Chapter 138
After Dongfang Bai left, Tian Hao once again plunged into cultivation with all his heart and soul, and entered the realm at a rapid pace, but he didn't pay any attention to what happened outside.

And during this period, a major event that shocked the entire Nanming Kingdom really happened, and it was a major event led by the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Among the Five Sacred Mountains Sword Sect, except for the Huashan Sect that nestled in Huashan and developed with peace of mind, the other Four Sacred Mountains Sword Sects came out almost in full force, wiped out many noble families in the Central Plains, and blood flowed like rivers.

This incident caused a great shock in the Nanming Kingdom, both in the world and in the court, and the court officials were even more furious.

Although the martial arts sect does not accept discipline, it is generally acceptable, but the Wuyue sword sect has done it this time.

When many officials in the imperial court were arguing to mobilize the army to kill the Wuyue Sword Sect, a pile of evidence was sent to the local government and the imperial city.


"Tell me, why don't you talk anymore? Didn't you still shout loudly two days ago?"

In the Forbidden City, Emperor Nanming stared at the officials below indifferently, and he was also shocked by the evidence secretly sent by the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

As a superior, the most intolerable thing is betrayal.

However, in his country, there were people who secretly colluded with the alien race in the grassland and sold all kinds of taboo materials, including military materials such as bows and crossbows.

I thought that the Guan family, the wealthy family in Guanzhong, was a special case. After all, the Guanzhong area has a special geographical location and is the closest to the grassland. It is understandable that there will be a Guanjiabao.

Who would have thought there were so many more.

Moreover, these wealthy noble families also colluded with courtiers, and even some border guards were bribed.

It can be said that the Nanming court has been infiltrated into a sieve.

But at this moment, faced with so many irrefutable evidences, all the courtiers knelt down on the ground, silent like cicadas, their faces ashen.

They knew it was over, completely over.

The ironclad evidence is like a mountain, no matter how much sophistry is useless, and at the same time I hate those martial arts sects to death.

"Come here, take all the people on the list into the sky prison and interrogate them strictly. I want to know everything."

The voice of hatred gave the order, and immediately a group of Jin Yiwei entered and took out the people on the list, and the number of courtiers in the main hall was reduced by nearly half.

Of course, if they followed the list, at least [-]% of the courtiers would have to be taken away.

But the Emperor Nanming was not a fool, so naturally he would not brush off his horses.

The only ones who were brushed off were those who were attached to the Marquis Tiedan and Cao Zhengchun, as well as some neutral courtiers.

After all, if we really want to get rid of it all, the imperial court must be paralyzed.

Seeing Ma Zai being taken away nearly [-]% behind him, Hou Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun's expressions were gloomy.

Knowing that they lost this round, they really didn't expect that there would be forces from the world to intervene, and they were caught off guard all of a sudden.

At the same time, the two were also very annoyed. Although they were heroes of the generation, they also had a bottom line in their work. Collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country is a taboo among taboos, and they must not be touched.

But so many people under his command went deep into it, how could they not be angry.

Those who know are the behaviors of those people in private, but those who don't know think it was assigned by the two of them!

"Uncle Emperor, Cao Aiqing, leave this matter to the two of you for assistance. Don't let me down."

Finally, his eyes fell on Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun, and the Emperor Nanming said meaningfully.

Although the previous evidence is enough to bring down the two of them, but he has not yet accumulated enough strength, and it will be of no benefit to anyone if he really wants to force the two of them to jump over the wall in a hurry.

So there has to be a limit to this matter, and he is very measured about it.

"Sir, obey the order!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun were ordered to leave the hall, and they were also relieved.

They were really afraid that Emperor Nanming would insist on clinging on, and they would be very troublesome.

Fortunately, the emperor still had reason and knew the truth that too much was too much.

"Five Sacred Sword School is quite sensible!"

Watching the figures of the two withdrawing, Emperor Nanming glanced at the pile of various intelligence evidences and chuckled lightly.

Although the Wuyue Sword Sect exterminated those traitorous noble families, they only took the ready-made money, and did not touch some land deeds and real estate, all of which were packaged and delivered.

In terms of value, these things are much more than those ready-made money.

With these things in hand, one's own private treasury can also be enriched to better develop power.

He is so sensible and has helped him a lot, so he is too embarrassed to pursue it further.

However, martial arts sects are always a hidden danger, and it is also a wise saying that chivalry is forbidden by martial arts.

After he really takes power, he must clean up the rivers and lakes.

Zhu ignored the two of them exiting the hall, and looked at each other, both of them could see the cruelty of the other.

Those people under his command this time have already touched the bottom line of taboos. Don't say that the emperor can't spare those people, even the two of them can't.

Moreover, one must show enough ruthlessness in order to prove his innocence and pick himself out of this maelstrom.

You must know that if you want to achieve great things in the court, you must occupy the righteousness. Some things may be done in private, but they must not be exposed, or even put on the surface.

What those people are doing now is tantamount to roasting the two of them on the fire. Once they are accused of colluding with foreigners in the grassland, they will definitely be rejected by the entire court and even the people of the world.

However, this is also an opportunity. If you want to achieve great things, military power is the key.

No matter how well organized it is in the court, it is useless without military power in hand.

In this incident, some frontier generals also participated, and they just took this opportunity to intervene in the army.

Without stopping, Zhu went out of the palace and went straight back to Hulong Villa, where he recruited the three adopted sons and daughters.

"I have seen my foster father!"

The three of Duan Tianya walked into the hall and bowed to salute, at the same time they realized that there was a task to be done.

They have heard about everything that happened in the Jianghu. Not to mention the incident of the Wuyue Sword Sect, the last Huashan Sword Qi battle alone was astonishing.

In the rivers and lakes, there appeared again the strong innate realm, and there were only two of them.

"Duan Tianya listened to the order and set off immediately to search for the members of the Sword Sect, to find out whether Feng Qingyang is really an innate talent, and what level of strength he has reached!"

Zhu ignored Shen Sheng and opened his mouth to give the first order.

"Yes, foster father!"

Bending to accept the order, Duan Tianya turned and left the hall without the slightest hesitation, with an unconcealable excitement on his face.

As a swordsman, he naturally has more feelings for strong swordsmen.

The Huashan sword sage, Feng Qingyang, had been famous all over the world decades ago, and even faintly became the No. 1 in the world.

Going out of the mountain again has become a strong person in the innate realm, and according to intelligence, the other party may have comprehended the sword intent.

This kind of opponent is too much for him!
"Gui Hai listened to the order with a knife, and immediately went to Heimuya to determine whether Dongfang Bubai has become a congenital."

Zhu ignored the order again, this time the target was Dongfang Bubai of the Sun Moon God Sect.

"Yes, foster father!"

Indifferently replied, Gui Hai turned around and left.

Zhu ignored Gui Hai Yi Dao's indifference, knowing that the adopted son had such a temper.

Not to mention the side effects of the unfeeling slash, it is enough for Gui Hai to be able to call himself a righteous father with a single knife, and he can't ask too much.

"Haitang, go and investigate the Huashan School, don't act rashly."

Arriving at Shangguan Haitang's side, Zhu ignored the cold expression and turned soft, and urged emphatically.

Different from the Sword Sect and the Sun Moon Demon Sect, the Huashan Sect's problems are more complicated, involving the West Factory of Huashan College and the emperor teacher.

A bad one would cause big trouble, so he handed over the task of investigating the Huashan faction to Shangguan Haitang.

"Yes, foster father!"

Shangguan Haitang took the order and knew that this task would be difficult.


(Let me tell you here, the No. [-] High School in the World is basically in the imperial court, the Jianghu sect is not even considered as the background board, and the Swordsman Jianghu is just the opposite, so I merged the two into the Nanming Kingdom.

As for why there is not much connection with other dungeons for the time being, that is a question of metaphysics, which is related to the main line of the book. The protagonist needs to open up the countries to integrate all the dungeons in the whole world into one.

In this way, each dungeon will be relatively independent in the early stage, so that you will not be dazzled by fellow martial artists.

How, is this setting still novel? )

(End of this chapter)

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