Chapter 1407 Xiangyang
Guo Jing is worthy of being a man of great perseverance. He started to practice Juxia's magic skills, especially after the Juxia's palm. He was either sleeping or resting, practicing Juxia's magic skills, or hunting for food.

Fortunately, he is a carving archer himself, and his arrow skills are extraordinary, and he is surrounded by dense forests with a lot of wild game, so he is not afraid of starvation.

After seven days and six nights of painstaking practice, he finally condensed a ray of pure external and internal energy.

"Uncle, I have developed external and internal strength!"

Guo Jing was overjoyed, after so many days of hard work, he had finally mastered both external and internal strength, such a giant's palm is considered a beginner.

"That's right, your horizontal martial arts background is not bad, but your hard work is a big part of being able to develop external internal strength in just a few days.

Jing'er, you have to remember that diligence is your biggest advantage, and also your only advantage, you must not slack off in martial arts training. "

Tian Hao is also very satisfied with Guo Jing's cultivation progress, he deserves to be the future Guo Juxia.

"Nephew, keep it in mind!"

Guo Jing took it seriously in his heart, and at the same time lamented that the martial arts taught by his uncle was indeed far stronger than the martial arts he learned from his seven masters.

The most important thing is that he feels that the giant hero's magical skills taught by his uncle are very suitable for him. Every time he practices, he will feel happy physically and mentally, and his whole body will be excited.

"Since you have already cultivated your internal strength, the next training will be a matter of course, no need to point out, just bury your head in hard work.

You go to the central capital of the Kingdom of Jin to meet up with the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River. You have something to do as a teacher, and you will go back to the Kingdom of Jin to meet you later.

Pack your luggage and start as soon as possible, don't forget to practice on the way! "

Speaking of the arrangement for Guo Jing, Tian Hao himself has other matters, and it has been too long to stay here to point out Guo Jing, and he must act as soon as possible.

"Yes, uncle!"

Guo Jing nodded, immediately hung the luggage on the little red horse, and then ran quickly with the little red horse.

It's not that he doesn't want to ride a horse, but that his current body size makes it very difficult for the little red horse to carry it, and running is also a kind of exercise, especially carrying the war halberd given by his uncle.

This halberd is very heavy, weighing a thousand catties. I don't know what material it is made of, but he likes it very much.

My mother also said many times that my father practiced halberd technique, and he has always wanted to practice halberd technique, which can be regarded as a father-son inheritance.

It's a pity that his mother doesn't know martial arts, he doesn't know the mystery of his father's halberd technique, and the seven masters didn't practice halberd technique, this is his great regret.

But now it's all right, the giant hero's magical skills given by his uncle are all-encompassing, among them is a set of giant hero's halberd technique, especially the ultimate ultimate move Wushuang Luanwu, which made his blood boil.

That is the real enemy of thousands of people!
It's just that I was delayed. If I practiced Hunyuan Sword Art since I was a child, I would definitely have the strength of thousands of catties, and I would be able to barely swing this heavy halberd by then.

It's a pity that it has been delayed for several years. Even though he has made great progress in cultivating the giant hero's magic skills, his body size has grown a lot compared to before, and his height has increased by a head, so his strength has naturally increased accordingly.

But he can only lift the heavy halberd, far from being able to wield it.

Also, this heavy halberd is too big and too long, it is two feet long, and the crescent blade on the side is even three feet, it is an absolute killer.

This is not over yet, his uncle also prepared a stronger and bigger war halberd for him, the weight has reached the level of ten thousand catties, but unfortunately he can't control it at this stage.

I am afraid that only those who have practiced Juxia's magical skills to the level of Xiaocheng can play well.

"Brother Jing, take care, see you all!"

Watching her elder brother Jing leave, Huang Rong shouted the promise.

"Brother Jing doesn't like women?"

After Guo Jing's figure disappeared from sight, Huang Rong couldn't help but mutter.

Ever since she changed into women's clothing, she has been observing Brother Jing's reaction, but apart from being surprised at the beginning, she has no other reactions, and it is still the same as before.

I even put all my energy on cultivation and stopped chatting with myself.

"He has hatred in his heart, and it is impossible to have your place for the time being."

Han Qianluo stepped forward to comfort her, she has seen Guo Jing's existence a lot, this is the helplessness of today's world and the world, and there are too many tragedies in it.

Guo Jing is just one of them, and he is relatively lucky, at least his mother is still alive, and there are seven teachers who care to teach martial arts.

"Then Wanyan Honglie is the King of Jin. If he doesn't have any kind of woman, why would he deliberately try to snatch a married woman?"

Huang Rong was very annoyed, and she could understand the heavy burden on Brother Jing's shoulders. After all, it was the revenge of killing her father, which was irreconcilable.

What annoyed her was Wanyan Honglie's actions. Could it be that those powerful figures have that kind of virtue.

"Those people are used to being superior, thinking that they can be superior to others with their own strength, and willfully persecute others, and sooner or later they will pay back their capital with interest."

Han Qianluo sneered, but he was quite speechless in his heart.

Speaking of which, Wanyan Honglie is very similar to Emperor Mingde, they both did a lot of wrong things for a woman.

This may also be the special thinking of those officials and dignitaries. The right and wrong in their hearts should be different from the right and wrong that ordinary people know.

This made her more agree with her uncle's idea that the world is indeed sick and needs a thorough cleansing, breaking all unreasonable rules and re-establishing new rules.

"Master little pervert, when can I become a teacher like Brother Jing?"

Thinking of being separated from brother Jing for a long time, Huang Rong became very angry, and her fair and pretty face was bulging into a little bun.

Brother Jing was able to leave because he had completed the first stage of cultivation and was going to join his seven masters.

But his own cultivation progress was not satisfactory, and he was still a long way from the goal set by the little pervert master, and he didn't know how long it would take to break through and reach the goal.

"You are still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from being a teacher!"

Slanting his eyes, Tian Hao didn't stop, and controlled the divine sense to take the two girls to take off and fly to the direction of Xiangyang.

There is still a treasure land in Xiangyang, and I don't know if I can see the king who is better than the king.

Although in many versions of literary works in the previous life, the king died earlier than the king, but this real world of martial arts is different. The life span of a martial artist will increase after his realm is high. The most typical example is Comrade Zhang.

If the King of Biwang is really a ceiling-level existence, he must have died sooner than Biwang, and he is probably still alive today.

It's just that he wasn't sure that the other party was still squatting at home at this time, and it would be a pity if he made a fuss in the past.

"Fortunately, there are also divine sculptures and Pusi snakes. I don't know if Pusi snakes can be trained to become dragons. If it is really impossible, they can be cultivated into four-legged snakes."

Tian Hao is very greedy for the special effects of Bodhisattva Snake, and now their Huaguo lacks natural materials and earthly treasures that can be expanded in batches to assist their cultivation.

If you can catch the Bodhisattva snake and cultivate it artificially, you can get countless Bodhisattva snakes.

Even without killing snakes for warmth, hollow needles can be made to extract the Danye of Pusiqu snake outside to maintain sustainable development.

If you can study and understand the essence of Pu Siqu snake gallbladder, see if you can directly mass-produce snake gallbladder fluid.

This is another major purpose of his coming to the Southern Song Dynasty.


(Bo Si Qu Snake: I always feel that there are troublemakers who want to harm me!)
(End of this chapter)

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