Chapter 1338

"General Ye, remember your identity, they all have wives and children!"

Seeing that Ye Xiaoying's palms were pressed on the handle of the knife, and he might order an attack at any time, Lan Yuehou couldn't sit still, and after saying something coldly, he led the team to go through the middle of the two sides to Xueyue City.

He and Ye Xiaoying actually set off from Tianqi City together, nominally to escort him, but he was led by Prince Nanjue to lead an army of [-], so he led the team like a mad boar.

He was chasing after him, but fortunately the two sides hadn't started fighting, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"Hmph! Let me go first!"

With a cold snort, Ye Xiaoying glanced at the burly man behind Prince Nanjue, and drove to Xueyue City.

That is a sword fairy, if he really wants to fight, there is no one on his side who can resist the opponent's blade.

Moreover, the difference in numbers between the two sides is ten times. Even if the soldiers of Ye Ziying under his command are all elites who count as one against ten, they are not bad, and they will suffer a lot in a fight.

But he will never forget the hatred back then. Lei Ge died in the siege of the Nanjue army, and it was the aggressive war initiated by the Nanjue.

Even Prince Nanjue is still the supervisor of the army, this is enmity, he has always kept it in his heart.

"General Ye!"

Just as Ye Xiaoying galloped forward, Prince Nanjue suddenly left the protection of the army and came galloping alone.

The soldiers of Ye Ziying drew their sabers out of their sheaths again, but after Ye Xiaoying frowned thickly, he raised his hand to signal not to act rashly.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks that Prince Nanjue was going to play.

"General Ye hates Gu?"

The horse came to stand in front of Ye Xiaoying, Prince Nanjue asked with a smile.

He was indeed taken aback when Ye Xiaoying led the army to charge just now. He had seen Ye Xiaoying's bravery and ferocity on the battlefield back then, and he was a well-deserved human slaughter.

The one who wants to fight is the real fight, and once he starts fighting, he is naturally not afraid, but it will be very troublesome afterwards.

As far as he knew, Ye Xiaoying and Spear Fairy Sikong Changfeng were close friends. Once Ye Xiaoying started fighting, Sikong Changfeng would probably lead his troops to support, and the scale of the war would continue to escalate.

The most heart-rending thing is that Xueyue City now has [-] one-foot-tall giant legions. If they really want to rush out, even though the [-] soldiers under their command are all elite, they will probably be trampled to death.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaoying suppressed his killing intent, as long as he suppressed his killing intent, some things can be discussed.

"If you just want to talk nonsense when you come here, I don't mind beheading you right now, General."

Pressing the palm of the knife again, Ye Xiaoying's murderous intent emerged again.

"The general hasn't changed at all!"

Shaking his head with emotion, Prince Nanjue stopped procrastinating and said calmly: "The general may not know that someone sent Gu a marching route map during that battle, and I gave that route map to Lei. General, I hope he can join me in Nanjue, but unfortunately General Lei did not agree.

I gave General Lei a chance to choose back then, and I will give General Ye a chance to choose in the future, I hope General will consider it carefully! "

At the end, he took a meaningful look at Ye Xiaoying whose complexion suddenly changed, and Prince Aoyu of Nanjue galloped towards Xueyue City, while the 10,000 people horses stayed where they were stationed.

They themselves are going to be stationed here, after all, they can't go there with a large army.

If that's the case, I'm afraid he will be surrounded and beaten to death by the [-] giant army before entering the city.

He didn't want to make any misunderstandings.


Seeing that Ye Xiaoying hadn't spoken for a long time, the lieutenant asked in a low voice.

"Enter Xueyue City!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiaoying waved an order, and thousands of Ye Ziying soldiers galloped to Xueyue City ten miles away.

Xueyue City has a radius of hundreds of miles, although the terrain is complex, but there is a small road to pass through, but it is a bit small, and there are many dangerous places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It means that he and Sikong Changfeng are good friends, and Feiying sent a letter to say hello before coming, otherwise it would be really not easy to come in.

And it was precisely because of that relationship that he dared to bring thousands of soldiers to Xueyue City.

"The battle back then was really not easy!"

Whispering to himself, Ye Xiaoying believed it, firstly because of the sincerity shown by Prince Aoyu of the Southern Jue who came here alone, and secondly because the war that year was really weird.

It stands to reason that although Lei Ge's plan is risky, it is absolutely impossible to be surrounded by the Nanjue army. It seems that they have already set up a trap and waited for them to sneak in, so they are always passive.

And in the end, Lei Ge obviously had a chance to break out with him, but he chose to break out and didn't come back.

I didn't think much about it before, but now I finally understand that Lei Ge is begging to die on purpose, otherwise more people will die.

Damn offal!
Hatred and anger rose in his heart, Ye Xiaoying wished he could kill those despicable people who were playing tricks behind their backs.

"Xiao Ruojin, I should have led an army into the palace and slaughtered you back then!"

Murderous intentions surged, Ye Xiaoying wished he could lead his army back now and cut Emperor Mingde into pieces.

He is not a fool, and he has seen some strange things in these years, and he finally figured it out after being reminded by Prince Nanjue.

Not long after Lei Ge's death, Emperor Ming De attacked King Langya. Now it seems that Lei Ge's death was obviously a pavement for the murder of King Langya.

Damn it!

Just like that, Ye Xiaoying, who was full of murderous intentions, galloped on horseback, and soon came to Xueyue City, and then was stopped by one person and one shot.

"Brother Sikong, are you so disrespectful?
I came all the way to visit, why did I stop at the gate of the city with a gun? "

Turning over and jumping off the horse, Ye Xiaoying stepped forward with heavy steps, and his eyes fell on the long spear. Although the style was the same as before, the color and luster changed, giving him a great feeling, as if the spear had come to life come over.


With a cold snort, Sikong Changfeng tilted his body and looked at the thousand cavalry behind his friend, and said unhappily: "You brought a thousand cavalry to step on my city, and you gave me face?"

"My brother misunderstood, I led the army here to protect Lan Yuehou, but the march was in a hurry, I didn't bring any luggage, and I didn't even have a place to live. It was going to rain, so I couldn't let my brother get wet outside the city." rain?

That's why I came here specially to ask my brother to live..."

Ye Xiaoying looked back at the thousands of soldiers, and felt that the momentum was a little off, especially after confronting the Nanjue army just now, the murderous aura that erupted hadn't all subsided yet, it seemed murderous, which is really not good.

But he came here for a reason, at least on the surface, to protect Lan Yuehou.

After all, he is Lord Hou, so it is logical to have more escorts.

"I bother!"

It's a pity that Sikong Changfeng poohed him before he finished speaking, and Xingzi spit on his face.

"You... what are you talking about?"

After wiping his face, Ye Xiaoying asked depressedly.

He didn't care about Sikong Changfeng's vulgarity at all. When the two of them entered Tianqi City, they were both scoundrels and scoundrels. They had even worse friendships and even vulgar ones. How could they care about this?
"What do you say I'm shit?"

Glaring over, Sikong Changfeng said angrily: "It's no secret that you and Xiao Yueli are not on good terms, you will be his bodyguard?
And you are a general of the Chinese army, a Marquis is qualified to let you be a guard, and it is almost the same if you change the emperor's old man.

You said what are you here for?If it's a good thing, go to the city to eat wine and meat, if it's a bad thing, get out! "

Although everyone is a good friend who can share everything except his wife, but public is public, private is private, and some things must be clarified first.


(Ms. Tian: Father-in-law, please be respected by my son-in-law!)

(End of this chapter)

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