants to get rid of the hidden dangers of imaginary kung fu, one must either use innate martial arteries to forcibly do so, or acquire xuhuai kung fu, so that two kinds of kung fu from the same source can be fused into one, relying on the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, to complement each other's shortcomings, or even merge into one. The door is more powerful.

At that time, he might be able to achieve the Immortal Ascension Profound Realm!

This is his greatest capital!

"Old dog, let's see how long you can endure!"

With a sneer, Xiao Yu naturally would not devour the five great supervisors himself. After all, he is not a weak person, and he is the father's man on the surface. If he really wants to swallow those people, he will definitely anger the father. detrimental to their own plans.

He just needs to wait quietly, at most create some opportunities for Jinxuan, let him devour the skills of the other four people one by one, and finally come forward to pick peaches by himself.

"I'm sure Jinxuan's old dog will be very pleasantly surprised at that time. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Xiao Yu laughed more ferociously, and his heart grew more expectant. I really want to see Jin Xuan's expression after he knows that he has practiced the virtual thought skill. It will definitely be very interesting.

Not to mention Xiao Yu's plan here, Tianqi City and the entire Beili Kingdom are undercurrents, and something happened in Wushuang City.


(Jinxuan: I always feel that there are people who want to harm our family!)

(End of this chapter)

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