Chapter 1375 Master and Disciple Showdown
After confirming that the cruel master was not angry, Tang Lian and her fiancée returned to Leijiabao, and returned to Tang Sect with the corpses of Mrs. Tang and the others.

Mrs. Tang sent a total of three elders of the older generation to participate in the ambush on Luolei Mountain. Judging from the corpses at the scene, they should have escaped.

He had to return before the three of them fled back to the Tang Sect to make arrangements. With the help of Mrs. Tang's will and the prestige of his master Tang Lianyue in the Tang Sect, he had to control most of the Tang Sect.

When Tang Lian was about to return to Tang Sect, Tang Yin and the others who had returned first came to Lianyue Pavilion to find Tang Liyue.

They were terrified, and also realized that the matter was serious, and Xueyue City would definitely come to take revenge afterwards, not to mention Baili Dongjun and others, Xueyue Sword Immortal alone was not something they could resist.

If he hadn't acted cautiously and retreated after using the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, he must have become the ghost of Xueyue Sword Immortal.

They don't want to die, and they don't want their direct descendants to be killed in revenge, so they have to deal with it.

Tang Lianyue is a good pawn!

"Lianyue, what's your answer?"

After a long silence, Tang Yin asked, urging Tang Liyue to make a decision as soon as possible.

"You have something to hide from me!"

Slightly squinting her eyes, Tang Lianyue played with a crow feather, faintly seeing something was wrong.

As the guardian of Xuanwu among the four guardians of the apocalypse, his eyesight and thinking mode are naturally extraordinary.

There must be a big problem with the old man's plan. The three of them have something to hide from themselves.

He will not make a rash decision before he understands the secrets inside.

The faces of Tang Yin and the others became gloomy, and they had already guessed that Tang Liyue was not so easy to fool.

After all, he was the number one person in the Tang Sect, and even the Sect Master admitted that he was not as good as him.

This kind of inferiority is not only strength, but also mental skills.

Tang Liyue is indeed the pride of their Tang Sect!

"Master, disciple Tang Lian asks to see you!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the pavilion, which made Tang Yin and the three of them change their expressions again, while Tang Liyue was thoughtful.

"Come in!"

Opening her mouth to signal Tang Lian to come in, Tang Lianyue's internal energy was secretly running, staring at Tang Yin and the other three.

He also saw that something was wrong with the three of them, something must have happened.

"Bang bang bang..."

There were dull footsteps, and after a while a burly figure stepped up the stairs to open the door, bent down and walked into the room.

It was Tang Lian who came, followed by his fiancée Tiannvrui and junior brother Tang Ze.

It's just that Tang Lian's new image made Tang Lianyue look confused. Although the head is still the same as before, what's going on with the body under the head?

And what the hell is that heavy armor?

Even that kid Ye Xiaoying's battle armor is not so insane.

I haven't seen you for more than a year, what have my disciples experienced?
"Disciple Tang Lian has met Master!"

Saluting to her master, Tang Lian's eyes turned to Tang Yin and the others with gloomy faces.

"Tell me, what happened outside!"

When she came back to her senses, Tang Lianyue understood that it would not be easy for her disciple to come back at this time.

"The old master's plan has long been understood by Xueyue City and Leimen, and they are waiting for the old man to jump in. Xueyue City also gave Tangmen a chance, but unfortunately the old man made the wrong choice.

Since you are wrong, you will naturally have to pay the price.

The disciple sent the old master off at Leijiabao, and the old master passed on the position of sect master to the disciple before his death. Junior brother Tang Ze can testify to this.

The disciple has obtained initial forgiveness from Xueyue City and Leimen, and now he has returned to take charge of the Tang Sect to join Xueyue City and disband the Tang Sect. "

Tang Lian told the truth, and even told her own plans for the Tang Sect.

After seeing the cruel master's nuclear explosion test, he knew that the future of the Tang Sect was in Xueyue City. Otherwise, if he missed this opportunity, the future of the Tang Sect would definitely be eliminated.

"The old man is still leaving!"

Tang Lianyue felt sad, and was not surprised by the old man's death.

When the old man set out earlier, he could see that the old man had a will to die, and he obviously had no plan to come back alive.

"Tang Ze!"

Tang Liyue looked at her second disciple Tang Ze, and there were some things to confirm.

"Everything Senior Brother Tang Lian said is true, the old man's coffin is outside."

Tang Ze nodded in response, confirming Tang Lian's statement.

Tang Lianyue walked out of the pavilion without saying a word.

"Three elders, please!"

Tang Lian signaled to Tang Yin and the others that he would not let the three of them out of his sight until the problem of the Tang Sect was solved perfectly.

With gloomy faces, the three of them followed out silently without saying a word.

It's not that they haven't thought about resisting and refuting, but since Tang Lian came up, they have a great fear of facing death.

Obviously Tang Lian's strength has far surpassed them, even stronger than Tang Lianyue.

If you really want to do it, you will definitely die!
Tang Lianyue, who walked out of the Lianyue Pavilion, looked at the four coffins placed outside in silence for a long time, and finally sighed and stepped forward to lift the leading coffin, revealing Mrs. Tang lying inside.

Seeing the smile on the old man's face, Tang Lianyue's heart relaxed.

Fortunately, although the old man was in a bit of a mess, he passed away with a smile on his face.

"You killed the old man?"

Shen Sheng asked, Tang Lianyue needs to know the real cause of the old master's death, if it was done by his disciple Tang Lian, then he would not agree to her becoming the head of the Tang Sect.

A person who kills the head of the previous generation can never become the head of the next generation. This is an iron rule of the Tang Sect.

"The disciple just defeated the old man with my Tang Sect's future-forging chaotic cloak and hammer method, and let him see the future of our Tang Sect. The old man had no worries, and forcibly broke through to the Immortal Travel Profound Realm independently, and finally integrated the transformed soul The disciple's Clear Sky Hammer became a tool spirit."

Tang Lian still told the truth, and Tang Ze followed up to confirm.

"Everything that senior brother said is true, this matter was witnessed by this disciple."

"Using the cloaked wind hammer method that you have mastered, let me see what kind of unique knowledge actually makes you abandon the Tang Sect inheritance!"

Turning her eyes to the giant hammer standing there, Tang Lianyue's body was full of black feathers, wanting to try the unique skill that could defeat the old man and convince that stubborn old man.

Tang Ze and Tang Yin retreated to the side silently. They all understood that the future of the Tang Sect depended on the master and apprentice, and no one else had the right to intervene. They could only silently wait for the result.

"Master, offended!"

Tang Lian didn't procrastinate, she stepped forward and picked up the Xuansteel Haotian Hammer and swung it out, with fierce and domineering strength, invincible.

Although the random cloaking wind hammer method is a soft force method, but it is powerful and powerful.

Facing the slamming hammer, Tang Lianyue naturally wouldn't force it hard, she flew backwards with a little tiptoe, and at the same time, the black feathers suspended around her body flew out like sharp blades, and flew from all tricky directions like a nimble bird. Attacking Tang Lian was quite similar to Wushuang City's sword control technique.

This is the hidden weapon technique he created further on the basis of Wanshu Feihua.

It's a pity that this top Tang Sect's unique knowledge is useless against Tang Lian whose painting style was distorted by Tian Hao.

The unparalleled sharpness and flexibility of the black-feathered air blade did not cause any damage to Tang Lian. Whether it fell on the battle armor or on the exposed face, it did not leave any marks.

Haotian's real body not only has divine power added to his body, but also has first-class defensive power.

Tang Lianyue's liver hurts watching this scene, and Tang Ze, who is on the edge, can't bear to look directly at it.

This was the case of the old man that night, no matter what hidden weapon he used, it was difficult to break through the defense, and he even used the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle in the end, but he still couldn't break through Senior Brother Tang Lian's superficial defense.

Senior brother Tang Lian is indeed the future of the Tang Sect, hidden weapons and poison are long outdated!

(Tang Lian: The disciples of the Tang Sect listened to the order, took off their shirts, and practiced two unicorn arms first!)

(End of this chapter)

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